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Neural Control of Behavior

Chapter · January 2020

DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-47829-6_1368-1


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6 authors, including:

Ashutosh Kumar Ravi kant Narayan

All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Patna All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Patna


Vikas Pareek Chiman Kumari

National Brain Research Centre Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research


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Neural Control of Behavior situation, involves more than one component of

the brain and is intricately regulated. A stimulus
Ashutosh Kumar1, Ravi Kant Narayan1, which is received at the sensory receptors is car-
Vikas Pareek2, Chiman Kumari4, Sanjib K. Ghosh1 ried by the nerves to the sensory cortex which
and Muneeb A. Faiq3 generates perception and further sends it to the
Department of Anatomy, All India Institute of cognitive and the effectors domains of the brain
Medical Sciences (AIIMS), Patna, India where complex neural processing constructs a
Computational Neuroscience and Neuroimaging behavior from the substrate, in response. The
Division, National Brain Research Centre comprehensive cortical processing of sensory
(NBRC), Manesar, India feedback is essential for the conscious appraisal
Neuroimaging and Visual Science Laboratory, of a complex behavior. Reflex behavior is com-
Langone Medical Centre, New York University mon to all the organisms, while complex behav-
School of Medicine, New York, NY, USA iors are unique to the animal kingdom and denote
Department of Anatomy, Postgraduate Institute their intellectual ability and hierarchy in the living
of Medical Education and Research (PGIMER), system.
Chandigarh, India Complex behaviors can be innate or learned.
Innate behaviors (as feeding or sexual behavior)
are genetically determined. Innate behaviors
Introduction involve hypothalamus and other subcortical cen-
ters and are associated with limited cortical pro-
The way in which an individual acts in response to cessing in comparison with the learned behaviors.
a stimulus or situation is called “behavior.” Emotional behaviors, which are largely innate, are
Behavior is chiefly controlled by the central ner- regulated by limbic system which presents a
vous system (i.e., brain and spinal cord). Behavior unique set of cortical and subcortical centers.
can be innate (present since birth) or is learned Learned behaviors may be driven by reward – a
during a lifetime. Further it can be simple or phenomenon called conditioning – or may not
complex. The simplest forms of the behavior are involve any reward at all, called nonassociative
the “reflexes” which are innate in nature. For a learning. A reward pathway which connects
reflexive behavior, the individuals may fail to aminergic nuclei of the brain stem to the specific
perceive a conscious appraisal, as it primarily nuclei group in the forebrain has been considered
gets executed from the motor centers in the brain as the driver of any reward-based behavior
stem or spinal cord. Complex behavior, a varying (Kiernan et al. 2014). Aminergic nuclei in the
motor action or response adjusted to the need of a brain stem are known as the prime determinants
© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019
J. Vonk, T. K. Shackelford (eds.), Encyclopedia of Animal Cognition and Behavior,
2 Neural Control of Behavior

of the adaptive behavior – which is largely a further assessed by the standard neuropsycholog-
learned behavior helping the individuals in ical tests.
adapting to the environmental challenges. For long, creating a lesion in the brain to know
How brain generates behavior has been an all- its impact remained a primary method to study a
time curiosity of the human which has now devel- behavior. Implying the electrodes in targeted brain
oped into a distinct stream of the neuroscience, parts to record the local field potential (LFP – an
called neuroethology. In recent years, knowledge electrophysiological signal created by summed up
of the neural control of the behavior has got electric current arising from large population of
extensive research updates revolutionizing the neurons from the recording site) in the behavior-
existing understanding of the neuroethology. ally activated neurons or to observe effect of an
Behavioral roles have been found for many new electrical stimulation, or pharmacological inter-
brain regions which were earlier either not or little ventions, had been the next prevailed methods to
known. Recent research suggests extensive role of study animal behavior in laboratory settings.
anterior cingulate cortex in decision-making. These methods when combined with the neuro-
Basal nuclei and cerebellum have been found to imaging modalities have brought revolution in the
bear important roles in behavior, in contrast to understanding of neural control of behavior.
their earlier known roles which limited to the There have been significant advances in neu-
movement control. There are also updates regard- roimaging (and recording) methods in recent
ing the role of the insula (a cortical island) and years which have made structure-function cou-
claustrum (a strip of gray matter), for which any pling for the brain parts possible. Multimodal
cognitive/behavioral functions were earlier little neuroimaging and data integration from chosen
known. Uniquely, habenula – a subcortical set of combinations of the magnetic resonance imaging
nuclei which connects with brain stem – has been (MRI), positron emission tomography (PET),
noted crucial in regulating adaptive behavior single-photon emission computed tomography
(Kumar et al. 2017b). Other than the central ner- (SPECT), near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS),
vous system, two other nervous system types, i.e., magnetoencephalography (MEG), electroenceph-
“autonomic” and “enteric,” are also known to bear alography (EEG), diffuse optical tomography
important roles in complex behavior. The current (DOT), etc. have given edge to the behavioral
research adds extensively into their behavioral research. The advances have given rise to a new
functions. stream of behavioral study, neuroeconomics – an
Present chapter takes a comprehensive look on interdisciplinary field which seeks to explain how
the role of the three nervous system types decisions are made in the brain (Xue et al. 2010).
involved in regulation of the animal behavior, Structural magnetic resonance imaging (sMRI)
and behavior-specific neural circuitries comprised has now got resolution of 7 and 9 tesla which is
of them, with a focus in human. able to provide the structural details of the brain
parts in living closer to that histological study in
postmortem brain tissue. Use of contrast-based
Methods for Study of Neural Regulation sMRI (mainly iron oxide) can detect the activity
of Behavior of targeted molecules with high sensitivity and
Animal behavior is either studied by direct obser- Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) has revolution-
vations of its response to a given stimulus in a ized the knowledge on the fiber connections of the
natural setting or through modeling of a behavior brain parts. DTI is a sub-modality of the structural
in laboratory settings. In laboratory settings, inter- MRI that encodes diffusion effects of the water
ventions like creating a lesion or inserting an molecules in the nuclear magnetic resonance sig-
implant, or the introduction of a pharmacological nal by using bipolar magnetic field gradient
agent into the nervous system of an animal, can be pulses. The fiber tracts can be delineated in vivo
done to model a behavior. These models can be based on the fractional anisotropy. Constrained
Neural Control of Behavior 3

