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Brand promise

olive oil delivers is to take care of its users health and safeguard them from disease it also
provides customer satisfaction from view point of immunity .

Brand personality
Olive oil being used as a massage oil in the initial days ,but due to hype in healthy lifestyle it
build trade mark for itself being healthy oil in relation to other food making oil market

Brand Awareness
of all olive oil brand are less as most of Indian population is middle class and lower middle class
family and olive oil brands being on costlier side is not easily affordable by them thus at present
brand awareness of olive oil brand is more in terms of depth but with increasing purchase power
and development in living standards more people are becoming health conscious thus leading to
increased demand of olive oil , the brand awareness of olive oil is likely to increase in terms of
brand width too.

Brand association
of olive oil is not that strong due to availability of cheaper alternative In market but it’s quite
unique as it is the only healthier alternative available .

Brand knowledge
is composition of awareness and image that a brand develops , all olive oil brand is less in terms
of awareness being a costlier option in terms of edible oil industry and image is of healthy edible

Brand loyalty
Of olive oil brands lie in the segment of latent loyalty that is in this segment price is a barrier for
them they do want to purchase olive oil brand but due to price constraint they are not able to buy
it as most of the Indian families are middle or lower middle class so it’s not economical for them
to purchase Olive oil as their regular cooking oil.

STP of Olive oil Brands

there exists customer of different needs that’s where segmentation plays a vital role as kachi
ghani oil is brand of rural area olive oil brands are brand of urban area , other edible oil brand
like palm , soybean, coconut and refined oil work as brand that fulfill need of edible oil but
introduction of olive oil brand has developed and converted need of edible oil into want as it
being a healthier option which is specific need of all customers in today’s health conscious
Olive oil brand are like niche segment in edible oil industry which is costlier but fulfil need of
health conscious people specifically

Target segment for olive oil brands are people who have higher purchasing power , healthier
lifestyle and increased health awareness ,Discussing about the edible oil industry there exists a
combination of organized as well as unorganized player so the margin procured by the players is
quite thin due to availability of unorganized sector there exist many local brand’s due to which
price plays a vital role in purchase decision making as many economical options are available in
edible oil market , olive oil face tough competition from industry.
Further discussing about the growth and future of edible oil industry it is quite bright in terms of
niche segment specifically talking about olive oil looking at current health awareness and a better
purchasing power of customer it is expected that the demand, consumption and market
capitalization of this particular segment will definitely be on a hike.

The value proposition served by olive oil brand is completely different from all the other edible
oil available in the market , it has positioned itself as a fitness freak and health conscious edible
Point of parity in olive oil brands is that along with being a massage oil in its initial days it also
Constitute as edible oil and point of differentiation is it is a brand that attracts specific segment
of people that are health conscious it is the only edible oil brand that has created a niche market
for itself.

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