Problem 3.14: Consider The Following Displacement Function For The Two-Noded Bar Element

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The Hashemite University

Department of Civil Engineering

Finite Element Method in Structural Engineering
Fall 2022
HW#3 (Due date: Wednesday 2/11/2022) Dr. Ghassan Almasabha

Problem 3.14: Consider the following displacement function for the two-noded bar element:

u = a + bx2
Is this a valid displacement function? Discuss why or why not.

P 3.16: For the bar elements shown in the following Figure, the global displacement have been
determined to be u1 = 0.5 in., v1 = 0.0, u2 = 0.25 in., and v2 = 0.75 in. Determine the local x’
displacements at each end of the bars. Let E = 12 x106 psi, A = 0.5 in2, and L = 60 in. for each
The Hashemite University
Department of Civil Engineering
Finite Element Method in Structural Engineering
Fall 2022
HW#3 (Due date: Wednesday 2/11/2022) Dr. Ghassan Almasabha

P 3.51: For the plane truss with inclined supports shown in the following Figure, solve for the
nodal displacements and element stresses in the bars. Let E = 30 x106 psi, A = 2 in2, and L = 30 in.
for each element.

P 3.58: Determine the energy equivalent nodal forces for the axial distributed loading shown
acting on the bar elements in Figure P3–58.

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