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cept: Insulin growth factor-I has (he follow! ffeets € ing ¢ : Hin row " B- Stimulate chondroc C- Stimulate amino ac L ereted from liver. hrough: co. vn fTheaDt a Therenses vnter reabsorption from PCT. . es urine volume. . B- Deceases urine vo oo or C- Increases water reabsorption from DCT / comation ol si s secretion of: 4-Mechanical stimulation of cervix and nipples induces sec! A- Prolactin B- FSII. C- Estrogen. D- Oxytocin, 5-Somatostatin hormone is: A- Secreted from pituita gland. pituitary g) B- Stimulate both insulin& glucagon hormone. C- Inhibits both insulin & glucagon hormone, D- Steroid in its nature, 6-Calcitonin hormone is: s uptake in muscle, A- Increases Ca++ mobilization from bone. B- Stimulate osteoblast cells, C- Stimulate osteoclast cells, D- Secreted fiom parathyroid glands, ¢ is induces all the following i ical @| i Hypotalon ing Physiological e B- Hyponatremia, - Muscle Weakness, Glucocorticoids prog et ension Hcoids produces all the fo! lowing Physiolog; f i YSiologi - A- Stimulates histamine Telease. mea effets ra - Inhibits histamine release, lungs Surfactant, Perglycemia, 7-Conn's syndrom fleets except: CamScanner 3 39 4>guusall 9- The hypothal: ‘A- Oxytocin, rmone except: 10-Which one of the followiu intracellular cyclic AMP: Ao ne or b Prolactin, C- ACTH. D- Estrogen. 1 he hormones acts through i sing -* intracellular Ca++ i A- ACTH B- Parathormone. C- Insulin, , D- Glucagon. 12-Which one of the following hormones released from su) the hypothalamus: A- Oxytocin. B- ADH. C- Somatostatin. D- CRF. 13-Iodide pump is: A- A releases B- Passive uptake of iodine C- Active uptake of iodine D- Inhibited by TSH. 14-Parathyroid glands secreted a hormone that: A- Inhibits activity of the osteoclasts. B- Inhibits activity of the osteoblasts. C- Inhibits Ca+tions mobilization from bone. D- Inhibits osteolysis. 15-Glucagon hormone acts on the metabolism through: A- Inhibition of glycogenolysis. B- Stimulation of glycogenolysis in the liver& muscle tissue C- Stimulation of the liver glycogenolysis. D- Decreases blood free fatty acids. Ss scerete all the following I omatos = hormones act through in pra optic nucleus of of iodine from the thyroid follicles to the blood. by thyroid follicles. by thyroid follicles. 14 CamScanner 3 32 4 g.uaall glucocorticoids occurs through ¢h atory effects of glucocortico gh the nmntory foo Phe antiinfay follow ing except epee fine vied sase of ly sereases migration of leucocytes « the diameter of blood ves ortex is characte system. sf lysosome enzyme. 0 site of inflammation, els. d by all the following D- Reduce! 17-Hypo finetions of adrenal ¢ except: A-Hypokalet B- Hyperkalent C- Hy potension. D- Hypoglycemia, 18-Dinbetes insipid us is characterized by all the following except: Lack of ADH. B- Polydipsia. C- Polyuria, oo. D- Reduces entry of glucose into various tissues. 19-Insulin hormone: A- Decreases the peripheral utilization of glucose, B- Inhibits gluconeogenesis and glycogenolysis. C- Inhibits lipo genesis in adipose tissues. D- Inhibits glycogenesis in muscle & liver, 20-Somatostatin is: A- Stimulates prolactin hormone action. B- Stimulates GH secretion, C. Secreted from hypothalamus and insulin secretion, D- Inhibits both insulin & glucagon, 21-Oxytocin is; A- Secreted from B- Syntheses in 5 . eiitheses in Paraventricular gland, - Secreted yi; ; i i 23-Growth hormone secretion es *Ypothaamo- "ypophysca — a Stimulated by hypoglycemia, & hibited by hypoglycemia and fasting, mulated by hyperglycemia, D- St ‘ 24-Antidiuretic hormoner ulated by increased blood free fatty acids level. A= Inhibits the rate of tu anterior Pituitary gland, upra optic nucleus, bular Water reabsorption. 