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‘SUBJECT CODE BOOKLET CODE 2014 { : MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES Cc TEST BOOKLET “Maximum Marks: 200 Time: 3:00 Hours INSTRUCTIONS 1. You have opted for English as medium of Question Paper. This Test Booklet contains one hundred and twenty (20 Part‘A’+40 Part ‘B’ +60 Part ‘C’) Multiple ‘Ghaice Questions (MCQ3). You are required to answer a maximum of 15, 5 questions from part * * and ‘C’ respectively. ‘If more than required number of Nestions are answered, only first 15, 25 and 20 questions in Parts ‘A’ “B’ and ‘C* respectively, will be taken up for evaluation. A , provided separately. Before you start filling up ‘your particulars, please ensure that the sklet contains requisite number of and that these are not for ot mutilated. If it isso, you may request the Invigilator' o change the booklet of the ‘same code. Likewise, check the answer sheet also. Sheets for rough work have been appended to the test booklet. i - si ‘Name and Serial Number of this Test Booklet on the Answer res in the space earmarked. B’ for wrong 6. Below each question in Part ‘A’ and ‘Only one of these altern have ‘ONE’ ot ‘MORE’ correct options. Credit ; jdentification of ‘ALL’ the correct options in Part i ‘a question if any incorrect option is marked as ‘correct answer. 2 7. Caiidates found copying ot resorting to any unfair means are liable 1 be disqualified from this and future examinations. Cantidate should not write anything anywhere except on answer sheet or sheets for over th OMR an el nvig Sea the entire duration ofthe exam wll only be permite cary their Test booklet. 1. Marks obtained by two students SI and $2 in a four semester course are plotted in the following graph Tim wv Semester Which of the following statements is true? 1, $2 got higher marks than’S1 in all four semesters. > \2/Over four semesters, S1 improved by a higher percentage compared to S2. 3. Total marks of S1 and S2 are equal. ~ 4, §1 and S2 did not get the same marks in any semester. ~ 2. The following table shows the price of diamond crystals of a particular quality. [Wt. of adiamond [Price per carat crystal (in (in lakh carat) |__ Rs) 1 4 2 8 5. pe 4 16. What will be the price (in lakh Rs.) of a 2.5 carat diamond crystal? 10 2. 20 3. 2 4. 50 3, How many digits are there in gg Bx MRT? 1.14 &% A. 16 4. 17 4. A man on the equator moves along 0° Jongitude up to 45° N. He then turns east and moves up to 90° E, and returns to the equator along 90°E. The distance covered in multiples of Earth’s radius F is 1. 2n)R 3. (E+ ZE)R 2 (E+ HR 4. (E+ ZR Ona semi-circle of diameter 10m drawn ‘on a horizontal ground are standing 4 boys A, B, C and D with distances AB =BC=CD. The length of line-segment joining A and B is 1.5m 2. 6m 3.7m =m 3 6. What is the next number in the following sequence? 2,3, 5, 6, 3, 4,7, 12, 4,559, + ++» 1.10 xB AY 20 6 ny ey LAS + Le Le bon Da DMD te last? o 10. The following sum is 141-2+3-4+5-6...-20=? 2, -10 3 1.10 S.-i You are given 100 verbs using which you have to form sentences containing at least one verb, without repeating the verbs, under the condition that the number of verbs (from this set of 100) in any two sentences should not be equal. The maximum number of sentences you can form is 1. 10 2 3.14 100 A4x 4 magic square is given below. 1 15 14 8 10 i 4 12 6 a a 5 1 13. 3 2 6 How many 2 x 2 squares are there in it whose elements add up to 347 he ma 3.4 4.5 To go from the engine to the last coach of his train of length 200 m, a man jumped from his train to another train moving on a parallel track in the opposite direction, waited till the last coach of his original train appeared and then jumped back. In how much time did he reach the last coach if the speed of each train was 60 km/hr? 5s 2. 6s 3. 10s 4. 12s ii. 12. 13. 14. November 9, 1994 was a Wednesday. ‘Then which of the following is true? 1. November 9, 1965 is a Wednesday and November 9, 1970 is a Wednesday. 2, Noveinber 9, 1965 is not a Wednesday and November 9, 1970 is a Wednesday. 3. November 9, 1965 is a Wednesday and November 9, 1970 is not a Wednesday. 