Ethopia Country Report Final1

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Country Report on Cadastral System of Ethiopia

Presentation · September 2021

DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.29519.41122

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2 authors:

Sandesh Pokhrel Sandesh Sharma

Tribhuvan University Tribhuvan University


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Country Report on Cadastral System of Ethiopia

Submitted By- Submitted to:

Sandesh Sharma-38
Sandesh pokhrel-37
Er. Saurav Gautam
Sanjay Shrestha-39
Binod Raj Joshi-10
This report is focused on the cadastral system practiced in the country ETHIOPIA. The report gives
enlightenment on the cadastral system and its purpose, it’s development throughout the period of
time since it’s conceptualization, documentation and management of cadastral
components/elements. Brief introduction of the country can be found on the report. The historical
development of the Cadastral system in the country and its concept in the country. The type of
cadastral system followed in the country and it’s components can be found out in this report. The
different governmental and Non-Governmental organizations/institutions involved in the
Cadastral system in the country can be recognized from the report. The institutional framework of
the system is in given in detail. The study about cadastral map and its uses can be seen in this
report. The issues related to the system and different reform policies and efforts made throughout
the country can be studied from this report. The land registration system policy is also in detail.
A. Background ........................................................................................................................................ 1
A.1 Introduction to Cadastre ................................................................................................................ 1
A.2 Objectives of Cadastral System ..................................................................................................... 1
A.3 Development of cadastral system .................................................................................................. 2
A.4 Documentation.............................................................................................................................. 2
A.5 Management ................................................................................................................................. 3

B. Country Context.................................................................................................................................. 4
B.1 Geographical Context.................................................................................................................... 4
B.2 Historical Context ......................................................................................................................... 4
B.3 Current Political and Administrative Structures ............................................................................. 4

C. Historical Background of Cadastral System ......................................................................................... 5

D. Institutional Framework ...................................................................................................................... 6

D.1 Government Organizations ............................................................................................................ 6
D.2 Private Sector Involvement ........................................................................................................... 6
D.3 Professional Organization or Association ...................................................................................... 6
D.4 Licensing ...................................................................................................................................... 7
D.5 Education...................................................................................................................................... 7

E. Cadastral System ................................................................................................................................. 8

E.1 Purpose of Cadastral System.......................................................................................................... 8
E.2 Types of Cadastral System............................................................................................................. 8
E.3 Cadastral Concept ......................................................................................................................... 8
E.4 Content of Cadastral System .......................................................................................................... 9

F. Cadastral Mapping ............................................................................................................................ 10

F.1 Cadastral Map ............................................................................................................................. 10
F.2 Sample Cadastral Map ................................................................................................................. 10
G. Reform Issues ................................................................................................................................... 12
G.1 Cadastral Issues .......................................................................................................................... 12
G.2 Efforts......................................................................................................................................... 12

H. Land Registration System ................................................................................................................. 13

I. References ......................................................................................................................................... 14

A.1 Introduction to Cadastre

A cadastre (also spelled cadaster) is a comprehensive land recording of the real estate or real
property's metes-and-bounds of a country. In most countries, legal systems have developed around
the original administrative systems and use the cadastre to define the dimensions and location of
land parcels described in legal documentation. A land parcel or cadastral parcel is defined as "a
continuous area, or more appropriately volume, that is identified by a unique set of homogeneous
property rights". In the United States, Cadastral Survey within the Bureau of Land Management
(BLM) maintains records of all public lands. Such surveys often require detailed investigation of
the history of land use, legal accounts, and other documents. The cadastre is a fundamental source
of data in disputes and lawsuits between landowners. Land registration and cadastre are both types
of land recording and complement each other.
A cadastre may be defined as an official geographic information system (GIS) which identifies
geographical objects within a country, or more precisely, within a jurisdiction. Just like a land
registry, it records attributes concerning pieces of land, but while the recordings of a land registry
is based on deeds of conveyance and other rights in land, the cadastre is based on measurements
and other renderings of the location, size, and value of units of property. The cadastre and the land
registry in some countries, e. g., the Netherlands and New Zealand, are managed within the same
governmental organization. From the 1990s, the term “land administration system” came into use,
referring to a vision of a complete and consistent national information system, comprising the
cadastre and the land registry.

A.2 Objectives of Cadastral System

The objectives of Cadastral System is to make effective and efficient development in the field of
buying, selling or owning of lands and in keeping their records. Some other objectives are as
• documentation of big ecological systems (erosion, deforesting of tropical rain-forests etc.),
• agriculture, land reform (better economical land-use, environmental protection, land
consolidation etc.),
• development of urban areas (population explosion, informal settlement etc.),
• taxation on land,
• statistics about land-use or

• legal documentation of ownership to land and other types of land tenure in form of a land
registration system.
The technical design of a cadastral system in a developing country needs a precise definition of
the requirements and aims at such a system. A cadastral system is not a monolithic block. It should
be designed to fulfil the changing legal demands and demands of administration and the private
sector. It should be able to develop it into a basic Land Information System (LIS) of great variety
and flexibility for planning, environmental protection etc.