7 seca! CamScanner 3 39 4>guusall & freteases the rate of tubular water reabsorption. i Henle ohare by hydration. 25-Thyrotd hormone’ ration inhibits osmoreceptor. A- Acts through inereases intracellular cy! B- Acts through cytoplasmic receptors iner C= Iner the basal metabolic in adult brain. D- Deceases the rate of glucose absorption from GIT. 26-Hyperthyroidism or Toxic goiter is: A- TSH is depressed as results of — ve feedback mechanism. B- Is due to lack of thyroid functions. C- Enlarged thyroid gland with normal T3 & T4. D- Due to serve lack of iodine. 27-Aldosterone induced proteins AIP: A- Decreases the rate of sodium absorption. B- Increases the permeability of cells to sodium. C- Inhibits ATP producing substance. D- Directly decreases activity of sodium pump. 28-Cortisol hormone: A- Stimulates secretion of HC] & pepsin. B- Increases formation of eosinophil and basophil. C- Decreases free fatty acids. D- Stimulates secretion of CRF from the hypothalamus. 29-Oxytocin induces the following effects except: A- Milk ejection. B- Milk synthases. C- Delivery of fetus. D- Contraction of myometrium. 30-The hypothalamic inhibiting hormones is: A- Dopamine. B- ACTH. C- Somatostatin. D- Both A &C 31-The growth hormone produces the following effects except: A- Diabetogenic. B- Stimulate erythropoiesis. C- Increases free fatty acids. D- Decreases cellular uptake of amino acids. 32-Deficiency of ADH results in: A- Diabetes mellitus. 16 CamScanner 3 39 4>guusall p- Cretinist ¢- Diabet p- Dwarfism: monies § insipidus. eted via bypomalan 3a-all the following M i ts ation exeePE Oxytocin. B- Gn-RIL. c- TRH. p-CRH. peste ADH is stimulated by the following ex MAD estimated blond Vole B- Vomniti C- Dehydration. D- Hydration. 35-Hypoglycemia increases the secretion oft A- Somatotropin. B- Insulin. C- Glucagon. D- Both A &C. drome is characterized by all the following except: A- Hyper secretion of ACTH. B- Hypotension. C- Steroid diabetes, x D- Excess cortisol secretion. 7-Beta cell oF islets of Langerhans Secrete one of the following hormone: Be Insulin, 36-Cushing’s D- Somatomedine. 38-Addison disease is chai ized | racterized by i ayn ry all the following except: B- Hypokalemia, n {psPertension, Whi lypoglycemi 39-Which one of the following hormones ACAD, Pass via new i onan ral connection: c-Gn-RH, d-CRH, 40-Somatostat cretion is increa: all of t ‘owin in se d 1 sed by all of f the foll xcept ig © 17 CamScanner + 32 gual! A- Cortisol. B- Exercise, C- Hypoglycemia, D- Protein meal. 41-Which one of the followi A-CRH. B- Cortisol. C- Testosterone. D- Aldosterone. 45-Which onc of the following hormone acts on many target organs: A- FSH. B- T4. C- CRH. D- LH. 46-Insulin growth factor 1 is secreted from one of the following organs: A- Spleen. B- Liver. C- Kidney. D- Hypothalamus. 47-Which one of the following hormones has lactogenie activity: A- Somatostatin. B- LH. C- Somatotropin. D- Cortisol. 48-The hormone that A- DHEA. B- Corticosterone. C- Aldosterone. D- Estrogen. 49-In which zones is corticosterone converted to aldosterone? A- Zona Glomerulosa. B- Zona retcularis. C- Zona fasciculate. D- All of the above. 50-Which one of the following hormones causes luteolysis of CL: A- Aldosterone. B- Prostaglandin’s F2 alpha. C- Estrogen D- LH. 51-What is the causes of Colloid goiter ? 18 hormones is not steroid: formed in zona glomerulosa: CamScanner 3 39 4>guusall ‘odine in salt. A. Lack of ot jin level in blood: B- Increases 1 re acts 3S C- Presence of antib oe! ¢ following hormone except; creases by one of th 52-Blood calcium is in . ‘A- Parathormone. E itonin. spar é fats metabolites of Vitamin D. D- Somatotropin. “ i al cortex: S3-ACTH acts on one ofthe following zones in adren A- Zona glomerulosa. B- Zona Reticularis. C- Zona fasciculate. D- None of the above. a . 