4, November 9, 1965 is not a Wednesday and November 9, 1970 is not a Wednesday. Two identical cylinders of the same height as a bigger hollow cylinder were put vertically into the latter to fit exactly into it. The volume of the bigger cylinder is V. The volume of each of the smaller cylinders is 1. V8 2 VIA 3. Vi2 4. V You get 20% returns on your investment: annually, but also pay a 20% tax on the gain. At the end of 5 years, the net gain made by you (as percentage of the capital) is approximately 1.0% I 16 3. 80 4. 100 Coordinates of a point in x, y, z space is (1, 2, 3). What would be the coordinates of its reflection in a mirror along the x, z plane? 5 1. 1,-2,-3) 2. (1-2-3) 18. If a 4 digit year (e.g. 1927) is chosen C(,-2,3) 4. (1,2,3) randomly, what is the probability that it is NOT a leap year? 15. A cubic cavity of edge 20 um is filled Lay 2 1% with a fluid with a cubic solid of edge 2 2 +, hum, What percent of the cavity volume 3. <7 SOry is occupied by the fluid? 19. After giving 20% discount on the 1, 10.0 2. 20.0 marked price to a customer, the seller’s 3. 90.0 4, 999 profit was 20%. Which of the following is true? 16, Fin the missing number in the sequence 1. Sale price = Mavkedpricetcostprice AN gad. i Marked price+Cost price i XY sale price < reer 61, 52, 63, 94,18, 001, 121. % ca 3. 2(Marked price + Cost price) > 1. 46 2. 70 * Sale price > Marked price cost price wm 3. 66 a 4. 44 a 4. Sale price > 3 (Marked price + Cc ice). 17, What is the length of the longest rod that ost price) can be put in a hemispherical bowl of 99, Three years ago, the difference in the radius 10 cm such that no end of the rod pare of two brothers was 2 years. The is outside the bowl? (Assume that the sum of their present ages will double in rod has negligible thickness.) 10 years, What is the present age of the 1. 10VZem 2. 1ov3em bali 3. 10V4 om 4. 10V5cm L. 6 man ‘Ff 49 21. Let Abea 5 x5 matrix with real entries such that the sum of the entries in each row of A is 1. Then the sum of all the entries in A? is 4 HS 22. Given the permutation 2. 15 4, 125 _(l 234 8 i = 7 4 « A)jthe matrix A is defined to be the one whose f-th column is the o(é)-th column of the identity matrix 1. Which of the following is 2. A=at * 4.A=A'> 23. Let Jdenote a 101 x 101 matrix with all the entries equal to 1 and let I denote the identity matrix of order 101. Then the determinant of J — Tis 1, 101. 21. 3.0. 00. | Let ACR and f: A oR be given by f(x) = x2, Then f is uniformly continuous if WM Ais abounded subset of R. 2, Aisadense subset of R. 3, Aisan unbounded and connected subset of R. 4. Ais an unbounded and open subset of R. ¥ & Spo 25, Let a, p be real numbers and a > Ls 26. z 4. Forany p € Rwe have oi Lappe i Let f:X ~Y be a function from a metric space X to another metric space ¥. For oe ‘Cauchy sequence {x,} in X, 27. 28. Sor Z if f is continuous then (f (%,)} is @ Cauchy sequence in Y. 2. if (fF &q)} is Cauchy then {f (%n)} is always convergent in Y. ¥ 3. iff Gn)} is Cauchy in Y then fis continuous.~ 4. (q} is always convergent in X. * Let Mmxn(R) be the set of all mxn matrices with real entries. Which of the following statements is correct? 1. There exists A € Mzxs(R) such that the dimension of the null space of A is 2. There exists A € Mzx5(IR) such that the dimension of the null space of A is of There exist A € Mzys(BR) and B € Mgyq (IR) such that AB is the 2.x 2 identity matrix. 4, There exist A € Mzxs (IX) whose null space is {(xs, X2,%3;%4%s) €R™: Hy = X0X3 = X4 = ¥5; ‘i 1(1 1 limyw0 2 (FoR at Teet anes 4 equals ee) ie 3. V2+1 zt ot 29. Consider the following sets of functions on R. W = The set of constant functions on R X = The set of polynomial functions on R_ Y = The set of continuous functions on R Z = The set of all functions on R Which of these sets has the same cardina- lity as that of R? 1. Only W. + ~ 2. Only W and X.* 3. Only W, X and Z. All of W, X,Y and Z. 30. Let p(x) be a polynomial in the real variable x of degree 5. Then lim... is LoS 2, L 3.0 4, 0 31. Fora continuous function f:R-R, let Z(f) = {xeR: f(x) = 0}. Then Z(f) is always 1. compact 4 3. connected 2, open wAC closed ~ 32. For the matrix A as given below, which of them satisfy A® = I? © ak cos= sin? 0 4 4 1. A= —sin® a sing cosy 0 0 0 1 T0. 