spherical deconvolution (CSD) tractography is a get surface recordings from large parts of the
modification of DTI which can provide better cortex very easily, and new hair-thin electrodes
three-dimensional model of the neural tracts due can reach in-depth brain parts without causing any
to its ability to detect crossing fibers in the tracts. significant brain damage. Wireless electrodes can
Functional magnetic resonance imaging be implanted in brain parts in behaving animals
(fMRI) can depict brain activity by detecting the which can be operated from remote control to
associated changes in brain hemodynamics by provide stimulation or recording. Magnetic trans-
using blood-oxygen-level-dependent (BOLD) cranial and deep brain stimulation are now being
contrast. BOLD reflects cerebral blood flow frequently used to stimulate desired brain parts.
(CBF) as brain function requires blood flow to Whole cell patch clamp (which can detect ionic
supply oxygen for energy consumption by neu- currents in single neurons) can be used to detect
rons. Event-related fMRI can also be used to label neuronal activity at the level of single neurons in
specific molecules with contrast agents called awake or behaving animals. Whole brain imaging
molecular MRI. A statistical method called of neuronal activity using fluorescent calcium
multi-voxel pattern analysis (MVPA) implies feed- indicators and multiphoton laser scanning micro-
ing of fMRI data into a computer algorithm that scopes in head-fixed behaving animals is a recent
automatically learns the neural patterns associated method for detecting behavior-specific neuronal
with specific thoughts or experiences. circuitry.
Single-photon emission computed tomography Diffuse optical tomography (DOT) is an opti-
(SPECT) is a functional nuclear imaging method cal spectroscopy method which uses infrared light
often used to image awake behaving animals to probe activity inside any organ. Light entering
(where a targeted brain part is stimulated using in the tissue can undergo multiple scattering, and
invasive electrodes or some other physical as a result some photons are redirected back
means). It uses an intravenous radiotracer to toward the tissue surface each time. The distance
detect cerebral perfusion during activity and in this light travels and the changes in its physical
turn neuronal activity (which depends on cerebral properties in that course carry information which
perfusion rate). can be decoded to measure events and map their
Positron emission tomography (PET) is the locations within the brain tissue. Regional varia-
best to study neurotransmitter/receptor interac- tions in oxy- and deoxy-hemoglobin concentrations
tions. It has lower spatiotemporal resolution as well as blood flow and oxygen consumption can
when compared to MRI. It is exquisitely sensitive be imaged by monitoring spatiotemporal varia-
for detecting the targeted molecules or processes. tions in the absorption spectra of used light.
EEG and MEG detect synchronized activity of DOT can be used to monitor brain activity; it can
an assembly of neurons by measuring LFP or directly measure hemodynamic, metabolic, and
magnetic fluxes. EEG and MEG can be used to neuronal responses to neurons and tissue and
explore brain cortical activation pattern with ultra- organ activations.
high temporal resolution and real-time recording
of the event-evoked neural information flow. Newer Methods
Stereoelectroencephalography (SEEG) uses Use of inducible gene constructs for the mem-
in-depth electrodes (surgically implanted in the brane ion channels in model animals can provide
brain tissue) for recording electroencephalo- high-quality information for the neural circuitry –
graphic signals from desired subcortical nuclei in behavior relationship. Chemogenetics uses system-
animal models. atically administered Designer Receptors Exclu-
Electrical recording of the cortex and in-depth sively Activated by Designer Drugs (DREADD)
brain parts has progressed much in recent years. targeted to the specific molecules (Kumar et al.
Scalp electrodes have become more efficient. For 2018c). Optogenetics uses laser lights of specific
intracranial recording, miniature multiplex elec- wavelengths to control activation of ion channels
trode panels or multielectrode arrays (MEAs) can in neurons that are genetically tagged with
4 Neural Control of Behavior

fluorescent biomolecules. Fine optical electrodes Neurodevelopmental Basis of Behavior

are inserted in the brain for light-induced manip- The earliest forms of behaviors in a growing fetus
ulation of electrical activity in in-depth neurons are simple sensorimotor reflexes when brain parts
and neuronal circuits. This method has revolution- and neuronal tracts are still maturing. The primi-
ized the study of animal behavior (Deisseroth tive reflexes disappear after birth. Any return of
2010; Kumar et al. 2018a). Sonogenetics uses the primitive reflexes in an adult is considered as
low-pressure ultrasound waves to activate the arti- the indicator of a neuronal lesion. Childhood and
ficially ultrasonically sensitized neurons (Ibsen adolescent ages are the critical periods when an
et al. 2015). Brain-computer interface (BCI) inte- individual forms concepts about the environment
grated with the neuro-recording methods like surrounding it and develops “theory of mind, an
EEG is being used as a mode of study or manip- ability to understand mental status of others,”
ulating a specific behavior based on the which are very quintessential for learning social
neurofeedback (Grau et al. 2014; Kumar et al. behaviors. As cognitive and behavioral domains
2018a). are still maturing, children and adolescents are
Computational modeling (CM) is a recent vulnerable to develop behavioral disorders. Poor
entry into the study of animal behavior. It uses rearing up conditions during childhood and ado-
computers to simulate and study the behavior of lescence are known to adversely affect social
complex systems applying principles of mathe- behavior of the individual. Certain individuals
matics, physics, and computer science. The bene- are considered more susceptible to develop such
fit of using this method is that it can predict the behavioral disorders due to their unique genotypic
influence of numerous variables which character- structure.
ize any system, in minuscule time, with minimum
of efforts by creating simulation of the system
(Pareek 2017). A simulation is created by manip-
Common Neural Mechanisms in
ulating the variables individually or in combina-
Complex Behaviors
tion and observing how the alterations influence
the outcomes – called in silico experiment. Com-
Perception-Cognition-Action Triad
putational models have the ability to study a sys-
A behavior generates from the hierarchically
tem at multiple levels – known as multiscale
arranged cortico-brain stem/spinal networks
modeling (Cipresso 2015).
(top-down and bottom-up) of the central nervous
CM is a unique tool to understand how indi-
system (CNS). Perception and cognition are the
viduals or groups influence each other’s behavior
neural substrates for any behavior. Any given
in a social structure. Virtual reality (VR)-based
stimulus is received by a peripheral sensory
experimental settings are used to manipulate
organ which is further carried to sensory cortex
behavior in a single or a small group of individ-
of the brain through sensory pathways (entering
uals, and information-based parameters are extra-
either through the spinal cord or brain stem at the
cted to develop a basic computational model of
lowest hierarchical level and then through the
the behavior dynamics. (VR is a computer-
midbrain and the diencephalon). In the sensory
generated simulation of the reality.) These basic
cortex, perception for the stimulus is generated
models are further used to develop simulations to
(which can be further unified in a multimodal
understand and explain behavior dynamics at the
cortical area with the corroboratory perceptions
social level in the context of the possible scenar-
from other sensory modalities). The perception is
ios. CM can also be used to study behavioral
further encoded by cognitive domains of the brain
pathologies in individuals or groups (Cipresso
in the form of a memory or learning, following
which effectors domains generate a suitable
response for the encountered stimulus based on
the merits.
Neural Control of Behavior 5

