ARA381 Arabic Morphology C. Material

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COURSE TITLE: Arabic Morphology



COURSE TITLE: Arabic Morphology
WRITER: School of Arts and Social Sciences
National Open University of Nigeria
Victoria Island Lagos.
School of Arts and Social Sciences
National Open University of Nigeria
Victoria Island, Lagos.



COURSE TITLE: Arabic Morphology
WRITER: School of Arts and Social Sciences
National Open University of Nigeria
Victoria Island Lagos.
School of Arts and Social Sciences
National Open University of Nigeria
Victoria Island, Lagos.

National Open University of Nigeria
14/16 Ahmadu Bello Way
Victoria Island

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No. 5 Dar es Salaam Street
Off Aminu Kano Crescent
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National Open University of Nigeria

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National Open University of Nigeria


Introduction………………………………………………………………. 1 Course
Aims……………………………………………………………… 1 Course
Objectives……………………………………………………….... 1 Working
through this Course……………………………………………... 2 Course
Materials………………………………………………………….. 2 Study
Units………………………………………………………………....2 Textbooks
and References………………………………………………….3 Assignment
File…………………………………………………………….4 Presentations

Assessment………………………………………………………………....4 Tutor
Marked Assignment………………………………………………….4 Final
Examination and Grading…………………………………………….4 Course
Marking Scheme…………………………………………………....4 Course
Overview…………………………………………………………....5 How to Get
the Most from this Course……………………………………...5 Facilitator/Tutor
and Tutorials………………………………………………7

Introduction Before you is a Course Material coded and entitled ARA381: Arabic
Morphology. called ‫ف‬ ُ ْ
َ in Arabic, the course is compulsory for the students. As a
beginner, you should take note of the development and the importance of ‫ف‬ ُ ْ
َ . In
the first and second centuries of Islam,‫ف‬ ُ ْ
َ was developed amongst the series of
subjects developed by Muslims to preserve and understand the language of the
Qur’an – Arabic. Mu‘ādh bn Muslim al–Ħarrāī is recognized as the exponent
َ . Another school of thought attributes its development to ‘Alī bn Abī Tālib.
So far, ‫ف‬
ُ ْ
َ has proven to be an extraordinary mechanism of enriching Arabic
language as you will see it practically as we enter into the nitty-grity of ‫ف‬
ُ ْ

Course Aims ARA381 aims at ensuring your ability to:

• comprehend the position of ‫ف‬

ُ ْ
َ in the entire Arabic Studies;

• identify the scope of ‫ف‬

ُ ْ
َ ;

• employ the available mechanism to conjugate verbs and nouns;

• state the relationship betweenُ‫ْف‬

َ and ْ
َ and

• employ various available patterns in‫ْف‬

َ to enrich your language acquisition

Course Objectives To accomplish the above aims, you have a golden opportunity
in the series of objectives which are divided into two, namely short term and long
term. While short term objectives revolve around immediate accomplishment i.e.
what you are able to attain at the end of each unit, the long term objectives
indicate your demonstration of mastery of ‫ْف‬ َ . In technical terms, your short
term objectives are called behavioural objectives. Such objectives are meant to
measure the extent to which you have benefited from the unit lesson just taught. In
other words the extent you can recall, state, comprehend, or perform any
prescribed task on just concluded lesson. On the other hand, the long term
objectives are futuristic i.e. they revolve around your ability to permanently retain
the conjugation of verbs from ‫ض‬ ِ َtoْ‫ َأ‬or noun from ‫ ُ َْد‬to ْ
َ , or the extent you
can derive fresh words from their roots such as ‫إ – إ ا ن– إ ا ن– ِإْ ا‬
‫" –ا!ل‬# ‫إ ا‬etc. based on the skills acquired during the course. You are hereby
expected to be able to:

• describe the scope of ‫ف‬

ُ ْ
َ ;

• state what ‫ف‬

ُ ْ
َ and ْ
َ have in common;

• conjugate verbs;

• enrich and enlarge your vocabulary base through derivatives known as ; and
• use in sentences the newly acquired words 2

Working Through this Course

ARA381 is made up of 12 units, carefully packaged to enable you to learn ‫ف‬ ُ ْ
without tears. Basically, you are expected to study all units in addition to any other
books as may be recommended by NOUN. As you progress in this course, you
will find Assessment exercise specially designed to enable you to gage your level
of attainment of the behavioural objectives. Further more, at the end of every unit,
you will required to submit written assignments for assessment purposes. You will
also write a final examination at the end of this course.

Course Materials

Major components of course materials are:

1. Course Guide

2. Study Units

3. Textbooks

4. Assignment Files

5. Presentation Schedules

You are expected to obtain the materials which are available in NOUN offices.
You can approach either the facilitator in your Study Centre or the Study Centre
Manager to obtain your copies.

Study Units
In this course, there are 12 study units broken into four modules. They are as

Module 1
Unit 1 ‫ف‬$‫ ا‬%&!'
Unit 2 ‫! ل وا) ء‬+)‫ ا‬, ‫ّد‬.‫ا‬
Unit 3 ‫! ل‬+)‫أوزان ا‬

Module 2
Unit 1 "0!‫ ا‬12 $‫ا!" ا‬
Unit 2 3#‫و‬+‫ و‬12 $‫ا‬
Unit 3 3#‫و‬+‫ي و‬50!‫ا‬
Unit 4 3#‫و‬+‫زم و‬7‫ا!" ا‬
Module 3
Unit 1 8‫أ
اع ا‬
Unit 2 ‫; ت‬0<‫ا‬
Unit 3 => ‫زم ا‬7‫ ا‬5 .‫ا‬

Module 4
Unit 1 ?2
0@ ‫وف‬A
Unit 2 B C‫إ ا‬

Each Unit contains a number of self – tests. In general terms, these self-test
questions on the lessons you have just covered are meant to help you to evaluate
your progress and to reinforce your understanding of the lessons. Along with your
Tutor – Marked Assignments, these exercises will assist you in achieving the
stated learning objectives of the individual units and of the lessons.

References and Textbooks

Every unit contains a list of references and further reading. Try to get as many as
possible of those textbooks and materials listed. The textbooks and materials are

meant to depen your knowledge of the course. For example, you may find the
following textbooks useful.

• Al – Maydani, A.M. (1978) ‫ان‬52‫ ا‬%&$'Agege, Matba‘atu `th-Thaqāfah al


• Al – Hamlāwī, A.M.A, (1999) ‫ف‬$‫ ا‬,+ =+ ‫ ا!ف‬DEAl-Qāhirah, Maktabatu


• Ali al-Jārim/ Mustapha Amīn, (N.D.) 1>‫  اا‬F‫ا‬Al – Qāhirah.

• Tarablīsī/Abu Ħarb (1967)  F‫ دي ا‬CDamascus, Al-Matba‘ah a`t –


• Al – Maħāsinī/Sultan/Akkash, (1966) ‫ ب ا;اءة‬0‫آ‬Damascus, Matba‘atu

Mufīd al – Jadīdah.

• Abdullah al – Wuhaybī & Co. (1970) J0‫ ا)وّل ا‬%$ ! K‫ا‬Jeddah, Ministry
of Education.

• Ahmad Muhammad Shaddād, (1977) J0‫ ا‬L M‫ ا‬%$ 2N!‫ ! ا‬K‫ا‬Baghdad,
Matba ‘atu Tīmis.

• Ahmad Muhammad Shaddād, (1976). ‫ص‬$F‫ ! وا‬K‫ا‬Baghdad, Matba‘at


• Al-Fāriħ, S. (Ed.) (1986) 2N7K‫ ت ا‬2 ‫ ا‬2N!‫ ا‬B‫ا‬Kuwait, Kuliyyatu `l-Ādāb,
University of Kuwait.

Assignment Files

In this file, you will find all the details of the work you must submit to your tutor
for marking. The marks you obtain from these assignments will count towards the
final mark you obtain for this course. You will find further information or
assignments in the Assignment file itself and later in this Course Guide in the
section on assignment.

Presentation Schedule

The presentation schedule included in your course materials gives you the
important dates for the completion of Tutor – Marked Assignment and attending
tutorials. Remember, you are required to submit all your assignments by the due
date. You should guard against falling behind in your work.


Your assessment will be based on Tutor-Marked Assignments (TMAs) and a final

examination you will write at the end of the course.

Tutor – Marked Assignments (TMAs)

Every unit contains at least one or two assignments. You are advised to work
through all the assignments and submit for assessment. Your tutor will assess the
assignments and select four which will constitute the 30% of your final grade. The
Tutor – Marked Assignments may be presented to you in a separate file. Just know
that for every unit there are some Tutor – Marked Assignments for you. It is
important you do them and submit for assessment.

Final Examination and Grading

At the end of the course, you will write a final examination which shall last for
two hours, you will be requested to answer three questions out of at least five

Each Unit contains a number of self – tests. In general terms, these self-test
questions on the lessons you have just covered are meant to help you to evaluate
your progress and to reinforce your understanding of the lessons. Along with your
Tutor – Marked Assignments, these exercises will assist you in achieving the
stated learning objectives of the individual units and of the lessons. References
and Textbooks Every unit contains a list of references and further reading. Try to
get as many as possible of those textbooks and materials listed. The textbooks and
materials are meant to depen your knowledge of the course. For example, you may
find the following textbooks useful.

• Al – Maydani, A.M. (1978) Agege, Matba‘atu `th-Thaqāfah al


• Al – Hamlāwī, A.M.A, (1999) Al-Qāhirah, Maktabatu


• Ali al-Jārim/ Mustapha Amīn, (N.D.) Al – Qāhirah.

• Tarablīsī/Abu Ħarb (1967) Damascus, Al-Matba‘ah a`t –


• Al – Maħāsinī/Sultan/Akkash, (1966) Damascus, Matba‘atu

Mufīd al – Jadīdah.

• Abdullah al – Wuhaybī & Co. (1970) Jeddah, Ministry of Education.

• Ahmad Muhammad Shaddād, (1977) Baghdad, Matba ‘atu Tīmis.

• Ahmad Muhammad Shaddād, (1976). Baghdad, Matba‘at


• Al-Fāriħ, S. (Ed.) (1986) Kuwait, Kuliyyatu `l-Ādāb, University of Kuwait.

Assignment Files

In this file, you will find all the details of the work you must submit to your tutor
for marking. The marks you obtain from these assignments will count towards the
final mark you obtain for this course. You will find further information or

assignments in the Assignment file itself and later in this Course Guide in the
section on assignment.

Presentation Schedule The presentation schedule included in your course
materials gives you the important dates for the completion of Tutor – Marked
Assignment and attending tutorials. Remember, you are required to submit all
your assignments by the due date. You should guard against falling behind in your
work. Assessment
Your assessment will be based on Tutor-Marked Assignments (TMAs) and a final
examination you will write at the end of the course. Tutor – Marked
Assignments (TMAs) Every unit contains at least one or two assignments. You
are advised to work through all the assignments and submit for assessment. Your
tutor will assess the assignments and select four which will constitute the 30% of
your final grade. The Tutor – Marked Assignments may be presented to you in a
separate file. Just know that for every unit there are some Tutor – Marked
Assignments for you. It is important you do them and submit for assessment.
Final Examination and Grading
At the end of the course, you will write a final examination which shall last for
two hours, you will be requested to answer three questions out of at least five
questions. Course Marking Scheme
This table shows how the actual course marking is broken down.
Assignment Marks
Assignments Four assignments, best three marks of
the four count as 30% of course marks
Final Examination 70% of overall course marks
Total 100% of Course Marks

Course Overview
Unit Title of Work Weeks Activity
Course Guide
Module 1 Definition of Sarf and its Scope
Unit 1 Definition of ‫ف‬ Week 1 Assignment 1
Unit 2 Abstract noun and Week 1 Assignment 2
Unit 3 Measures of verbs Week 3 Assignment 3
Module 2 Sound, Weak, Transitive and Intransitive Verb
Unit 1 Sound and Weak verbs Week 3 Assignment 1
Unit 2 Sound verb and its Week 4 Assignment 2
Unit 3 Transitive Verb Week 4 Assignment 3
Unit 3 Intransitive verb Week 5 Assignment 4
Module 3 Types of Noun: Derivative and Abstract
Unit 1 Types of Noun Week 6 Assignment 1
Unit 2 Derivative Nouns Week 6 Assignment 2
Unit 3 Abstract Nouns Week 7 Assignment 3

Module 4
Unit 1 Letters of ?2
0@ Week 8 Assignment 1
Unit 2 Mubalaghah Nouns Week 9 Assignment 2
Total 14

How to Get the Most from This Course

One of the great advantages of distance learning is that the study units replace the
university lecture. This is because you can read and work through specially
designed study materials at your own pace, and at a time and place that suit you
best. Think of it as reading the lecture instead of listening to the lecturer. In the
same way a lecturer might give you some reading to do, the study units tell you
when to read, and which are your text materials or set books. You are provided
exercises to do at appropriate points, just as a lecturer might give you an in – class
exercise. Each of the study units follows a common format. The first item is an
introduction to the other units and the course as a whole. Next to this is a set of
learning objectives. These objectives let you know what you should be able to do
by the time you have completed the unit. These learning objectives are meant to
guide your study. The moment a unit is finished, you must go back and check
whether you have achieved the objectives. If this is made a habit, then you will
significantly improve your chances of passing the course. The main body of the
unit guides you through the required reading from other sources. This will usually
be either from your set books or from Reading section. The following is a practical
strategy for working through the course. If you run into any trouble, telephone
your tutor. Remember that your tutor’s job is to help you. When you need
assistance, do not hesitate to call and ask your tutor to provide it.
1. Read this Course Guide thoroughly, it is your first assignment
2. Organize a study schedule. Design a “Course Overview” to guide you through
the course. Note the time you are expected to spend on each unit and how the
assignments relate to the unit. Important information, e.g. details of your tutorials,
and the date of the first day of the semester is available from the study centre. You
need to gather all the information into one place, such as your diary or a wall
calendar. Whatever method you choose to use, you should decide on and write
your own date’s schedule of work for each unit.
3. Once you have created your own schedule, do everything to stay faithful to it.
The major reason that students fail is that they get behind with their course work.
If you get into difficulties with your schedule, please, let your tutor know before it
is too late for help.
4. Turn to unit 1, and read the introduction and the objectives for the unit.
5. Assemble the study materials. You will need your set books and the unit you are
studying at any point in time.
6. Work through the unit. As you work through the unit, you will know what
sources to consult for further information.

7. Keep in touch with your study centre. Up – to – date course information will be
continuously available there.
8. Well before the relevant due dates (about 4 weeks before due dates); keep in
mind that you will learn a lot by doing the assignment carefully. They have been
designed to help you meet the objectives of the course and, therefore, will help
you pass the examination. Submit all assignments not later than the due date.
9. Review the objectives for each study unit to confirm that you have achieved
them. If you feel unsure about any of the objectives, review the study materials or
consult your tutor.
10. When you are confident that you have achieved a unit’s objectives, you can
start on the next unit proceed unit by unit through the course and try to pace your
study so that you keep yourself on schedule.
11. When you have submitted an assignment to your tutor for marking, do not wait
for its return before starting on the next unit. Keep to your schedule. When the
assignment returned, pay particular attention to your tutor’s comments, both on the
tutor-marked assignment form and also the written comments on the ordinary
12. After completing the last unit, review the course and prepare yourself for the
final examination. Check that you have achieved the unit objectives (listed at the
beginning of each unit) and the course objectives (listed in the course guide).
Facilitators/Tutors and Tutorials
The dates; times and locations of these will be made available to you, together
with the name, telephone number and the address of your tutor. Each assignment
will be marked by your tutor. Pay close attention too the comments your tutor
might make on your assignments as these will help in your progress make sure that
assignments reach your tutor on or before the due date. Your tutorials are
important; therefore try not to skip any. It is an opportunity to meet your tutor and
your fellow students. It is also an opportunity to get the help of your tutor and
discuss any difficulties encountered on your reading.
In ARA381: Arabic Morphology, you are taken through different aspects of ‫ف‬.
To a large extent, ‫ ف‬is simplified for you. It is made easy. Words/terms such as
Q‫ إ ا ن إ‬,‫ إ ا!ل‬,"# ‫ إ ا‬,‫ إ‬,"!+ ,‫آ‬etc. are defined. Where
necessary, terms with technical connotation are described with illustrations. For
example, terms such ‫; ت‬0<‫(ا‬derivatives) where they are derived from, common
ground between ‫ف‬and 
are explained with illustrations. Conjugation as the
core of ‫ف‬is extensively explained across the units of the course. However, your
ability to conjugate, define, describe, and illustrate in sentences depends on your
taking maximum advantage of the Course Guide which accompanies this Course

Module 1 Definition of Ṣarf and its Scope 3 .‫ف و‬$‫ ا‬%&!'
Unit 1 Definition of Ṣarf ‫ف‬$‫ ا‬%&!'

1.0 Introduction
2.0 Objectives
3.0 Main Content
3.1 Definition of Ṣarf ‫ف‬$‫ ا‬%&!'
3.2 The Scope of Ṣarf ‫ف‬$‫ ل ا‬.
3.3 Similarity between Ṣarf and Nahw  F‫ف وا‬$‫ ا‬,2N 3N <0‫ا‬
4.0 Conclusion
5.0 Summary
6.0 Tutor Marked Assignment
7.0 References/Further Reading

1.0 Introduction
Morphology, (‫)ف‬, was introduced within the array of language studies which
include Grammar,(
) Rhetoric,(T7N) Philology (B‫ ا‬#), Phonetics #)
(‫ا)ات‬, etc. The main motivation for the development/introduction of these
language studies was the preservation of the Qur’ān – which was revealed in
Arabic – in terms of its ensuring its correct reading and accurate understanding of
its message. It should be noted that the language studies of which ‫ ف‬formed a
part came within the context of the complete change brought by Islam to the life of
the Arabs in the Arabian Peninsula. It was a total transformation of life which
means a sharp shift from the prevailing Jahiliyyah culture to civilization and
urbanization spanning across social, commercial, judicial and religious aspects of
life in the first and second centuries of Hijrah corresponding with seventh and
eighth centuries of the Christian Era (CE).

Since ‫ ف‬came as a branch of language studies, little wonder that it shares a lot
with other branches especially  ‫(
ـ‬Grammar) which is explained below. Against
this background, our attention in this unit is focused on definition of ‫ف‬, its
scope and what it shares in common with  ‫

2.0 Objectives
At the end of this unit, you should be able to:
• define‫; ف‬
• describe the scope of‫ ; ف‬and
• state similarities and dissimilarities between ‫ ف‬and Nahw.
3.0 Main Content
3.1 Definition of ‫ف‬

For the purpose of illustration, let’s consider the following text:

ٍ ْ E ُ َ َ َ ‫^ ِر‬ َ 0َ ‫ ُو َآ‬0ْ ‫ ِر ِه‬K َ َ X+ِ ‫ن َ َ
َ َل‬ َ # َ ْ ُ ‫ َو‬.ْ‫ن‬5َ Fْ َ ِ !َ ِ 
َ X+ِ ‫ ِد‬$ َ 0ِ [ْ ِ8ْ‫س ا‬
َ ‫ْ ُر‬52َ َ ‫ َا‬0ِ 2ِِ
ْ ‫ ِإ‬Xَ ‫ٌ ِإ‬5ِ V
َ َ +َ  َ
ِ !َ ِ َ X+ِ ^ ّ K d ْ ‫س ا‬ ُ ‫ْ ُر‬5'َ X0ِ a‫ َ َ ا‬c ِ +َ 3ِ 0ِ V
ْ ‫ ُأ‬Xَ ‫ َ ً ِإ‬
َ ‫^ ِر‬ َ 0َ ‫ ِ َ! ِ َآ‬.َ ْ ‫ ا‬X+ِ ‫و ِل‬a )َ ْ‫ ا‬3ِ # ِ Cُ 
ْ ‫ ُأ‬X+ِ ‫ َو‬.`ِ 5ِ ِ ‫ َوا‬Xَ ‫ِإ‬
ٌ5ِ V َ ^ َ 'َ ‫ َآ‬f
َ ِ Dَ ‫ َو َآ‬.ْ‫ َدن‬Nَ ‫ ِ َ! ِ ِإ‬ َ X+ِ ْ'َ Cُ ْ َ ْ ‫س ا‬ ُ ‫ْ ُر‬5&َ ‫ى‬Dِ a‫ ْ َ ن ا‬ َ 3ِ 2V ِ ‫ َأ‬Xَ ‫ َى ِإ‬V ْ ‫ َ ً ُأ‬َ ‫ ِ َ& َو ِر‬2. ِ 2ْ
َ ‫س‬
ِ T ُ َ
.ْ^0ُ ْ &َ َْ ‫ن‬ َ g َ َ ‫ َر‬a ‫ن ِإ‬ َ 0ُ Nَ َ 0َ &َ ْ?ُ !ُ 2ِ 
َ ‫َأ‬5َ Nَ ‫س َو‬ِ T ُ7َ Nِ ‫ت‬ ِ َ $ َ 'ْ 8ِ ْ‫ْ َآ ِ ا‬E
َ X+ِ "ُ Bِ 0َ < ْ &َ ‫ى‬Dِ a ‫ ن ا‬g َ َ ‫ َر‬3ُ ;َ &5ِ  َ
َ 0d َ 'ُ ْ‫ َأن‬3ِ 'ِ 5َ ِ ‫ْ َوا‬,ِ ^ َ َ cَ ،ْ‫ن‬5َ Fْ َ Xَ ‫ َ ِ ُ` ِإ‬
َ "َ Cْ [َ 7 ً ْ c
ِ ^َ .َ
ْ ‫ْ َأ‬5[َ ‫ا‬5ً ِ V
َ ‫ن‬ a ‫ َ َأ‬Nِ َ‫ و‬.‫ ًرا‬Dِ 0َ !ْ ُ ^َ 0َ ‫ َآ‬a hُ 5ُ ِ Vَ 3ُ Cَ 0َ ْ 0َ 
ْ ‫َوا‬
ُ < َ Fْ 'ُ X0ِ a‫ ِد ا‬$ َ 0ِ [ْ 8ِ ْ‫ ِ ا‬a.
َ َ X+ِ ِ 2َ
ِ Ma ‫ َ ِ ا‬A َ َْ ْ ‫ ا‬Xِ+ ْ^0ِ 0َ ْ &َ ‫َأ‬5َ Nَ ْ5[َ Cً 2.ِ
َ Cً ِ cَ 3ِ 0ِ َ $
ِ Nِ 5ِ V َ ‫ َو‬. 2Bِ $ a ‫ ا‬3ُ Fَ Nْ ‫ِإ‬
.3ِ 0ِ !َ ِ 
َ X+ِ &j ‫َدوْ ِر‬