54-One of the following hormone is polypeptide in nature: A- Insulin. B- Cortisol. C- Aldosterone. D- T3-T4 55-TSH acts on the thyroid follicles by all of the following effects except: A- Increases iodine trapped. B- Inhibits iodine trapped. C- Activate thyroid follicles, D- Increased T3-T4. 56-Removal of parathyroid glands results in: A- Hypoglycemia, B- Hyperglycemia. 7 Hypocalcaemia. - Hypokalemia, 57-Which one of the followin, A-Thyroid gland, A- Adrenal cortex, é parenal medulla, ‘arathyroid glands, g glands is essential for live: - acts thro, Bc olan recente one of the following receptors: CamScanner 3 39 4>guusall A- Adrenal medulla. B- Adrenal cortex, othalamus, 60-Whick one of the following hormones is neuro-humoral hormone: A- Oxytocin. " D- LH. 61-Which of the following hormone is synthetized from arachidionic acid: A- FSH. B- LH. C- Estrogens. D- Prostaglandins. 62-FSH in male reproduction A- Interstitial cell. B- Sertoli cells. C- Seminiferous tubules. D- BothB & C. 63-LH in male is responsible for: A- Testosterone secretion. B- Sertoli cells development. C- Ovulation. D- All of the above. 64-Hypoglycemia is induced by one of the following hormones: A- Growth hormone. B- Cortisol. C- Insulin. D- T3- T4. 65-What is the causes of Dwarfism ? A- Lack of Somatotropin. B- Lack of ADH. C- Lack of insulin. D- Lack of Cortisol. 66-Which one of the following is release from pituitary gland via hypothalamo-hypophyseal portal circulation: A- TRH. B- ADH. C- Oxytocin D-BothA & B. ts on the following except: 20 CamScanner + 32 gual! vi ‘mones: cerete one of the following hor! ape se atostatin. ymatomedine. 67-The somatotre A- Si B i C- Somatotropin. D- Both B&C. 68-Which of the following iné somatotropin in nc} ace diabetes: absent of insulin. A B- Insulin deficie Over secretion of D- All of the abov' venatiaae 69-Which of the following is originated from tyrosine: A- Norepinephrine. B- Adrenaline. C- Thyroid hormones. D- All of the above. 70-lodine trapped occurs in one the following tissues: A- Thyroid Follicles. B- Parathyroid follicles. C- In blood. D- All of the following. 71-Norepinephrine is formed in A- Adrenal cortex. 8 Adena medulla, ~~ Postganglionic sympatheti ons D.BokBea pathetic neuron, 72-Steroid diabetes occurs by o ‘in A- Insulin deficieney. ofthe following hormone: B- Glucocorticoids o i ©. Thyroid oat secretion. . D- Testosterone, hat é 73-What is the causes of Toxic Qoiter 2 a Lack of iodine, - Excess iodine uy C- Last antbodig D- None of t 74-Basophil cells ofanterieg above, rop, A- Thyrotrop cortisol. 21 CamScanner + 32 gual! 75-What are ¢ tis trop cells of anterior pituitary gland secrete? ISH. Be ACTH. C- ACTH & Beta lipotropic. D-ESHL 76-Epsilon cells se AT Be LM. C- Prolactin. D-13- T4. ‘77-Mow the Caleium acts as second messenger through? A- Binds Ca++ ions with Calmodulin. B-C AMP. C-Cy GMP. D- All of the above 78-Phosphodiesterase enzyme induces the following: imulate Cyclic AMP. B- Inhibits Cyclic AMP. C- Convert Cyclic AMP in to AMP+ Pi D- Both B&C. ine affects hormone effects by one of the following: A- Stimulate Cyclic AMP. B- Inhibits Cyclic AMP. C- Stimulate AMP formation D- Both A&C. 80-What is the causes of CONN’s syndrome? ‘A- Is due to over secretion of glomerulosa. B- Characterized by hypokalemia C- Hypernatremia. D- ALL of the above. 81-ALL the following increases insulin secretion Except: A- Hyperglycemia. B- Arginine. C- Somatostatin. D- Glucagon. 