Prediction Signaling, Error, and Response are secreted by neurons, like estrogen, oxytocin,
It is a basic property of any neuronal ensemble and vasopressin) have the capacity to modulate
that it would generate a prediction estimate transmission at the synapses. Though a behavior
against any incoming sensation or a motor com- is not directly created at the synapses, synaptic
mand. This prediction (or prediction signaling) is communications create neural substrate for it.
further matched with the actual input to the nuclei. Along with the neurotransmitters, neuromodulators
Any difference of the actual and expectant value is and neurohormones have critical roles in setting
called prediction error which is used to correct the and maintenance of the mood. An intricately reg-
future predictions. Neuronal ensembles calculate ulated cocktail of these neurochemicals not only
saliency (strength) and valence (positive or nega- determines the quality of synaptic communication
tive character, which is important in reward pre- but also sets the rate, rhythm, coupling, and syn-
dictions) of a stimulus. Any behavioral response chronization of the oscillatory waves arising from
is based on the prediction error values (den Ouden cortical neurons – which is crucial for the con-
et al. 2012). Any behavioral response against a struction of an appropriate response to the
novel stimulus generates learning which can be encountered stimulus (Kumar et al. 2018b).
stored in the specific parts of the brain as the
memory patterns (or engrams), which will provide Neural Basis of Sexually Dimorphic Behaviors
an experienced-based contribution to the future We can distinguish the behavioral differences
behaviors when a similar stimulus is encountered. between male and female by looking at their vary-
A prediction error-based construction of the ing responses to the same environmental stimuli,
behavior will be further discussed in the section but neuroscientific basis of this is not very clear
“Behavior-Specific Neural Correlates” of this yet. The new research has gradually disapproved
entry. the earlier belief that some brain parts are sexually
dimorphic. Accumulating evidence suggests the
Behavior-Induced Brain Plasticity and Vice sex-specific differences are not in the gross brain
Versa structures or neural connections but lie at the
Behavior induces plastic changes in the brain ultrastructural levels like transcriptomic and pro-
components. The plasticity may involve brain teomic configuration of the specific brain parts
part (like size of amygdala may increase in the and molecular arrangement and signaling at the
anxiety disorders), connections, dendritic arbori- neuronal synapses (Chen et al. 2019).
zation and spine density, axonal sprouting, synap-
tic organization and formation, and neurogenesis
(in hippocampus). Vice versa, the brain plasticity Salient Brain Parts/Nervous System
may have influence on cognitive abilities and Components and their Affiliated
behavior of the individual which in turn may Behaviors
induce further plasticity – a phenomenon known
as meta-plasticity (Altenmüller and Furuya Cerebral Cortex: Supreme Controller of
2016) – and is regarded crucial for the behavioral Animal Behavior
modifications and learning motor skills. Ordinarily, the cerebral cortex is believed to have
control over cranial and spinal regulation of motor
Role of Neurotransmitters, Neuromodulators, actions. It also has limited control over basic/
and Neurohormones instinctive behaviors as hunger, thirst, or sex,
Neurotransmitters are the chemical messengers which primarily involve hypothalamus. Brain
which facilitate communication of impulses at syn- has primarily four cortical lobes (frontal, parietal,
apses. Neuromodulators (catecholamines deriva- temporal, and occipital lobes) controlling all kinds
tives such as dopamine, serotonin, noradrenaline, of behavior. Two minor lobes – insular and
and many small peptides like enkephalin, endor- limbic – are also described which involve parts
phin, dynorphin, etc.) and neurohormones (which of the four primary lobes. (A detailed description
6 Neural Control of Behavior

on behavioral role of insular cortex has been pro- can be decomposed into more densely connected
vided later in this entry in segment “Emerging clusters or subsets (Meunier et al. 2010). These
behavioral role for other brain parts and nervous cortical modules are delineated by the graph-
system components.” Limbic cortex is further theoretic study of fMRI connectivity pattern dur-
described with limbic system in section “Emo- ing rest- and task-related activity. DMN and exec-
tional Behavior” under section “Behavior- utive/attention networks exist in anticorrelation
Specific Neural Correlates.”) Prefrontal cortex (activation of one has deactivating influence on
(PFC) (anterior part of the frontal lobe) is the another) relationship and deal with “task-negative”
most important cortical part involved in the con- and “task-positive” cognition, respectively. DMN
trol of executive, social, emotional, or instinctive gets activated when an individual is at rest,
behaviors. Distinctive parts of the prefrontal cor- absorbed into autobiographical moments, or self-
tex are involved in specific aspects of the behav- monitoring detached from the external world.
ior, e.g., dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) is Conversely, executive/attention networks get acti-
involved in executive behaviors (showing intelli- vated when individual follows a task or engages to
gence) like planning, thinking, making judg- the external world. The DMN grossly includes
ments, and problem-solving. Ventrolateral and VMPFC, bilateral posterior cingulate cortex
ventromedial/orbital (VLPFC and VMPFC or (PCC) and retrosplenial cortex (RspC), inferior
OFC) parts concern more to the control of social parietal lobule (IPL), parts of the hippocampal
and emotional components of a behavior. Anterior formation, medial temporal lobes (MTL), and
cingulate cortex (ACC) is said to have crucial role the angular gyrus. The CEN is anchored in
in decision-making and personal/social conflict DLPFC and PPC. The DAN is organized bilater-
resolution. VLFC, VMFC/OFC, and ACC are ally and grossly comprises the intraparietal sulcus
also involved in fetching attention of the individ- (IPS) and the frontal eye fields (FEF) of each
ual to a salient stimulus, hence working as a self- hemisphere. The VAN which is said to be
referencing center. lateralized to the right hemisphere involves
temporoparietal junction (TPJ) and the ventral
Cortical Modularity-Based Cerebral frontal cortex (VFC). Salient network (SN) com-
Mechanisms prises anterior insula (AI) and dorsal anterior cin-
Cortical domains in the brain are arranged into gulate cortex (dACC). SN detects relevant internal
large-scale structural and functional networks. or external stimuli and also acts as a switch
A large-scale network can be decomposed into between DMN and ACN (and DAN/VAN).
sets of densely connected small-world networks Other than above described major cortical
(based on the short average distances or closeness modules, there are many minor modules, like
between connecting elements) and activated dur- that for face, object, color identification, or mem-
ing a specific cognitive function or sensory per- ory recall. Major sensory perception cortical mod-
ception (Meunier et al. 2010). Major cognitive ules are that for visual, olfactory, tactile, and
cortical modules are saliency network (SN), auditory perception.
default mode network (DMN), dorsal attention Cortical modules hold key to specific neuro-
network (DAN) and ventral attention network physiological processes or sensory perceptions,
(VAN), task-positive network (TPN), and central and cognitive functions (Hilger et al. 2017), and
executive network (CEN). Each such small-world are building blocks for any behavior. Several of
cortical network is defined as a module – which the cortical modules can be recruited to orches-
can be represented on a graph and contains dense trate behavioral response to any stimulus.
structural/functional connections (called edges)
between its components (called nodes). A cortical Theory of Mind: A Basic Cortical Function in
module is an evolutionarily conserved and func- Social Behavior
tionally segregated network. There could be fur- Theory of mind is defined as a cognitive ability to
ther levels of hierarchy within a module, where it understand mental status of others and develops
Neural Control of Behavior 7