By definition, Morphology, simply called ‫ ف‬in Arabic is the study of the

structural formation of words and the cases that affect the formation. The literal
meaning of ‫ ف‬is indicative of what Morphology is all about. Literally, ‫ف‬
means to change i.e. to change from one form to another form. Technically, ‫ف‬
means a structural change affecting a word called ‫ آ‬from one form to another
form or to several forms. For instance, you will observe in the above text how the
word ^ َ 0َ ‫ َآ‬changed from one form to several forms. The word ^ َ 0َ ‫( َآ‬to write) has
structurally changed severally e.g.
ٌ^0َ ْ َ ْ^0ُ ْ 'َ َ ْ^0ُ ‫ُأ ْآ‬ ٌ‫ُب‬0ْ َ ٌ^'ِ َ‫آ‬ ً Nَ َ0‫ِآ‬ ^
ُ 0ُ ْ &َ ^
َ 0َ ‫َآ‬
ٌCَ 0َ ْ َ
In the same text, the word changed from (َ^0َ ‫ ) َآ‬to (َ^'َ َ‫ )آ‬i.e. to correspond with e.g.
َ ْ^'ِ َ‫َُ َ'^ٌ آ‬ ٌ^'ِ َ ُ ً Cَ 'َ َ ُ ٌ^'ِ َ &ُ ^
َ 'َ ‫َآ‬
ْ^'ِ َ'ُ
It can further change to ^ َ 0a ‫( َآ‬meaning to make one write)
ْ^0d َ 'ُ َ ٌ^0d ‫َآ‬ ٌ^0d َ ُ ٌ^0a َ ُ Cً 20ِ ْ 'َ ^
ُ 0d َ &ُ ^
َ 0a ‫َآ‬
It can change to ^ َ 0َ 0َ ‫( ِإ ْآ‬meaning to subscribe to a paper or a journal)
ْ^0َ 0ِ ْ 'َ َ ^0ْ 0َ ‫ِإ ِْآ‬ ٌ^0ِ 0َ ْ ُ Nً 0َ 0ِ ‫ِإ ْآ‬ ^
ُ 0ِ 0َ ْ &َ ^
َ 0َ 0َ ‫ِإ ْآ‬
It can also change to ^ َ 0َ ْ 0َ 
ْ ‫ ِإ‬i.e. to ask one to write.
ْ^0ِ ْ 0َ kْ 'َ َ ْ^0ِ ْ 0َ 
ْ ‫ِإ‬ ^
ُ 0َ ْ 0َ k
ْ ُ ^ ُ 0ِ ْ0َ k
ْ ُ Nً 0َ ْ 0ِ 
ْ ‫ِإ‬ ^
ُ 0ِ ْ 0َ k
ْ &َ ^
َ 0َ ْ 0َ 
ْ ‫ِإ‬
It can change to ^ َ 'َ َ 'َ
ْ^'ِ َ 0َ 'َ َ ْ^'ِ َ 'َ ^
ُ 'َ َ 0َ ُ ^
ُ 'ِ َ 0َ ُ Cً 'ُ َ 'َ ^
َ 'ُ َ 0َ &َ ^
َ 'َ َ 'َ

Further, some of its derivatives are:

ٌ‫ ب‬0َ ‫ ِآ‬a book
‫ب‬ُ 0َ ِ ْ ‫ ا‬holy book
(^ُ 2'ِ 0َ َ ْ ‫ب )ا‬
ُ 0a ُ ْ ‫ ا‬the children’s school

Self Assessment Exercise

Give definition of ‫ ف‬with illustration

3.2 The Scope of ‫ف‬

The word ٌَ ْ ‫ َآ‬precisely defines the scope of‫ ف‬. Kalmah which means a word is
of three types; namely ٌ"!ْ +ِ (verb) ٌ
ْ ‫( ِإ‬noun) ٌ‫ْف‬A
َ (particle)

Examples: ٌ"!ْ +ِ ٌ

ْ ‫ِإ‬ ٌ‫ْف‬A

َ َ >
َ to beat ٌ5َ ‫ َو‬a boy ْ,ِ from
َ َ 
َ to seat ٌCْ V ُ bread Xَ ‫ ِإ‬to
َ ‫ َد َر‬to study ٌ‫ ب‬0َ ‫ ِآ‬a book X+ِ in

Of all the three types of Kalmah listed above, ‫ ف‬covers verbs and nouns to the
exclusion of particles. The question you may ask then is: what does ‫ ف‬do to
verbs and nouns? The answer is, simply put, % ُ &ِ $
ْ 'َ which means structural
transformation of verbs and nouns into various shapes and forms. It should be
quickly noted that the structural transformation we are talking about is for a
purpose which is the reflection of different meanings and situations sometimes
tied up to periodization. When % ُ &ِ $
ْ 'َ takes its toll on verbs and nouns, they (verbs
and nouns) are called +$0 i.e. +$0 ‫! ل‬+‫ أ‬and +$0 ‫أ ء‬. This is a situation
when a verb is conjugated such as conjugating a verb from past tense (‫ض‬ ٍ َ),
present tense (ٌ‫َ ِرع‬gُ ), and command i.e. future tense (ُْ ‫)َأ‬. When noun is taken
through the same process of %&$' i.e. conjugation, it changes from singular
(‫)د‬, dual (XFM) and plural ().

It is illustrated as follows: ُ ْ ‫َأ‬ ‫ع‬

ُ ‫ ِر‬g َ ُ ‫ض‬
ٍ َ
ْ10َ +ْ ‫ا‬ 1
ُ 0َ ْ &َ 1
َ 0َ +َ
ْ‫ب‬Dِ ‫ا ْآ‬ ‫ب‬
ُ Dِ ْ &َ ‫ب‬
َ Dَ ‫َآ‬
ْ^0ُ ‫ُأ ْآ‬ ^
ُ 0ُ ْ &َ ^
َ 0َ ‫َآ‬
Regarding conjugation of ‫ إ‬i.e. its% ُ &ِ $
ْ 'َ , it runs thus:
ٌْ َ XFa Mَ ُ ‫ُ ْ َ ُد‬
‫َأوْ َ ُد‬ ‫ن‬ِ ‫ا‬5َ َ ‫َو‬ ٌ5َ ‫َو‬
َ Cُ 'ِ ‫َآ‬ ‫ن‬
ِ Cَ 'ِ ‫َآ‬ ٌ^'ِ ‫َآ‬
َ  ُ ‫ر‬d 5َ ُ ‫ن‬
َ ‫ر‬d 5َ ُ ٌ‫رس‬d 5َ ُ

The full length of "!+ conjugation is the following pattern:

َ ٌْ ‫َأ‬ 3ِ Nِ ‫َ ْ ُ! ُل‬ ٌ"#
ِ +َ ‫ ُر‬5َ $
ْ َ ٌ‫ ِرع‬g
َ ُ
ٍ َ
ْ10َ ْ 'َ َ ْ10َ +ْ ‫حٌ ِإ‬0ُ ْ َ ٌ1'ِ +َ ً 0ْ +َ 1
ُ 0َ ْ &َ 1
َ 0َ +َ
ْ‫ب‬Dِ ْ 'َ َ ْ‫ب‬Dِ ‫_____ ِإ ْآ‬ ٌ‫َآ ِذب‬ Nً ْD‫َآ‬ ‫ب‬
ُ Dِ ْ &َ ‫ب‬
َ Dَ ‫َآ‬
ْ^0ُ ْ 'َ َ ْ^0ُ ‫بٌ ُأ ْآ‬0ُ ْ َ ٌ^'ِ ‫َآ‬ ً Nَ 0َ ‫ِآ‬ ^
ُ 0ُ ْ &َ ^
َ 0َ ‫َآ‬

Similar to further extension as in the case of verb above, full conjugation of noun
is also extended to cover genealogy (ُCَ k
ِ ) and diminutive ٌ2ِB$ ْ 'َ e.g.:
ٌCَ k
ِ ٌ2Bِ $ْ 'َ ُ ْ 
َ XFa Mَ َ ٌ‫ُ ْ َد‬
p ِ َ [َ ٌ2ْ َ [ُ ‫م‬7 َ [ْ ‫َأ‬ ‫[ ن‬ ٌَ [َ

Self Assessment Exercise

Show the difference between verb conjugation and noun conjugation with

3.3 Between Ṣarf and Nahw
‫ ف‬and Nahw in terms of their functions are like a pair of scissors in which one
tongue cannot function alone without the other tongue. Both ‫ ف‬and Nahw
complement each other in preserving the Arabic language and ultimately guide the
learner towards making correct and intelligible sentences. So, what they both share
in common is the role of preserving the language through application of their rules
and regulations. However, in terms of the scope of operation, they differ
significantly as illustrated in the text below.

ِ &َ ْ;َ ْ ‫ ا‬Xَ ‫و ً ِإ‬a ‫^ َأ‬

َ ‫ْ َذ َه‬5[َ ‫ َو‬.3ِ N‫ ِز َ& َر ِة َأ َ[ ر‬X+ِ َ 2Nِ  َ ‫ َ َأ‬hَ 7 َ hَ X
َg ِ ;ْ &َ ْ‫ٌ َأن‬5ِ V َ ‫ َر‬a [َ ،ِ 2a  ِ ‫ْ َر‬5َ ْ ‫ ا‬Fَ 0ِ َ K
ُ &َ ‫ا‬5َ Nِ 5َ Fْ #ِ
Xg َ َ ْ5[َ ‫ َو‬.ْ‫ َدن‬Nَ ‫َ ِ ِإ‬F&5ِ َ Nِ ِ 2َ Fِ ;ْ 0a ‫ ِ ا‬2a ِ ‫ ُآ‬X+ِ ‫س‬
ُ ‫ْ ُر‬5'َ X0ِ a‫^ ا‬Fَ &ْ ‫ َز‬3ِ 0ِ V ْ ‫ ُأ‬Xَ ِ‫ إ‬a hُ . # ً Cُ  ْ ‫ ُأ‬Xg َ [L ُ 2ْ A َ 3ِ 0ِ a #
َ ‫ِ ِ َ& َر ِة‬
ْ5;َ +َ
َ ‫ َأ‬a ‫ َأ‬. 'َ ‫ ُآ‬2ُ Nِ ‫ ِ َأ‬Fَ &5ِ َ X+ِ 3ُ a # َ 3ِ 2+ِ ‫ٌ َ& ُو ُر‬5A ِ ‫ع َوا‬Cُ  ْ ‫ ُأ‬a ‫ ِإ‬3ُ َ َ ‫ َأ‬qَ Cْ &َ َْ ‫ َو‬3ِ 'ِ ‫ ِد َر‬Bَ ُ Xَ # َ ‫ن‬ ِ #
َ Cُ  ْ ‫ُأ‬
َ ْ 'َ ‫ َ ن‬2ْ َ ُ &َ ‫" َ&ْ ٍم‬a ‫ن ُآ‬ ِ ‫آ‬a 5‫ ا‬Xَ ‫ ِإذْ َه^ْ ِإ‬Fً k َ A
َ .‫ َز ِة‬ َ 8ِ ْ‫ َل ا‬c ُ ?َ
ِ ‫ن ُد َآ‬ِ rُ E ُ ‫ ِإ َدا َر ِة‬X+ِ ?َ ;َ +ِ ‫ َأنْ َأ َرا‬Xd ‫ ُأ‬XFِ 'ْ َ َ ‫َأ‬
‫ا‬Dَ ‫ َه‬Xd # َ ‫ن‬ a tِ +َ Xd #
َ ِ E َ ‫ َور‬X+ِ ‫ َر ِة‬. َ 0d ‫ ا‬Xَ #
َ ,َ &ِ ْ 0a ‫ ُ" ا‬g d +َ ‫ َ@ َ
ُأ‬+َ .ٌ%َ 
َ , ِ &ْ 5َ ِ ‫ ا ْ َا‬a Nِ ‫ن‬
a ‫ َ" ِإ‬2[ِ ْ5[َ ‫ َو‬.f َ d ‫َأ ْ ُأ‬
.3ِ 0ِ ;َ +ْ ‫ ِر‬X+ِ A ً 'َ ُْ ً uِ ‫ َدا‬X
ِ ‫ َو َ' َا‬.ِ ;Md ‫" ا‬a ‫ ُآ‬X0ِ [َ ‫ا‬5َ  َ X+ِ ٌqhِ ‫َوا‬

3.3.1 Analysis
You will notice in the text above that the ‫( آـ ت‬words) change from one form to
another. For example, verbs such as: ^ َ ‫ َذ َه‬،َ10َ +َ ،َ=;ِ Nَ ،=َgَ ،=َg[َ ،ََ ‫ َأ‬،َ‫ زَار‬،َ‫ َأرَاد‬change
from one form to another to reflect different periods. In the same token, nouns
such as: ‫م‬v )ُ ْ‫ ا‬،‫ن‬ ُ ‫آ‬a 5v ‫ ا‬،ُ Fَ &5ِ َْ ‫ ا‬،v !َ ْ ‫ ا‬،ُ a !َ ْ ‫ ا‬،ُ &َ ْ;َ ْ ‫ ا‬،^ ُ &ِ ;َ ْ ‫ ا‬،‫ع‬
ُ C
ْ )ُ ْ‫ ا‬،ُ  َ ‫ْ َر‬5َ ْ ‫ ا‬change from one
form to another to reflect number. This constant change is known as % ُ &ِ$
ْ 'َ
(deletion) and it applies to both ٌ‫!َ ل‬+ْ ‫ َأ‬and ٌ‫َ ء‬ ْ ‫َأ‬. Let us consider the following two
tables which are loaded with ‫ آـ ت‬extracted from the text above.
Change in Verb or Reflect Time Change in Verb or Reflect Number
‫أ‬ ‫ رع‬g ‫ ض‬  XFM ‫د‬
ُْ ْ‫َأو‬/ ُ ُ @ْ &َ َ َ ‫َأ‬ ٌ‫& م‬a ‫َأ‬ ‫ن‬
ِ َ ْ&َ ٌ‫َ&ْم‬
ْ^‫ِإذْ َه‬ ^
ُ ‫ْ َه‬D&َ ^
َ ‫َذ َه‬ ُ 2Nِ  َ ‫َأ‬ ‫ن‬
ِ #َ Cُ  ْ ‫ُأ‬ ‫ع‬
ُ Cُ  ْ ‫ُأ‬
ْ‫ُزر‬ ‫َ& ُو ُر‬ ‫َزا َر‬ ‫ب‬
ُ ‫َأ َ[ ِر‬ ‫ن‬
ِ Cَ &ِ [َ ٌ^&ِ [َ
ِ [ْ ‫ِإ‬ Xg ِ ;ْ &َ Xg َ [َ ‫ت‬
ُ ‫ َا‬V ْ ‫َأ‬ ‫ن‬
َ 0َ Vْ ‫ُأ‬ s
ُ V ْ ‫ُأ‬
ِ ْ ‫ا‬ Xg ِ ْ &َ Xg َ َ ‫ت‬
ُ ?َ a ‫ُأ‬ ‫ن‬
ِ a ‫ُأ‬ ‫م‬p ‫ُأ‬
ْq+ِ ‫َرا‬ q
ُ +ِ ‫ُ& َا‬ q
َ +َ ‫َرا‬ ‫ت‬
ُ a # َ ‫ن‬
ِ 0َ a # َ ٌa # َ
ْ10َ +ْ ‫ِإ‬ 1
ُ 0َ ْ &َ 1
َ 0َ +َ ‫م‬p َ #
ْ ‫َأ‬ ‫ن‬
ِ a # َ p #َ
‫ِر‬ ‫َ& َى‬ ‫َرَأى‬ ,
ُ 2‫َد َآ ِآ‬ ‫ن‬
َ ‫آ‬a ‫َد‬ ‫ن‬
ُ ‫آ‬a ‫ُد‬
ْ"g d +َ "ُ g d َ &ُ "َ g a +َ ‫ُ[ َي‬ ‫ن‬
ِ 0َ &َ ْ[َ ٌ&َ ْ[َ
ِ Nْ ‫ِإ‬ X;َ Cْ &َ X
َ ;ِ Nَ ‫ن‬
َ ‫و‬5ُ ِ ‫َوا‬ ‫ن‬
ِ ‫ا‬5َ ِ ‫َوا‬ ٌ5ِ ‫َوا‬

3.3.2 ٌ‫َاب‬#
ْ ‫ٌ َوِإ‬%&ِ$
ْ 'َ
The difference between Ṣarf and Nahw lies in the two terms % ُ &ِ$ْ 'َ and ‫ب‬
ُ ‫َا‬#
ْ ‫ِإ‬. The
English term declension is used to denote both % ُ &ِ$
ْ 'َ and ‫ب‬ُ ‫َا‬#
ْ ‫ِإ‬. While % ُ &ِ$ْ 'َ

means structural transformation of a verb or noun as illustrated in the two tables
above, ‫ب‬
ُ ‫َا‬#ْ ‫ ِإ‬means changes that occur in the vowels at the end of a word be it
verb or noun. The vowels that are amenable to changes are Dammah ‫ ـُــ‬Fathah ‫ــَـ‬
Kasrah ‫ ــِـ‬and Sukun ‫ــْـ‬. The following sentences give examples of ‫ب‬
ُ ‫ َا‬#
ْ ‫ ِإ‬in action.

3ِ 'ِ ‫ ِد َر‬Bَ ُ Xَ # َ ‫ن‬ ِ # َ Cُ  ْ ‫ ُأ‬Xg َ َ ْ5[َ .1

3ِ 0ِ Vْ ‫ ُأ‬Xَ ‫^ ِإ‬ ُ ‫ْ َه‬D2َ  َ .2
ِ &َ ْ;َ ْ ‫ ا‬X+ِ .3
3ِ Nِ ‫ َ َأ َ[ ِر‬2ِ  َ ‫ ُو ُر‬2َ  َ .4
3ِ 0ِ +َ ْT
ُ ‫ب‬ َ Nَ 1 َ 0َ +ْ )َ .5
ٌ%َ  َ , ِ &ْ 5َ ِ ‫ ا ْ َا‬a Nِ ‫ن‬ a ‫ِإ‬ .6
‫ َر ِة‬.َ 0d ‫ ا‬Xَ # َ , َ &ِ ْ 0a ‫ ُ" ا‬g d +َ ‫ُأ‬ .7
.‫" َ&ْ ٍم‬a ‫ن ُآ‬ ِ ‫آ‬a 5v ‫ ا‬Xَ ‫ِإذْ َه^ْ ِإ‬ .8

In the first sentence, ‫ ن‬#C‫ أ‬is in the nominative case which is known as ‫ع‬+
with alf (‫ )ا‬representing dammat. In the word 3'‫ در‬B , ‫ ة‬takes kasrah due to the
influence of the article X# . 30V‫ أ‬in the second sentence takes kasrah due to the
influence of X‫إ‬. the end of &;‫ ا‬also takes kasrah due to the influence of =+. ‫&ور‬
in the fourth sentence takes fat-hah because it is in the accusative case under the
influence of ‫إن‬. the word 2 as 3N ‫( !ل‬also accusative) takes fat-hah. The word
3N‫ أ[ ر‬takes kasrah as you can see it in (‫)ب‬. This is called genitive case 32‫ ف إ‬g.
The verb 10+‫ أ‬takes
fat-hah due to the influence of what is known as =‫م آ‬. ‫ ب‬N takes fat-hah because it
is 3N ‫ !ل‬while +T takes kasrah becase it is in genitive case 32‫ ف إ‬g. ,&5‫ اا‬a N.
while N takes fat-hah due to the influence of ‫إن‬, ,&5‫ اا‬is in genitive case ‫ ف‬g
32‫ إ‬and so it takes kasrah which is represented in yaa. In the last sentence, ^‫اذه‬
known as )‫!" ا‬+ takes sukun as the sign of jazm.

By now, the distinction between ‫ ف‬and 

must have been crystal clear to
you. For example, while ‫ ف‬with its rules governs the act of changing the words
(i.e "!‫ـ‬+ ‫ أو‬،‫ إـ‬:‫آ‬,) from one form to another, 
takes the control of alteration
of vowel at the end of words in accordance with the prevailing case. Basically,
and ‫ف‬are supposed to guide you to make correct statement with a view
to accurately reflecting the intended meaning and situations correctly.

One point of observation, you should recall that ‫ ا ف‬the particle is the third member of
the ‫ آ‬family. But it is not governed by any regulation that will make it change its
form. It has a lone structure that never changes. Unlike the nature of "!‫ـ‬+ and ‫ إـ‬the
particle such as Xَ #
َ ،Xَ ‫ ِإ‬،=+ِ ،‫ن‬
a ‫ ِإ‬،‫ن‬
a ‫ َأ‬are free fron any rule that could either change their
forms or their vowels.

Self Assessment Exercise

What is the difference between ‫ ف‬and 
? Illustrate your answer with examples.

4.0 Conclusion
‫ ف‬and 
have one thing in common; namely preservation of Arabic
Language through provision of rules and regulations that guide the learner of the
language to make flawless and intelligible expressions. Further more, both of them
have ‫( ا‬word) as the area of operation. But while ‫ ف‬deals with the structural
transformation of the words into various shapes and forms, 
deals with the
changes that occur in the vowels especially at the end of the word ( ‫ ا‬V‫) أوا‬

5.0 Summary
This Unit introduced Ṣarf (Arabic Morphology) to you as the study of the
structural changes taking place in words with a view to creating various meanings
from one single root. It showed how both ‫ ف‬and 
take the ‫ آ‬as their
area of oppration. It gives coupious examples as illustration and provides you with
self assessment exercises so that you will be able to know your level of
The conclusion highlights the main point discussed.

6.0 Tutor Marked Assignment (TMA)

State with illustrations the importance of Ṣarf in the study of Arabic Language.

7.0 Reference/ Further Reading:

1. Ahmad bn Muhammad al-Maydānī (1978), ‫  اا‬with addendum

and commentary by Adam Abdullah al-Illūrī; Agege, Markaz Ta ‘līmi `l-
‘Arabī Press.
2. Al – Hamlāwī, A.M.A, (1999) ‫ف‬$‫ ا‬,+ X+ ‫ ا!ف‬Dّ E Al-Qāhirah, Maktabatu
3. Ali al-Jārim/ Mustapha Amīn, (N.D.) 1>‫  اا‬F‫ ا‬Al – Qāhirah.

Module 1: Definition of Ṣarf and its Scope
Unit 2: ‫! ل وا) ء‬+)‫ ا‬, ‫د‬.‫ا‬

0.0 Introduction
1.0 Objectives
2.0 Main Content

2.1 ‫د‬.‫ ا!" ا‬%&!'

2.2 X# N‫ وا‬Xh7M‫د ا‬.‫ا‬
2.3 32+ 5&‫ا‬
3.0 Conclusion
4.0 Summary
5.0 Tutor Marked Assignment
6.0 References/Further Reading

1.0 Introduction
In the first Unit, ‫ ـف‬was defined for you with illustrations. Also treated was the
scope of ‫ ـف‬which is ‫ آ ت‬be it ٌ"!ْ +ِ or ٌ
ْ ‫ِإ‬. In this Unit, the status of ٌ"!ْ +ِ is
explained as well as that of ٌ
ْ ‫ِإ‬.. In other words, you will learn that in the unit
different technical descriptions of each of them. And as usual, this will be loaded
with illustrations.

