Problem Description For EMG - FV

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Title: EMG (Electro-myogram) amplifier.

Project description:
A group consisting of 5 members will design an EMG amplifier following the prescribed block
diagram as shown in figure 1 with the given system specifications, standards and constraints. Each
module will be randomly assigned to a group member who will be responsible to design, simulate,
implement and test the module separately. Each group member must identify which constraints and
standards related to his/her  module. He/she must propose more than one solution for his/her module
and use those constraints and standards in addition to risk to select one optimized solution. All modules
must be integrated, tested, and function as a complete working system through simulation.
Technical constraints:
 Frequency range: 50 Hz to 500 Hz.
 EMG Amplitude range: 0 mV – 10 mV.
 Line frequency: 50 Hz.
 Output V0 will be interface to the ADC (analog-to-digital converter) channel of an ESP32 (not
included in the budget) micro-controller.
 Loading effect considerations on each assigned module.
 Standard values of components must be use.
Public health constraints:
 EMG signals must be acquired for an accurate diagnosis of the patient. Failure to do so might result
in wrong diagnosis and hence wrong treatment.
Safety and welfare constraints:
 Safety acquisition of signals from a human subject.
 Isolation of human subject from high voltage or current.
 Safety precautions during implementation and testing.
Global constraint:
 Not applicable.
Cultural constraint:
 Not applicable.
Social constraint:
 Not applicable.
Environmental constraint:
 Not applicable.
Economic factors and risk constraints:
 Budget for each block.
o Front-end amplifier section must not exceed 30 USD.
o Isolation amplifier section must not exceed 10 USD.
o High pass filter section must not exceed 10 USD.
o Low pass filter section must not exceed 10 USD.
o Notch filter section must not exceed 10 USD.
o The total price must not exceed 70 USD.
 Op-amps, instrumentation amplifiers and isolation amplifiers might not be available locally, hence,
purchasing the components from an international vendor may incur risk in terms of shipping and
delay. You need to consider this risk and possibly other risks in reaching an optimized solution.
Figure1. EMG (electro-myogram) block diagram.

1. To propose more than one design for his/her module, simulate, implement and test the optimized design
selected using constraints, standards, and risk.
2. To integrate all optimized modules through simulation and function as a complete working system.
3. All members of the group must prepare and submit individual reports in the link provided in the
Blackboard following the report structure below.

Title Page: Main Title (Assigned module)

Abstract. (Common)
Table of Contents. (Individual)
List of Figures and Tables. (Individual)
Chapter 1. Introduction. (Be brief but concise, maximum of half-page per section)
1.1. Background (Common)
1.2. Problem Statement. (Common)
1.3. Objectives. (Common + Individual)
Chapter 2. Related Literature. (1 page maximum) (Common)
Chapter 3. Design Concepts. (2 pages maximum)
 Standards and Constraints. (Common)
 Selection matrix based on constraints, standards, and risk. (Individual)
 Derivations of design equations (Individual)
Chapter 4. Individual Design, Simulation and Implementation. (2 pages maximum) (Individual)
Chapter 5. Overall System Simulation and Validation (Meeting the constraints and standards).
(2 pages maximum) (Common)
Chapter 6. Discussion of Results. (1 page maximum) (Common + Individual)
Chapter 7. Conclusions and Recommendations. (1 page maximum) (Common + Individual)
Chapter 8. References. (Common + Individual)
Chapter 9. Appendix. (Common + Individual)

DEADLINE: 1st of January 2023

The rubrics below will be use to assess the term project report.

SO(2) description showing performance indicators (PI) and rubrics for each PI.
SO(2): An ability to apply engineering design to produce solutions that meet specified needs with
consideration of public health, safety, and welfare, as well as global, cultural, social, environmental, and
economic factors.
Performance indicators Poor Below Expectations Meets Expectations Excellent
1 2 3 4
PI(2)1: Identify and Identifies and Identifies and Comprehensively Comprehensively and
formulate technical formulates few formulates some of the identifies and formulates extensively identifies and
specifications of the technical specifications technical specifications most of the technical formulates the technical
electrical engineering system of the electrical of the electrical specifications of the specifications of the
to meet the design goals engineering system engineering system to electrical engineering electrical engineering
under specific constraints without meeting the meet the design goals system to meet the design system to meet the design
and standards. design goals under under specific goals under specific goals under specific
specific constraints and constraints and constraints and standards. constraints and standards.
standards. standards.
PI(2)2: Evaluate the design Evaluates the design Evaluates the design Evaluates the design Evaluates the design
concepts and select the one concepts poorly via concepts fairly via concepts via modeling, concepts clearly, deeply,
that best matches the design modeling, simulation, modeling, simulation, simulation, prototyping and soundly via modeling,
constraints considering prototyping and selects prototyping and selects and selects the one of simulation, prototyping
public health, a one that does not one that matches part of those that highly matches and proficiently selects
safety, and welfare, as well match the design the design constraints. the design constraints. the one that best matches
as global, cultural, social, constraints. the design constraints.
environmental, and
economic factors and risk

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