during childhood and adolescence (as we In hippocampus, registration and long-term

described above). This ability is more evident in potentiation (LTP) of the memory occur
human, primates, and other animals showing (Kiernan et al. 2014). Memory contents create a
higher engagement in social behavior. This is an neural substrate for any experience-based behav-
essential ability for peaceful coexistence in a soci- ior. Hippocampus has an exclusive role in learn-
ety which depends on strong social relationships ing which can create new experiences which in
and cooperations with each other. Neural corre- turn can amend an old behavior. Nearby para-
lates of theory of mind are not much understood hippocampal region (entorhinal cortex) is known
though mainly cortical parts (prefrontal cortex, to register spatiotemporal details of the surround-
insular cortex, parts of parietal and temporal cor- ings the animal resides in that creates important
tices (inferior parietal lobule, temporoparietal attribute to a learned behavior. Hippocampus has
junction, posterior part of the superior temporal also an influence on the hypothalamo-pituitary-
sulcus, etc.)) are said to contribute to this. adrenal (HPA) axis, through which it regulates
A unique type of cortical neurons – “mirror neu- endocrine homeostasis, which in turn can influ-
rons which activate when animals view others ence behavior.
doing actions” (Carrillo et al. 2019) – is said to Hippocampus Microanatomy (In Brief): The
be crucial in developing this ability (has been hippocampus is located in the medial temporal
described in detail along with “insula and mirror lobe. It contains two parts: the hippocampus
neurons” in section “Emerging Behavioral Role proper and the dentate gyrus. The hippocampus
for Other Brain Parts and Nervous System Com- and dentate gyrus (DG) have the shape of a curved
ponents”). Another type of neurons (similar to the tube, which can be compared to a seahorse and a
mirror neurons in cortex) was recently reported in ram’s horn (Cornu Ammonis – CA). Hippocam-
amygdala, called simulation neurons, which help pal subfields CA1, CA2, and CA3 are named by
in predicting and creating a mental simulation of abbreviation of Cornu Ammonis. Hippocampus
others’ probable actions based on their observa- proper and DG present an allocortex bearing
tions (Grabenhorst et al. 2019) (further studies only three layers. The major neurons in the hip-
will be necessary to develop a concrete concept pocampus proper and DG are pyramidal neurons
in this regard). and granule cells, respectively. The hippocampus
is reciprocally connected to various cortical and
Hypothalamus: Master Regulator of Innate subcortical structures. Its prime cortical connec-
Behavior tion is from the entorhinal cortex (EC). The EC is
Hypothalamus is also called as visceral brain due located in the parahippocampal gyrus, a cortical
to its concern with the visceral functions like region adjacent to the hippocampus bearing all six
feeding, hunger, and thirst. It is also involved in layers. The cortical transition zone (from three
the instinctual behavior like sex and reproduction. layers to six layers) between the hippocampus
Hypothalamus is also the master regulator of and EC is called subiculum. The entorhinal cortex
endocrine organs, and it is the highest autonomic (EC) is strongly and reciprocally connected with
center in brain (Kumar et al. 2018c). Thus, hypo- many cortical and subcortical structures as well as
thalamus presents a hub connecting the endocrine with the brain stem. Its major efferents to the
regulatory axis and autonomic nervous system to hippocampus enter via perforant pathway
the rest of the brain. bypassing the subiculum (Kiernan et al. 2014).
Figure 1 provides a schematic description of the
Hippocampus: A Memory Base for the chief hippocampal microcircuitry connecting to
Cognitive Flexibility and Social Behavior EC. The reentrant signals through hippocampal-
The role of hippocampus has been considered EC loop are associated with registration and long-
important in creating cognitive flexibility and term potentiation of the new memories.
social behavior (Rubin et al. 2014). Hippocampus
exerts its influence on behavior through memory.
8 Neural Control of Behavior

Neural Control of Behavior, Fig. 1 Hippocampal black). A major output of the hippocampus arises from
microcircuitry in behavior (Sensory signals drive the CA1 pyramidal neurons, which projects back to EC
perforant path (PP, black) excitatory inputs from EC II (V and VI layers) thus completing the hippocampal-EC
and III layer pyramidal neurons to granule cells in the loop. Hippocampal microcircuitry also contains
dentate gyrus (DG, black), which in turn sends mossy GABAergic interneurons (red) which modulate pyramidal
fiber axons (black) to CA3, and then CA3 feeds excitatory neuron activity in a domain-specific manner)
inputs onto CA1 neurons through Schaffer collaterals (SC,