82-Osteitis fibrosa cystica is due to: A- Hypoparathyroidism B- Hyperparathyroidism. C- Hypothyroidism. D- Hyperthyroidism. ete one of the following hormone: I. 22 CamScanner + 332 gual! 83- Muscle tetany is due to A=: Hypoparathyroidism B- Hyperparathyroidism, C- Hypothyroid D- Hyper 84-Normal blood sod A- Sm B- 145mEq/L. C- 1omg/dl. D- 100 mg/dl. 85-Normal fasting blood glucose in human is: A- 90-100 mg/dl. B- 200 mg/dl. C- 50 mg/di. D- 180 mg/dl. 86-Normat fasting blood glucose level in birds is: A- 50 mg/dl. B- 180 mg/dl. C- 200 mg/dl. D- 400 mg/dl. 87-Normal blood calcium level in human is: A-9-Ilmg/dl. B- 20mg/dl. C- Smg/dl. D- Some/dl. 89-1.25dihydroxycholecalciferol acts on calcium by all the following except: A- Decreases calcium mobilization. B- Stimulate calcium pump in bone. C- Stimulate Ca++ions absorption in the intestine. D- Increases calcium mobilization from bone, 90-GIT hormones acts on calcitonin by one of the following: A- Stimulated by gastrin. B- Inhibited by gastrit C- Inhibited by secretin. D- None of the above. 91- All the following are Goitrogens except: A- Thio cyanate. B- Nitrate. C- Per chlorate, 23 CamScanner 3 39 4>guusall D- Iodine. ' 7 : ay.altihe ees Simulator excepts B- Hyperglycemia C- Glycogenic amino acids, D- Starvation. g3-Which one of the following is insulin stimu ° A- Hyperglycemia. B- Somatostatin, C- Hypokalemia. D- Hypoglycemia, 94-How to induces experimental diabetes in rat? A-Injection of 100 mg/Kg, streptozotozin. B-Injection of 50 mg /kg streptozotozin. C-Injection intraprotenium. d-Both B &C are true, 95-How STZ acts on the Islets of Langhan’s of pancreas? A-Alpha cells. B-F cells. C -Beta cells. D-All of the above. 96-What is the effects of pancrectomy of rat? lator except: A-Hyperglycemia. B-Hypoglycemia. C-Polyurea. D-Both A&C are true answers. 97-What is meant by hyperglycemia? A-Decrease fructose level. B-Increases blood glycogen. C-Increases bleod glucose. D-Decreases blood glucose. 98-What are the islets of pancreas secretes? A-Beta secretes glucagon. B-Beta cells secretes somatostatin. C-Beta cells secretes insulin hormone. D-All of the above. 59-What are glucagon hormone effects? A-Hyperglycemic hormone. B-Hypoglycemic hormone. 24 CamScanner + 332 gual! releases: jin releases: stare answers porme C-lnhibits i p-Both A&C Are insu : 100-What are ettects of | re hormone: A-lypog! oa jc effects -|lypolipidemic & ‘a Caednted by somtostat ewer rihe above are rs _AlL of the above ve a the fasting blood glucose i 0 mg/dl. B-90 me C-50 mg/dl. p-All of the # 5 I 102-What is the diabetes melletus? ypoglycemia. jycourea. 101-What i ubove. C-Hyperglycemia. D-Both B&C are true. 103-What are the pancrectomy in dog ¢ ‘A-Hypoglycemia. ffect? D-Both A&C are true. 104-Where are the insulin receptors presents? A-Cell membrane of liver cell. B-Cell membrane of muscle cells. C-Cell membrane of Adipose tissues. D-All of the above. 105-What is the alpha cell of pancreas secretes? A-Glycogen. B- Glucagon, C-Insulin. D-Somatostatin, 106-What are the second messenger of insulin? A_ Cyclic AMP, B-Intracellular Ca++ jong C-Both A&B are true. D. Cytoplasmic reeen, 107-What is the insulin hormone meeeptors, AD ani it composed of? -9 amino acid, B-51 amino aci amino acid, be D-B 108-What is the normal level of the tver ee ™ me. A-l% liver weight, B- Wotmane igh weight. is the rauscle gh wags Muscle wei A-1% of muscle weiner auals? “ " ? E i i, Bly i C-5% of liver weight, ’ i oftiver Weight. muscle weight, 25 CamScanner 3 39 4>guusall 110-Which one of the following not produces exmpcrimental diabetes. A-Alloxan, B-STZ.20 mpidl. Z S50 mg/dl. D. Panerectomy, 111-What is the selective dest of Beta cells of Istets pancreas? A-Alloxan, B- S17 C-Both A&C are true, D-None of the above. 