2.0 Objectives
At the end of this unit, you should be able to describe:
- ‫د‬.‫ا!" ا‬
- X# N‫ وا‬Xh7M‫د ا‬.‫ا‬
- 32+ 5&‫ا‬

3.0 Main Content

3.1 ‫د‬.‫ ا!" ا‬is so called when it is pure. The purity of the ‫د‬.‫ ا‬is when all its
letters are free of any form of defect. Such letters are called Radicals to the extent
that they are all original to that verb and each of them is indispensable for the verb
will be rendered meaningless, should any of the letters be omitted e.g.: ^‫رآ‬. Take
the verb ^‫ رآ‬which means he took a ride, should letter ‫ ر‬be omitted the rest two
letters ^‫ آ‬becomes meaningless or at least the remaining two letters cannot mean
to take a ride. So, ^‫ رآ‬is ‫د‬. "!+ because each of the three letters is basic.
Essentially, we must take note of the fact that Xh7M‫ ا!" ا‬i.e. a three-lettered verb is
the smallest verb in size as far as Arabic is concerned. And the longest in size is
the one called X ِ ‫ا‬5َ 
ُ i.e. a six-lettered verb treated below in details. Let us
consider the following sentences.

Ahmad rode a camel – 7

ً َ  َ 5ُ َ A
ْ ‫^ َأ‬
َ ‫َر ِآ‬
The seeker and the sought are weak – ‫ب‬
ُ ُK
ْ َ ْ ‫^ وَا‬
ُ ِ aK‫ ا‬% َ !ْ >َ

God always assists the wronged – ‫‚ُم‬
ْ َ ْ ‫َ ا‬uِ ‫ƒ دَا‬
ُ ‫ َ ا‬$

Whatever the mighty does is beautiful – "ُ 2ِ.

َ ْ ‫ ُ" َ ُ? َ ا‬2ِ.
َ ْ ‫ ا‬3ُ َ !َ +َ َ "a ‫ُآ‬
Hearing about Muaydi is better than seeing him – `ُ ‫ْ َأنْ َ'َا‬,ِ ُ 2ْ V َ ‫ِى‬52ْ !َ ُ ْ,# َ َْ k ْ 'َ
Noha’s ark did not capsize in the flood – ‫ن‬
ِ َ+vK‫ ا‬Xِ+ ‫ح‬ َ ُ
ُ Fَ 2ِ َ ْs[َ ِ T َ َ
God saved Noah’s ark from capsizing – ‫ق‬
ِ ْBَ ْ ‫ ا‬,
َ ِ ‫ َ
ُح‬Fَ 2ِ َ ƒ ُ ‫…ا‬ َ ِ Aَ
The hardworking student passed with distinction – ‫َ ٍز‬20ِ ْ tِ Nِ ‫ن‬ ِ َ 0ِ ْ ْ‫ ا‬Xِ+ 5v . ِ ُ ْ ‫^ ا‬
ُ ِ aK‫ ا‬1 َ. َ

3.1.1 Analysis
In the above sentences, the following verb features: ،َ‫ ِق‬T َ ،َِ 
َ ،َ"!َ +َ ،َ$
َ ،َ^‫ َر ِآ‬،َ%!َ >
َ ،َ…َ A
َ . Each of the verbs is ‫د‬.. They are so called because their foundation
letters do not suffer any form of deficiency. Each of the letters is called radical.

It should be noted quickly that the opposite of ‫د‬.‫ ا‬is 5&‫ ا‬which is simply
defined as a verb with additional letters – i.e. additional to the foundation radicals.
For example, take note of the verbs in the following excerpt:
Celebrate the praises of thy Lord `ُ ِْ Bْ 0َ 
ْ ‫ وَا‬f َ Nd ‫ َر‬5ِ ْ
َ Nِ ْ1Cd k َ +َ
And remember Moses prayed for water for his people Xَُ Xَ;k ْ 0َ ْ ‫َوِإ ِذ ا‬
3ِ ِ ْ;َ ِ
Then gushed forth therefrom twelve springs ‫< َ َة‬
َ # َ َ0Fَ hْ ‫ ا‬3ُ Fْ ِ ْ‫ َت‬.َ َ
ْ َ+
ًF2ْ #

The verb َ . َ َ
ْ ‫ ا‬Xَ;k
ْ 0َ 
ْ ‫ ِإ‬،ََ Bْ 0َ 
ْ ‫ ا‬،َ1Cd 
َ have, to their foundation radicals, additional
letters such as ‫ ب‬in 1 َ Cd 
‫ ا س ت‬in َ َ Bْ 0َ  ْ ‫ا‬
‫ إس ت‬in Xَ;k ْ 0َ 
ْ ‫ِإ‬
‫ إ ن‬in َ .
َ َ
ْ ‫ِإ‬

The meaning of ْ1Cd 

َ with the additional ‫ ب‬i.e. %
ُ 2!ِ g
ْ 'َ is to glorify your Lord. But in
case that additional ‫ ب‬is removed, you are left with 1 َ Cَ 
َ which is still meaningful
albeit a different meaning. In other words, its removal can only alter the meaning
of the remaining letters but not to render them meaningless.

And when the additional letters ‫ إ س ت‬are removed, the remaining T is
meaningful. It means to forgive i.e. granted forgiveness. Xَ;k
ْ 0َ 
ْ ‫ ِإ‬is to seek drinking
water. And with the removal of ‫إ س ت‬, the remaining X; is meaningful. It means
he granted drinking water. The case of 5&‫ ا‬is mentioned here only in passing for
illustration purpose. It will be treated in details in 3.2 below. Meanwhile, we
return to ‫د‬.‫ا‬.

Self Assignment Exercise

ِ ‫ ا ْ َ َا‬X+ِ `ُ ُ ‫ ِذ ْآ‬X;َ Cْ &َ ِ ‫ ْه‬5a ‫ى ا‬5َ َ # ‫ ٍم‬5َ ;ْ َ ‫ف‬
َ َ E
ْ ‫ƒ َأ‬
ِ ‫ ا‬5ِ ْ
َ Nِ ْ0ُ ْ 5ِ [َ
Extract ‫!" ا د‬+ from the above verse and explain what makes them ‫د‬..

3.2 X# N‫ وا‬Xh7M‫د ا‬.‫ا‬
By now, you should be able to describe what Mujarrad is with illustration. You
can even state its opposite which is Mazīd. But you should recognize the two types
of Mujarrad that do co-exist; namely Xh7M‫د ا‬.‫ ا‬and X# N‫د ا‬.‫ا‬. They are the
two types and each of them with its own branches which are not treated in this
unit. Suffice it to say that Xh7M‫د ا‬.‫ ا‬is the three lettered verb with the three
radicals, as already explained and illustrated, all of which are basic, pure and
indispensable. You should be able to explain what indispensability of a basic
radical means in a verb – Mujarrad verb.

Any of the verbs we have come across above will be good enough as example of
Xh7M‫د ا‬.‫ا‬. ‫ق‬
َ ِ T
َ ،َ$
َ ،َ%!ُ >
َ etc.

3.2.1 X# N‫د ا‬.‫ ا‬may require more attention because you are coming in contact
with it for the first time in this material. X# N‫د ا‬.‫ ا‬can be defined as a four
lettered verb or quadratic. Like the description of the three lettered verb, X# N‫ا‬
‫د‬.‫ ا‬is the four-lettered verb whose four letters are basic, original and
indispensable. Should any of the four letters be omitted, the meaning of three
letters become meaningless. "َ َ k
ْ Nَ means he said 2A‫ ا‬,A‫ اƒ ا‬kN, "َ [َ ْA
َ means he
said 2‚!‫ ƒ ا!= ا‬N ‫ل و [ة إ‬A , َ  َ ْA
َ means he gathered or assembled
something. Each of these verbs is ‫د‬.‫ ا‬X# N‫ ا‬because all the radicals in them are
basic and indispensable. Read the following text:

a ‫ َأ‬Xَ # َ ‫ ًء‬Fَ Nِ ‫ َو‬.‫ َرة‬k v ‫ َو َ[ ََأ ا‬5ُ َ A ْ ‫ َ َ" َأ‬k
ْ Nَ .5ِ &ِ . ْ 0a ‫د ِة ا‬a َ ِ &َ ‫ا‬5َ Nِ X+ِ q ِ َ !َ ْ ‫ َأنْ َ& ْ; ََأ ُ َر َة ا‬5َ َ A ْ ‫ ُذ َأ‬0َ 
ْ )ُ ْ‫َأ َ َ ا‬
3ُ َ ‫ن‬َ ‫ َ" َأنْ َ& ْ@ َذ‬Cْ [َ ‫ ْ; ََأ َو َ[ َم‬2َ ِ ‫ َذ‬0َ 
ْ )ُ ْ‫ٌ ا‬5&ْ ‫ن َز‬َ ‫ ْ@ َذ‬0َ 
ْ ‫ك ُأ‬
َ Fَ ‫ ُه‬.5َ َ A
ْ )َ ‫ك‬ َ ‫ َر‬Nَ ‫ َو‬Cً . َ !ْ ُ ‫ ُذ‬0َ  ْ )ُ ْ‫ْ َ[ َ" ا‬A َ ‫ َد ًة‬a .َ ُ ْs
َ ‫ َآ‬3ُ 'َ ‫ِ[ َا َء‬
ٍ K َˆ ْ َ 5َ !ْ Nَ ‫ َو‬.3ُ َ Fَ T
َ X# ِ ‫ا‬a ‫ك ا‬ َ َ Nْ ‫ ُذ َآ َ َأ‬0َ ْ )ُ ْ‫ ا‬3ُ k
َ َ 
ْ ‫ب َوَأ‬ ِ ‫ ِء اْ َ) َد‬k ُ ِ ‫ا‬5ً &5ِ E َ Cً g ْ T َ ‫ ُذ‬0َ ْ )ُ ْ‫^ ا‬ َ g ِ Bَ +َ .‫ ُذ‬0َ  ْ )ُ ْ‫ا‬
‫ ِ ْ ِ; َا َء ِة‬f
َkَ ْ
َ sَ ْ 5a [َ ‫ َو ِ َ َذا‬.q v َ ْ ‫Š ا‬ َ َ$ ْ A َ ‫ن‬ َ ‰ْ‫ ُذ ا‬0َ 
ْ )ُ ْ‫ َد ًة َو َ[ َل ا‬a .
َ ُ َ 2ْ T َ ‫ ْ; ََأ َو َ[ َم َو َ[ ََأ ِ[ َا َء ًة‬2َ ِ 5ٍ &ْ َ ِ ‫ن‬
َ ‫ُأ ِذ‬
.@َ K َVْ ‫ ُذ ِإنْ َأ‬0َ  ْ )ُ ْ‫ ا‬3ُ َ d ;َ &ُ ْXَ ِ ‫ ِ ْ ِ; َا َء ِة‬3ِ ِkْ
َ ِ &5ِ ;ْ 'َ Xَ #َ َ . a<َ 'َ 3ُ
a ‫ٌ َأ‬5&ْ ‫ َر َز‬Dَ 0َ #ْ ‫ ا ْ ِ; َا َء ِة؟ ا‬Xَ # َ f َ 'ِ ‫ْ َر‬5[ُ ‫م‬5َ # َ َ T ْ ‫َر‬
.`ُ ‫ ُذ‬0َ 
ْ ‫ ُأ‬3ُ َ a [َ ‫ٌ َو‬5&ْ ‫ َ@ َز‬K
َV ْ ‫ َأ‬،ً7!ْ +ِ ‫َو‬

3.2.2 Analysis
The four-lettered (quadratic) verbs in the excerpt are:
"kN… He recited 2A‫ ا‬,A‫ اƒ ا‬kN
"[A… He says 2‚!‫ ƒ ا!= ا‬N ‫ل و [ة إ‬A 
‫ك‬N‫ …أ‬The Shepard forced his camel down.
Š $A… Truthfulness is manifest.

These are pure four-lettered verbs, the letters are foundation radicals. And should
any of the letters drop, the remaining letters lose meaning and effectiveness. In the
same excerpt, there are other four-lettered verbs such as @َKV ْ ‫ك – َأ‬
َ ‫َ َر‬N – ‫ َم‬5a [َ – ‫ َم‬a [َ .
Though they are four-lettered, they are not ٌ‫د‬a . َ ُ because they have in their
foundation letters additional letter that can be removed without rendering the

remaining letters meaningless. The verbs of this nature are known as 5&‫ ا‬which
is treated in 3.3 below.

Self Assignment Exercise

Give each of the following verbs its appropriate descriptive terms and use it in a
sentence. ‫ب‬
َ َ >
َ - "َ 
َ ْ‫ َأر‬- 1
َ 0َ +َ - ‫ع‬
َ َ #
ْ ‫ َز‬- 1
َ 0a +َ

3.3 32+ 5&‫ا‬

32+ 5&‫ ا‬as alluded to in passing above is the opposite of Mujarrad. A verb is
described as al-Mazid feehi if it contains one or more additional letters to the
original component ones which are known as foundation radicals. Both ‫د‬.‫ا‬
Xh7M‫ ا‬and X# N‫د ا‬.‫ ا‬can take additional letters to become 32+ 5&‫ا‬. An example
of al-Mazeed thulaathiyy is "َ 'َ َ[ with the additional ‫ة‬5 %‫ أ‬to "َ 0َ [َ . It can also
become "َ 'َ َ;'َ as ‫ ت‬and ‫ة‬5 %‫ أ‬are added. Or َ َ Bْ 0َ 
ْ ‫ ِإ‬as ‫ إ س ت‬are added to T. Or
َ .
ْ َ A
ْ ‫ ِإ‬as ‫ إ ن‬are added to A.

3.3.1 ‫وف ا& دة‬A

In order to make formation of 32+ 5&‫ ا‬easy, there are specific letters used. The
letters are known as additional letters ‫وف ا& دة‬A. Again, for easy reference, the
letters contained in a statement designated in َ?2ِ
ُ0ُ ْ @َ 
َ . You can see that they are
ten: i.e. 5 %‫س أ ل ت م و ن ي هـ ا أ‬.

However, there is also what is known as % ُ 2ِ!g

ْ 'َ . This is a case in which ‫ ــّـ‬serves as
an additional letter. For example, in ‫س‬
َ ‫ر‬a ‫ َد‬, letter ‫ ر‬is doubled with ‫ــّـ‬. In such a case,
which is one of the foundation radicals also becomes an additional letter. ‫درس‬
means to study. But when another ‫ ر‬is added, we have ‫س‬ َ ‫ر‬a ‫ َد‬which means to teach.
The following table gives classification of various 32+ 5&‫ا‬.

Below is
5&‫ا‬ ‫ف ز& دة‬A ‫د‬.‫ا!" ا‬ ‫ة‬52  X+ 5&‫ا‬
َ ْ‫َأر‬ ‫أ‬ "‫ ر‬- Xh7h The teacher sent Fatima to the market
ِ k v ‫ ا‬Xَ ‫ َ َ ِإ‬c ِ +َ ‫ ُذ‬0َ ْ )ُ ْ‫ َ" ا‬ َ ْ‫َأر‬
"َ 'َ َ[ ‫أ‬ "0[ – Xh7h Jafar waged war with Sulayman
َ َ 2ْ َ 
ُ ُ َ !ْ َ "َ 'َ [َ
َ َ 
ْ ‫َأ‬ ‫أ‬  - Xh7h Bilqis submitted to Allah through Sulayman
َ َ 2ْ َ 
ُ 5d &َ Xَ # َ ƒ ِ l ُ 2;ِ ْ Nِ ْsَ َ  ْ ‫َأ‬
َ ‫َد َر‬ %2!g' ‫ درس‬- Xh7h Talhat taught me Tajwid
5َ &ِ .
ْ 0a ‫ ُ ا‬ َ ْ c
َ XFِ  َ ‫ر‬a ‫َد‬
"َ 'َ َ;'َ ‫تا‬ "0[ - Xh7h People waged war - "َ 'َ ;َ 'َ
‫ا ْ َ;ْ ُم‬
َ .
ْ َ A
ْ ‫ِإ‬ ‫إن‬ - X# N‫ر‬ The camel gathered - َ .
ْ َ A
ْ ‫ِإ‬
A "ُ Nْ 8ِ ْ‫ا‬

َ َ Bْ 0َ 
ْ ‫ِإ‬ ‫إست‬ T - Xh7h The believer sought forgiveness from his lord
3ُ Na ‫ َر‬,
ُ ِ ْrُ ْ ‫ َ َ ا‬Bْ 0َ 
ْ ‫ِإ‬
َ َ >
ْ ‫ِإ‬ %2!g' ‫أل‬ - X# N‫ر‬ The cloud cleared - "a
َ َ > ْ ‫ِإ‬
" > ‫ب‬
ُ َk a ‫ا‬
َ E
َ ْ<
َ #
ْ ‫ِإ‬ %2!g' ^<# - Xh7h The land grew a lot of weed s
ِ Cَ E َ ْ< َ # ْ ‫ِإ‬
ُ ْ‫اْ َ)ر‬
a @ََ c
ْ ‫ِإ‬ %2!g' ‫أن‬ ‫ ن‬c - X# N‫ ر‬The debtor was restful - ‫ن‬ a @ََ c ْ ‫ِإ‬
ُ uِ ‫ا‬5a ‫ا‬

In this table, you will notice that letters like ‫ ش‬،‫ ل‬،‫ ر‬،‫ ن‬are doubled by shaddah to
create additional letters e.g. ‫ن‬
a @َ َ c
ْ ‫ ِإ‬،َ‫رس‬a ‫ َد‬،a"
َ َ >
ْ ‫ ِإ‬،َ^E
َ ْ<
َ #
ْ ‫ِإ‬. This is to emphasize that
apart from the 10 letters which are specifically designated as ‫وف ا& دة‬A in
0@, any other letter can assume the position of additional letter through
ْ 'َ i.e. ‫ َة‬5a E
َ .

3.3.2 Distinction between ‫د‬.‫ ا‬and 5&‫ا‬
By now, you must have been able to state the characteristics of ‫د‬.‫ ا!" ا‬be it
Xh7M‫ ا‬or X# N‫ا‬. By means of revision, ‫د‬.‫ ا!" ا‬is a three-lettered or four-lettered
verb which has all its component letters original and pure. It is so described
because should any of the letters drop, the remaining letters can no longer qualify
as a verb. In contrast, we have 32+ 5&‫ ا!" ا‬as described in 3.3 above. Both ‫د‬.‫ا‬
Xh7M‫ ا‬and X# N‫د ا‬.‫ ا‬are capable of being increased by one, two or three letters
or by what is called %2!g' i.e. ‫ة‬5a < a ‫ ا‬It should be noted that the purpose of
increasing letter of a verb is to change the meaning. For example:
‫س‬َ ‫( َد َر‬he) studied ‫س‬َ ‫ر‬a ‫( َد‬he) taught
َ ِ #
َ (he) knew َ َ #
ْ ‫( َأ‬he) informed
lَ َ  َ (he) sat lَ َ  ْ ‫( َأ‬he) caused some one to sit
"َ  َ ‫( َر‬he) moved slowly "َ َ ْ‫( َأر‬he) sent some one forward
"َ 0َ [َ (he) killed "َ 'َ َ;'َ (to) fight each other
َ َ Tَ (he) forgave َ َ Bْ 0َ 
ْ ‫( ِإ‬he) sought forgiveness
‫( [َ َل‬he) said ‫;َ َل‬0َ  ْ ‫( ِإ‬he) resigned

You should also note that the increased verbs (5&‫ )ا‬are given appropriate terms
as they take additional letters. These include:
X# N‫( ا‬four-lettered)
َ َ Nْ ‫َأ‬ ،َ‫َ َرك‬N ،َa#
َ ،َ"'َ َ[ ،َ"
َ ْ‫َأر‬
X ˆ‫( ا‬five-lettered)
َ a Bَ 'َ ،َ%k
َ ْ َ 'َ ،َK
a َ 'َ ،َ$
َ 2ْ َ 'َ ،َ"'َ َ;'َ َ a!َ 'َ
X‫ا‬5k‫( ا‬six-lettered)
َ E
َ ْ<
َ #
ْ ‫ِإ‬ ،‫ َذ‬a َ 
ْ ‫ِإ‬ ،َa!ْ 0َ 
ْ ‫ِإ‬ ،َk
َ ْ 0َ 
ْ ‫ِإ‬ َ .
ْ َ A
ْ ‫ِإ‬

Self Assessment Exercise

What is the purpose of 32+ 5&‫ ?ا‬Give four complete sentences in Arabic for
illustration of your answer.

4.0 Conclusion
It has been clarified in this unit that the ‫وف ا& دة‬A are ten as contained in
0@. But it should be noted that shaddah known as %2!g' can also serve as an
additional letter as reflected in َ a # َ ،َ‫رس‬a ‫ َد‬،َ"g
a +َ ،َk
a [َ etc. Furthermore, you should
note that #‫ ر‬g‫وف ا‬A are also among ‫وف ا& دة‬A. These are called s2
‫ أ‬they are
illustrated in l
ُ ِ 
ْ ‫ َأ‬،ُlِ .
َ ،ُlِ.
ْ 'َ ،ُlِ .
ْ &َ .

5.0 Summary
The distinction between ‫د‬.‫ ا‬and 5&‫ ا‬is that every letter in the ‫د‬.‫ ا‬is original
and cannot be dropped without disrupting the meaning of the verb. For example, if
a letter is removed from l e.g. ‫ ج‬the remaining l have no meaning. In case of
5&‫ ا‬removing a letter or more can only change the meaning but not to render the
verb meaningless e.g. if %‫ أ‬is removed from "' [ you still have "0[ which is
meaningful i.e. he killed though it is different from the meaning of "' [. Generally,
5&‫ ا‬is advantageous in terms of widening the scope if verbs as a verb through
‫ ز& دة‬can produce various meaning.

6.0 Tutor Marked Assignment

State the advantages of 5&‫ ا‬with illustrations.
What are the characteristics of ‫د‬.‫ ?ا‬Give examples.

7.0 References/Further Readings

1. Al-Maydani, A. M. (1978), =
‫ا‬52‫ ا‬%&$', Agege, Matba’atu Thaqafatul
2. Al – Hamlāwī, A.M.A, (1999) ‫ف‬$‫ ا‬,+ X+ ‫ ا!ف‬Dّ E Al-Qāhirah, Maktabatu aş-
3. Al – Maħāsinī S. A. (1966), ‫ ب ا;ـاءة‬0‫ آـ‬Damascus, Matba‘atu Mufīd al –
4. Ahmad Muhammad Shaddād, (1977) J0‫ اـ‬L M‫ اـ‬%‫ـ‬$ 2‫ـ‬N!‫ ! ا‬K‫اـ‬
Baghdad, Matba ‘atu Tīmis.