Basal Nuclei: A Tool for Selection of Basal Nuclei: Basic Anatomy (In Brief)
Appropriate Behavior The main components of the basal nuclei – as
Basal nuclei (BN, earlier known as basal ganglia) defined functionally – are the striatum (dorsal
are a set of subcortical gray matter collections striatum comprising of caudate nucleus and puta-
located in vicinity of the diencephalon (Kiernan men and ventral striatum comprising of nucleus
et al. 2014). Earlier known roles of basal nuclei in accumbens and olfactory tubercle), globus
behavior were limited to the motor functions like pallidus, substantia nigra, and subthalamic nucleus
movement, but new research establishes its essen- (STN). The globus pallidus is functionally
tial role in reward value-guided or motivated divided into external (GPe) and internal (GPi)
behavior – it helps to decide which choice will domains. The substantia nigra which is actually
be more rewarding to follow (Hikosaka et al. a part of the midbrain is functionally divided into
2014). Reward can be evaluated here for the two parts: the inner pars compacta (SNc) and the
short-term and long-term benefits – which give outer pars reticularis (SNr). The basal nuclei pre-
individual chance to switch from a choice based sent a three-tier structure (input, caudate nucleus
on its current value (Kim and Hikosaka 2015). and putamen; intrinsic, GPe, STN, SNc; and out-
Simply put, basal nuclei help to select most appro- put GPi, SNr nuclei) connecting cerebral cortex in
priate behavior among the available alternatives in a cortico-basal nuclei-thalamo-cortical (CBnTC)
response of an external or internal stimulus. The loop.
appropriateness of a choice is decided by compet- Basal nuclei microcircuitry in behavior is orga-
itive actions between three pathways in the basal nized in CBnTC loops. There are four types of
nuclei neural circuitry, namely, direct, indirect, CBnTC loops which can be recruited for any
and hyperdirect pathways (Nambu 2009). behavior (Table 1) (Kiernan et al. 2014).
The three known basal nuclei pathways (direct,
indirect, and hyperdirect) involve one of these
Neural Control of Behavior 9

Neural Control of Behavior, Table 1 Cortico-basal nuclei-thalamo-cortical loops in behavior

cortical (CBnTC) Part of Thalamic
loops Cortical input striatum Part of pallidum nucleus Cortical output
Motor Primary somatic Putamen Globus pallidus Ventral Supplementary and
sensory and motor lateral and primary motor areas
areas; premotor ventral and premotor area
area anterior
Oculomotor Prefrontal and Caudate Globus Ventral Frontal eye fields
posterior parietal nucleus pallidus; anterior and
cortex substantia nigra mediodorsal
pars reticulata nuclei
Prefrontal Premotor area and Caudate Globus pallidus Ventral Prefrontal cortex
posterior parietal nucleus anterior and
cortex mediodorsal
Limbic Temporal lobe; Nucleus Ventral Mediodorsal Cingulate gyrus and
hippocampal accumbens pallidum nucleus orbital prefrontal
formation; (ventral cortex
amygdala striatum)
Adapted from Bar’s The Human Nervous System: An Anatomical Viewpoint, Tenth Edition

CBnTC loops. Figure 2 presents a schematic dia- Cerebellar Microanatomy (In Brief)
gram of the basal nuclei microcircuitry implied in A histological section of cerebellum would show
behavior. an outer folded cortex (gray matter) surrounding
an inner medulla (white matter) which contains
deep nuclei embedded within it. There are three
Cerebellum: A Prime Moderator for all
layers to the cerebellar cortex; from outer to inner,
Behavioral Actions
these are the molecular, Purkinje, and granular
Like the basal nuclei, the cerebellum was primar-
layers. The function of the cerebellar cortex is
ily known for its role in movement. New evidence
essentially to modulate information flowing
suggests the cerebellum is involved in moderation
through the deep nuclei embedded in the medulla.
of each of the functions of the cerebrum; hence
The molecular layer is outermost layer of the
supposedly it has a function to modulate the cere-
cerebellar cortex, containing two types of inhibi-
bral control of cognition and behavior. It was
tory interneurons: the stellate and basket cells. It
reported to be involved in the control of the
also contains the dendritic arbors of Purkinje neu-
reward-oriented behavior mediated by its projec-
rons and parallel fiber tracts (axons of granule
tion to VTA – a brain stem dopaminergic nuclei
cells), coming from the granular layer. The middle
which also gets projections from the prefrontal
layer contains only one type of cell body – that of
cortex (Carta et al. 2019). It gets activated several
the large Purkinje cells. Purkinje cells are the
milliseconds prior to the cerebrum when we are to
primary integrative neurons of the cerebellar cor-
initiate an action or even in showing imaginary of
tex and provide its sole output which is inhibitory
an action (Kiernan et al. 2014). It assembles and
in nature. The innermost layer contains the cell
provides experience-based feedback for correc-
bodies of two types of cells: the numerous and
tion of the prediction error (made by executive
smaller granule cells and the larger Golgi cells
and motor centers in cerebral cortex) which brings
(Kiernan et al. 2014). Figure 3 provides a sche-
perfection to a learned behavior (Rapoport
matic description of functional cerebellar micro-
et al. 2000).
circuitry implied in behavior.
10 Neural Control of Behavior

Cerebral Selection of appropriate behaviour

Cortex depending on competing pathways

Glutamate, ve+ Glutamate, ve+

Hyper-DIRECT in In-Direct (ve.) & Hyper-direct pathway (ve..)

PATHWAY Less Excitatory signal
(CAUDATE + PUTAMEN) in Direct Pathway, more
Excitatory signal, ve+
GABA, ve.

In-DIRECT Dopamine,
PATHWAY ve.via D2 ve+ via
GABA, ve.
(VA/VL nuclei)
Globus Pallidus Substantia
Pars Compacta
DIRECT in In-Direct (ve.) & Hyper-direct pathway (ve..)
Less GABA PATHWAY more GABA released
less ve. in Direct Pathway less GABA
released, less ve.

Glutamate released, ve+

Globus Pallidus
Sub-thalamic nucleus INTERNAL

More Glutamate released, ve++

Common transmissions in all the 3 pathways

Neural Control of Behavior, Fig. 2 Basal nuclei being released from it. Efferents from Globus pallidus
microcircuitry in behavior (All the basal nuclei pathways “interna” now inhibit the thalamus, the extent of which
begin with the cerebral cortex stimulating striatum by the depends upon the pathway being followed, more inhibition
glutamatergic efferents. Thereafter, striatum inhibits in In-Direct and Hyper-direct pathway as compared to that
Globus pallidus “externa” in “In-Direct” and “interna” in in Direct pathway. The thalamus by default stimulates the
“Direct” pathway by the GABAergic efferents. An cortex by the glutamatergic efferents, which is more in
inhibited Globus pallidus “interna” releases less amount Direct pathway (disinhibition) than the rest of the two
of GABA to the adjacent Sub-thalamic nucleus, which is pathways (inhibition). Depending upon the resultant stim-
directly stimulated by the efferents from cerebral cortex in ulation of the motor cortex, appropriate behavior can
“Hyper- Direct” pathway. Subthalamic nucleus in turn ensue. The inhibition made by Hyper-Direct pathway is
stimulates the “interna” by more amount of glutamate more than the In-Direct pathway)