6 0 cos® sin= 0 " ~sing Coss, © j cose 0 sing 3A=| 0 1 0 =sint 0 cost x « cos? sine 0 a 4. A=| —sin® cos o} 2.A= 2 0 0 L 33. If n is a positive integer such that the sum of all positive integers a satisfying 1 1. Consider | the power series f(z) z is a complex variable. "Then the 1 radius ofc — f(2) is S, : de ae 4.0 39. Let G denote the group of all the automorphisms of the field F5:00 that consists of 34° clements. Then the number of distinct subgroups of G is equal to 144 23 3. 100. 4.9 40. Let p,q be distinct primes. Then L "qn has exactly 3 distinct ideals. 2. 7/,2qq, has exactly 3 distinct prime ideals, 3. 7 zy, has exactly 2 distinet prime ideals. 4. "qq, basa unique maximal ideal. 41. The om iaaeatcons! integral equation (x) - 2 (Gx-2e9 (Ode =0, 'o has 1. One characteristic number 2, Three characteristic numbers Two characteristic numbers 4. No characteristic number 4p Th The initial value problem SexBaxosx<1, t > Oand "a= 2x has 443. " 45. 1. a unique solution u(x, t) which > 0 ast oo 2. more than one solution 3. a solution which remains bounded as tra 4. no solution Let ¥,(x) and Y,(x) defined on [0,1] be twice continuously differentiable functions ee @) Dees Y@) =0. Let W(x) be the Wronskian of ¥% and Y, and satisfy W ‘Then WW (x) = 0 for x € [0,1] 2.WGx) #0 forx €0,1/2)UG,1] a ne >0 forx € (1/2,1] 4.W(x) <0 for x € [0,1/2) Consider two waves of same angular bipee ‘same angular wave number ky e amplitude @ traveling in the positive direction of x — axis with the same speed, and with phase difference g. Then the superposition principle yields a resultant wave with 1. Amplitude 2a and phase @. 2. Amplitude 2a and phase (/2). 3. Amplitude 2a cos($/2) and : phase(/2). 4 ‘Amplitude 2a cos(@/2) and phase ¢. Let x = x(s), y = y(s),u = u(s), s€ R, be the characteristic curve of the PDE @6)- =H 8 Pe caineiaan Oren ‘curve x=Oy=tu=7, eR ‘Then the characteristics are given by 1, x=30(e*—1), y=Fe +1); uses 2, x= 2r(e*—1), y = t(2es - 1), usZases p oa ly eS Cee d, (e* = 1), y=-2r(e*-3), 12(2e-25 -1) 446. Let f(x) = ax + b for a,b R. Then the iteration X41 = f(%p) starting from any given x9 forn > 0 converges 1. foralla ER 2. fornoa ER. w&F for a € [0,1) 4. only for a = 0. 47. Consider the initial value problem in R? Y() = AY +BY; Y(0) = Yo, where a-[4 he- fo a: Then ¥ (t) is given by LeetBy, DagmeMy, a ey 4, ett BY, 48. ‘The curve extremizing the functional I= - (eee Soe y= 0,9(2) = lis 1, an ellipse 2. aparabola 3. acircle 4, a straight line sf Let Y,Yo,¥3 be uncorrelated random variables with common unknown variance o? and expectations given by E(%) = By + B,, EH) = fy + Ba E (3) = By + By ais he, CAM REDS TP ise! Wh, he oe where yy AyyB, are unknown parameters. Which of the following statements is true? 1. The degrees of freedom associated with the error sum of squares is 1. 2, An unbiased estimator of oF is 20% — Yo)? + (yg)? + -%5)"]. 3. By, By, By, and f, are each individually estimable. 4. B, ~ 28, + By is estimable, sprLet X bea p x1 random vector such that X ~N,(0,%) where rank(2) = p. Which of the following is true? 1, E(XE7*X) = 2p, V(X'E*X) = 2p. 2. E(X'Z"*X) = 2p, V(XE"X) = p. 3. E(XD*X) = p,V(XE"X) =p. 4, E(XE*X) = p, V(XE"X) = 2p. . A finite population has 8 units, labeled Uy, Uz, ....Ug and the value of a study is for the unit uj is te = 8). Let ¥ = (1/8) Ff %. - sansa dost units is drawn from thi: Population in the following manner: a simple random sample (SRS) of size 2 is drawn from the units u2,U3,...,u7 and the sample so selected is augmented by the units u, and ug to get a sample of size 4. Let ¥ be the sample mean based on the SRS of size two and let T = (¥, + 67 +¥%)/8. Which of the following statements is true? 1. T is a biased estimator of 7. 2. Tis unbiased for 207-2 ¥i- 3. T is unbiased for ¥ and V(T) = 3V5)/4. 