Module 1: Definition of Ṣarf and its Scope
Unit 3: ‫! ل‬+)‫أوزان ا‬

1.0 Introduction
2.0 Objectives
3.0 Main Content
3.1 X# N‫ا‬/‫د‬.‫ ا‬Xh7M‫وزن ا‬
3.2 X ˆ‫وزن ا‬
3.3 X‫ا‬5k‫وزن ا‬
4.0 Conclusion
5.0 Summary
6.0 Tutor Marked Assignment (TMA)
7.0 References/Further Reading

1.0 Introduction
‫ ا َ)وْ َزان‬is the plural of ٌ‫ َوزن‬which means a scale or yardstick or measure. The
function of ٌ‫ وَزن‬is to categorise the Arabic verbs by way of putting each verb in its
appropriate context. In this unit, therefore, you will be introduced to the six known
measures called ‫ َ! ل‬+َ )‫ن ا‬ُ ‫ َأو َزا‬for the ‫د‬a .
َ ُ ْ ‫ َا‬Xhِ 7Mv ‫ ا‬as well as others for ‫د‬a.
َ ُ ْ ‫ َا‬X#
ِ Nَ v ‫ا‬.
Also to be treated are the ‫ أوزان‬for 32+ 5&‫ا‬.

2.0 Objectives
At the end of this unit, you should be able to identify and describe:
- ‫د‬a.
َ ُ ْ ‫ َا‬Xِ# َNv ‫ ا‬/ ‫د‬a.
َ ُ ْ ‫ َا‬Xhِ 7
َ Mv ‫ن ا‬
ُ ْ‫َوز‬
- Xِ َ ˆ ُ ‫وزن ا‬
- Xِ ‫ا‬5َ kv ‫وزن ا‬

3.0 Main Context

3.1 X# N‫ا‬/‫د‬.‫ ا‬Xh7M‫وزن ا‬
Read the following text:
.ِ 2a ِ 7
َْ 8ِ ْ‫ئ ا‬ِ ‫َ ِد‬Cَ ْ ‫ ا‬3ِ $
a Aِ Xِ+ `ِ ‫َ ِذ‬0 ْ ‫ ُأ‬Xَ‫َا ِل ِإ‬rk a ‫َا ا‬D‫ َه‬% ُ  ُ ُ& 3َ  a ‫ةٍ؟ َو‬5َ A ِ ‫ َر ْآ َ! ٍ وَا‬Xِ+ Xd$ َ ُ ْ ‫ ا‬5ُ .
ُk ْ &َ ‫ة‬aَ ْ‫َآ‬
5ُ َ Aْ ‫ َأنْ [َ َم َأ‬L َ Cِ َ َ .3ِ 0ِ [َ ‫ َو َر‬Xِ+ ًN‫َا‬ َ ‫َا ِل‬rk a ‫ ا‬, ِ# َ ٌ‫ ْ َة‬+ِ `ُ َ5Fْ #ِ ْ,َ ^ َ 0ُ ْ 2َ ِ ِ Cَ َ K
a ‫ ا‬2;C ً َ.َ ‫َ َذ‬0 ْ )ُ ْ‫ ا‬1
َ 0َ +َ
Xَ# َ ْ?ُ v‫ َو ُآ‬.‫َ ِذ‬0 ْ )ُ ْ‫ ا‬Xَ‫ ِ?َ ِإ‬2ْ 0َ [َ ‫َ َو َر‬a َ ‫ن َو‬ ِ ‫َا‬V َ‫ن‬ ِ َCِ َc ‫ َم‬5a [َ `ُ 5َ !ْ Nَ ‫ َو‬.lَ َ  َ a hُ ‫َ ِذ‬0 ْ )ُ ْ‫ ا‬Xَ‫ ِإ‬3ِ 0ِ [َ ‫ ِ َو َر‬2ِk
ْ 0َ ِN
‫ُ َر ِة‬Ck a ‫ ا‬Xَ# َ 1 َ 2ِ $ a ‫ب ا‬ َ ‫َا‬. َ ْ ‫َ ُذ ا‬0ْ )ُ ْ‫^ ا‬ َ 0َ ‫ َآ‬Dٍ uِ 5َ Fْ #
ِ . ً2uِ 7 َ ْ ‫َ@ ِإ‬KV ْ ‫ ُ ُ` َوَأ‬$َ Nَ % َ !ُ > َ ‫ِى‬Da‫^ ا‬ ُ ِ aK‫ ا‬a ‫ب ِإ‬ ِ ‫َا‬$ a ‫ا‬
Xِ+ ‫ت‬ ٍ ‫َا‬5.َ َ ‫ َد‬5َ #
َ 7 ً ‫ َ ِه‬%َ  ُ ُ& َCَK a ‫ َ ا‬a2;ِ Nَ ^ َ k ِ A َ ‫ َو‬.% َ  ُ ُ& ‫َا ِل‬r ُ ْ,ِ َCَK a ‫ ُ ا‬2ِ َ ‫َ َد‬0َ 
ْ ‫ وَا‬."ِ 2ِ. َ ْ ‫ ا‬3ِ K
dˆَ Nِ
.‫ ٍة‬5َ A
ِ ‫ َر ْآ َ! ٍ وَا‬Xِ+ ‫ت‬ٍ ‫َا‬5. ََ ‫ ِد‬5َ # َ ِ +َ ِ !ْ َ ِN ِ 2ِ. َ ْ ‫َ َد َة ا‬+‫ ِإ‬3ِ ِ ‫َا‬rk
ُ Nِ ‫ َأرَا َد‬3ُ
a ‫ُ َأ‬% ُ &ُ ‫ح‬ َ َ E
َ ‫ك‬ َ َF‫ َو ُه‬.‫ ٍة‬5َ Aِ ‫َر ْآ َ! ٍ وَا‬
We can extract from the text above these verbs:
َ Cِ َ ،َ%!ُ > َ ،َ^0َ ‫ َآ‬،َ^k ِ A
َ ،َ‫ َح‬E َ ،َlَ  َ ،َ10َ +َ ،َ5. َ َ .
These verbs represent ‫د‬.‫ ا‬Xh7M‫ ا‬in its six ‫ أوزان‬which are encompassed in "َ !َ +َ . It
is the middle letter of "َ !َ +َ that changes to give birth to all six ‫أوزان‬. This is
graphically illustrated as follows:

"َ !َ +َ

"ُ !ُ ْ &َ "َ !ُ +َ "ُ !ِ ْ &َ "َ !ِ +َ "ُ !َ ْ &َ "َ !َ +َ
"ُ !َ ْ &َ "َ !ِ +َ "ُ !ِ ْ &َ "َ !َ +َ
"ُ !ُ ْ &َ "َ !َ +َ

Application of the representation produces the following:

ُ !ُ g
ْ &َ %
َ !ُ >
َ ^
ُ k
َ ْ &َ ^
َ k ِ A
‫ح‬ َ
ُ َ < ْ &َ ‫ح‬
َ َ E َ
ُ Cَ ْ &َ L
َ Cِ َ l
ُ ِ .
ْ &َ l
َ َ 
ُ 0ُ ْ &َ ^
َ 0َ ‫َآ‬
Every letter in "!+ is technically analysed as follows for easy application to the
target verbs:
َ ‫>َــ!ُـــ‬ ‫ح‬
َ َ ‫َـــــ‬E "َ ‫َـــ!َـــ‬+
"!‫ ا‬,2#

"!‫ ء ا‬+

"!‫ ا‬,2#

"!‫ ا‬,2#
"!‫م ا‬

"!‫ ء ا‬+

"!‫ ء ا‬+
"!‫م ا‬

"!‫م ا‬
َ ‫َـــَـــ‬
َ ‫َـــ‬C‫ـــ‬
َ ‫َـــ‬k‫َـــ‬A
َ ‫َـــ‬0‫آَـــ‬

So, you can see that "ِ !ْ ِ ْ ‫ ا‬,

ُ 2ْ #
َ plays a crucial role in all the ‫أوزان‬. Furthermore, it is
"!‫ ا‬,2# that determines the ‫آ‬A taken by the ‫ هة‬in ‫!" أ‬+ e.g. ْ^0ُ ‫ ُأ ْآ‬،ْlِ  ْ ‫ ِإ‬،ْ^‫ِإذْ َه‬.
The principle is simply applied thus: whichever ‫آ‬A taken by the "!‫ ا‬,2# in
‫ رع‬g determines the ‫آ‬A given to ‫ هة‬in ‫!" أ‬+. If, for example, "!‫ ا‬,2# takes
 0+ or ‫ة‬k‫ آ‬in ‫ رع‬g of any verb, the ‫ هة‬of ‫!" أ‬+ of such a verb will take ‫ة‬k‫آ‬
ُ ‫ْ َه‬D&َ ْ^‫ِإذْ َه‬
ُ ِ .ْ &َ ْlِ ْ ‫ِإ‬

But the ‫ هة‬of ‫!" أ‬+ will take dammah whenever the "!‫ ا‬,2# in ‫ رع‬g of any
verb takes a>
َ e.g.: %
ُ !ُ g ْ &َ ْ%!ُ > ْ ‫ُأ‬
ُ 0ُ ْ &َ ْ^0ُ ‫ُأ ْآ‬

3.1.1 Conjugation of Verbs (‫! ل‬+)‫ ا‬%&$')

This section is devoted to the full illustration of the principles highlighted above
i.e. Xh7M‫ ا!" ا‬in its six weights (‫)ا)وزان‬.

َ ٌْ ‫َأ‬ 3ِ Nِ ‫َ ْ!ُ ُل‬ ٌ"# ِ َ+ ٌ‫ر‬5َ $ْ َ ٌ‫َ ِرع‬gُ ‫ض‬
ٍ َ
ْ"!َ ْ 'َ َ ْ"!َ +ْ ‫ِإ‬ ٌ‫َ ْ!ُل‬ ٌ"# ِ َ+ 7
ً !ْ +ِ "ُ !َ ْ &َ "َ !َ +َ
ْK َ ;ْ 'َ َ ْK َ [ْ ‫ِإ‬ ٌ‫ع‬K ُ ;ْ َ ٌc ِ َ[ ً!Kْ [ِ ُ K َ ;ْ &َ َ Kَ [َ
ْ"!ِ ْ 'َ َ ْ"!ِ +ْ ‫ِإ‬ ٌ‫َ ْ!ُل‬ ٌ"# ِ َ+ ً ُ!+ُ /7 ً !ْ +ِ "ُ !ِ ْ &َ "َ !َ +َ
ْlِ . ْ 'َ َ ْlِ  ْ ‫ِإ‬ - ٌlِ َ ًُ ُ l
ُ ِ . ْ &َ l
َ َ  َ
ْ"!ُ ْ 'َ َ ْ"!ِ +ْ ‫أ‬ ٌ‫َ ْ!ُل‬ ٌ"# ِ َ+ 7
ً !ْ +ِ "ُ !ُ ْ &َ "َ !َ +َ
ْ^0ُ ْ 'َ َ ْ^0ُ ‫ُأ ْآ‬ ٌ‫ُب‬0ْ َ ٌ^'ِ َ‫آ‬ ًC0ْ ‫ ِآ‬or Nَ َ0‫ِآ‬ ^
ُ 0ُ ْ &َ ^
َ 0َ ‫َآ‬
ْ"!ِ ْ 'َ َ ْ"!ِ +ْ ‫ِإ‬ ٌ‫َ ْ!ُل‬ ٌ"# ِ َ+ ً
َCk ْ A ِ /7 ً !ْ +ِ "ُ !َ ْ &َ "َ !ِ +َ
ْ^k َ ْ 'َ َ ْ^k َ A ْ ‫ِإ‬ ٌ‫ُب‬k ْ َ ٌ^ ِ َA ً
َCkْ A ِ ^
ُ k َ ْ &َ ^
َ k ِ A َ
ْ"!َ ْ 'َ َ ْ"!َ +ْ ‫ِإ‬ ٌ‫َ ْ!ُل‬ ٌ"# ِ َ+ 7
ً !ْ +ِ "ُ !َ ْ &َ "َ !ِ +َ
ْlCَ ْ 'َ َ ْLCَ ْ ‫ِإ‬ - ٌLNِ َ ًMCْ ِ L
ُ Cَ ْ &َ L
َ Cِ َ
ْ"!ُ ْ 'َ َ ْ"!ُ +ْ ‫أ‬ ٌ‫َ ْ!ُل‬ ٌ"# ِ َ+ 7
ً !ْ +َ "ُ !ُ ْ &َ "َ !ُ +َ
ْ%!ُ g ْ 'َ َ ْ%!ُ > ْ ‫َأ‬ - ٌ%2ِ!> َ ، ً!ْ > َ %
ُ !ُ g ْ &َ %
َ !ُ > َ
# >

You should note that l َ َ 

َ,Lَ Cِ َ and %
َ !ُ >
َ do not have 3N ‫ !ل‬because verbs such as
these are known as ٌ‫ َ ِزم‬i.e. a verb that does not have 3N ‫!ل‬. This will be treated
fully in unit 1 of Module 2 below.

3.1.2 ‫د‬.‫ ا‬X# N‫ا‬
Meanwhile, you should take note of the fact that ‫د‬.‫ ا‬X# N‫ ا‬has its own wazn
which is used in conjugation. The main difference is that while ‫د‬.‫ ا‬Xh7M‫ ا‬has six
‫أوزان‬, there is only one wazn for ‫د‬.‫ ا‬X# N‫ ا‬which is "َ َ !ْ +َ . It is analysed thus:
"َ ‫َـــ!ْـــَـــ‬+
"!‫م ا‬
‫م ا!" ا)ول‬

"!‫ ء ا‬+

"!‫ ا‬,2#

Unlike ‫د‬.‫ ا‬Xh7M‫ ا‬which has six ‫أوزان‬, there is only one ‫ وزن‬for ‫د‬.‫ ا‬X# N‫ا‬
which is "َ َ !ْ +َ and it is conjugated as follows:
ْ"ِ !ْ َ 'ُ َ ْ"ِ !ْ +َ ٌ"َ !ْ َ ُ ٌ"ِ !ْ َ ُ ٌَ َ !ْ +َ "ُ ِ !ْ َ &ُ "َ َ !ْ +َ
For example: َ  َ ْA َ (to assemble)
"َ َ k ْ Nَ (to say 2A‫ ا‬,A‫ اƒ ا‬kN)
"َ [َ ْ#َ (to inhibit)

ِ ْ َ 'ُ َ ِْ ْA َ ٌَ ْ َ ُ ٌِ ْ َ ُ ً َ  َ ْA َ ُ 
ِ ْ َ &ُ َ 
َ ْA َ
ْ"ِ kْ Cَ 'ُ َ ْ"ِ k ْ Nَ _____ ٌ"ِ kْ Cَ ُ ً َ َ kْ Nَ "ُ ِ k
ْ Cَ &ُ "َ َ k
ْ Nَ
ْ"[ِ ْ!َ 'ُ َ ْ"[ِ ْ#
َ ٌ"[َ ْ!َ ُ ٌ"[ِ ْ!َ ُ ً َ [َ ْ#َ "ُ [ِ ْ!َ &ُ "َ [َ ْ#

It is noteworthy at this juncture to draw your attention to the fact that there are
some X# N‫( ا‬four lettered verbs) which are not ‫د‬. but 32+ 5& Xh7h. For example,
we have "َ !a +َ , "َ !َ +ْ ‫َأ‬, "َ #
َ َ+ which are conjugated as follows:

ْ"!d ْ 'ُ َ ْ"!d +َ ٌ"!a َ ُ ٌ"!d َ ُ 7

ً 2ِ!ْ 'َ "ُ !d َ &ُ "َ !a +َ
ْ"!ِ ْ 'ُ َ ْ"!ِ +ْ ‫َأ‬ ٌ"!َ ْ ُ ٌ"ِ!ْ ُ ً َ!+ْ ‫ِإ‬ "ُ !ِ ْ &ُ "َ !َ +ْ ‫َأ‬
ْ"#ِ َ'ُ َ ْ"# ِ َ+ ٌ"# َ َُ ٌ"# ِ َُ ً َ #
َ َُ "ُ # ِ َ&ُ "َ # َ َ+

Examples are ‫س‬َ ‫ر‬a ‫( َد‬to teach) from ‫د‬. Xh7h ‫س‬
َ ‫ َد َر‬to learn/to study
َ ْ‫( َأر‬to send) from ‫د‬. Xh7h "َ َ ‫ َر‬to be long or send off
"َ 'َ َ[ (to fight) from ‫د‬. Xh7h "َ 0َ [َ to kill

ْ‫رس‬d 5َ 'ُ َ ْ‫رس‬d ‫َد‬ ٌ‫رس‬a 5َ ُ ٌ‫رس‬d 5َ ُ ًk&ِ‫ْر‬5'َ ‫س‬

ُ ‫ر‬d 5َ &ُ ‫س‬
َ ‫ر‬a ‫َد‬
ْ"ِ ْ'ُ َ ْ"
ِ ْ‫َأر‬ ٌ"َ ُْ ٌ"ِ ُْ ً َْ‫ِإر‬ "ُ 
ِ ْ&ُ "َ 
َ ْ‫َأر‬
ْ"'ِ َ;'ُ َ ْ"'ِ َ[ ٌ"'َ َ;ُ ٌ"'ِ َ;ُ ً َ 'َ َ;ُ "ُ 'ِ َ;&ُ "َ 'َ َ[

You must appreciate the significance of 32+ 5&. It is to create fresh deals/meanings
e.g.: "َ 0َ [َ means (he) killed …ُ3َ 0َ [َ
"َ 'َ َ[ means (he) fought …ُ3َ 'َ َ[
"َ َ ْ‫ َأر‬means (he) sent him …ُ3َ  َ ْ‫َأر‬
َ ‫ َد َر‬means (he) studied/leant …ُ3 َ ‫َد َر‬

َ ‫ر‬a ‫ َد‬means (he) taught him …َ
ْ Fa ‫ ا‬3ُ 
َ ‫ر‬a ‫َد‬

Self Assessment Exercise

Conjugate the following verbs fully vowelized
‫ َز ْ َ َل‬،َ‫ َك‬E
ْ ‫ َأ‬،َK
a [َ ،َ‫ َق‬

3.2 X ˆ‫أوزان ا‬
X ˆ‫ ا!" ا‬i.e. Five lettered verb has, coincidentally, five ‫أوزان‬. But you should
pay attention to the following points:
(1) All the various types of X ˆ‫ ا‬are 32+ 5&; none of them is ‫د‬.. In
other words, there is no ‫د‬. X V .
(2) Four of them are Xh7h 5&.
(3) Only one is X# N‫ ر‬5&.

The five X ˆ‫ أوزان ا‬are "َ َ !ْ َ 'َ ،َ"!a َ 'َ ،َ"#
َ َ'َ ،َ"!َ 0َ +ْ ‫ ِإ‬،َ"!َ َ
ْ ‫ِإ‬

They are conjugated as follows:

ْ"!ِ َ Fْ 'َ َ ْ"!ِ َ
ْ ‫ِإ‬ ____ ٌ"!ِ َ Fْ ُ ً َ!ِ
ْ ‫ِإ‬ "ُ !ِ َ Fْ َ& "َ !َ َ
ْ ‫ِإ‬
ْ"!ِ 0َ ْ 'َ َ ْ"!ِ 0َ +ْ ‫ِإ‬ ____ ٌ"!ِ 0َ ْ ُ ً َ!0ِ +ْ ‫ِإ‬ "ُ !ِ 0َ ْ &َ "َ !َ 0َ +ْ ‫ِإ‬
ْ"#ِ َ0َ 'َ َ ْ"# َ َ'َ "ُ #َ َ0َ ُ ٌ"# ِ َ0َ ُ 7
ً# ُ َ'َ "ُ # َ َ0َ &َ "َ # َ َ'َ
ْ"!a َ 0َ ' َ ْ"!a َ 'َ ٌ"!a َ 0َ ُ ٌ"!a َ 0َ ُ 7
ً !v َ 'َ "ُ !a َ 0َ &َ "َ !a َ 'َ
ْ"ِ !ْ َ 0َ 'َ َ ْ"ِ !ْ َ 'َ ٌ"َ !ْ َ 0َ ُ ٌ"ِ !ْ َ 0َ ُ 7
ً ُ !ْ َ 'َ "ُ َ !َ َ 0َ &َ "َ َ !ْ َ 'َ

3.2.1 Examples: 10

‫ إ‬to open from 1َ 0َ +َ
‫ إ‬to be wiped out from ‫درس‬
0‫ إ‬to assemble/meet from 
0‫ إ‬to listen from 
‫ارس‬5' to study together from ‫درس‬
‫ '; رب‬to be near one another from ‫[ب‬
.' to be gathered from 
N5' to reflect from N‫د‬
‫ج‬5' to roll down from ‫دج‬

ْ10ِ َ Fْ 'َ َ ْ10ِ َ

ْ ‫ِإ‬ ٌ10َ َ Fْ ُ ٌ10ِ َ Fْ ُ ًA َ0ِ
ْ ‫ِإ‬ 1
ُ 0ِ َFْ &َ 1
َ 0َ َ
ْ ‫ِإ‬
ْ‫ ِرس‬5َ Fْ 'َ َ ْ‫ ِرس‬5َ
ْ ‫ِإ‬ ٌ‫ َرس‬5َ Fْ ُ ٌ‫ ِرس‬5َ ْFُ ً‫رَا‬5ِ
ْ ‫ِإ‬ ‫س‬
ُ ‫ ِر‬5َ Fْ &َ ‫س‬
َ ‫َ َر‬5
ْ ‫ِإ‬

ِْ 0َ .
ْ 'َ َ ِْ 0َ 
ْ ‫ِإ‬ ٌَ 0َ .
ْ ُ ٌِ 0َ .ْ ُ ً# َ0ِ 
ْ ‫ِإ‬ ُ ِ 0َ ْ &َ َ َ 0َ ْ ‫ِإ‬
ِْ 0َ k
ْ 'َ َ ِْ 0َ 
ْ ‫ِإ‬ ٌَ 0َ k
ْ ُ ٌِ 0َ k
ْ ُ ً# َ0ِ 
ْ ‫ِإ‬ ُ ِ 0َ k
ْ &َ َ َ 0َ 
ْ ‫ِإ‬

ْ‫َا ِرس‬50َ 'َ َ ْ‫َا ِرس‬5'َ ٌ‫َا َرس‬50َ ُ ٌ‫َا ِرس‬50َ ُ ً‫َا ُر‬5'َ ‫س‬
ُ ‫َا َر‬50َ &َ ‫س‬
َ ‫َا َر‬5'َ
ْ‫;َ ِرب‬0َ 'َ َ ْ‫َ';َ ِرب‬ ٌ‫;َ َرب‬0َ ُ ٌ‫;َ ِرب‬0َ ُ ًN‫َ';َ ُر‬ ‫ب‬
ُ ‫;َ َر‬0َ َ& ‫ب‬
َ ‫َ';َ َر‬