Reticular Formation (RF): Center for the passing through the brain stem (except that in the
Generation of Consciousness, Arousal, and posterior column for fine touch, pressure, and
Behavioral Reflexes proprioception) (Kiernan et al. 2014). Among
RF is a diffuse neural network comprising of RF nuclei also are the aminergic nuclei which
neuronal cell bodies and nerve fibers located in secrete adrenaline/noradrenaline, dopamine sero-
brain stem core. RF contains diverse set of nuclei tonin, acetylcholine, etc. and take part in reward-
arranged in columns which send axons up and oriented and adaptive behavior. Ascending corti-
down to almost all brain parts including cerebral cal projections from RF, called reticular activating
cortex and cerebellum and spinal cord segments. system (RAS), relay through nonspecific midline
Their dendrites create an entangled network nuclei of thalamus and then spread diffusely to all
locally, contact with the cranial nerve nuclei over the cortex. RAS is said to provide arousal to
which are located in the brain stem, and receive the cortex hence to contribute to the alertness and
collaterals from ascending and descending tracts attention. Secretions of aminergic nuclei which
Neural Control of Behavior 11

Neural Control of Behavior, Fig. 3 Cerebellar micro- the collaterals of the mossy and climbing fibers. The
circuitry in behavior (The Climbing fibers and Mossy Purkinje cell inhibition of the deep nuclei serves to modu-
fibers are the two afferent fibers to the cerebellum. The late the level of this excitation. This inhibitory activity of
Climbing fibers provide excitatory input from the inferior Purkinje cells is modulated by the interneurons like Basket
olivary nucleus of the medulla, on dendritic shafts of the cell (on the body) and stellate cell (on the dendritic shaft)
Purkinje cells. The Mossy fibers are coming mainly from from the molecular layer; both of the later cells receive
the cerebral cortex via pontine nuclei. The Mossy fibers excitatory inputs from the parallel fibers. The molecular
synapse with the Granule cells in the granular layer of the layer contains the apical dendrites of a cell type called
cerebellar cortex, which in turn extend their axons into the Golgi cells; these neurons have their cell bodies in the
molecular layer, where it divides and continues as the granular cell layer. The Golgi cells receive excitatory
parallel fibers. The Purkinje cells are the only output of inputs from the parallel fibers and in turn provide an
cerebellar cortex which project to the deep cerebellar inhibitory feedback to the granule cells. The output from
nuclei. Since the Purkinje cells are GABAergic, the output the deep cerebellar nuclei reaches the thalamic nuclei and
of the cerebellar cortex is absolutely inhibitory. However, then to the motor cortex modulating there ongoing neuro-
the deep cerebellar nuclei receive excitatory inputs from nal activity)

are mostly neuromodulators in function are also limb muscles. Sleep is identified with reduced
said to set the mood of the individuals. Owing to activity in RF neurons, in turn, less activation of
its reciprocal connections of RF to almost all brain the cortex through RAS. Sleep also helps to refill
parts similar to the claustrum, it is believed to be depleted store of aminergic neuromodulators. It
the “seat” of consciousness – from where the state has a modulatory role in pain as ascending
of consciousness is controlled and maintained. spinothalamic fibers send collaterals to RF.
Damage of RF creates coma-like conditions. RF Numerous nuclei of RF create polysynaptic cir-
also has reciprocal connections to autonomic cen- cuits for certain reflex behaviors like chewing and
ters like hypothalamus and in lateral horn of spinal eating, breathing, and head-neck movements in
segments, through which, it controls the ANS and response of a visual or auditory stimulus.
the endocrine system. RF also has important role
in generation and maintenance of sleep, rhythmic
control of respiration and cardiovascular func-
tions, and maintenance of tone of the axial and
12 Neural Control of Behavior

Autonomic Nervous System (ANS): Prime parietal cortices surrounding it), and ACC are
Controller of Adaptive Behavior believed to be principle to the awareness of the
Autonomic nervous system (ANS) is known to “self-actions” (Ramachandran 1995). Mirror neu-
have very important role in innate as well as rons are also present in premotor regions of pre-
learned behavior. ANS has the sympathetic and frontal cortex, temporoparietal junction (TPJ), or
parasympathetic components and bears a larger inferior parietal lobule (IPL). These neurons were
bodily spread than CNS. Hypothalamus presents first reported in macaque monkeys, when it was
the highest center of the ANS with vaguely dis- found that these neurons activated not only during
tinguishable sympathetic and parasympathetic performance of a task but also when a monkey
components. Brain stem contains the parasympa- was made to observe others doing it. Mirror neu-
thetic outflow only. Spinal cord contains rons were also said to be behind social behaviors
thoracolumbar sympathetic outflow and sacral like understanding what others think or feel
segment parasympathetic outflow. ANS is (hence in empathizing) (Carrillo et al. 2019), or
engaged in control of the animal behavior, by learning by imitation of others’ actions
resetting hypothalamic circadian clock in supra- (Ramachandran 1995).
chiasmatic nuclei (SCN) and the neuroendocrine
balance along the HPA axis, in turn, influencing Habenula: In Reward-Based Decisions and
neuroeffector communication at the peripheral Adaptive Behavior
targets in response of the external or internal stim- Habenula is involved in the regulation of release
ulus. Hypothalamic autonomic nuclei send recip- of neurotransmitters and modulators from brain
rocal connections to spinal autonomic centers. stem aminergic nuclei which is thought to be a
Innate behaviors like hunger, thirst, and sexual central mechanism for developing an adaptive
behavior are known to be regulated by contrasting response to a persistent stimulus. Habenula is an
influences of sympathetic and parasympathetic evolutionarily conserved bilateral structure
components of the ANS. Sympathetic component located at the interface of the diencephalon,
of the ANS is said to be greatly involved in the basal nuclei, and brain stem which works as a
adaptive behaviors which present survival chal- gateway between cortical-subcortical and brain
lenges like fight, flight, and fright situations stem structures (Kiernan et al. 2014; Kumar
(Kumar et al. 2018c). An activation of sympa- et al. 2017b). It is thought to function as a switch-
thetic component is associated with aggression, board for regulating emotional behavior in condi-
anxiety, panic reaction, and disturbed appetite; in tions facing survival challenges (e.g., to avoid or
contrast an activation of parasympathetic compo- approach or submission or freezing in response of
nent may be associated with ease of the mood, a stimulus). Medial and lateral components of the
relaxation, good appetite, sexual excitation, and habenular pathway are involved in positive and
orgasm. negative reward prediction, respectively, making
their balanced action crucial for decision-making
Emerging Behavioral Roles for Other Brain in reward-oriented behavior (Kumar et al. 2017b).
Parts and Nervous System Components Any adaptive behavior also involves modulation
in the settings of the hypothalamo-pituitary-
Insula and “Mirror Neurons”: In Awareness of the adrenal (HPA) axis.
Self-Action and That of Others
Insular cortex which is anatomically buried Claustrum: In Unified Perception and
between frontal, temporal, and parietal cortices Consciousness
is said to be involved in introspection and aware- Claustrum is a thin sheet of gray matter
ness of the “self-actions” (Namkung et al. 2017). sandwiched between insular cortex and striatum
A specific type of neurons, “mirror neurons,” (it is separated from the insular cortex by the
which are said to be present in anterior part of extreme capsule and from the striatum by the
the insula (and also in frontal, temporal, and external capsule). Its unique location allows it to
Neural Control of Behavior 13