A.3 Development of cadastral system

Specially in densely populated areas on earth, land is the most important asset and the most
important means of production of the people. Therefore in most developed countries land
ownership is especially secured and guaranteed by governmental organisations.
To secure land tenure it is necessary to define three different legal positions: how to own land,
how to get land and how to save the ownership. Different forms of societies have different point
of views of secure land tenure and the points of view are developing so the cadastral systems may
change by social, economic and political demands.
In these days the cadastre fulfils all legal demands and demands of administration and the private
sector. It is a basic Land Information System (LIS) of great variety and flexibility in planning,
environmental protection etc. Maps and cadastral records in most parts of the world are stored in
computer systems.
This historical review of the development of the cadastre in Germany shows that this system is not
a static one. The modern form of cadastre is a multi-purposed cadastre as it is described as well in
the FIG Statement on the cadastre.
Even in developing countries cadastral systems should be designed to give options for using it as
a basic Land Information System.

A.4 Documentation

Cadastral documentation comprises the documentary materials submitted to cadastre or land

administration offices for renewal of cadastral recordings. Cadastral documentation is kept in
paper and/or electronic form. Jurisdiction statutes and further provisions specify the content and
form of the documentation, as well as the person(s) authorized to prepare and sign the
documentation, including concerned parties (owner, etc.), licensed surveyors and legal advisors.
The office concerned reviews the submitted information; if the documentation does not comply
with stated provisions, the office may set a deadline for the applicant to submit complete

Despite the age of cadastre, the notion of cadastral documentation emerged late in the English
language, as the institution of cadastre developed outside English-speaking countries. In a Danish
textbook, one out of fifteen chapters regards the Form and content of documents concerning
subdivision, etc. Early textbooks of international scope focused on recordings in terms of land
registration and technical aspects of cadastral survey, yet note that 'cadastral surveying has been
carried out within a tight framework of legislation' (p. 28). With the view of assessing transaction
costs, a European project: Modelling real property transactions (2001–2005) charted procedures
for the transfer of ownership and other rights in land and buildings. Cadastral documentation is
described, e.g. for Finland as follows 'Surveyor draws up cadastral map and cadastral documents
.. Surveyor sends cadastral documents to cadastral authority.' In Australia, similar activities are
referred to as 'lodgement of plans of subdivision at land titles offices' .

A.5 Management

Cadastre management has been used by the software industry since at least 2005. It mainly refers
to the use of technology for management of cadastre and land information in Geographic
Information Systems, Spatial data infrastructures and Software architecture, rather that to general
management issues of cadastral and other land information agencies.


B.1 Geographical Context

Ethiopia officially known as the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia is the second-most
populous nation in Africa. The population of the country is over 85.2 million people with a growth
rate of about 2.6% per annum. It is the tenth-largest by area, having 1,104,300 km2. The capital is
Addis Ababa. Ethiopia has a boundary line of a total of 5,328 km and bordered by Eritrea to the
north, Sudan to the west, Djibouti and Somalia to the east, and Kenya to the south.
Much of the bordering area is relatively low altitude and the central area is covered by mountains
and plateaus. Elevation ranges from 136 meters below sea level in the Danakil Depression to 4620
m.a.s.l. at Ethiopia’s highest mountain, Ras Dashen. The urbanization rate is 3.8% and only 17%
of the population lives in towns.

B.2 Historical Context

Ethiopia was a monarchy for most of its history, and the Ethiopian dynasty traces its roots to the
2nd century BC. Ethiopia is also one of the oldest sites of human existence known to scientists
today, having yielded some of humanity's oldest traces. Ethiopians maintained their freedom from
colonial rule with the exception of a short-lived Italian occupation from 1936-41. In 1974, a
military junta, the Derg, deposed Emperor Haile SELASSIE (who had ruled since 1930) and
established a socialist state. The Derg regime was over turned in 1991 by Ethiopian People's
Revolutionary Democratic Front (EPRDF). A new constitution was adopted in 1994.

B.3 Current Political and Administrative Structures

The federal democratic republic of Ethiopia comprises of nine member states. The federal
government and the member states have the legislative, executive and judicial power. The house
of people’s representatives is the highest power, to be elected in every five years, by direct people’s
participation. There is also similarly organized lawmaking body at the regional level commonly
known as the state council. In addition to the two major councils, there are also elected councils at
the Woreda and Kebele level but their major duty is administrating their respective areas based on
the law of the land which is enacted either by the federal or the regional council.