4, Tis unbiased for ¥ and = 9(9)/16. [nnn ove \ * At a doctor’s clinic patients arrive at an average rate of 10 per hour. The consultancy time per patient is exponentially distributed with an average’ of 6 minutes per patient. The doctor does not admit any patient if at any time 10 patients are waiting. Then at the steady state of this M/M/1/R queue the expected number of patients waiting is 1.0. = S: 3,8, 4. 10. Let T be a statistic whose distribution under the null hypothesis Ho is uniform(0,1). Let the distribution of 7 under an alternative hypothesis H, be triangular distribution with density 2% o 0. To estimate 45, consider an estimator T = X(X-1)(X- 2)(X- 3)(X- 4). Which of the following statements is true? 1. T is not unbiased. 2. T is unbiased but not UMVUE. 3. Tis UMVUE. 4. UMVUE for 2° does not exist. 55. Let (Xp)nzo be a Markov chain on the state space S = {0,1}. Then ne \ 1. The chain has a unique stationary distribution. 2. P(Xq = 0|Xp = 0) converges as n>o. \@7 The chain may have one recurrent and one transient state. “ 4. The chain is always irreducible 7s, Suppose X,Y and Z are three independent random variables cach with finite variance. Let U=X+Z and V=Y+Z. Suppose U and V have the same distribution. Then 1, X and ¥ have the same distribution. 2. It is possible to have Corr (U,V) < 0. \3/ U +V and U — V are always independent. 4, We must have Corr (U,V) < 1. 57. Suppose you have a coin with probability 3 f getting a Head. You toss the coin twice independently. Let = (H,H),(H.T), TTT) be the sample space. Then it is possible to have an event EC such that 1. P(E) =4 2. P(E) =+. P(E) =>. 4. P(E) =i . Suppose X,,X2,-+*, Xn are independent random variables cach having a Bin (8,3) distribution. ‘Then Fuba-D Xs ‘converges in distribution to 1.N@, 1). 2. NO, 2). 3. N42). 4. NG, D. oh Let X;, Xo,-""Xq be iid with common , ge, x > 0, aaa hOd= { tL geo where @ > 0. For testing Ho: O= 1 versus Hy: 9= 2, let rp be the power of the most powerful test of size a = 0.05 wih sample size n. Then 1, 7% increases to 1 — a. 2. Tq may not converge. 3. tT} increases to 1. 4. 1, may not be an increasing ‘sequence. Consider the following three sets of sample observations. Sample 1: x4, 2, -00.Xn+ Sample 2: ¥1, Ya, +1 Ym: Sample 3: x, X25 Xs Var Yor Yne Let mj, Mj, 7 and o? denote mean, median, mode and variance respectively of the i" sample for i = 1,2,3. Assume my = Mz, Which of the following is NOT always true? 1. ig = My. min(Fiy, fiz) < ig < max(i,, Miz). min(ffiy, fiz) < iy < max(iMy, M2). min(o7,03) < 0} < max(a?, 03). 2: 3. 4. 61. Let V denote a vector space over a field F and with a basis B = {¢3, 2)... €n)}- Let Xp Xp, n0%y EF. Let C= { xe, yey + pez, Xe + Keg Hert Xn}. Then J C isa linearly independent set implies that x; # 0 for every i = 1,2,...,7. 2. x; # 0 for every i = 1,2,..., implies that C is a linearly independent set. \3/‘The linear span of C is V implies that x; # 0 for every i = 1,2,...,n. 4, xj # O for every i = 1,2,....7 implies that the linear span of C is V. 62. Let V denote the vector space of all polynomials over R of degree less than ‘or equal to n. Which of the following defines a norm on V? oat Lp IP=[pPQ)P ++ Pat DP, pev 2. Ip I= suprejor POL p EV 3. IpI= Sj p@lde, peVv 4. Ip I= supretos) Ip'(OL p EV. . Let u,v,w be vectors in an inner- product space V,, satisfying |] u =I v Il =I w l= 2 and =0, = 1,< v,w >= —1. Then which of the following are true? 1. w+v-ull = 2v2 2. (Zu, $v} forms an orthonormal basis of a two dimensional subspace of V. # Be w and 4u —w are orthogonal to each other. 4. u,v,w are necessarily linearly independent. . Let A be a 4 x 4 matrix over C such that rank(A) = 2 and A? = A? #0. Suppose that A is not diagonalizable. Then n 21} & is closed. ~ .2 is bounded. 3 is compact. 4. contains a convergent subsequence. 1 oF 16. Let p:R? — Cbe the map ¢ (x,y) =z, where z=x+ iy. Let f:C — C be the function f(z) = z? and F= 9" fg. Which of the following are correct? L. The linear transformation Tx y) =2 Gs ie 2”) represents the derivative of F at (x, y). 2. The linear transformation THY) = 26, i) represents the derivative of F at (x, y). 