ْd . َ 0َ 'َ َ ْa . َ 'َ ٌa .َ 0َ ُ ٌd .
َ 0َ ُ ً!v .
َ 'َ ُ a .َ 0َ &َ َ a .َ 'َ
ْNa 5َ 0َ 'َ َ ْNa 5َ 'َ ٌNd 5َ 0َ ُ ٌNd 5َ 0َ ُ ‫ًا‬Nv 5َ 'َ ُ Na 5َ 0َ &َ َ Na 5َ 'َ
ْ‫ َج‬A ْ 5َ 0َ 'َ َ ْ‫ َج‬Aْ 5َ 'َ ٌ‫ ِج‬Aْ 5َ 0َ َ ٌ‫ ِج‬Aْ 5َ 0َ ُ ًُ A
ْ 5َ 'َ ‫ج‬
ُ َ Aْ َ50َ &َ ‫ب‬
َ َ A ْ 5َ 'َ

Self Assessment Exercise

ِ ‫ƒ
َ َ[ َ ا‬
ِ ‫;َ َل َ ُ?ْ َرُ ُل ا‬+َ َ‫;َ ه‬Eْ ‫ َأ‬L
َ !ْ Cَ
ْ ‫َاهَ ِإ ِذ ا‬Bْ K
َ Nِ ‫ُ ُد‬hَ ْsNَ Da ‫ هَ َآ‬a‫ْ َد‬,َ ‫ب‬ َ َV ْ5[َ ‫ هَ َو‬a‫ْ َزآ‬,َ 1 َ َ +ْ ‫ْ َأ‬5[َ
. َ‫َ ه‬C;ْ #
ُ ‫ف‬
ُ َˆ&َ َ ‫اهَ َو‬ak َ +َ ْ?ِ Cِ
ْ Dَ Nِ ُْ?Nv ‫ ِ?ْ َر‬2ْ َ #
َ ‫ َم‬5َ ْ 5َ +َ َ‫ َ! َ;ُوه‬+َ `ُ ُNDa َ َ+ َ‫َ ه‬2;ْ  ُ ‫َو‬
Identify from the above verses of the Qur’ān:
(1) X ˆ‫ وا‬X# N‫! ل ا‬+‫أ‬
(2) Explain the status
(3) Conjugate them appropriately

3.3 X‫ا‬5k‫أوزان ا‬
X‫ا‬5k‫ ا!" ا‬means a six-lettered verb which is the longest verb in Arabic. Verbs in
this group are all 32+ 5&. A verb in this group is either Xh7h 5& e.g. َ َ Bْ 0َ  ْ ‫ ِإ‬which is
from َ َ T َ or X# N‫ ر‬5& e.g. َ . َ
ْ َ A
ْ ‫ ِإ‬which is from َ  َ ْA
َ . The following are the ‫أوزان‬
ْ"!ِ ْ 0َ kْ 'َ َ ْ"!ِ ْ 0َ  ْ ‫ِإ‬ ٌ"!َ ْ 0َ k
ْ ُ ٌ"!ِ َ0k ْ ُ ً َ!ْ 0ِ 
ْ ‫ِإ‬ "ُ !ِ ْ 0َ kْ &َ "َ !َ ْ 0َ ْ ‫ِإ‬
ِ ْ!َ ْ 'َ َ ْ"# ِ ْ!َ +َ ‫ِإ‬ ٌ"# َ ْ!َ ْ ُ ٌ"#
ِ ْ!َ ْ ُ ً َ!2ِ!+ْ ‫ِإ‬ "ُ ِ#ْ!َ ْ &َ "َ # َ ْ!َ +ْ ‫ِإ‬
ْ‫ل‬d !َ ْ 'َ َ ْ‫ل‬d !َ +ْ ‫ِإ‬ ٌ‫ل‬a !َ ْ ُ ٌ‫ل‬d !َ ْ ُ ً ‫َا‬2ِ!+ْ ‫ِإ‬ ‫ ُل‬d !َ ْ &َ ‫ َل‬a !َ +ْ ‫ِإ‬
ْ"ِFْ !َ ْ 'َ َ ْ"ِ Fْ !َ +ْ ‫ِإ‬ ٌ"َ Fْ !َ ْ ُ ٌ"ِ Fْ !َ ُْ ً 7
َ Fْ !ِ +ْ ‫ِإ‬ "ُ ِ Fْ !َ ْ &َ "َ َ Fْ !َ +ْ ‫ِإ‬

‫د‬.‫ ا‬Xh7M‫ا‬ ‫وف‬A 32+ 5&‫ ا‬Xh7M‫ا‬

‫ا& دة‬
َ َ T
َ – He granted ‫إست‬ َ َ Bْ 0َ 
ْ ‫ ِإ‬- He sought forgiveness
^0‫ – آ‬He wrote ‫إست‬ ^َ 0َ ْ 0َ 
ْ ‫ ِإ‬- He made him to write
^<# X
h ‫إ و ش‬ ^َ E َ ْ< َ #ْ ‫ ِإ‬- Grassy or covered with green
َ َ #
َ ‫إوو‬ ‫ط‬َ a َ #
ْ ‫ِإ‬
َ ْA
َ ‫د‬.‫ ا‬X# N‫ا‬ ‫إن‬ َ .
ْ َ Aْ ‫ِإ‬

ِْ Bْ 0َ k
ْ 'َ َ ِْ Bْ 0َ 
ْ ‫ِإ‬ ٌَ Bْ 0َ k
ْ ُ ٌِ Bْ 0َ k
ْ ُ ‫َ رًا‬Bْ 0ِ ْ‫ِإ‬ ُ ِ Bْ 0َ k
ْ &َ َ َ Bْ 0َ 
ْ ‫ِإ‬
ْ^0ِ ْ 0َ k
ْ 'َ َ ْ^0ِ ْ 0َ 
ْ ‫ِإ‬ ٌ^0َ ْ 0َ k
ْ ُ ٌ^0ِ ْ 0َ kْ ُ ًN َ0ْ 0ِ 
ْ ‫ِإ‬ ^
ُ 0ِ ْ 0َ k
ْ &َ ^
َ 0َ ْ 0َ  ْ ‫ِإ‬
ْ^E ِ ْ< َ !ْ 'َ َ ْ^E ِ ْ< َ # ْ ‫ِإ‬ ____ ٌ^Eِ ْ< َ !ْ ُ ًN َ<< ِ # ْ ‫ِإ‬ ^
ُ E ِ ْ< َ !ْ &َ ^
َ E
َ ْ< َ # ْ ‫ِإ‬
ْ d َ !ْ 'َ َ ‫ط‬
ْ d َ #
ْ ‫ِإ‬ ‫ط‬
ٌ a َ !ْ ُ ‫ط‬
ٌ d َ !ْ ُ ًc‫َا‬2ِ# ْ ‫ِإ‬ ‫ط‬
ُ d َ !ْ &َ ‫ط‬
َ a َ # ْ ‫ِإ‬
ْ َ ْ 'َ َ ْ.
ْ َ A ْ ‫ِإ‬ ____ ٌ. ِ
ْ َ
ْ ُ ‫َ ًم‬.
ْ َ Aْ ‫ِإ‬ ُ .
ْ َ ْ &َ َ .َ
ْ َ A ْ ‫ِإ‬
‫ة‬52 " X+

A Muslim sought forgiveness of his Lord 3ُ Na ‫ ٌِ َر‬kْ ُ َ َ Bْ 0َ 
ْ ‫ِإ‬
The teacher commanded the student to write ^
َ ِ aK‫ ُ ا‬d !َ ُ ْ ‫^ ا‬
َ 0َ ْ 0َ 
ْ ‫ِإ‬
The land is full of grass ‫ض‬
ُ ْ‫ اْ َ)ر‬s ِ Cَ E
َ ْ< َ #ْ ‫ِإ‬
The cattle gathered ‫ اْ َ) ْ
!َ ُم‬s ِ َ .َ
ْ َ A
ْ ‫ِإ‬

Self Assessment Exercise

Identify from any part of the Qur’an 4 different X‫ا‬5k‫ا!" ا‬, explain the status of
each and conjugate all appropriately.

4.0 Conclusion
You will observe that in the conjugation ofX‫ا‬5k‫ ا!" ا‬, it is only verbs of "!0‫ا‬
scale that have 3N ‫!ل‬. Others do not have 3N ‫!ل‬. But how do you know the
verb with 3N ‫ !ل‬and those that do not have? The surest mechanism is through the
meaning. For example, if you say ‘I laughed and I drank’. In the first sentence,
you just laugh and the action of laughter ends with you. Whereas, in the second
sentence, you drank; you must have drunk some liquid, water, tea or milk. So, to
drink ‫ب‬
ُ َ <
ْ &َ needs 3N ‫ !ل‬while to laugh f
َ ِ>
َ does not require 3N ‫!ل‬.

5.0 Summary
In this unit, you have been taken through ‫! ل‬+)‫ أوزان ا‬from three lettered to six
lettered ones. And the mechanism of conjugation has been sufficiently treated.
However, your ability to navigate conveniently in the aspects of ‫ ف‬we have
treated so far requires extensive reading because some aspects of ‫ ف‬are based
on what is known as X#  i.e. oral tradition which does not follow clearly defined
patterns or rules.

6.0 Tutor Marked Assignment

State with illustrations any two characteristics of ‫ ف‬that distinguish it from

7.0 References/Further Reading

1. Al-Maydani, A. M. (1978), =
‫ا‬52‫ ا‬%&$', Agege, Matba’atu Thaqafatul
2. Al – Hamlāwī, A.M.A, (1999) ‫ف‬$‫ ا‬,+ X+ ‫ ا!ف‬Dّ E Al-Qāhirah, Maktabatu aş-
3. Al – Maħāsinī S. A. (1966), ‫ ب ا;ـاءة‬0‫ آـ‬Damascus, Matba‘atu Mufīd al –
4. Ahmad Muhammad Shaddād, (1977) J0‫ اـ‬L M‫ اـ‬%‫ـ‬$ 2‫ـ‬N!‫ ! ا‬K‫اـ‬
Baghdad, Matba ‘atu Tīmis.
5. Abdul-Rauf, (1989), &2.
8 N ,2;c F‫ب ا‬7K 2N!‫ ا‬Lebanon, A`s-Sa‘dāwī

Module 2 "0!‫ وا‬12 $‫ا!" ا‬
Unit 1 "0!‫ وا‬12 $‫ا!" ا‬
1.0 Introduction
2.0 Objectives
3.0 Main Content
3.1 12 $‫ا!" ا‬
3.2 %!g‫ ا?ز وا‬, k‫ا!" ا‬
3.3 "0!‫ا!" ا‬
4.0 Conclusion
5.0 Summary
6.0 Tutor marked Assignment
7.0 References / Further Reading

1.0 Introduction
Classification of "!+ into 12 ‘ and "‘0! is one aspect of ‫ ‘ف‬you will find quite
interesting. The beauty of this classification is that the learner can navigate across
the various categories with minimum assistance and guidance because every
category is distinct and easy to grasp with illustrations that are lucid and handy.
What makes this classification more interesting is the examples that can be easily
drawn from materials in unit 3 module 1 above.

2.0 Objectives
At the end of this unit, you should be able to:
• define with illustration 12 $‫ا!" ا‬
• define with illustration %!g‫ ا?ز وا‬, k‫ا!" ا‬
• define with illustration "0!‫ا!" ا‬

3.0 Main Content

1.1 12 $‫ا!" ا‬
Simply defined, 12 ‘$‫ ا!‘" ا‬means the verb that is sound and free of any
form of defect. The verb is sound when it is particularly free from the ‫وف‬A
‘#which are .‫ واى‬Verbs like ^‘‫ ذه‬or l‘ which you have come across in
the ‫‘‘د‬. "‘‘!+ segment provide appropriate illustrations. The difference
between ‫د‬. "!+ and 12 ‘ "‘!+ is in ‫‘وف ا&‘ رة‬A i.e ?َ 2
ِ ُ 0ُ ْ @َ ‘َ and ‘!‫‘وف ا‬A
i.e ‫واي‬. As already explained, a verb is declared ‫‘د‬. when it is free from
‫‘وف ا&‘ دة‬A such as "‘! , ‫ رزق‬and it is 12 ‘ if it is free of ‘# ‫‘وف‬A. So
while X‘g[ is qualified for ‫‘د‬., it (i.e. X‘g[) is not qualified for 12 ‘
because of the ‘‘# ‫‘‘ف‬A in its "‘‘!‫م ا‬. Let us consider the following

Then Imam rode on a camel to the 5.k‫ ا‬X‫ إ‬7 ‫ م‬8‫رآ^ ا‬

Zaynab laughed for her success in َ?A
ِ َ.Fَ ِ ^
ُ Fَ &ْ ‫ْ َز‬sَ

school certificate Examination ‫ي‬
d ِ
َ Ma ‫ن ا‬ِ َ 0ِ ْ 8ِ ‫ِ= ا‬+
I thanked God for the favour of Islam ‫ ِم‬7
َ ْ 8ِ ‫ ِ
ْ! َ ِ ا‬Xَ# َ 3َ a‫ت ا‬ ُ ْ5ِ A َ
God sent forth examples for people ‫س‬
ِ aFِ ‫َ َل‬Mْ )َ ‫ ا‬3ُ a‫ب ا‬ َ َ > َ
Mobile phone is made in Nigeria َ&ِ 2ِ.2ْ
َ =ِ+ ُ Fَ $ ْ 'ُ ُ َ ‫ا‬a. َ ْ ‫َا‬
God assisted Muslims at Badr ‫ْ ِر‬5Nَ ‫ َ&ْ َم‬,َ 2ِِ k ْ ُ ْ ‫ ا‬3ُ a‫ َ ا‬$
Muslims learnt their life lesson at ‫َ ُ` َ&ْ َم‬kFْ &َ ْ,َ ًْ‫ن َدر‬ َ ُِ k ْ ُ ْ ‫س ا‬
َ ‫دَ َر‬
Hunayn ,
ِ 2ْ Fَ A
Your Lord has decreed that you `ُ &a ‫ ِإ‬a ‫ُوا ِإ‬5Cُ !ْ 'َ َ ْ‫ َأن‬f َ Nv ‫ َر‬Xَg[َ ‫َو‬
worship none but Him.

3.1.1 Analysis
You will notice that in the sentences above, all the verbs except X‘g[ are sound.
They include .‫ درس‬،‘$
(F‘) F‘$' (‫‘ب )>‘ب‬g& ،5‘A ،f ‘> ،^‘‫رآ‬. All of them are
free of any defect i.e ‘!‫‘وف ا‬A. Therefore, it should be very easy for you to
identify 12  "!+. Regarding the conjugation of 12 ‘ "‘!+ you can use all examples
already used in ‫د‬. above

Self Assessment Exercise

Identify from Suratul 'A'la five sound and healthy verbs (12 ‘ "!+ ) and conjugate

3.2   "!+
Fi'lun Saalim is known as a safe and regular verb. It is so called because it is, like
12 ‘ "‘!+, free of ‘# ‫‘وف‬A. It is also free of ‫ ه‘ة‬and %2!‘g' e.g ‘$
, l‘ ، ^‘‫رآ‬.
You can use them as follows:

Ahmad assisted his brother `ُ َV‫ َأ‬5ُ َ A

ْ ‫ َ َأ‬$
The guest sat on the chair =
ِ ُْ ْ ‫ ا‬Xَ#َ % ُ 2ْ g
a ‫ ا‬l َ َ َ
Sulaiman rode his horse 3ُ
َ َ$A ِ ‫ن‬ ُ َ2ْ َ 
ُ ^ َ ‫َر ِآ‬

It should be noted that ‫ ا!‘" ا?‘ز‬like "‘‫ أآ‬and %

ُ !a ‘َgُ like a ‘+ are not ِ ‘َ but they
are 12 ‫ ـ‬. This concept can be graphically illustrated as follows:


%!g ‫ــ ــ‬
a ‫ــــ‬+ 5‫[ـــ!ــ‬
a ‫ـــ‬ ‫ـــح‬+
a ‫ـــ‬+ 5‫ـ!ـ‬

Like  ‘, ‫ ?‘ز‬does not contain any ‘# ‫‘ف‬A. It is defined as the verb that has
hamzah as its "!‫ ء ا‬+ e.g. َ َ ‫ َأ‬or its "!‫ ا‬,2# e.g ‫ @ل‬or as its "!‫ م ا‬e.g ‫[أ‬

Abdul Razaq ate rice ‫ ازاق از‬5C# "‫أآ‬

Zayd asked the teacher about interest N‫ ا‬,# ‫ ذ‬0)‫ ا‬5&‫@ل ز‬
The broadcaster read the news bulletine ‫ ر‬CV)‫& ا‬D‫[أ ا‬

Don't you see ‫!‘" ?‘ز‬+ really working like a typical 12 ‘ with all its radicals
taking fat-hah. You should be able to identify ‫!" ?‘ز‬+ from among hundreds of

Regarding %!‘g‫ا‬, it is like 12 ‘ because it has its three radicals like (‫ َد‬5َ ‘َ) but the
two identical radicals i.e. ‫ دد‬are integrated into one known as %!‘g. Again, you
should be able to identify ٌ%!a g
َ ُ with ease. Example of %
ُ !a g
َ ُ :a +َ a َ ‫ل‬a ‫َد‬

The thief fled from prison ,
ِ. ْk d ‫ْ ا‬,ِ ‫ق‬ ُ ‫ ِر‬ak‫ ا‬a +َ
The week passed like a flash ِ $
َ Cَ ْ ‫ ا‬1
ِ ْ َ ‫ع َآ‬
ُ ُCْ )ُ ‫ ا‬a َ
The parent guided his son on the way q
ِ &ِKa ‫ ا‬Xَ# َ 3َFNْ ‫ ِا‬5ُ ِ ‫ل ا َْا‬a ‫َد‬

It should be noted that there are =h7h %!g and =# N‫ ر‬%!g. =‘h7M‫ ا‬%!g‫ ا‬has been
explained/illustrated above. Regarding =# ‘N‫ ا‬%!g‫ا‬, is the =# ‘N‫!‘" ر‬+ that has ,2‘#
3‘!+ and =
‘M‫ م ا!‘" ا‬from the same radical and "‘!‫‘ ء ا‬+ and ‫ م ا!‘" ا)ول‬from the
same radical

Example: ‫ق‬
َ َ ‫ْ[ــــ‬ ‫َر‬
"!‫م ا‬
‫م ا!" ا)ول‬

"!‫ ء ا‬+

"!‫ ا‬,2#

َ ‫ْـــ َــ‬$‫َـــ‬A

‫َم‬ ‫َد‬ ْ‫م‬ ‫َد‬

The water spred ‫ر[ق ا ء‬

The truth is manifest q ‫ Š ا‬$A
Their Lord punished them for their sin ?C
DN ?N‫? ر‬2# =# ‫م‬5‫د‬

Self Assessment Exercise

Give two examples for each of   "!+ , ‫ ?ز‬, %!g and use them in sentences.

3.2 ("0!‫)ا!" ا‬
This is the verb that is weak or deficient as a result of having ‘# ‫‘ف‬A as one or
two of its radicals. You will recall that ‘# ‫‘وف‬A are three. They are ‫و ا ي‬.
However, "‘0!‫ ا!‘" ا‬is of four types: these are Š[ ‘
, ‫ أ‘ف‬, %‘2 and ‫‘ ل‬M. We can
express it graphically as follows:

"0!‫ا!" ا‬

[ـ‬ ‫أـف‬ %2‫ـ‬ Š‫

‫وق‬ ‫;ون‬
Š[ F‫ ا!" ا‬is the verb that has ‫ ي‬or %‫ أ‬as its "!‫ م ا‬e.g Xg[ , X‫ ر‬, X#‫ د‬, ‫ا‬5N , X.

Your Lord has decreed that you worship ` &‫وا إ إ‬5C!'  ‫ أن‬fN‫ ر‬Xg[‫و‬
none but Him
You threw not when you did throw, but X‫ اƒ ر‬,‫ و‬s2‫ إذ ر‬s2‫و ر‬
Allah threw
And Noah called his son who had ‫= !ل‬+ ‫ وه‬3FN‫
ح ا‬#‫ود‬
separated himself
It appeared to me that the winter season ‫ب‬0[‫ ا‬5[ ‫ ء‬0<‫ ا‬s[‫ا = أن و‬5N
is near.

Š[ F‫ ا!" ا‬means the hollow verb i.e the verb that has 5 %‫ أ‬as its "!‫ ا‬,2# e.g
‫ [ ل‬،‫  ر‬،‫
م‬،‫ [ م‬،‫' ب‬

Muhammad said that resurrection is real q
pA َ L َ !ْ Cَ ْ ‫ن ا‬
a ‫ ِإ‬5ُ a
َ ُ ‫َ[ َل‬
Yusuf walked to the school quickly #
ً ِ k
ْ ُ ِ  َ ‫ْ َر‬5َ ْ ‫ ا‬Xَ ‫ ِإ‬% ُ  ُ &ُ ‫ َر‬ َ
Khalid slept during the lesson in the class "ِ $
ْ َ ْ ‫= ا‬+ِ ‫س‬ ِ ْ‫ر‬5a ‫ َء ا‬Fَ hْ ‫ َأ‬5ُ ِ V َ ‫َ
Sa'd rose from his sleep early ‫ ًا‬d Cَ ُ 3ِ ِ ْ
َ ْ,ِ 5ُ !ْ  َ ‫َ[ َم‬
The sinner repented to him Lord 3ِ Nd ‫ َر‬Xَ ‫^ ِإ‬ُ
ِ ْDُ ْ ‫ب ا‬
َ 'َ

%‘2‫ ا!‘" ا‬This is the verb that has two ‘# ‘+A in its foundation radicals (i.e the
foundation letters). It is of two types: namely ‫ ;‘ون‬i.e %‘2‫ ا‬which has its two
weak radicals follow each other e.g ،‫ روى‬،‫

He who toys with knowledge has goofed ‫ َى‬T

َ ْ5;َ +َ ِ ْ !ِ ْ Nِ ‫ن‬
َ ?َ 0َ 
ْ ‫ا‬,
ِ َ
Ahmad intended to perform pilgrimage ‫ا ا ْ َ! ُم‬Dَ ‫ َا َم َه‬
َ ْ ‫ƒ ا‬
ِ ‫ا‬sَ 2ْ Nَ ’
a ُ &َ ْ‫ َأن‬5ُ َ A ْ ‫َ
َى َأ‬
this year
Abu Hurayrah narrated more than a L
ِ &5ِ A
َ %
ِ ْ ‫ْ َأ‬,ِ َ Mَ ‫ ُه َ ْ& َ َة َأ ْآ‬Nُ ‫َر َوى َأ‬
thousand Hadith

The second type of %‘2 is the one called ‫ ‘وق‬i.e the one in which the two week
letters are separated by a sound letter e.g X+َ ‫ َو‬،X#
َ ‫ َو‬,X[َ ‫َو‬

The father saved his noble son from ‫ك‬

َ ?َ ْ ‫ ا‬,
َ ِ ‫ر‬a Cَ ْ ‫ ا‬3ُ Fَ Nْ ‫ب ِإ‬
v )َ ْ‫ ا‬X[َ ‫َو‬
Abdulkarim learnt by heart the entire َ?a‫& َ ُآ‬a ِ
ْ Fa ‫ ا‬5َ #
ِ ‫ ا ْ َ ِ& ِ ا ْ َ; َا‬5ُ Cْ #
َ X#
َ ‫َو‬
Nahw rules
A muslim fullfils his promise 5َ #
ْ ‫ ِإ َذا َو‬X+َ ‫ ِ ُ َو‬k
ْ ُ ْ ‫ا‬

‫‘ ل‬M‫ ا!‘" ا‬This is so called because it looks like 12 ‘$‫ ا!‘" ا‬for having all its
radicals given  0+ like 12 $‫!" ا‬+ despite its "!‫ ء ا‬+ been # ‫ف‬A e.g.
َ [َ ‫ َو‬،‫ث‬
َ ‫ َو ِر‬،5َ #
َ ‫َو‬

God promised the fearing ones the Fa .