112-What are symptom of diabetes mellitus? -Polyurea. B- Glucourea, C-Hyperglycemia, —D-All of the above. 113-What is the cause of diabetes inspudus? A-Insulin defeicer B-ADH lack. C-Glucagon increases, D- All of the above. 114-How you can treat the diabetes inspudus? A-ADH. B- Insulin. C-Both A&B are true. D-None of the above. lark true or False on the following statements: SH secreted from thyrotrope cell of the hypothalamus and acts on thyroid follicles. 2-TRH is acts on anterior pituitary gland to secretes TSH during cold weather and increases T3&T4 from thyroid follicles. 3-Receptors of TSH are presents on C- cell of parafollicular cells of thyroid glands. 4-Thyrocalcitonin is secreted from C- cells of thyroid glands and increases blood Ca++ levels. 5-Myoepithial cell is also presents in breast in human and acts under effects of prolactin hormone. 6-Receptors of oxytocin are presents in myometrium and myoepith. Cells of udder, 7-Lack of ADH is accompanied by Polyurea and glucourea in humans. 8-Tumor of the hypothalamus results in lack of ADH and Diabetes mellitus. 9-The receptors of ADH are presents on renal tubules of proximal and collecting ducts to restore water from GF in the kidneys, 10- Supraoptic nucleus secretes ADH which acts on renal tubules in distal and collecting ducts to restore water and plasma osmolity, 11-Somatropin is secreted from somatomedin cell of anterior Pituitary, 12-Somatropin is growth hormone acts on liver cells to produces IGFI to increases growth of bone in young age animals and humans, 13-Somtrotrope cells are presents in hypothalamus and secretes growth hormone to acts on bone epiphysis. '4-Growth means cells division and increases sizes of tissues, 15-Lack of somatropin in early life results in Dwarfism in infants. 26 CamScanner 3 39 4>guusall vith increases of IGF] &lGry acromegaly \ gilts in AC Coe tone epiphysis esl jn the case tine normal levels 26-Closure ot bore je effects 7 T cretes TILT. . from liver cells J iabetone oicles 10 8° od by lymphocytes is 17-Growth hormone Ins Cn void and secrete 18-TSH acts on tate in humans @ a 13&T4 lack. O-LATS induces tovie £ er lack. IS-LATS induces i PSH increases blood Ca++tions, aatimnmane diseaSeS: ial by Fron and blood Cat . > accomPs bone Fes0"P nd is activated in both teroid hormone a rolied by PTH from vidism is 20-Hypothyroid “ apr ¢ to ine . 21-PTH acts on bone t in Diss ctive metabolite of Vitam . sand liver cells. seve is eh mgt and 6 -Normal blood Ca++ Ie' id glands. ir ii ases calci M PTL pes Bone and intestine to incre: : cells , intestine and kidnyes. Vitamin D. ss 1TH receptors ae presents on hone clk rn tivation of 26-Vitamin D enhance the resorption 0 yperparat ilure i 0 kidney stones, 9 Hyperperthyoidism results in renal failure in humans due t *y stones, yrocalcitonin s lower blood Calcium levels. blood Calcium | induces lower 7 Glucagon acts on liver cells induces increases blood level of glucose and ces hypoglycemia and kidn jum absorption by aid of hypoglycemia. oo . 30-Beta Cells of pancreas secretes insulin hormone that induc hyperlipidemia. oo. ~Somatostatin is secreted from both hypothalamus &pancreas and inhibits both insulin and glucagon hormones. 