The Irist system is believed to be the first property system in the region. The emergence of the Irist
system is related with the beginning of sedentary agriculture during the time of late monarchies.
The change in the way of life, from hunting and gathering society to agricultural society, is the
cause for the beginning of the new social setting and tenure. There are indications and local
measuring units (Kelad, Gasha, Hudad,Tmad, etc.) that show the existence of land measurement
tradition in the early history. But there is no documented study to show the outline. The first
recorded land registration and cadastral survey in Ethiopia was initiated in Addis Ababa in1909.
Also during Haile Selassie’s time there was a Ministry of Land Reform and Administration that
measured and registered rural land in collaboration with the Mapping Agency until 1974 aiming
to create a system of freehold tenure, provide individual titles of land and to facilitate land sales.
The cadastral plans were based on isolated surveys of the town administrations. The urban land
registers were also kept by municipalities and there was no organized land register for rural lands.


D.1 Government Organizations

The federal government and the regional governments (states) have different responsibilities. The
responsibility of the federal government is enacting framework laws and policies on land and other
natural resources. The regions are responsible for land administration. They can also enact their
own detailed land laws for the facilitation of their land administration functions without
contradicting the constitution and the federal framework land law. The responsibility of conducting
cadastral surveys and land registration is for the regions. Land and survey records are stored at
woreda (district) and Kebele (village) levels but copies and summaries are kept in the regional
offices as well. Land registration and cadastral surveys are under the responsibility of one
Rural and urban land administrations are responsibilities of different authorities. Rural land
administration at the federal level is one core process in the ministry of agriculture. Regions have
independent land administration and use authorities or bureau. The regional organizations are sin
some regions directly accountable for the regional council and in some others through bureau of
agriculture and rural development. Ethiopian mapping agency is responsible for production of
topographic maps and establishment of geodetic control points.

D.2 Private Sector Involvement

The involvement of the privet sector in cadastral surveying in the country is minimal, if not none.
The role of private sector surveyors is limited to engineering and design surveys.

D.3 Professional Organization or Association

Ethiopian land administration professional association is established in 2009 with the objective of
securing the advancement of proper land administration in Ethiopia and promotes general interests
of land related professionals in addition to maintaining and extending their importance to the
public. The association has 56 founding members. The number of members cannot be an indicator
for the total number of professionals in the country as many professionals are not still members
due to various reasons.

D.4 Licensing

The legal right of licensing private surveyors is given to Ethiopian mapping agency. Even if the
right is given for the mentioned governmental institution no license is issued so far and there is no
licensed surveyor in the country.

D.5 Education

Bahir Dar University is the only higher learning institution which gives a four years BSc level
training in land administration. Currently more than 500 students are enrolled in regular, summer
and continuing programs and more than 100 are estimated to graduate every year. Related general
courses in surveying, engineering, economics and law are also given by other Universities.
Technical surveying is also given by technical schools in every region at diploma level.


E.1 Purpose of Cadastral System

The initial objective of the land administration system was attaining tenure security to small scale
farmers. The data collected for land tenure purpose is currently used as input for tax collection and
valuation for the purpose of compensation. The use of land administration data for land use
planning and development is minimal so far. The contribution of the system for market is only by
recording and by giving protection for land rental and lease contracts. Land is a public property
and not subject for sale in Ethiopia. Holding right in perpetuity is given for small scale farmers.
State or government holdings are those neither private nor communal. The administration of state
holdings is the responsibility of the regional land administration organizations.

E.2 Types of Cadastral System

Land administration, especially the rural land administration system was designed for attaining
tenure security. The registration program has two major steps and as a result the book of holding
two different levels (primary and secondary). The primary book of holding is issued only by using
traditional measurements and descriptions. Therefore no map or plan is attached to the primary
book of holding. The aim of primary book of holding is to change the informal land rights (without
any legally recorded evidence of holding right) to a registered and legally recognized formal right.
The process involves land holders and their elected representatives (land administration
committees). The data will be transferred to a land register only after approval by public hearings.
By using this process over 7 million land holdings are registered in four major regions in less than
ten years.
The primary books of holdings will be upgraded to secondary books of holdings after the parcels
are surveyed. Digital and coordinated maps will be prepared as a requirement for second level
book of holding. The attempt of upgrading to second book is at pilot level. Based on the result of
pilot projects way of working is developed, methodology tested in two kebeles and 1600 books of
holdings are upgraded to second level. In this system various techniques and technologies are
accepted to be used as a tool depending on the relative and absolute accuracy needs of different
holding types. Cadastral maps will be digital from the very beginning and connected to
computerized registration system.