3. The linear transformation T(z) = 22 represents the derivative of fat z € - <#The linear transformation T(z) = represents the derivative eee 67. LetX ={ (x,y) € R?: x? + y? <5} and K={@ye Riisxt+ ys 2or3 Cinfreran)b- . Let Sc R? be defined by S={(m+ int ga)imnpge Z}. Then, 1. S is discrete in R?. ‘the set of limit points of S is the set {(mn): mn €Z}. 3. R? \ Sisconnected but not path connected. 4, R? \ Sis path connected. "73, Consider a homogeneous system of linear equation Ax = 0, where Ais an m X neal matrix and n > m. Then which of the following statements are always true? UE Ax = Ohasa solution — 2. Ax = 0 has no nonzero solution. ~% Ax = 0 has a nonzero solution. ~ \M# Dimension of the space of all solutions is at least n — m. “f74. Let a,b,c be positive real numbers, D ={(xq,%2%3) ER? + xy? + x? + x3" S13, 2 gt t= (mem) et 2 +41) fa 0 0 andA=|0 b O},detA>1. Then, 0.) for a compactly supported continuous function f on R?, which of the following are correct? L. fyflaxddx = J, f@)dx 2. fyflanddx = & J, f@)ax 3. f,f(andx = J, f@ddx 4. Sgs fADAX = Sys f@DAx 75. Let f:(0,1) > R be continuous. Suppose that |f(x) - f)| < |sinx — siny| for all x, y € (0, 1). Then 13 1. f is discontinuous at least at one point in (0, 1). 2. f is continuous everywhere on (0,1), ‘but not uniformly continuous on (0, 1). 27 f is uniformly continuous on (0, 1). limyso+ f(%) exists. 76. Let pn(x) = Qn x?+ ba xt Cp bea sequence of quadratic polynomials where - An: Dn, Cy ER, for all n> 1. Let Ap, Ay, Ag be distinct real numbers such that Timp Pao) = Aos lity so Par) = Ay and litte Pn(z) = Ag. Then A. limps Pn (x) exists for all x € R. 2. Timpson (x) exists for all x € R. 3. litt so Pn (223%) docs not exist. A, ditty Pn (222%) does not exist. 77. Define f: IR? > R? by fy) = + 2y ty? + IxyLaxty +x? + Ixy): for (x,y) € R®. Then 1. f is discontinuous at (0,0). 2. f is continuous at (0,0) but not ~ differentiable at (0,0). 3. f is differentiable at (0,0). 4. f is differentiable at (0,0) and the derivative Df (0,0) is invertible. 78. LetA={(x,y)€ Reixty # —1}. Define f:A > R? by , x y FG0)= Gap’ Tarp 1. the Jacobian matrix of f does not vanish on A. Je f is infinitely differentiable on A. 3° f is injective on A.- 4. f(A)=R.L 14 Unit - 2 79. Which of the following are compact? 1. (Ge yeR2: - 1? + (V- 2? =U (Gye R22 y = 3). F a {( DentimneZ\ (0 Ju {coy} v {(4,0):mez\ co uv {(0.4):nez\ } * VS (x,y, 2)€R?: x? + 2y? — 32? = 1}. ANG, ¥, ZVER?: inl + lyl + Blzl $1). 80, Let f be an entire function. Suppose, for each ae R, there exists at least one coefficient c, in f(z) = La=0 Cn(Z — a)", which is zero. Then 1. £(0) = 0 for infinitely many n>0. 2. f™(0) = 0 for every n = 0. 3, fO"*D(Q) = 0 for every n 2 0. 4. there exists k > 0 such that fMO) =0 foralln>k. 81. Let K © C be a bounded set. Let H(C) denote the set of all entire functions and let C(K) denote the set of all continuous functions on K. Consider the restriction map r:H(C)> C(K) _ given by r(f) = fix. Then 7 is injective if 1. K is compact. 2. K is connected. 3. K is uncountable. 4. K is finite. EP. Forze C, define f@) = & fis entire. 2. the only singularities of f are poles. 3. f has infinitely many poles on the imaginary axis. 4, each pole of f is simple. 83. Let D={zeCilzi<1}. Then there exists a holomorphic function f : D > D with f (0) = 0 with the property WK f'0)= 1/2. Geo \2-1 f (1/3) | = 1/4. 3. fQ/3) = 1/2. yes? 4. 1f"(0)|=sec). 84, Let f(x) = x* + 3x3 — 9x? + 7x +27 and let p be a prime. Let f,(x) denote the corresponding polynomial with coefficients in Z/pZ. Then WE f(x) is irreducible over Z/22. UZ f (x) is irreducible over Q. 3. fa(x) is irreducible over 2/32. Cf (x) is irreducible over Z. Res. Suppose (F,+, *) is the finite field with 9 elements. Let G=(F,+) and H= (F\(0},) denote the underlying additive and multiplicative groups respectively. Then We G = (2/30) x (2/32) 2G = (2/92) OH & (Z/2T) x (Z/2Z) x (2/27) » MG = (2/3) x (2/37) and H & (Z/82)_ 86, Consider the multiplicative group G of all the (complex) 2”-th roots of unity where n = 0,1,2 ... Then Ur Every proper subgroup of G is finite. \2 G has a finite set of generators. UG is cyclic. aC Every finite subgroup of G is cyclic. 