32-ACTH acts on zona glormulosa to secretes Aldosterone hormone, 33-Renin angiotensinogen system is the main regulator for Aldosterone secretion, 34-Aldosterone hormone acts on proximal convenluted tubules of the kidneys to restore water balance in the body, 35-ABP is essential for action of aldosterone ho: i ‘ise al rmone in renal tebules, sting s sonerome is due to ACTH and glucocorticoid hormone effects. ~nsulin dependent diabetes is due to lack of insulj . ae, s insulin rece, 38. Glucokinase enzyme is essential for effects of insuli ame 39-Liver acts as glucostats of the body to rest 'n hormone, 40-Lack of insulin TeCepLOrs results on joe sore Olood glucose during fasting. insulin Tesistance diabetes, 41-Addison ‘5 diseas . adrenal cortex, “sare accompanied by lack of both ACTH and cortisol from 42-Calcium is decrease by effects of e 43-Ketone bodies ig a. ied byt O8en hor ary 44-T3&T4 decreases bog a y scored daha ell 5 stero] leve] mellitus. and FEA, 27 CamScanner + 32 gual! 45-Cretinsim is due to lack of 3 &'14 in young ‘yo-Conn’s syndrome arc 1 : nd induces hypocalcemia, 48-PTH is seereted ftom parafollicular cells of parathyroid glands, yo. Dwarfism is due to lack of somatropin gene in humans. 50- Myxedema is due to lack of iodine and tyrosine, age. s due to aldosterone hormone lacks, tonone hormone secreted fi 28 CamScanner 3 39 4>guusall UL: Compare between the 1- Chromophil 6- 7- Glucagon stimu §- Zona glomerulosa and 9. Zona glomerulosa and 7 10- le 12- 13- l4- 15- 16- 17. 18- 19- - Hypo function S- Hypo parathyroi « fallowing physiolog ‘onl ai " iphobe cells of ar and medulla of st dt hyper functions O° and Addison's diseas and hyperparathyroidlis ‘and insulin inhibitors. ors and inhibitors. {zona reticularis hormones. ona fasciculate hormones. ly and gigantism. Diabetes mellitus and insipdus. Dwarfism and gigantism. Dwarlism and cretinism. Hypoglycemic and hyperglycemic hormones Somatostatin and somatotropin hormones. Mammotrope and somatotrop hormones Somatomedine and somatotropin. Growth hormone and Insulin growth factor I. Aldosterone and cortisol effects and regulation. Insulin and glucagon effects and regulation, Hypothalamic releasing and inhibiting factors. Adrenohypophyses and neurohypophyses. athormone and calcitonin effeets and regulati egulation, ApH and aldosterone nature and effects. ° ™ lypocaleaemia and hypercalcaemia horn hormone, ten and LH effects on male. me ‘SH and LH effects on fer male ov; MSH and melatonin “ TRH and T! fee . : ind T SH effects and regulation, ostaglandin F2 alpha and E: Type I and type IT diabetes, of thyroid glands. drenal cort yndrome Acrome; 29 CamScanner 3 39 4>guusall Ie Mark (true or 1, Acromeg se) and cor she false statements of the foll PTH inere cg n of glucagon, . PTI increases permeability of bone to calcium: * Glucagon inhibits gluconeogenesis in liver cells 4. Insulin Inhibits glycogenolysis in liver and muscle cells 5, Dwarfism is due to GH-RH over secretion in blood. : 6, Somatostatin is GH inhibitors and insulin and glucagon stimulator 7. Prolactin has lactogenic and used to increases milk yield in daiy cattle, §. Deficiency of 9, Beta cell secrete insulit diabetes mellitus. 10,Calcitonin is hormone that stimulate osteoblast cell increases bone lowing: leads to dwarfism in infants. as hyperglycemic factor its deficiency led to formation. 11.Conn’s syndrome causes Hyponatremia and hypertension. 12.Somatostatin stimulate both insulin and glucagon. 13.Cortisol increases lungs surfactant in fetus. 14.Cortisol has anti-inflammatory and anti-ailergic effects. 15.Dopamine is prolactin inhibiting hormone. 16.Norepinephrine is formed in medulla and secreted from cortex. 17.Glucocorticoids and T4 induces hyperglycemia. 18.Steroid diabetes is due to insulin lack from pancreas. 19,Toxic goiter is hyperthyroidism due to lack of iodine. 20.Gigantism is due to over secretion of GH before union of bone epiphysis. CamScanner + 39 4>g.usall

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