connect to all parts of the cerebral hemisphere in function, and in concert with the gut hormones,
reciprocally. It also sends reciprocal connections it helps to maintain mood and emotion of the
to contralateral hemisphere and other brain parts individual. New research has established its role
as hippocampus, amygdala, basal nuclei, thala- in reward-mediated behavior. Uniquely,
mus, brain stem, and nearly all other parts of the enteroendocrine cells in the gut mucosa were
brain. Uniquely, contralateral claustrums also found to connect to the vagus nerve which is a
connect with each other through interclaustral parasympathetic nerve supplying the gut (Han
fibers. Empirical studies are scarce on the func- et al. 2018). Right vagus nerve which innervates
tional role of claustrum. Any direct role in behav- gut was found to carry gut impulses to the dopa-
ior is not known, but recently proposed functions minergic nuclei in the brain stem – which present
to claustrum suggest that it creates a neural base important component of reward pathway
for production of any behavior. A study in the connecting to the forebrain (Han et al. 2018).
epileptic patients which placed electrodes in at Parkinson’s disease, a neurodegenerative disease
one site of the white matter tract beneath the of nigrostriatal pathway in the brain, is believed to
claustrum made the patient to stare blankly start in ENS neurons of the large gut. A
ahead with no recall of event when stimulus was dysregulation of gut-brain axis has also been
removed (Koubeissi et al. 2014). The above said found implicated in the psychological stress and
observation suggested mechanistic role of claus- mood disorders like anxiety and depression.
trum in the generation of consciousness. Claus-
trum fibers topographically connect with the
deeper layers of cortex (mostly layer six). Claus- Behavior-Specific Neural Correlates
tral efferents to the cortex mostly end at the inter-
neurons hence indirectly bear inhibitory influence Simple Behavior
on the pyramidal neurons. Inhibition of the cortex
by the claustrocortical fibers is said to have mod- Limb Reflex
ulatory effect on the electrical activation pattern of A reflex is a rapid and involuntary response to a
the cortical segments (Jackson et al. 2018). Stud- stimulus or cue. It is controlled at the level of
ies also suggested its role in real-time synchroni- spinal cord and is considered as a protective
zation of electric waves and oscillatory coupling mechanism to a suddenly presented threatening
of two cortical regions bound to a common cog- stimulus (which is either painful and/or can poten-
nitive function (Narikiyo et al. 2018). Francis tially injure the organism). A reflex is generated
Crick, based on its universal cortical connections by a sensory-motor circuit of spinal neurons
(and also to the other brain parts) and role in (Fig. 4) and doesn’t involve a cortical control.
coordination of the cortical electrical activity, pro- Certain of the reflexes are also controlled at the
posed its role in generation of consciousness and level of brain stem; these are head and neck move-
being conductor of the information flow through ments, mastication, and vital bodily functions
the cerebrum (like conductor of an orchestra who such as cardiovascular circulation and respiration.
directs whole band!) (Crick and Koch 2005).
Function of claustrum resembles to an electrical Complex Behavior
device which performs multimodal integration of
the stimulus information across the brain parts Emotional Behavior
hence helps to create a unified sense of perception Emotional behavior is said to be generated and
and generates a continuous flow of consciousness. controlled by the limbic system in the brain. Lim-
bic system comprises a rim of cortical mass sur-
Enteric Nervous System (ENS): Mediator of the rounding the diencephalon – also called as limbic
Gut-Motivated Behavior lobe, a set of subcortical nuclei – and white matter
ENS-CNS connection has given rise to concept of connections between them (Fig. 5) (Kiernan et al.
gut-brain axis. ENS is predominantly autonomic 2014). Amygdala, a quasi-cortical gray matter
14 Neural Control of Behavior

Neural Control of Behavior, Fig. 4 A limb reflex arc line), and their stimulation causes immediate contraction
(Hammer tap stretches tendon which in turn stimulates of these muscles. Sensory neurons also excite spinal inter-
sensory receptors (spindles) in the agonist muscles. Sen- neurons (purple) which in turn synapse to and inhibit motor
sory neurons (blue) synapse with and excite motor neurons neurons innervating the antagonist muscles (brown, bro-
(brown) in the ventral horn of the spinal cord. The motor ken line), causing their relaxation)
neurons innervate agonist muscle fibers (brown, intact

mass, is one of the main components of this sys- Reward-Driven Behavior

tem. Amygdala is also called a center for fear, Mesolimbic or reward pathway – a dopaminergic
aggression, anxiety, and panic, or more correctly, circuitry – connects ventral tegmental area (VTA)
it predicts salience value for any emotional infor- in the midbrain to ventral striatum or nucleus
mation (Janak and Tye 2015). A connection accumbens (NAc) in the forebrain (Kiernan et al.
between amygdala and prefrontal cortex is said 2014). This is the prime circuitry (VTA-NAc)
to exert control over impulsive behavior where involved in all kinds of reward-based behavior
prefrontal control is inhibitory to amygdala, and including natural responses for food and sex and
their relationship is antagonistic (Volman et al. social interactions (Fig. 6).
2011). This pathway is intensely connected to various
The neural circuitries related to memory, cen- cortical and subcortical regions, hippocampus,
tered at hippocampus, are extensively connected and brain stem nuclei. Prefrontal cortex keeps
to the limbic system (as memory contents make this circuitry inhibited and hence puts a break on
essential ingredients of any emotional behavior). reward-based behavior. This circuitry is involved
Also, autonomic and endocrine systems, which in the addictive behavior and is also implicated in
are centered at hypothalamus, are intensively obsessive-compulsive disorders. Reward pathway
linked with the limbic system, and their associated is evolutionarily conserved among animal species
activations contribute to the physical and psycho- which is based on the release of dopamine when
logical manifestations of any emotional behavior. presented with a desirable stimulus. Same cir-
cuitry is involved in aversive behavior and stress
where a reduction in dopamine release brings
Neural Control of Behavior 15