َ ْ ‫ ا‬,2;0‫ اƒ ا‬5َ #
َ ‫َو‬
Sulaiman inherited Dawud ‫ن داوو َد‬ ُ َ 2ْ 
ُ ‫ث‬
َ ‫َو ِر‬
A motor accident occurred on the Nk
a ‫ ا‬q
ِ Nِ K
a ‫ ا‬X+ِ ‫ َرة‬2a 
َ ‫ ِدث‬A َ َ [َ ‫َو‬
express way

Self Assessment Exercise

Identify and explain the types of "0!‫ ا!" ا‬contained in Suratud-Duha.

4.0 Conclusion
You must have noticed that both 12 ‘$‫ ا!‘" ا‬and "‘0!‫ ا‬have branches (‫‘ م‬k[‫)أ‬. I
would like to believe that each of them has been clearly defined and sufficiently

illustrated for you in a manner that enables you to easily identify each with its

5.0 Summary
As a matter of tradition, every verb has the appropriate measure (‫ )وزن‬that goes
with it. That implies that verbs treated in this unit have their ‫ أوزان‬and %&‘$'
delayed till the next unit for treatment

6.0 Tutor Marked Assignment (TMA)

• Arrange the following verbs in the appropriate categories. Give each
category the appropriate definition.
a َ - َ 
ِ ‫ َو‬- 5a َ - ‫ َ[ ََأ‬- Xَ
َ - Xَ ‫ َر‬- ‫ َ@ َل‬
َ - Xg
َ [َ - ‫ َ[ َم‬- ‫ َر‬
َ - 5َ #
َ ‫ َو‬- 1
َ 0َ +َ

7.0 References / Further Reading.

1. Al-Maydani, A. M. (1978), =
‫ا‬52‫ ا‬%&$', Agege, Matba’atu Thaqafatul
2. Al – Hamlāwī, A.M.A, (1999) ‫ف‬$‫ ا‬,+ X+ ‫ ا!ف‬Dّ E Al-Qāhirah, Maktabatu aş-
3. Al – Maħāsinī S. A. (1966), ‫ ب ا;ـاءة‬0‫ آـ‬Damascus, Matba‘atu Mufīd al –
4. Ahmad Muhammad Shaddād, (1977) J0‫ اـ‬L M‫ اـ‬%‫ـ‬$ 2‫ـ‬N!‫ ! ا‬K‫اـ‬
Baghdad, Matba ‘atu Tīmis.
5. Abdul-Rauf, (1989), &2.
8 N ,2;c F‫ب ا‬7K 2N!‫ ا‬Lebanon, A`s-Sa‘dāwī
6. Tarablīsī/Abu Ħarb (1967) ‫ ـ‬F‫ دى ا‬C‫ ـ‬Damascus, Al-Matba‘ah a`t –

Module 2 "0!‫ وا‬12 $‫ا‬
Unit 2 "0!‫ وا‬12 $‫وع ا‬+

1.0 Introduction
2.0 Objectives
3.0 Main content

3.1 ?#‫و‬+‫’ و‬2 $‫ا‬

3.2 3#‫" وأ
3.3 3#‫" وأ

4.0 Conclusion
5.0 Summary
6.0 Tutor Marked Assignment
7.0 References / Further Readings

1.0 Introduction
In the last unit, definition of 12 ‘$‫ ا!‘" ا‬with its branches and "‘0!‫ ا!‘" ا‬with its
branches were treated. They were all backed up with considerable illustrations. In
this unit, you will be taken through conjugation of the verbs just referred to above.

2.0 Objectives
At the end of this unit, you should be able to:
• conjugate 12 $‫ ا!" ا‬with all its branches;
• conjugate "0!‫ ا!" ا‬with all its branches; and
• conjugate "0!‫ا!" ا‬

3.0 Main Content

3.1 Conjugation of 12 $‫ا!" ا‬
As a reminder, 12 ‘$‫ ا!‘" ا‬is the verb that is free from ‘!‫‘وف ا‬A which are three;
namely ‫واى‬. But  ‘k‫ ا!‘" ا‬is the verb that is free of ‘# ‫‘وف‬A like Saheeh. The
difference, however, is in ‫ ه‘ة‬and %2!‘g'. While 12 ‘$‫ ا‬accommodates ‫ ه‘ة‬as in
"َ ‫ َأ َآ‬and %2!‘g' as in a ‘َ,  ‘k‫ ا!‘" ا‬does not. In other words,  ‘k‫ ا!‘" ا‬constitutes a
branch of 12 ‘$‫ ا‬while ‫ ا?‘ز‬and %!‘g‫ ا‬are other branches of 12 ‘$‫ا‬. But then,
each of them is conjugated as follows.
3.1.1 Since 12 ‘$‫ ا!‘" ا‬with all its branches is like ‫‘د‬.‫ ا!‘" ا‬which has been
extensively conjugated in Module 1, Unit 3 all that is necessary here is provision
of one or two samples of 12 $‫ ا‬e.g  -"‫ أآ‬-5! -J;

"!& - "!+ - ‫ وزن‬X# - J

ُ ;ُ k
ْ &َ - J
َ ;َ 
J;k'  - J;‫ أ‬- ‫;ط‬k - J[  - c; - J;k& - J;

"ُ !َ ْ &َ - "َ !ِ +َ - ‫ وزن‬X# - 5ُ !َ k

ْ &َ - 5َ !ِ 

ْ5!َ k
ْ 'َ َ ْ5!َ 
ْ ‫ ُ!دٌ ِإ‬k
ْ َ ٌ52!ِ 
َ ٌ5#
َ ‫ َ! َد ًة‬
َ 5ُ !َ k
ْ &َ 5َ !ِ 

"ُ !ُ ْ &َ "َ !َ +َ ‫ وزن‬X# "ُ ‫َ& ْ@ ُآ‬ "َ ‫َأ َآ‬
"ُ ‫َ َ' ْ@ ُآ‬ ْ"‫َ ْ@ ُآلٌ ُآ‬ ٌ"‫ ِآ‬ 7
ً ‫َأ ْآ‬ "ُ ‫َ& ْ@ ُآ‬ "َ ‫َأ َآ‬

"ُ !ُ ْ &َ "َ !َ +َ ‫ وزن‬X# v k

ُ &َ a 
a k
ُ 'َ َ a 
َ ‫ ُو ُر‬kْ َ ٌ‫ ر‬
َ ‫ ُو ًرا‬
ُ v k
ُ &َ a 

You should note that ‫ر‬5‘$ of 5!‘ is both ‫ا‬5!‘ and ‫ ‘! دة‬which puts its ‫ وزن‬at 7 ً ‘ْ!+َ
and ً َ !َ +َ . In the same token, the ‫ر‬5$ of  which is ‫ ور‬puts its ‫ وزن‬at ‫!ُ‘ ُل‬+ُ and
its )‫!" ا‬+ at a +َ

Self Assessment Exercise

Conjugate the following verbs with their appropriate ‫أوزان‬:
‫َ[ َ َأ‬ ،a +َ ،5َ .
ََ ،َ ‫َر َآ‬ ،َ َ c
َ ،َ K
َ [َ

3.2 "0!‫ا!" ا‬
To be conjugated in this segment are the branches of "‘0!‫ ا‬which include ,‫أ‘ف‬
‫ ل‬M and Š[

First, ‫‘ ل‬M‫ ا‬which is in the category "‘0! for having ‫ و‬, which is a ‘# ‫‘ف‬A as one
of its radicals i.e the constituent letters. But it is called ‫‘ ل‬M because it appears like
12 ‘ for having all its radicals including ‫ و‬vowelized like sound verb ( "‘!‫ا‬
12 ‘$‫)ا‬. In other branches of "‘0!such as ‫ أ‘ف‬,Š[ ‘
and %‘2 either the middle or
the last letter is not vowelized e. g.
"‫ و‬،[‫ و‬،>‫ و‬،‫ ورم‬،q‫ و‬،5‫ و‬،%‫و‬

I have selected these ‫‘ ل‬M verbs because they present different patterns of "‘!‫ ا‬,2‘#.
For example:
5َ َ ‫ َو‬q
ُ ِ &َ q
َ ِ ‫َو‬ ُ g
َ &َ َ >
َ ‫َو‬ "ُ 
َ ْ&َ "َ 
ِ ‫ َو‬%
ُ $
ِ َ& %
َ ‫ث َو‬
ُ ِ &َ ‫ث‬
َ ‫َو َ[ َ َ& َ; ُ َو ِر‬
5ُ .
ِ &َ

‫ وزن‬X# ْ;َ 'َ َ ْ[َ ٌ[ِ ‫َوا‬ !ً [ْ ‫ َو‬#

ً [ُ ‫ُو‬ ُ ;َ &َ َ [َ ‫َو‬
ْ"!َ 'َ َ ْ"#َ ٌ"#ِ +َ 7
ً !ْ +َ ً !ُ +ُ "ُ !َ ْ &َ "َ !َ +َ

ْ‫َ َ' ِث‬ ْ‫ َوا ِرثٌ َْ ُروثٌ ِرث‬hً ‫ِو َرا‬ ً hَ ‫ِو َرا‬ ‫ث‬
ُ ِ &َ ‫ث‬
َ ‫َو ِر‬
ْ"!ِ 'َ َ "# ‫" !ل‬# + 7!+  !+ "!& "!+

ِ 'َ َ ْ5
ِ ٌ‫د‬
ُ َْ ٌ5
ِ ‫ ًدا َوا‬
ُ ‫ُو‬ 5ُ .
ِ &َ 5َ 
َ ‫َو‬
ِ ْ'َ َ ْ" ِ ْ‫"ٌ َأو‬
ِ ‫َوا‬ 7
ًْ ‫َو‬ "ُ َ ْ&َ "َ  ِ ‫َو‬

There are three patterns in ‫‘ ل‬M‫ ا‬as far as "‘!‫ ا‬,2‘# is concerned. They include ‘[‫و‬
‘;& based on 5ُ ‘ِ.&َ 5َ ‘َ‫ َو‬based on "ُ ‘ِ!ْ &َ "َ ‘َ!+َ , "ُ ‘َْ&َ "َ ‘ِ‫ َو‬which presents a unique pattern as
it retains its ‫ و‬at ‫ رع‬g while all others lost their ‫ و‬at ‫ رع‬g.

Secondly, ‫ ا)‘ف‬which is so called because it is hollow i.e a hole-like case at the

middle e.g
‫ م‬F& ‫
م‬2k& ‫[ ل &;ل  ر‬
You will notice that ‫ ا!" ا)ف‬presents three patterns of "!‫ ا‬,2#. These are:

‫ وزن‬X# ْ";ُ 'َ َ ْ"[ُ ٌ‫َ ُ;ل‬ ٌ"uِ [َ ً ْ[َ ‫َ& ُ; ُل‬ ‫َ[ َل‬
ْ"ُ 'َ َ ْ"+ُ ٌ‫َ ْ ُ!ل‬ ٌ"#ِ +َ 7
ً !ْ +َ "ُ !ُ ْ &َ "َ !َ +َ

‫ وزن‬X# ْk
ِ 'َ َ ْ
ِ ٌuِ 
َ ‫ ًا‬2ْ 
َ ُ 2k
ِ &َ ‫ َر‬ َ
ْ"ِ 'َ َ ْ"+ِ ٌ"#ِ +َ 7
ً !ْ +َ "ُ !ِ ْ &َ "َ !َ +َ

‫ وزن‬X# ْFَ 'َ َ ْ

َ ٌuِ
َ ً ْ
َ ‫ ُم‬Fَ &َ ‫َ
ْ"َ 'َ َ ْ"+َ ٌ"#ِ +َ 7
ً !ْ +َ "ُ !َ ْ &َ "َ !َ +َ

What you do with ‫ وزن‬in this case is to reduce the main verb e.g ‫ [ ل‬to
"!‫ ء ا‬+
"!‫ ا‬,2#
"!‫م ا‬

and what happens to "‘!‫ ا‬,2# in the main verb will be replicated to "‘!‫ ا‬,2‘# of the
‫ وزن‬. So ْ"[ُ ْ"+ُ , ْ
َ ْ"+َ , ْ
ِ ْ"+ِ

Self Assessment Exercise

Conjugate the following verbs with their appropriate ‫أوزان‬
‫َ[ َم‬ - ‫ح‬ َ 
َ - ‫ َل‬
َ - ^ َ hَ ‫َو‬ - q
َ ِ ‫َو‬ - 5َ #
َ ‫َو‬

3.3 Next, we take on Š[ F‫ ا!" ا‬which has # ‫ف‬A in its "!‫ م ا‬e.g
َ - Xَ
َ - ‫ا‬5َ T
َ - X!َ 
َ - Xg َ [َ - Xَ ‫َر‬

َ ‫و‬5ُ Bْ &َ ‫ا‬5َ T
َ Xَ $
ْ &َ Xَ 
َ X!َ k
ْ &َ X!َ 
َ Xg
ِ ;ْ &َ Xg
َ [َ Xِ ْ&َ Xَ ‫َر‬
ُ Fْ &َ

‫ وزن‬X# ‫َ َ'ْ ِم‬ ‫ ِإرْ ِم‬X p ِ َْ Xِ ‫َرا‬ 2ً ْ ‫ َر‬Xِ ْ&َ Xَ ‫َر‬
ِ ْ 'َ َ ِ +ْ ‫َ ْ ُ!لٌ ِإ‬ ٌ"#
ِ +َ 7
ً !ْ +َ "ُ !ِ ْ &َ "َ !َ +َ

ِ ;ْ 'َ َ x
ِ [ْ ‫ِإ‬ X
ِ ;ْ َ X>
ِ [َ ‫ ًء‬g
َ [َ Xgِ ;ْ &َ Xgَ [َ
"ُ !ِ ْ &َ "َ !َ +َ ‫ وزن‬X#
‫ وزن‬X# َ kْ 'َ َ َ ْ ‫ ____ ِإ‬X# ِ 
َ 2ً !ْ 
َ X!َ k ْ &َ X!َ َ
َ ْ 'َ َ َ +ْ ‫"ٌ ____ ِإ‬#
ِ +َ 7
ً !ْ +َ "ُ !َ ْ &َ "َ !َ +َ

5ُ Bْ 'َ َ 5ُ T
ْ ‫ُأ‬ ‫ا َو ًة‬5َ T
َ ‫و‬5ُ Bْ &َ ‫ا‬5َ T

You will notice that Š[

"!+ presents three patterns of "!‫ ا‬,2# in its ‫ رع‬g which
"ُ !ُ ْ &َ "َ !َ +َ - "ُ !ِ ْ &َ "َ !َ +َ - "ُ !َ ْ &َ "َ !َ +َ

3.3.1 %2‫ ا‬is the verb that harbours two # ‫ف‬A. It is called ‫ ا;ون‬%2‫ ا‬if the
two # ‫ف‬A follow each other e.g. ‫ َر َوى‬- ‫ َى‬Tَ - ‫َ

‫ وزن‬X# ِ Fْ 'َ َ ِ
ْ ‫ى ِإ‬p ِ Fْ َ ‫َ
ِوى‬ ً 2a
ِ ‫ ِى‬Fْ &َ ‫َ
ِ ْ 'َ َ ِ +ْ ‫َ ْ ُ! ُل ِإ‬ "ُ #
ِ +َ ً َ !ْ +ِ "ُ !ِ ْ &َ "َ !َ +َ

‫ وزن‬X# ِ Bْ 'َ َ ِ Tْ ‫ِإ‬ ___ ‫ى‬

َ ‫َ ِو‬T ً &َ ‫َا‬T
َ ‫ِى‬Bْ &َ ‫َى‬T َ
ِ ْ 'َ َ ِ +ْ ‫ِإ‬ ___ ٌ"# ِ َ+ ً َ َ!+َ "ُ !ِ ْ &َ "َ !َ +َ
‫ وزن‬X# ‫َ َ'ْ ِو‬ ‫ى ِإرْ ِو‬ p ‫َْ ِو‬ ‫َ&ْ ِوى ِر َوا َ& ً َرا ِوى‬ ‫َر َوى‬
ِ ْ 'َ َ ِ +ْ ‫َ ْ!ُلٌ ِإ‬ ٌ"#
ِ َ+ ً َ َ!+ِ "ُ !ِ ْ &َ "َ !َ +َ

It is called ‫ اوق‬%2‫ ا‬if the two # ‫ف‬A are separated by a regular radical e.g
‫ وزن‬X# %
ِ 'َ َ ‫ف‬
ِ =
p +ِ َْ X+ِ ‫َوا‬ ‫ ًء‬+َ ‫َو‬ Xِ &َ X+َ ‫َو‬
ِ 'َ َ ‫ع‬
ِ ٌ‫"ٌ َ ْ ُ!ل‬#
ِ +َ ً !َ +ِ "ُ !ِ ْ &َ "َ !َ +َ
‫ وزن‬X# q
ِ 'َ َ ‫ق‬
ِ = p [ِ َْ X[ِ ‫َوا‬ ً &َ [َ ‫ِو‬ X;ِ &َ X[َ ‫َو‬
ِ 'َ َ ‫ع‬
ِ ٌ‫َ ْ ُ!ل‬ ٌ"#
ِ +َ ً َ !َ +ِ "ُ !ِ ْ &َ "َ !َ +َ
‫ وزن‬X# ِ 'َ َ ‫ع‬
ِ =p#
ِ َْ Xِ#‫وَا‬ ً2#
ْ ‫َو‬ Xِ!&َ Xَ#‫َو‬
ِ 'َ َ ‫ع‬
ِ ٌ‫َ ْ!ُل‬ ٌ"#
ِ َ+ 7
ً !ْ +َ "ُ !ِ ْ &َ "َ !َ +َ

What is peculiar in ‫ ا‘وق‬%‘2‫ ا‬is that it loses its two ‘# ‫‘ف‬A in its ‘‫!‘" إ‬+.
Correspondingly, in its wazn, it also loses both of them.

Self Assessment Exercise

‫ى‬C‫ ا‬3N‫ ا& ت ر‬, ‫ رأى‬5[‫و‬.......‫ى‬T ‫ و‬CA  ">  ‫ إذا هى‬.F‫وا‬
Conjugate the underlined verbs in the above verses of the Qur'an and explain the
status of each verb.

4.0 Conclusion
It is interesting to note that "‘0!‫ ا!‘" ا‬in all its branches has 3‘2+ 5‘& just the way
12 ‘$‫ ا!‘" ا‬has. However, that has to be taken on separately in another unit for
explicit explanation.

5.0 Summary

One peculiarity posed in this segment is that ‫ ا‘زن‬or ‫( اوزان‬in its plural form) take
shape and status of the ‫ ا‘زون‬i.e the target verb, For example, if the ‫( ‘زون‬target
verb) is X‘#‫ و‬which loses its two ‘# ‫‘ف‬A in its ‘)‫!‘" ا‬+ , the two letters will
similarly be lost in the ‘)‫!‘" ا‬+ of the ‫وزن‬. You must have noticed, therefore, that
‫ وزن‬becomes a follower following the target verb in any situation or case.
6.0 Tutor Marked Assignment
Explain the status of each of the following verbs and conjugate them citing the
appropriate ‫ وزن‬to each.
َم‬ - a >
َ - "َ ‫َأ َآ‬ - Xَ#‫َو‬ - ‫ب‬ َ ِ E

7.0 References / Further Readings

1. Al-Maydānī, A. M. (1978), =
‫ا‬52‫ ا‬%&$', Agege, Matba’atu `th-Thaqāfatu `l-
2. Al – Hamlāwī, A.M.A, (1999) ‫ف‬$‫ ا‬,+ X+ ‫ ا!ف‬Dّ E Al-Qāhirah, Maktabatu `ş-
3. Al – Maħāsinī S. A. (1966), ‫ ب ا;ـاءة‬0‫ آـ‬Damascus, Matba‘atu Mufīd al –
4. Ahmad Muhammad Shaddād, (1977) J0‫ اـ‬L M‫ اـ‬%‫ـ‬$ 2‫ـ‬N!‫ ! ا‬K‫اـ‬
Baghdad, Matba ‘atu Tīmis.

5. Abdul-Rauf, (1989), &2.

8 N ,2;c F‫ب ا‬7K 2N!‫ ا‬Lebanon, A`s-Sa‘dāwī

6. Tarablīsī/Abu Ħarb (1967) ‫ ـ‬F‫ دى ا‬C‫ ـ‬Damascus, Al-Matba‘ah a`t –


Module 2 ‫زم‬7‫ى وا‬5!0‫ا‬
Unit 3 ‫ى‬5ّ !0‫ا‬

1.0 Introduction
2.0 Objective
3.0 Main Content
3.1 M@N ‫ّى‬5!0‫ ا‬XF!
3.2 ,2!+ X‫ّى إ‬5!0‫ا‬
3.3 Conjugation %&$'

4.0 Conclusion
5.0 Summary
6.0 Tutor Marked Assignment
7.0 References / Further Reading

1.0 Introduction
In the previous Module, we have seen how "‘!+ is classified into ‫‘د‬. and 3‘2+ 5‘&.
We have also treated 12 ‘‘ and "‘‘0!. In this unit, we shall focus on the
classification of "!+ into ‫ى‬5!0 and ‫زم‬. First, we examine ‫ى‬5!0

2.0 Objectives
At the end of this unit, you should be able to:
• explain the meaning of ‫ى‬5!0‫ ا!" ا‬with illustrations;
• identify ‫ى‬5!0‫ ا‬that governs two 3N ‫ ;!ل‬and
• conjugate all the verbs used

3.0 Main Content

3.1 ‫ّى‬5‘!0‫ ا!‘‘" ا‬is the verb that requires an object known as 3‘N ‫ ا!‘‘ل‬in a
sentence. This is the verb that can not stand with its subject "‘# ‫ ا‬alone without an
object i.e 3‘N ‫!‘ل‬. It is known as transitive verb i.e. it transits or governs an object.
Transitive verb are in categories. There is a category that governs only one object
(3‘N ‫ )!ل‬and it is the commonest. And there is another category that governs more
than one object. ‫ى‬5‘!0‫ ا!‘" ا‬is better appreciated when it is learnt in a text. For

"ّ ‘ُ‫ آ‬.