87. Let R be the ring of all entire functions, i.e. R is the ring of functions f:€ > C that are analytic at every point of C, with respect to pointwise addition and multiplication. Then ; Ax4x 3 arhe-d 15 1. The units in R are precisely the nowhere vanishing entire functions, ie, f:C > C such that f is entire and f(a) # 0 forall aeC. 2. The irreducible elements of R are, up to multiplication by a unit, linear polynomials of the form z — a, where aeC,ic., if f € R is irreducible, then f(2) = (2- @)g(z) forall ze C where g isa unit in R and a eC. 3. Ris an integral domain. 4, R is a unique factorization domain. 4 ‘We are given a class consisting of 4 boys and 4 girls. A committee that consists of a President, a Vice-President and a Secretary is to be chosen among the 8 students of the class. Let a denote the number of ways of choosing the committee in such a way that the committee has at least one boy and at least one girl. Let b denote the number of ways of choosing the committee in such a way that the number of girls is greater than or equal to that of the boys. Then 1. a= 288 Lob=6s 3a =144 4. b=192 #89. Pick the correct statements: 1. Q(V2) and Q (i) are isomorphic as Q- vector spaces. 2. Q(v2) and Q (i) are isomorphic as fields. 3. Galg(Q(V2)/Q) = Gal(Q@/@ 4 Q(v2) and Q (i) are both Galois ‘extensions of Q. 90. For positive integers m and n, let Fy = 27" + Land Gm = 22" — 1. Which of the following statements are true? UH Fy divides G,, whenever m > n. 2. GCD (Fy Gm) = 1 whenever m # n.X% \3GCD (Fr Fm) = 1 whenever m # n. 4. Gm divides F,whenever m -2 and the iteration Xnv1 = fOn)i n 20 for x9 = 1. ‘What are the possible limits of the iteration? . ja+v2eviee ae 2 4.1 Pos. The PDE SE +2 FH 1, parabolic and has characteristics SQcy) = x + 2y, (x,y) = x—2y. 2. reducible to the canonical form 24 = 0, where xy) =x + 2y. 0, theo i 1. y?@ = y?() + Up y(s)ds)? - 2y(0) fy y(s)ds 2. YO = y?(0) + 2 fy*(s)as 3. © = y?@)- [i y(sdds 4. PO= YO -2G yds 100. Let u(¢) be a continuously differentiable function taking non-negative values for t > 0 satisfying u'(t) = 3 u(t)?/3 and u(0) = 0. Which of the following are possible solutions of the above equation? 1. u(t) =0 2. ute) = Ofor0 1. 4. w= Yat Qn cos (nx + b,)e~™"*, where a; #0, a, =O for n> 1,and b, =0 forn > 1. 102. Let = xyu=cyand x? +y?-2u= Cz, where c,and czare arbitrary constants, be the first integrals of the PDE xuty)B— yu t x2) = (x?-y*)u. Then the solution x1 the PDE with x + y = 0,u = 1is given by 1, x3 +y3 + 2xyu? + 2x2u = 0. 2. x3 + yx? + (x? + 2y)u =0. 3. xr+y?+2y-lut2= 4. x?-y? -ulxty—2)-2=0. 103. Consider the following primal Linear Programming Problem. max z= —3x, + 2x, subject to x $3, m-m $0, XX, 20. Which of the following statements are true? 1. The primal problem has an optimal solution. + ~ The primal problem has an unbounded solution. . The dual problem has an unbounded solution. \-AC The dual problem has no feasible “he * solution. Suppose that system 1 has 2 components C, and C; in series while system 2 has 2 components C3 and C, in parallel. The components C;, Cz, Cy and C, have independent and identically distributed life times each being exponential with mean 1. Suppose Sj(¢) and hj(t) are the survival and hazard rate function, respectively, for the i-th system, i = 1,2. Then which of the following statements are true? 1. S,(6) < 5,(t) forall t > 0. 2. Ay(0) < h2(O) forall t>0_ 3. The expected life time of the system lis. 4, The expected life time of the system 2 is 1. Consider an experiment using a balanced incomplete block design with v = 4 treatments, b = 6 blocks and block size k = 2. Let t; (¢ = 1,2,3,4) be the effect of the j-th treatment and o? be the variance of an observation. Which of the following statements are true? 1. The variance of the best linear unbiased estimator (BLUE) of Ties peti where Ff. pr = 0 and Zhi = lis 7/2. 2. The covariance between the BLUES with the error sum of squares is 3. 4. The efficiency factor of the design relative to a randomized block design with 3 replicates is 2/3. ; Consider a finite population containing N=nk units, n22, k2>2_ being integets and let these units be numbered. 