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Name : Mohammad Kamran

Degignation : Insulator Charge Hand

Id no : 27835639916
D.O.B :01/03/1978
Expiry : 18/05/2022
Occupation : 23926
Pasport no : L1891593
Pasport Expiry : 09/06/2023
Serial no : 30727835639916
Address : A-480 G.D.A Flate Sanjay Colony Indrakunj Arthala Mohan Nagar Ghaziabad
Contact No :- +919958734378
Email id:-

To Date :-14-12-2021
The HR Manager
AlJaber Engineering
Lusail, Qatar

Sub: Application for To extend leave due to ill health

I am writing to inform you that due to ill health, I have taken leave from the
company which is more than my holidays. And my health has not been
completely cured yet, due to which the doctors have asked me to rest for
two more months. And while I am on leave, it has been almost five months
and ten days till today, please extend the date of my visa by 2 months
request you and will be very kind.

Thanking You .

Your Sincerely,

{ Mohammad kamran / Insulator charge hand}

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