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Lesson Plan Template

Name(s): Özlem Kaya
Azra Musaoğulları
Ayşe Nur Erpolat

Unit Title
Grade Level
6th grade
2 hours
Learning Outcomes [ASSURE (State Objectives)]
When shown pictures and images related to daily activities, 6th grade students will describe their daily and
free time activities by using at least 75% of the vocabularies and phrases that are: take a nap, finish all the
homework, visit grandmother, take care of the pet, rest etc.

Instructional Materials & Media [ASSURE (Select Strategies, Technology, Media and Materials)]
Powtoon video, Concept Map, worksheets, fill-in-the-blanks

Learning-Teaching Methods [ASSURE (Select Strategies, Technology, Media and Materials)]

Teacher-centered drill-and-practice activity
Interactive/ participative method
Demonstration method

Teaching Activities [ASSURE (Utilize Technology, Media, and Materials and Require Learner Participation)]
Using video tools such as Powtoon for introduction
Worksheets for practice
Concept Map Material for demonstrating the vocabularies and phrases

Individual Learning Activities Worksheets, fill-in-the blanks,

Group Learning Activities Concept Map, Powtoon video

Students will learn identifying and describing daily and free time activities related to unit.

Measurement & Evaluation

Fill-in-the blank activities about describing the vocabulary items in the unit.

Measurement & Assessment Activities for Fill-in-the blank activity

Individual Performance
Measurement & Assessment Activities for
Group Performance
Homework (optional)


Explanation regarding to the implementation of the plan

In the first hour: the unit named Life will be introduced with an introduction video created via Powtoon.
Students will be asked some questions related to daily and free time activities with the purpose of getting them
familiar with the topic. introduction of the daily and free time activity.
In the second hour, the concept map that was prepared via, will be utilized during the lesson. After
that, students will be asked to write down the vocabulary items of the unit.

Backup Plan: If the video and the concept map cannot be used because of the technological problems, the
teacher benefits from worksheets to introduce the vocabulary items. Additionally, the course book can be used
in such situations as a backup.

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