1 to N in some order. In order to select a sample of n units, a unit is selected at random from the first k units and every k-th unit thereafter. Under this scheme, let mj be the probability that the i-th unit is included in the sample and mj, be the probability that both i-th and j-th units are included in the sample. Also, let ¥ denote the sample mean of a study variable, say y. Which of the following statements are true? 0 = any ral £7 =12,..,Ni#j. 2. m=F forall i= 1,2,...,N and mj = 0 for at least one pair Dri f= 12, N0# j- 3. m= forall (= 12, ny > O forall i# j,i,j,= 1,2,..,N. 4, Ny is an unbiased estimator of the population total. Aerial obervations Y,,¥,¥3 and Y, are made on angles 6;,62,03 and 04 respectively, of a quadrilateral on the ground. If the observations {¥j,i = 1,2,3,4} are subject to normal errors with mean 0 and variance o, then which of the following statements are true? 1, The best linear unbiased estimator of =¥-¥+51=12,34, Dh Ye 2. The best linear unbiased estimator of 6; is 6, = ¥,i = 12,34. ‘The error sum of squares is 4(P - 9. . . The error sum of squares is Tha - D? BY For any set of data which of the following statements are NOT possible? (Notations have their usual significance) 1. Tyase = 0.47, 7123 = 0.52. 2. r23 = —0.32,r423 = —0.23. (3. 2 = 03,743 = 0.2,7423 = —0.23. 4. T1234 = 0.47, 142 = 0.73. Let X4, Xp, ..., Xp be a random sample from fore) = 5° ae A Be otherwise. Consider the problem of testing Ho: 6 = 1 against Hy: 6 > 1. "Define iit Dh ep o={ Bes ee d of diixsa ™ afi if Lhis observed Di, xi] t 3. Power function of ¢, is monotonically increasing. 4. @ is unbiased. Let X;,Xz,..,X, be independent and identically distributed random variables with common continuous distribution function F, which is symmetric about the median y. Consider the problem of testing Ho: =0 against Ay: >0. Define Ry = Rank of [X;| among Wah Dab oe Mal C= 1,2, 00. L = Sum of the R's, for which X; < Ot=1,2,...0. G = Sum of the R}'’s, for which X; > 0,f=1,2,...0. Which of the following statements are true? 1. Left tailed test based on L is appropriate for testing Ho against Ay. 2. Right tailed test based on G is appropriate for testing Hp against Hy. 3. Maximum possible value of L is n+ 1). 4. Ey,(L+G)= nae Let X1,X2,..,Xp be a random sample from 0-6), fotx) = {° - x>O xs6. Define Xq.) = min{X;,,Xz,.., Xn}. Which of the following are confidence intervals for 6 with confidence coefficient (1 — a)? 1. [Kay + log, a,Xqy]. 2. Bay + Floge aX ~ +loge a]. 3. [ay + Slog. (2), Xa +. qloge(1 - 9] 4. [Xa + loge a, Xa — ” jloge(1-9)]. 19) * nfs Suppose X,, X2,+++,Xq, are independent and identically distributed as geometric random variables with parameter p. Let f denote the number X;’s equal to 1. Then which of the following statements are true? 1. £is the maximum likelihood estimate of p. 2. Fis an unbiased estimator of Pp. 3. s5-~ is the maximum likelihood Tier estimator of p. + Yor) = Hi, Consider the following random sample of. size 11 from uniform (6 — 1,6 ret) distribution: -0.71, 0.3, -0.4, -0.63, -0.81, -0.7, 0.1, -0.01, 0.02, -0.96, -0.92. Which of the following are maximum oH likelihood estimates of 6? 1. -0,96 2 03 3. 0.02 4. -0.54 Let X and ¥ be two independent N(0,1) random variables. Define U = * and v=. Then 1, Uand V have the same distribution. 2. V has t distribution, Vv 3. EQ@)=0. 4. Uand V are independent, . Let Xand Y be independent and identically distributed random. variables having a normal distribution with mean 0 and variance 1. Define Z and W as follows: @) #xy>o =; GD x0 . (4) if x>oandy 0. A fair coin is tossed repeatedly. Let X be the number of Tails before the first Head occurs. After the first Head occurred, an additional Y Tails appear before the next Head occurs. Which of the following statements are true? Lo (Kis even,Y is even) = 118. P(X is odd,Y is odd). 2. P(X is even,Y is even) = P(X is even,Y is odd). 3. P(X is even,Y is even) > __ P(X is even,Y is odd). / P(X is even,Y is even) < P(X is even,Y is odd). Let X, be distributed as a Poisson random variable with parameter n. Then which of the following statements are correct? Le limps P(Xn > 2+ Vn) = 0. 