E.3 Cadastral Concept

The regional states are responsible for land administration. The rural and urban lands are
administered by different institutions. As a result of this there is significant difference between

urban and rural cadasters. In urban areas a parcel is the smallest unit for both cadastral surveying
and property registers. Property and parcel corresponds to each other since most people have only
one parcel or property. The other major difference is the lease hold right for defined period is the
major tenure in urban areas while holding right for indefinite time is the dominant tenure in rural
areas. Parcel is the smallest cadastral unit with unique identifier for both rural and urban lands.
The equivalent term for property in the context of rural lands is holding right. A holding right can
be obtained with in a Kebele boundary and can be a collection of one or more parcels that are not
adjacent to each other. Property therefore is the collection of parcels, mostly 3-4, belonging to one
owner. Fixtures (buildings, permanent trees etc.) are parts of property records.

E.4 Content of Cadastral System

Ethiopian land administration system has textual and spatial components. Textual Component
includes, but not limited to, the description of the land holder, family members, his address,
bordering land holders, fertility status of the parcel, encumbrances if any and the like. The spatial
component shows a graphical representation of the parcel together with parts of adjacent parcels
and unique identifiers. The primary book of holding is issued without any formal plan or map. The
size is described using local measuring units. Location is described by listing the bordering land
holders in the east, west, north and south directions. Boundary description at primary book of
holding stage can be said very general. For secondary book of holding coordinated digital maps
will be attached. Boundaries are fixed. Maps can be produced using ground surveys or remote
sensing tools as long as they can meet the accuracy needs of a specific holding type.
Taxes are collected based on the information in the register book. The information in the register
is also used for valuation which is needed for compensation purposes. The management of state
holdings is the responsibility of land administration authorities.
The primary book of holding covers approximately 28 million parcels including freehold, state
owned land across the nation. There are no strata titles even if ownership of flats in condominium
buildings is recently introduced. Computerization is started in one of the pioneer regions and the
data of 753,800 holdings and 3,884,485 parcels are entered in to the computer system so far.


F.1 Cadastral Map

The cadastral mapping in Ethiopia is limited to urban areas. The urban cadastral plans are not
connected to any grid and most of them are still paper based. Where as in the rural areas there are
no historical maps that can be used as a base for the new cadaster. The rural cadaster is at
development stage. The strategy of the development of the new rural cadaster is to collect digital
data from the beginning and to use variety of techniques and technologies to develop cadastral
maps suitable for different holding types such as private holdings, communal holdings, state
holdings and leased investment lands.
The map contains title on the top, north arrow, the plan of the parcel and parts of the adjoining
parcel together with major features such as road and foot paths, legend, scale bar, accuracy level,
coordinate system and a no of the kebele index map. The map also contains information how the
right is obtained, the name and signature of the surveyor, the name and signature of who approved
the map, the name and signature of the chairperson of the kebele land administration committee,
date area and reference file number.

F.2 Sample Cadastral Map

Model parcel map of rural cadaster of Amhara region (All texts are in local language Amharic, for
ease of understanding by farmers) is as shown below in local language:



G.1 Cadastral Issues

The cadaster especially the rural cadaster is a new initiative. There is no historical or large scale
topographic map to use as a base. The initiative by its very nature is resource demanding. On the
contrary neither users nor the local governments are able to finance the system. Resource limitation
will continue to be the major bottle neck for some time to come. The rural urban dichotomy is
another major challenge. The divide if not solved soon will create maps that cannot be integrated
in the future. The level of attention given by different regional governments for land administration
issue is different. The strengths of the implementing government agencies is also the reflection of
the attention given by respective governments. The organizational strength at the federal level is
not strong enough to lead progressive regions. The federal institution has to be vitalized to
effectively accomplish the expected leading role.

G.2 Efforts

The registration of all rural lands is planned to be completed in the coming five years. The major
four regions will start issuing second level book of holdings. The data is planned to be fully
computerized in the coming five years. Capacity building is the major undertaking on progress.
Laws and regulations are under review for the facilitation of the planned five years plan.


Title registration system is used in Ethiopia as a effective way of land registration since the
beginning. Legal Documents for the registration of land ownership is necessary or we can say is
compulsory. There is a systematic approach for the establishment of cadastral records in Ethiopia.
The population of Ethiopia is approximately 85,200,000 out of which 17% lives in the urban areas
and remaining 83% lives in rural areas. Approximately 50,000,000 land parcels are registered in
the country out of which 586,800 land parcels is to one million population is the ratio. The land
parcels that are properly registered and surveyed are around 30%, not registered and surveyed is
35% and informally occupied without legal title is 35% in the urban areas while in the rural areas,
60% of the land parcels are properly surveyed and registered while remaining 40% parcels are
informally occupied. There are approximately 200 active professional land surveyors and are fully
committed to their work of land registration and Cadastral matters. There are no active
lawyers/solicitors involved actively in cadastral matters in the country since the rules are strict and
almost no fraud involved in cadastral matters are active.



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