َ 5ِ ‘َNَ X‘ِ+ ُ ‘َ&‫ ِر‬.
َ ْ ‫ ا ْ!َ‘ َد ُة ا‬X
َ ‘ِ‫ ِ` ه‬Dِ ‘ِ‫ َوه‬.‫ن‬ِ ْ‘ُ;ْ ‫س [ِ‘ َا َء َة ا‬
َ ‫‘ ِ َ)دْ ُر‬a2ِ
َ َ ْ ‫‘ ِ ا‬a2Nِ َ !َ ْ ‫ْ َرَ‘ ِ ا‬5َ ْ ‫ ا‬Xَ ‫ى ِإ‬5ِ ِ ‫ َوا‬XFِ Mَ !َ Nَ
ً ‘َA‫ َرا‬5ُ . ِ &َ ‫& ُ َه‬5ِ ُ ِ 
َ ‫ْ َر‬5َ X+ِ X
ِ َْ Nِ ٌ52!ِ  َ
َ ‫ َوَأ‬.ٍ d Cَ ُ , ”ِ X+ِ ً 2a ِ 7َ ْ ‫ ً ِإ‬2a Nِ َ #
َ ً +َ ;َ hَ `ِ ‫ َأوْ َ ِد‬% َ 2;ِ Mْ 'َ ‫د‬v َ &َ ٍ ِ k
ْ ُ
.%ِ $ ْ Fd ‫ ِ َوا‬
ِ 0a ‫ ا‬, dk d ‫ ا‬X+ِ
َ ‫ن َوَأ‬ َ ْ;ُ ْ ‫ ا‬s ُ  ْ ‫ َو َد َر‬.‫ ِر‬Bَ $ d ‫ ِ ا‬2َ Nِ ْ'َ X+ِ ً !َ 0ْ ُ ‫َو‬
ٍ ‫ َا‬Fَ ‘َ َ ‘ْ<# َ ْ‫ُ‘ ُ ُه‬# ُ ‫َ‘ َو ُز‬.0َ &َ ‫ ًرا‬Bَ ‘ِ ‫ن َأوْ َ ًدا‬ َ ‘ُ&ِْ ْ 'ِ ِ ‘َE E
َ X‘َ# َ s ُ &ْ َ‫ْ َرأ‬5[َ ‫ َو‬. ‚ ً ْ A
ِ َ ‫ ِ[ َا َء ًة‬3ُ 0ُ ْ ‫ َد َر‬،ْ" َ ‫َأ‬
ِ ‫‘ َ َا‬a$‫ ا‬X‘ِ+ ‘َ‫ َأ ْ'ُه‬X‘ِ0a‫ َ ِة ا‬2‘ِ$;َ ْ ‫‘ َ ِر ا‬vk‫ ا‬x َ ‘ْ!Nَ s ُ ‘ْ‚ِ Aَ – ‘ً!Cَ c
َ – ْ,‘َِ . ‚ ً ْ Aِ ‫ َر‬k v ‫ت َوا‬ ِ &َ )َ ْ‫ن ا‬
َ ‫َو ُهْ َ& ْ; َ ُؤ‬

َ ?ُ 0ُ ‘ْ&‫ َرَأ‬,
َ &Dِ ‘a‫ ِر ا‬Bَ ‘d$‫ ْ! َ َ اْ َ)وْ َ ِد ا‬+ِ ‫ ًدا‬a .
َ ُ `ُ ‫ َوَأ ْ[ َ ُؤ‬.‫ن‬
ِ ْ;ُ ْ ‫… ا‬
ِ ْ A
ِ ْ,ِ َ ْ&َ ,
َ a َ 'َ ‫ َأنْ َأ‬XFd ْ 'َ ‫ َوَأ َ
َأ‬.l ِ ْ ˆَ ْ ‫ا‬
.‫ن‬َ &ُ ُ ِ ْ 'ِ ِ E
َ Eَ

My father sent me to a local Arabic school to study the reading of the Qur'ān. It is
the practice in our town that every Muslim intends giving his children Arabic and
Islamic education at a very early age. I was fortunate to attend a school where the
provost finds leisure and joy in training young ones. I studied the Qur'ān at the age
of nine and a half years. Oh! I studied it in reading and not in memorization. I
have seen on the television screen young children who were not more than ten
years old, reading the verses and chapters from memory. As for me, naturally, I
memorized some short chapters which I recite during the five daily obligatory
prayers. I wish I could memorise the Qur'ān as a whole one day and read it
excellently well like the young children I saw on the television screen.

3.1.1. Analysis
In the above text, you can produce the following table

"ُ #
ِ +ٌَ"!ْ +ِ 3ِ Nِ ‫َ ْ ُ! ُل‬
َ !َ Nَ
‫ى‬5ِ ِ ‫َوا‬ X
ُ ‫َأدْ ُر‬

َ ‫َأ‬ ‫ن‬
ِ ْ;ُ ْ ‫ِ[ َأ َء َة ا‬
ٍ ِ k
ْ ُ "v ‫ُآ‬ ‫د‬p َ &َ %
َ 2;ِ Mْ 'َ
5ُ .
‫& ُ َه‬5ِ ُ ِ &َ ً !0ْ ُ ‫ ً َو‬Aَ ‫َرا‬
َ ‫َد َر‬
ُ ‫ن‬
َ ْ;ُ ْ ‫ا‬
‫َأ ْ[ َ ُؤ‬

َ ‫َأ‬ ‫ َ ِر‬kv ‫ت َوا‬ ِ &َ ‰ْ‫ا‬
ُ ?َ +ْ ‫َأ‬

‫أ‬ ?2

‫أ‬ ‫أودا‬
‫ َو ُز‬. ‫ت‬ َ 0َ &َ ‫ات‬F <#
ُ ِ A َ ‫ر‬k‫ا‰& ت وا‬
‫ه‬ ُ 'ْ ‫َأ‬ ‫ر‬k‫ ا‬x!N
‫ت‬ ‫هـ‬

The verbs highlighted above in the table are:
To send ْL!َ Nْ ‫ِإ‬ L
ُ !َ Cْ &َ L
َ !َ Nَ
To study ْ‫ُأدْ ُرس‬ ‫س‬
ُ ‫ْ ُر‬5&َ ‫س‬
َ ‫َد َر‬
To wish ‫د‬a ‫َو‬ ‫د‬v َ &َ ‫َو َد‬
To see ْ5
ِ ْ‫َأو‬/ْ5 ِ 5ُ .
ِ &َ 5َ َ ‫َو‬
To read ْ‫ِإ ْ[ َأ‬ ‫َ& ْ; َ ُؤ‬ ‫َ[ ََأ‬
To understand ‫ِر‬ ‫َ& َى‬ ‫َرَأى‬
To see ْ?َ +ْ ‫ِإ‬ ُ ?َ ْ &َ َ ?ِ +َ
To exceed ْ‫ َوز‬. َ 'َ ‫ َو ُز‬. َ 0َ &َ ‫ َو َز‬. َ 'َ
To memorise …
ْ َ A ْ ‫ِإ‬ …
ُ َ ْ &َ …
َ ِ A َ

All the verbs highlighted above are &5d !0 ‫! ل‬+‫ أ‬which by the rule of 
will assert
fa-thah on its 3‘N ‫ !‘ل‬as you can see in column 3 of the table above while you
can see in column 2 "‘# + i.e. the doer. Again, in column three you will notice that
some nouns in the position of 3‘N ‫ !‘ل‬such as ‘?2
! and ‫ ا&‘ ت‬which ought to
have taken fat-hah, did not, because of certain ‘
considerations which could be
explained to you in details in a 

Let it be reiterated that the transitive verbs in this text are the ones that govern or
require only one object 3N ‫!ل‬.

Self Assessment Exercise

Use the following verbs in sentences showing their "# + and 3N ‫ !ل‬vowelized.
‫ َم‬
َ Xَ ‫ب َر‬
َ َ >
َ ‫ق‬
a ‫َد‬ 1
َ 0َ +َ ^
َ 0َ ‫َآ‬ q
َ َ V

3.2 ,
ِ 2ْ َ !ُ ْ َ Xَ ‫ى ِإ‬5d !َ 0َ ُ ْ ‫ا‬
ِ 2ْ َ ‘ُ!ْ َ X‘َ‫ى ِإ‬5d ‘َ!0َ َ ْ ‫ ا‬means a transitive verb that governs two objects. i.e ,2‘!. Let
it be explained from the on-set that the two objects in this context can be two
distinct words like ‫ ب‬0‫ وا‬5A‫ أ‬or it could be in form of Cˆ‫أ وا‬50C‫ ا‬like ‫ رل‬5 

As usual, let us consider the following text

2j Cِ
َ ‫ا‬5ً a َ ُ ƒُ ‫ َ" ا‬ َ ْ‫َأر‬ .1
ً &a 5ِ ‫ َه‬l َ 2;ِ ْ Nِ s ُ 2ْ Kَ# ْ ‫َأ‬ .2
‫ا ا ْ ِ; ََأ َة‬5َ &ْ ‫ َز‬5ُ َ A
ْ ‫س َأ‬ َ ‫ر‬a ‫َد‬ .3
َ hَ َْ ْ ‫ك ا‬
َ Fَ 2ْ K
َ# ْ ‫
َأ‬a ‫ِإ‬ .4
ِ &Dِ ?ْ 0a ‫س ا‬
َ ‫ ُد ُرو‬3ُ Fَ Nْ ‫ن ِإ‬ ُ َ ;ْ ُ َ َ #
ْ ‫َأ‬ .5
‫  ًرا‬ ُkْ َ X َ ُ ‫ن‬ ُ ْ#َ ْ+ِ , a– َ .6

We have two analyses to make on the above sentences.

First, a table:

ع ا‬ 3ِ Nِ ,
ِ 2ْ َ !ُ ْ َ "# + ‫ى‬5!0‫ا!" ا‬
32+ 5& Xh7h (CV‫أ و‬50C) 2j Cِ
َ ‫ا‬5ً a
َ ُ ƒ
ُ ‫ا‬ "َ 
َ ْ‫َأر‬
32+ 5& Xh7h ً &a 5ِ ‫ – َه‬l
َ 2;ِ ْ Nِ (
َ ‫ت )َأ‬
ُ =K
ْ ‫َأ‬
32+ 5& Xh7h ‫ا – ا ْ ِ; َا َء َة‬5َ &ْ ‫َز‬ 5ُ َ A
ْ ‫َأ‬ ‫س‬
َ ‫ر‬a ‫َد‬
32+ 5& Xh7h َ hَ َْ ْ ‫ ا‬-(s
ْ ‫ك )َأ‬
َ (,
ُ ْ
َ )
َ XK
ِ#ْ ‫ُأ‬
32+ 5& Xh7h ‫س‬
َ ‫ – ُد ُرو‬,
َ Nْ ‫ِإ‬ ‫ن‬
ُ َ ;ْ ُ َ َ #
ْ ‫َأ‬
‫د‬. Xh7h 50C) ‫  ًرا‬
ُkْ َ X
َ ُ ‫ن‬
ُ ْ#
َ ْ+ِ ,


Secondly, you would have noticed that in the first sentence above ,2!‫ ا‬is made
of CV‫أ و‬50C: i.e. 2j Cِ
َ ‫ا‬5ً a
َ ُ . Is made of two distinct words &5‫ ه‬l2;N. In the third
sentence, two distinct words made ,2! : ‫ ا;اءة‬-‫ا‬5&‫ز‬
In the fourth sentence, two distinct words h‫ ا‬-‫ ك‬made ,2!. In the fifth
sentence, two distinct words made ,2! i.e. ‫ دروس‬-3FN‫إ‬. In the sixth sentence, ‫أ‬50C
CV‫ و‬as made the ,2!

Self Assessment Exercise

State the two types of 3N ‫ !ل‬and illustrate it in four sentences.

3.3 In this segment, all the verbs i.e. the transitive verbs used in the illustration
above are conjugated. The rationale is to enhance your competence in conjugation
with the appropriate ‫أوزان‬.
‫ وزن‬X# ْL!َ Cْ 'َ َ ْL!َ Nْ ‫ِإ‬ ٌ‫ ُ!ث‬Cْ َ ٌL#ِ Nَ Mً !ْ Nَ L
ُ !َ Cْ &َ L
َ !َ Nَ
ْ"!َ ْ 'َ َ ْ"!َ +ْ ‫ِإ‬ ‫َ ْ ُ! ُل‬ ٌ"#
ِ +َ 7
ً !ْ +َ "ُ !َ ْ &َ "َ !َ +َ

X# ْ‫ْ ُرس‬5'َ َ ْ‫ُأدْ ُرس‬ ٌ‫ْ ُروس‬5َ ٌ‫ َدا ِرس‬
ً ْ>‫س د‬
ُ ‫ْ ُر‬5&َ ‫س‬
َ ‫َد َر‬
ْ"!ُ ْ 'َ َ ْ"!ُ +ْ ‫ُأ‬ ٌ‫َ ْ ُ!ل‬ ٌ"#
ِ +َ 7
ً !ْ +َ "ُ !ُ ْ &َ "َ !َ +َ

‫ وزن‬X# ‫د‬a َ 'َ َ ‫د‬a ‫َو‬ ٌ‫َْ ُدود‬ ‫د‬p ‫وَا‬ ‫دا‬j ‫ُو‬ ‫د‬v َ &َ ‫د‬a ‫َو‬
ْ"!َ ْ 'َ َ ْ"!َ +ْ ‫ِإ‬ ٌ‫َ ْ ُ!ل‬ ٌ"#
ِ +َ 7
ً !ْ +ُ "ُ !َ ْ &َ "َ !َ +َ

‫ وزن‬X# ْ5.ِ 'َ َ ْ5

ِ ٌ‫د‬ُ َْ ٌ5ِ ‫َوا‬ ‫ا‬5ً 
ْ ‫َو‬ 5ُ .
ِ &َ 5َ َ ‫َو‬
ْ"!ِ 'َ َ ْ"#ِ ٌ‫َ ْ ُ!ل‬ ٌ"#ِ +َ 7
ً !ْ +َ "ُ !ِ ْ &َ "َ !َ +َ

‫ وزن‬X# ْ‫ْ ُرس‬5'َ َ ْ‫ُأدْ ُرس‬ ٌ‫ْ ُروس‬5َ ٌ‫َدا ِرس‬ 

ً ْ‫س َدر‬ ُ ‫ْ ُر‬5&َ ‫س‬
َ ‫َد َر‬
ْ"!ُ ْ 'َ َ ْ"!ُ +ْ ‫ُأ‬ ٌ‫"ٌ َ ْ ُ!ل‬#
ِ +َ 7
ً !ْ +َ "ُ !َ ْ &َ "َ !َ +َ

‫ وزن‬X# ْ‫َ َ' ْ; َأ‬ ْ‫ِإ ْ[ َأ‬ ٌ‫َ ْ; ُوء‬ ٌ‫َ[ ِرئ‬ ‫ِ[ َا َء ًة‬ ‫َ& ْ; َ ُؤ‬ ‫َ[ ََأ‬
ْ"!َ ْ 'َ َ ْ"!َ +ْ ‫ِإ‬ ٌ‫َ ْ ُ!ل‬ ٌ"#
ِ +َ ً َ !َ +ِ "ُ !َ ْ &َ ْ"!َ +َ

‫ وزن‬X# ْ?َ ْ 'َ َ ْ?َ +ْ ‫ِإ‬ ٌ‫َ ْ ُ?م‬ ٌ‫ ِه‬+َ ً ?ْ +َ ُ ?َ ْ &َ َ ?ِ +َ
ْ"!َ ْ 'َ َ ْ"!َ +ْ ‫ِإ‬ ٌ‫َ ْ ُ!ل‬ ٌ"#ِ +َ 7
ً !ْ +َ "ُ !َ ْ &َ "َ !ِ +َ

‫ وزن‬X# =
p uِ َْ Xuِ ‫َرا‬ &ً ْ‫َرأ‬ ‫َ& َى‬ ‫َرَأى‬
ٌ‫َ ْ ُ!ل‬ ٌ"#
ِ +َ 7
ً !ْ +َ "ُ !َ ْ &َ "َ !َ +َ

‫ وزن‬X# ْ‫ َوز‬.
َ 0َ 'َ َ ْ‫ َوز‬.
َ 'َ ٌ‫ َوز‬.
َ 0َ ُ ٌ‫ ِوز‬.
َ 0َ ُ ‫ ُو ًزا‬.
َ 'َ ‫ َو ُز‬.
َ 0َ &َ ‫ َو َز‬.
َ 'َ
ْ"#َ َ 0َ 'َ َ ْ"#
َ َ 'َ ٌ"#
َ َ 0َ ُ ٌ"#
ِ َ 0َ ُ 7ً# ُ َ 'َ "ُ #
َ َ 0َ &َ "َ #
َ َ 'َ

‫ وزن‬X# J
ْ َ
ْ 'َ َ J
ْ َ A
ْ ‫ِإ‬ ‫ط‬
ٌ ُ
ْ َ J
ٌ +ِ A
َ K
ً ْ A
ِ J
ٌ َ ْ &َ J
َ ِ Aَ
ْ"!َ ْ 'َ َ ْ"!َ +ْ ‫ِإ‬ ٌ‫َ ْ ُ!ل‬ ٌ"#
ِ +َ 7
ً !ْ +ِ "ُ !َ ْ &َ "َ !ِ +َ

‫ وزن‬X# "ُ 0ْ 'َ َ "ُ 'ْ ‫ُأ‬ p ُ0ْ َ ‫َ' ٍل‬ ‫ َو ًة‬7َ 'ِ ُ 0ْ &َ 7
َ 'َ
ُ ْ 'َ َ ُ +ْ ‫ُأ‬ ٌ‫َ ْ ُ!ل‬ ٌ"#
ِ +َ ً َ !َ +ِ "ُ !ُ ْ &َ "َ !َ +َ

‫ وزن‬X# ْ"ِ ْ'ُ َ ْ"ِ ْ‫َأر‬ "ُ َ ُْ ٌ" ِ ُْ ً  َ ْ‫ِإر‬ "ُ ِ ْ&ُ "َ َ ْ‫َأر‬
ْ"!ِ ْ 'ُ َ ْ"!ِ +ْ ‫َأ‬ "ُ !َ ْ ُ ٌ"!ِ ْ ُ ً !َ +ْ ‫ِإ‬ "ُ !ِ ْ &ُ "َ !َ +ْ ‫َأ‬

‫ وزن‬X# J
ِ !ْ 'ُ َ J
ِ# ْ ‫َأ‬ XK َ !ْ ُ XK ِ !ْ ُ ‫ ًءا‬K
َ# ْ ‫ِإ‬ XK ِ !ْ &ُ XK َ# ْ ‫َأ‬
ِ ْ 'ُ َ ِ +ْ ‫َأ‬ "ُ !َ ْ ُ "ُ !ِ ْ ُ ً !َ +ْ ‫ِإ‬ "ُ !ِ ْ &ُ "َ !َ +ْ ‫َأ‬

‫ وزن‬X# ْ‫رس‬d 5َ 'ُ َ ْ‫رس‬d ‫َد‬ ٌ‫رس‬a 5َ ُ ٌ‫رس‬d 5َ ُ kً &‫ْ ِر‬5'َ ‫س‬ ُ ‫ر‬d 5َ &ُ ‫س‬
َ ‫ر‬a ‫َد‬
ْ"!d َ 'ُ َ ْ"!d +َ ٌ"!a َ ُ ٌ"!d َ ُ 7ً 2!ِ ْ 'َ "ُ !d َ &ُ "َ !a +َ

‫ وزن‬X# ِْ !ْ 'ُ َ ِْ #

ْ ‫َأ‬ ٌَ !ْ ُ ٌِ !ْ ُ ً 7
َ#ْ ‫ِإ‬ ُ ِ !ْ &ُ َ َ #
ْ ‫َأ‬
ْ"!ِ ْ 'ُ َ ْ"!ِ +ْ ‫َأ‬ ٌ"!َ ْ ُ ٌ"!ِ ْ ُ ً !َ +ْ ‫ِإ‬ "ُ !ِ ْ &ُ "َ !َ +ْ ‫َأ‬

‫ وزن‬X# ,
p‚ ُ 'َ َ ,
a– ُ ‫ن‬
ُ Fُ ‚
ْ ُ ‫ن‬
p –
َ Fj –
َ ,
v‚ ُ &َ ,
a– َ
ْ"!ُ ْ 'َ َ ْ"!ُ +ْ ‫ُأ‬ ٌ‫َ ْ ُ!ل‬ ٌ"#ِ +َ 7
ً !ْ +َ "ُ !ُ ْ &َ "َ !َ +َ

Self Assessment Exercise

Conjugate the following verbs:
َ +َ ‫َر‬ - َ ِ 
َ - 5َ [َ ‫َر‬ - x
َ ‫َر َآ‬ - 5َ E
َ ‫َر‬

4.0 Conclusion
You should note that conjugation is a core exercise in ‫ ‘ف‬generally. It is called
%&‘$'. You are expected to practice conjugation regularly. It helps you to acquire
convidence and competence in the use of verbs in your sentence construction.

5.0 Summary
Reading of the holy Qur'ān is a sure and reliable way of identification of "‘!‫ا‬
‫ى‬5‘!0‫ ا‬By constant reading of the Qur'ān, you will not only identify ‫ى‬5‘!0‫ ا‬but you
will also acquire the competence of identifying them into one ‫ !‘ل‬category and
,2! category.

6.0 Tutor Marked Assignment

Identify &5ّ !0 ‫! ل‬+‫ أ‬from Sūratu `l- Baqarah: 125 – 132 and classify them into the
category of one 3N ‫ !ل‬and that of ,2!

7.0 References Further Reading
1. Al-Maydānī, A. M. (1978), =
‫ا‬52‫ ا‬%&$', Agege, Matba’atu `th-Thaqāfatu `l-
2. Al – Hamlāwī, A.M.A, (1999) ‫ف‬$‫ ا‬,+ X+ ‫ ا!ف‬Dّ E Al-Qāhirah, Maktabatu `ş-
3. Al – Maħāsinī S. A. (1966), ‫ ب ا;ـاءة‬0‫ آـ‬Damascus, Matba‘atu Mufīd al –
4. Ahmad Muhammad Shaddād, (1977) J0‫ اـ‬L M‫ اـ‬%‫ـ‬$ 2‫ـ‬N!‫ ! ا‬K‫اـ‬
Baghdad, Matba ‘atu Tīmis.