2. litMp-sco Pn <2 + Vi) = 0. 3. lipo P(Xn Sn) = 5 4, limps P(Xn $1) = 1. Let (Xn)nzo_ be a Markov chain on state space S=(-N,-N41,..,-1,0,1,..,N — LN} with the transition probabilities given by Pier = Pina ; forall-N+1 sis N-1 Puja = D-n-wer = Pua = Puen => Then 1. (Xp)nz0 has a unique stationary distribution. 2, Xn) nz0 is irreducible. DK ittyseP Xn = NIXo = 0) = Jimyo PXn = —N|Xo = 0). { (Xq)neo is recurrent. “te Hho. Suppose U and V are independent and identically distributed random variables with PU=i)= PV=)= 4 for i=1,2,3,4. Consider the triangle T, bounded by the x— axis, y— axis and the line Ux + Vy = UV. Then which of the following statements are true? 1. P(Area(T) < 2) = 2. PCT is isosceles) = 3. P(Area(T)$8) = 1 4. P(Area(T) > 1)= 1 16 1 + For any set of data, which of the following statements are true? 1. Standard deviation < 5 (range). 2. Mean absolute deviation about mean < standard deviation. 3. Mean absolute deviation about median ‘< standard deviation. 4. Mean absolute deviation about mode <} (range). aie wa e nian! ae = ge ee : ve ore xs wv a) i SMe ee . “Ly OMS : : y, 0 ae o Vt ’ ; - -\ : oN ANSWERKEY JUNE ,2014 JRF NET BOOKLET :- A MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES (ENGLISH & BILINGUAL) QNo | KEY | QNO KEY | QNO KEY QNno KEY 1 am 36 3 71 3,4 106 3 2 3 aT 4 72 152,383 107 3 3 a 38 2 73 1,3,4 108 apay 4 2 ae 2 7h. 1,3,4 109 1,2, 5 2 40 4 75 1,2,3,4| 110 3,4 6 4 41 1 76 1,2,3 14. ay 7 4 42 3 77 1,2,3,4| 112 |1,2,3, 8 2 43 3 78 1,3,4 113 1,2,4 3 2 44 3 79 1,35 114 3 10 4 45 5 80 1,2 115 | 1,2,3 21, 4 46 4 81 1,3 116 1,3 12 2 47 B 82 1,4 15 2,4 13 2 48 3 83 1,2,3 118 | 1,2,3 14 4 49 3 84 1,4 119 dod 16. 4 50 3 85 dp By & 120 2,4 16 3 1 aL 86 2,4 17 2 52 2 87 s 18 1 53 2 88 1,4 19 4 a 3 89 1,2 20 3 55 3 90 2, 3;4 21 3 56 3 a1. 2,34 22 4 S7 4 92 1,4 23 i 58 4 23: 1,2,3,4 24 4 Sy 4 94 3 25 3 60 2 35: 3 26 2 61 3,4 96 3,4 27 3 62 1,2 OF 2,4 28 2 63 3,4 98 2,4 29 3 64 dig digel 99 1,3 30 4 65 2.4 100 1,4 31 3 66 1,3 101 2 32 3 67 1,3 102 1,3,4 33. 3 68 43 103 12,3 34 2 69 1,2 104 1,2,3 35 4 70 3,4 105 {1,2,3,4 ANSWER KEY JUNE ,2014 JRF NET BOOKLET :- B MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES (ENGLISH & BILINGUAL) QNo KEY QNo KEY QNo KEY QNO KEY 1 2 36 4 7 | 1,2,3| 106 | 2,3,4 2 3 27. 3 72 3,4 107 3 3 1 38 4 73 1,3 108 3 4 4 39 1 74 2,4 109 2,4 5 4 40 a 75 dy 2, 2 110 3,4 6 3 41 3 76 3,4 ga | 22,3 7 3 42 3 71 1,2 112 3 8 2 43 4 78 3,4 113 | 1,2,3,4 9 2 44 3 79 | 2,3,4| 114 | 1,2,3,4 10 4 45 1 80 Ly 2 115 1,3 1 4 46 3 gl 1,4 116 1,3 12 2 47 3 82 ij 117 2,4 13 2 48 3 83 2,4 11g [1,2,3,4 14 3 49 2 e4_|1,2,4| 119 2,4 15 2 50 4 85 1,4 120 | 1,2,4 16 4 51 4 B6 | 1,2,3 17 4 52 4 87 1,4 18 4 53 3 88 1,3 19 2 54 3 89 1 j2 20 1 55 3 90 | 1,3,4 21 3 56 2 91 [| 1,3,4 22 2 57 3 92 a 23 3 58 1 93 1,4 24 2. 59 3 94 1,3 25 4 60 3 95 2,4 26 3 61 [ 1,3,4| 96 2,4 a7 4 62 |1,2,3,4| 97 3,4 28 3 63 | 1,2,3 | 98 3 29 1 64 |1,2,3,4| 99 3 30 3 65 | 1,3,4 | 100 [1,2,3,4 31 4 66 3,4 101 1,4 32 3 67 1,2 102 | 2,3,4 33 4 68 1,3 103 |1,2,3,4 34 2 69 1/3 104 | 1,2,3 35 Z 7o | 1,3,4 | 105 | 1,2,3 ANSWER KEY JUNE,2014 JRF NET BOOKLET :- C MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES (ENGLISH & BILINGUAL) QNO KEY QNo KEY QNo KEY QNO KEY 1 2 36 4 72 158 106 24 2 3 37 2 72 2,4 107 1,3 3 4 38 2 73 1,3,4 | 108 [1,2,3,4 4 3 39 4 74 3,4 109 3 5 1 40 3 75 3,4 110 | 1,2,4 6 2 41 4 76 1,2 DEL. | 15273514 7 4 42 3 77 3,4 112 2,4 8 2 43 a: 78 1,2,3 | 113 3,4 9 4 44 3 79 2,4 114 [| 1,2,3 10 2 45 3 80 1,4 115 | 2,3,4 11 4 46 3 81 3 116 3 12 2 47 3 a2 2,3,4 | 117 3 13 4 48 3 83 1,2 118 | 1,2,3,4 14 3 49 4 84 1,2,4 | 119 | 1,2,3 15 4 50 4 85 1,4 | 120 | 1,2,3 16 1 51 4 86 1,4 17 3 52 2 87 1,2,3 18 4 53 3 88 Lip 19 2 54 3 a9 1,3,4 20 2 55. 3 90 13 21 3 56 i 91 1,3,4 22 3 57 3 92 2,3,4 23 4 58 2 93 2 24 az 59 3 94 1,4 25 4 60 3 95 1,3 26 3 61 |1,2,3,4| 96 3 27 3 62 | 1,2,3 | 97 2,4 28 2 63 _|1,2,3,4| 98 2,4 29 3 64 | 1,3,4 | 99 1,4 30 3 65 1,2 100 [1,2,3,4 31 4 66 1,3 101 3,4 32 2 67 1,3 102 3 33 4 68 | 1,3,4 | 103 2,4 34 a: 69 3,4 104 1,3 35 3 70 | 1,2,3 | 105 |1,2,3,4

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