Neural Control of Behavior, Fig. 5 Limbic system emotion into a single system often referred as the emo-
(The limbic system is a complex set of structures found tional nervous system. The primary structures within the
on the central underside of the cerebrum, comprising inner limbic system include the amygdala, hippocampus, thala-
sections of the temporal lobes and the bottom of the frontal mus, hypothalamus, basal ganglia, and cingulate gyrus)
lobe. It combines higher mental functions and primitive

Neural Control of Behavior, Fig. 6 Reward pathway inputs from the Glutamatergic neurons (red, broken lines)
(The reward pathway is principally a dopaminergic path- of the hippocampus, amygdala, and medial prefrontal cor-
way (yellow, solid line) that connects ventral tegmental tex. After being activated by glutamatergic inputs, GABA
area in midbrain to nucleus accumbens of ventral striatum release (black, broken lines) occurs onto the ventral
and the prefrontal cortex of cerebrum. Apart from dopami- pallidum, consequently causing cortical disinhibition)
nergic efferents, the nucleus accumbens also receives
16 Neural Control of Behavior

Reward system works on the prediction error “Emerging Behavioral Role for Other Brain
signaling (den Ouden et al. 2012). Reward cen- Parts and Nervous System Components”).
ters, which contain dopamine-releasing nuclei,
generate prediction for the expected reward fol- Miscellaneous: Love, Lust, Hate, Disgust, Religious/
lowing behavior. A prediction error is computed Ideological Fundamentalism, and Crowd Behavior
by these nuclei deducting the prediction estimate Though available knowledge on neural correlates
from the actual reward value (den Ouden et al. of these behaviors is still limited, functional neu-
2012). When this actual reward is more than what roimaging studies put some light on the brain parts
was expected, a positive prediction error is gener- grossly involved. Affectionate love is known to
ated which causes release of dopamine – causing activate specific cortical and subcortical compo-
pleasure and in turn enforcing/motivating the nents of the limbic system which is overlapped but
individual to repeat the behavior. When actual effectively distinct from the sexual attraction. The
reward is less than expected, a decrease in dopa- core brain regions that activate in a loving behav-
mine release (depression) is to occur – causing ior are medial PFC, ACC, anterior insula, head of
displeasure and in turn aversion from that behav- caudate nucleus or putamen, and VTA (Diamond
ior. When expectation is fulfilled, there has to be a and Dickenson 2012). In sexual attractions, acti-
normal release, causing no/or little enforcement to vation of caudate nucleus and VTA is less distinc-
repeat the behavior. There is hierarchical differ- tive, and an additional activation of the amygdala
ence in coding of reward along the reward path- and hypothalamus occurs (Diamond and
way. The neurons at the down most center, Dickenson 2012). Showing hateful and disgust
SNc/VTA, activate with any novel information behaviors also causes activation of the amygdala.
irrespective of its nature (i.e., each novel informa- Hateful behavior similar to the loving causes acti-
tion is rewarding to the subject) based on its vation of the putamen and insula but, in contrast,
saliency. Neurons in NAc encode both saliency causes deactivation of frontal, temporal, and pari-
and valence of any incoming information. PFC etal cortices (Zeki and Romaya 2008). Reward
encodes saliency as well as valence of any incom- (or aversion) pathway is activated both in loving
ing information though its components exert dif- and hateful (or showing disgust) behavior. More
ferential influence on the reward pathway. ventral regions of the striatum and pallidum get
Neurons in VMPFC/OFC activate more in posi- involved in rewarding behavior like lust or aver-
tive prediction signaling, i.e., reinforce a reward- sive behaviors like hate or disgust. Increase in
ing behavior, and in DLPFC activate more in the secretions of oxytocin by the hypothalamic nuclei
negative prediction signaling, i.e., create aversion (Heinrichs et al. 2009) and neurotrophins by cor-
for a non-rewarding behavior (Fouragnan tical neurons is known during loving behavior
et al. 2018). (Emanuele et al. 2006). Religious and ideological
fanaticisms (fundamentalisms) are known to
cause more activation of medial/ventral prefrontal
Adaptive Behavior
cortex with relative silencing of DLPFC. DLPFC
Adaptive behaviors, like response of the individ-
is thought to have role of a critic and activates
ual to a threatening or rewarding stimulus or situ-
more in a rational behavior – when individual uses
ation like success or failure, win or defeat, have a
reasoning to select a response (Harris et al. 2009).
complex neural circuitry which chiefly involves
Crowd behaviors involve complex interactions
medial and orbital PFC, ACC, and anterior por-
between prefrontal cortex and limbic system com-
tion of the insula. Also are involved in this, corti-
ponents, with a lesser prefrontal cortex-mediated
cal and subcortical components of the reward
inhibition of the amygdala (Huis in ‘t and de
pathway, septal nuclei, and anterior hypothalamic
Gelder 2015). An added influence of oxytocin
nuclei. Emerging evidence suggests master role of
and vasopressin (secreted by supraoptic and para-
the habenula in regulation of the adaptive behav-
ventricular nuclei of the hypothalamus, respec-
ior (has been described in detail in section
tively) on decision-making by individual
Neural Control of Behavior 17

members has been evidenced in such behaviors gaming and pornography,” excessive social
(Heinrichs et al. 2009). media network use, and selfitis – an excessive
preference for selfie taking and posting it on social
Neural Basis of the Pathological Behaviors media. Though many of the PUI-affiliated disor-
Brain parts involve differentially in various ders are still not recognized by Diagnostic Statis-
known pathological behaviors. A dysregulation tical Manual (DSM) of psychiatry, emerging
of reward pathway is associated with many path- research suggests these behaviors involve reward
ological behaviors like addiction, substance system of the brain quite similar to other recog-
abuse, and gambling (Yun et al. 2016). An nized addictive behaviors (Kumar et al. 2017a).
amygdala- prefrontal imbalance has been associ-
ated with aggression, anxiety, depression, and
panic reaction and the diseases like major depres- Cross-References
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