5. Abdul-Rauf, (1989), &2.

8 N ,2;c F‫ب ا‬7K 2N!‫ ا‬Lebanon, A`s-Sa‘dāwī

6. Tarablīsī/Abu Ħarb (1967) ‫ ـ‬F‫ دى ا‬C‫ ـ‬Damascus, Al-Matba‘ah a`t –


Module 2 : ‫زم‬7‫ى وا‬5!0‫ا‬
Unit 4 : ‫زم‬7‫ا!" ا‬

1.0 Introduction
2.0 Objectives
3.0 Main Content
3.1 ‫زم‬7‫ا!" ا‬
3.2 ‫زم‬7‫وروة ا‬2
3.3 Conjugation
4.0 Conclusion
5.0 Summary
6.0 Tutor Marked Assignment
7.0 References / Further Reading

1.0 Introduction
The transitive verb known as ‫ى‬5‘!0‫ ا‬in its various categories has been treated in
unit 3 above. Intransitive verb known as ‫زم‬7‘‫ ا!‘" ا‬which is the direct opposite of
‫ى‬5‘!0‫ ا‬is treated in this unit. Also to be treated is how intransitive verb can change
to transitive. You will be taken through the mechanism of achieving that.

2.0 Objectives:
At the end of this unit, you should be able to:
• identify ‫زم‬7‫ا!" ا‬
• utilize the mechanism of changing it to transitive;
• conjugate all verbs used for illustration

3.0 Main Content

3.1 ‫زم‬7‫ا!" ا‬
This is the direct opposite of ‫ى‬5‘!0‫ ا!‘" ا‬with which you are already familiar. "‘!‫ا‬
‫زم‬7‘‫ ا‬is the verb that does not require 3‘N ‫ ا!‘ل‬in a sentence. Taste is the main
facilitator that assists you to identify ‫زم‬7‘‫ا!‘" ا‬. For example, if Bilqis is reading
and Fatimah is running. Your taste must tell you that Bilqis must be reading
something: a textbook, a news paper, a novel or a letter. Whatever she is reading is
3‘N ‫ ا!‘ل‬which means that the verb read is transitive; ‫ى‬5‘!0‫ا‬. On the other hand,
running in the second sentence does not require an object of running as your taste
will inform you. Running begings and ends with the runner. Therefore, to the
extent that the verb run is intransitive ‫زم‬7‫ ا‬in Arabic, you say:

Bilqis is reading the Qur’an ‫ ا;ان‬l2;N ‫';أ‬

Fatimah is running ‫ى‬.' c +

A text for illustration:

The pilgrims returned to the country l‫ أ‬,c‫ ا‬X‫ ج إ‬. ‫ر ا‬
Khalid traveled to the USA ‫ة‬5 ‫ ا& ت ا‬X‫ إ‬5 V + 
Ahmad was happy for his success 3A .FN 5A‫ أ‬
The News spreds Cˆ‫ذاع ا‬
The revelation came down XA‫
ل ا‬
Zayd stood up as a respect for his `‫ ذ‬0) ‫ا‬0A‫ ا‬5&‫[ م ز‬
The Imam went to the mosque 5.k‫ ا‬X‫ م إ‬8‫ذه^ ا‬
The Prophet Nuh (AS) had a long life (‫م‬7k‫ ا‬32#) ‫
ح‬XCF‫ ا‬# ‫ ل‬c

3.1.1 Analysis
In all the eight sentences listed above, you will note that each of them contains the
verb "‘!+ and the doer "‘# + without an object 3‘N ‫!‘ل‬. That is ‫زم‬7‘‫ ا!‘" ا‬in action.
The verbs are:

Returned َ  َ ‫َر‬
Traveled َ +َ  َ
Returned ‫ َد‬# َ
Felt happy a  َ
Spread ‫ع‬
َ ‫َذا‬
Descended ‫َ
َ َل‬
Stood up ‫َ[ َم‬
Went ^
َ ‫َذ َه‬
(stayed) long ‫ َل‬c َ

From the forms and shapes of the verbs; it is clear that ‫زم‬7‘‫ ا!‘" ا‬cuts across all
categories of "!+ i.e. 32+ 5&‫ ا‬،"0!‫ ا‬،12 $‫ ا‬،‫ ُد‬a .
َ ُ ْ ‫ا‬
But whenever it may occur, its hallmark is the needlessness of 3N ‫!ل‬

Self Assessment Exercise

Which of the following verbs are ‫زم‬7‫ ?ا‬Use them in sentence
َ ‫ب ِإرْ َ
َ ِ E
َ ‫ َر‬
َ ‫َ
َم‬ ‫ف‬
َ V
َ 5َ k
َ A
َ ‫ق‬
َ َ 

3.2 ً&5d !َ 0َ ُ ‫زم‬7‫ورة ا‬2

It is interesting to note that ‫زم‬7‫ا!" ا‬can turn ‫ى‬5!0
The mechanism is by adding ‫ف ا& دة‬A e.g ‫ هة‬or %2!g'
For example: by adding ‫ هة‬,‫ [ م‬becomes ‫ أ[ م‬to stage.

Muhammad stood up ٌ5a

َ ُ ‫َ[ َم‬
Muhammad stage a ceremony ً َ ْ A
َ 5ُ a
َ ُ ‫َأ َ[ َم‬

The baby slept "ُ ْ K
d ‫َ
َم ا‬
The Nurse made the baby sleep "َ ْ K
d ‫ض ا‬
ُ d َ ُ ْ ‫َأ َ
َم ا‬
The Nurse made the baby sleep "َ ْ Kd ‫ض ا‬
ُ d َ ُ ْ ‫ َم ا‬a

Therefore, the eight intransitive verbs used above can be made transitive through
the instrumentality of ‫ هة‬or %2!g'

The dog sent the guest back %

َ 2ْ g
a ‫^ ا‬
ُ ْ َ ْ ‫ َ ا‬
َ ْ‫َأر‬ ‫أ‬ َ 
َ ‫َر‬

Security men sent a foreigner 2j Cِ Fَ 

ْ ‫ َأ‬,
ِ ْ )َ ْ‫ ُل ا‬
َ ‫ َ ِر‬a 
َ %C!g' /‫ف‬ َ +َ 
The provost recalled to the ِ 
َ ‫ْ َر‬5َ ْ ‫ ا‬Xَ ‫& ُ ِإ‬5ِ ُ ْ ‫ َد ا‬#
َ ‫َأ‬ ‫أ‬ ‫ َد‬#
school the indebted student ,
ُ &5ِ َ ْ ‫^ ا‬
َ ِ K
a ‫ا‬
Ahmad's success made his father `ُ ‫ا‬5َ ِ ‫ َوا‬5َ َ A
ْ ‫ ح َأ‬.
a  َ ‫َأ‬ ‫أ‬ a 
Khalid spread the news of his 3ِ 2Nِ ‫ ِة َأ‬+َ ‫ َو‬Cَ V
َ 5ُ ِ V
َ ‫ع‬
َ ‫َأ َذا‬ ‫أ‬ ‫ع‬
َ ‫َذا‬
father's death
God sent down the Qur'an ‫ن‬
َ ْ;ُ ْ ‫ƒ ا‬ ُ ‫َأ ْ
َ َل ا‬ ‫َ
َ َل‬
The staged a ceremony on the ِ Cَ 
َ Fَ ُ Nِ ً َ ْ A
َ 5ُ 2ِ !َ ْ ‫َأ َ[ َم ا‬ ‫أ‬ ‫َ[ َم‬
occasion of Eid-Fitr ِ K
ْ ِ ْ ‫ ا‬5ِ 2#
God made away with our sorrow Fً a ‫ƒ َه‬ ُ ‫^ا‬ َ ‫َأذْ َه‬ ‫أ‬ ^
َ ‫َذ َه‬
May God prolong your life ‫ك‬
َ َ ْ # ُ ƒ ُ ‫ َل ا‬c َ ‫َأ‬ %C!g' / ‫أ‬ ‫ َل‬c
َ َ ْ # ُ ƒ ُ ‫ َل ا‬a c َ

Self Assessment Exercise

Use the appropriate mechanism to change the following intransitive verbs to
transitive and use them in sentence
َ ُ
َ "َ V
َ ‫ج َد‬
َ َ V
َ Š
َ [َ ‫^ َر‬
َ g
ِ T

3.3 `7#‫ز ااردة أ‬7‫! ل ا‬+)‫ ا‬%&$'

In view of the special significance of conjugation %&$', we shall conjugate all
verbs used in 3.1 and 3.2 above in both their transitive and intransitive forms.

‫ وزن‬X# ِْ ْ'َ َ ِْ ْ‫ِإر‬ ٌِ ‫َرا‬ #

ً ُ ‫ ُر‬/ !ً ْ ‫ ُ َر‬َ ْ&َ َ َ ‫َر‬
ْ"!َ ْ 'َ َ ْ"!َ +ْ ‫ِإ‬ ٌ"#
ِ +َ ً !ُ +ُ /7
ً !ْ +َ "ُ !َ ْ &َ "َ !َ +َ

‫ وزن‬X# ْ+ِ k
َ 'ُ َ ْ+ِ 
َ ٌ+ِ k
َ ُ ‫ َ ًة‬+َ k
َ ُ ُ +ِ k
َ &ُ َ +َ 
ْ"#ِ َ 'ُ َ ْ"#ِ +َ ٌ"#ِ َ ُ ً َ #َ َ ُ "ُ #ِ َ &ُ "َ #
َ +َ

ْ5!ِ 'َ َ ْ5#

ِ ٌ5uِ #
َ ‫ْ ًدا‬#َ ‫َ& ُ! ُد‬ ‫ َد‬#
ْ"!ِ 'َ َ ْ"#
ِ ٌ"#
ِ +َ 7
ً !ْ +َ "ُ !ُ ْ &َ "َ !َ +َ

‫‪a k‬‬
‫َ َ' ُ‬ ‫ ‪a‬‬
‫ُ‬ ‫ رٌ‬
‫َ‬ ‫ ُو ًرا‬
‫ُ‬ ‫‪v k‬‬‫َ& ُ‬ ‫ ‪a‬‬
‫َ َ' ْ ُ!"ْ‬ ‫ِإ ْ‪ْ"!ُ +‬‬ ‫‪ٌ"#‬‬‫َ‪ِ +‬‬ ‫ُ‪ً !ُ +‬‬ ‫َ& ْ ُ! ُ"‬ ‫َ‪"َ !َ +‬‬

‫َ َ' ِ‪D‬عْ ‪ X#‬وزن‬ ‫ِذعْ‬ ‫َذا ِ‪ٌu‬‬ ‫َذ ْ& ً! ‬ ‫َ& ِ‪ُ &D‬‬ ‫ع‬
‫َذا َ‬
‫َ َ' ِ"ْ‬ ‫ِ‪ْ"+‬‬ ‫‪ٌ"#‬‬‫َ‪ِ +‬‬ ‫‪7‬‬
‫َ‪ً !ْ +‬‬ ‫َ& ْ ِ! ُ"‬ ‫َ‪"َ !َ +‬‬

‫َ َ' ْ‪ِ F‬لْ ‪ X#‬وزن‬ ‫ِإ ْ

ِلْ‬ ‫َ
ِزلٌ‬ ‫ُ
ُو ً‬ ‫َ& ْ‪ُ ِ F‬ل‬ ‫َ
َ َل‬
‫َ َ' ْ ِ!"ْ‬ ‫ِإ ْ‪ْ"!ِ +‬‬ ‫‪ٌ"#‬‬‫َ‪َ +‬‬ ‫ُ‪ً !ُ +‬‬ ‫َ& ْ ِ! ُ"‬ ‫َ‪"َ !َ +‬‬

‫‪ X#‬وزن‬ ‫َ َ' ُ;ْ‬ ‫ُ[ْ‬ ‫َ[ ِ‪ٌu‬‬ ‫ِ[ َ‪ ً 2‬‬ ‫َ& ُ; ُم‬ ‫َ[ َم‬
‫َ َ' ُ"ْ‬ ‫ُ‪ْ"+‬‬ ‫‪ٌ"#‬‬‫َ‪ِ +‬‬ ‫ِ‪ً !َ +‬‬ ‫َ& ْ ُ! ُ"‬ ‫َ‪"َ !َ +‬‬

‫َ َ'‪َ ْD‬ه^ْ ‪ X#‬وزن‬ ‫ِإذْ َه^ْ‬ ‫َذا ِه^ٌ‬ ‫َذ ْه ً‪ C‬‬ ‫^‬
‫َ&‪َ ْD‬ه ُ‬ ‫^‬
‫َذ َه َ‬
‫َ َ' ْ َ!"ْ‬ ‫ِإ ْ‪ْ"!َ +‬‬ ‫‪ٌ"#‬‬
‫َ‪ِ +‬‬ ‫‪7‬‬
‫َ‪ً !ْ +‬‬ ‫َ& ْ َ! ُ"‬ ‫َ‪"َ !َ +‬‬

‫‪ X# ْ"K‬وزن‬‫َ َ' ُ‬ ‫‪ْ"c‬‬‫ُ‬ ‫‪ٌ"uِ c‬‬

‫َ‬ ‫‪ً c‬‬ ‫ُ‬ ‫‪ُ K‬ل‬ ‫َ& ُ‬ ‫‪َ c‬ل‬ ‫َ‬
‫َ َ' ُ"ْ‬ ‫ُ‪ْ"+‬‬ ‫‪ٌ"#‬‬‫َ‪ِ +‬‬ ‫ُ‪ً +‬‬ ‫َ& ْ ُ! ُ"‬ ‫َ‪"َ !َ +‬‬

‫ْ ‪ X#‬وزن‬‫َ ُ'ْ ِ‬ ‫ْ‬‫ٌ َأرْ ِ‬ ‫ٌ َْ َ‬ ‫‪ِ ُْ #‬‬ ‫ ً‬
‫ِإرْ َ‬ ‫ ُ‬‫ُ&ْ ِ‬ ‫ َ‬‫َأرْ َ‬
‫َ ُ' ْ ِ!"ْ‬ ‫ِإ ْ‪َ ٌ"!َ ْ ُ ٌ"!ِ ْ ُ ً !َ +‬أ ْ‪ْ"!ِ +‬‬ ‫ُ& ْ ِ! ُ"‬ ‫َأ ْ‪"َ !َ +‬‬

‫‪ X# ْd k‬وزن‬

‫َ ُ' َ‬ ‫ ‪ْd‬‬
‫‪َ ٌa k‬‬‫ُ َ‬ ‫‪ٌd k‬‬
‫‪ً 2ِ k‬ا ُ َ‬
‫َ' ْ‬ ‫‪ُ d k‬‬
‫ُ& َ‬ ‫ ‪َ a‬‬
‫َ ُ' َ ‪ْ"!d‬‬ ‫ُ َ ‪ْ"!d +َ ٌ"!a‬‬ ‫‪ٌ"!d َ ُ 7‬‬
‫َ' ْ ِ!‪ً 2‬‬ ‫ُ& َ ‪"ُ !d‬‬ ‫َ‪"َ !a +‬‬

‫‪ X#‬وزن‬ ‫َ ُ' ِ!‪ْ5‬‬ ‫‪ْ5#‬‬

‫َأ ِ‬ ‫ُ َ! َد‬ ‫ُ ِ!‪5ُ 2‬‬ ‫‪َ #‬د ًة‬
‫ِإ َ‬ ‫ُ& ِ!‪5ُ 2‬‬ ‫‪َ #‬د‬ ‫َأ َ‬
‫َ ُ' ِ!"ْ‬ ‫‪ْ"#‬‬‫َأ ِ‬ ‫ُ ْ َ!"ٌ‬ ‫ُ ْ ِ!"ٌ‬ ‫ِإ ْ‪ً !َ +‬‬ ‫ُ& ْ ِ! ُ"‬ ‫َأ ْ‪"َ !َ +‬‬

‫‪ِ k‬رْ ‪ X#‬وزن‬

‫َ ُ' ْ‬ ‫ ِرْ‬
‫َأ ْ‬ ‫‪p k‬‬
‫ُ َ‬ ‫‪p k‬‬
‫ َا ًرا ُ ِ‬
‫ِإ ْ‬ ‫‪v k‬‬
‫ُ& ِ‬ ‫ ‪a‬‬
‫َأ َ‬
‫َ ُ
ْ ِ!"ْ‬ ‫َأ ْ‪ْ"!ِ +‬‬ ‫ُ ْ َ!"ٌ‬ ‫ِإ ْ‪ٌ"!ِ ْ ُ ً !َ +‬‬ ‫ُ& ْ ِ! ُ"‬ ‫َأ ْ‪"َ !َ +‬‬

‫َ ُ' ِ‪D‬عْ ‪ X#‬وزن‬ ‫َأ ِذعْ‬ ‫ُ َ‪D‬اعٌ‬ ‫ُ ِ‪ٌ&D‬‬ ‫‪ً #‬‬‫ِإ َذا َ‬ ‫ُ& ِ‪ٌ&D‬‬ ‫ع‬
‫َأ َذا َ‬
‫َ ُ' ِ"ْ‬ ‫َأ ِ‪ْ"+‬‬ ‫ُ ْ َ!"ٌ‬ ‫ُ ْ ِ!"ٌ‬ ‫ِإ ْ‪ً !َ +‬‬ ‫ُ& ْ ِ! ُ"‬ ‫َأ ْ‪"َ !َ +‬‬

‫َ ُ' ْ‪ِ F‬لْ ‪ X#‬وزن‬ ‫َأ ْ

ِلْ‬ ‫ُ ْ‪َ F‬لٌ‬ ‫ُ ْ‪ِ F‬لٌ‬ ‫ِإ ْ
َا ً‬ ‫ُ& ْ‪ُ ِ F‬ل‬ ‫َأ ْ
َ َل‬
‫َ ُ' ْ ِ!"ْ‬ ‫َأ ْ‪ْ"!ِ +‬‬ ‫ُ ْ َ!"ٌ‬ ‫ُ ْ ِ!"ٌ‬ ‫ِإ ْ‪ً !َ +‬‬ ‫ُ& ْ ِ! ُ"‬ ‫َأ ْ‪"َ !َ +‬‬

‫‪ X#‬وزن‬ ‫َ ُ' ِ;ْ‬ ‫َأ ِ[ْ‬ ‫ُ َ; مٌ‬ ‫ِإ َ[ َ ً ُ ِ;‪ٌ2‬‬ ‫ُ& ِ;‪ُ 2‬‬ ‫َأ َ[ َم‬
‫َ ُ' ِ"ْ‬ ‫َأ ِ‪ْ"+‬‬ ‫ُ ْ َ!"ٌ‬ ‫‪ٌ"!ِ ْ ُ 7‬‬
‫‪ً#‬‬‫ِإ َ‪َ +‬‬ ‫ُ& ْ ِ! ُ"‬ ‫َأ ْ‪"َ !َ +‬‬

‫َ ُ'‪ِ ْD‬ه^ْ ‪ X#‬وزن‬ ‫ِإذْ َه ً‪ِ ْDُ N‬ه^ٌ ُ‪َ ْD‬ه^ٌ َأذْ ِه^ْ‬ ‫^‬
‫ُ&‪ِ ْD‬ه ُ‬ ‫^‬
‫َأذْ َه َ‬
‫َ ُ' ْ ِ!"ْ‬ ‫ِإ ْ‪َ ٌ"!َ ْ ُ ٌ"!ِ ْ ُ ً !َ +‬أ ْ‪ْ"!ِ +‬‬ ‫ُ& ْ ِ! ُ"‬ ‫َأ ْ‪"َ !َ +‬‬

‫‪ X# ْ"K‬وزن‬
‫َ ُ' ِ‬ ‫‪ْ"c‬‬
‫َأ ِ‬ ‫‪ K‬لٌ‬
‫ُ َ‬ ‫‪ٌ"2K‬‬
‫ُ ِ‬ ‫‪ً َ c‬‬
‫ِإ َ‬ ‫‪"ُ 2K‬‬
‫ُ& ِ‬ ‫‪َ c‬ل‬
‫َأ َ‬

ْ"ِ 'ُ َ ْ"+ِ ‫َأ‬ ٌ"!َ ْ ُ ٌ"!ِ ْ ُ ً َ +َ ‫ِإ‬ "ُ !ِ ْ &ُ "َ !َ +ْ ‫َأ‬

‫ وزن‬X# ْ‫ل‬d Kَ 'ُ َ ْ‫ل‬d cَ ٌ‫ل‬a Kَ ُ ٌ‫ل‬d Kَ ُ 7 ً &ِ K

ْ 'َ ‫ ُل‬d Kَ &ُ ‫ َل‬a cَ
ْ"!d َ 'ُ َ ْ"!d +َ ٌ"!a َ ُ ٌ"!d َ ُ 7ً 2ِ!ْ 'َ "ُ !d َ &ُ "َ !a +َ
Self Assessment Exercise
With the aid of ‫ ه‘ة‬or %2!‘g', change the following ‘‫ز‬7‫!‘ ل ا‬+)‫ ا‬to ‘&5!0 and
conjugate them accordingly.
َ ُ
َ - "َ V
َ ‫َد‬ - ‫ج‬َ َ V
َ - Š َ [َ ‫َر‬ - ^ َ g
َ T

4.0 Conclusion
You should note that ‫ى‬5‘!0‫ ا!‘" ا‬can become ‫زم‬7‘‫ ا‬through the aid of ‫‘وف ا&‘ دة‬A.
For example, 1
َ 0َ +َ to open is ‫ى‬5d !َ 0َ ُ e.g ‫ب‬ َ ‘َCْ ‫ن ا‬ِ َ A
ْ a ‫ ا‬5ُ Cْ #
َ 1
َ 0َ +َ i.e Abdul-Rahman opened
the door. But with %2!‘g0‫ا‬/‫‘وف ا&‘ دة‬A, 1 َ 0َ ‘َ+ can become ‫ب‬ ُ ‘َCْ ‫ ا‬1
َ 0a ‘َ'َ i.e the door
opened. Furthermore, with the aid of ‫وف ا& دة‬A a noun i.e. ٌ ْ ‫ ِإ‬like َ ‘ْ$ِ Egypt can
become verb e.g. 5ِ ‘ْ&‫ َز‬Nُ ‫ َ َأ‬$
َ 2ْ َ 'َ or ْ,ِ 20ِ ‘َ َ ‘َ.2ْ Fَ 'َ i.e Abu Zayd became an Egyptian and
Stephen became a Nigerian

5.0 Summary
So far, you would have noticed that the skill of how to change transitive verb to
intransitive and vice-verser is very advantages. It can enhance for the learner
acquisition of vocabulary. Once you master how to use %2!‘g0‫ ا‬/‫‘وف ا&‘ دة‬A, you
are on top of vocabulary acquisition.

6.0 Tutor Marked Assignment (TMA)

What is the significance of the use of %2!g' /‫وف ا& دة‬A in changing intransitive
verbs to transitive? Illustrate with four intransitive verbs in sentences.

7.0 References / Further Reading

1. Al-Maydānī, A. M. (1978), =
‫ا‬52‫ ا‬%&$', Agege, Matba’atu `th-Thaqāfatu `l-
2. Al – Hamlāwī, A.M.A, (1999) ‫ف‬$‫ ا‬,+ X+ ‫ ا!ف‬Dّ E Al-Qāhirah, Maktabatu `ş-
3. Al – Maħāsinī S. A. (1966), ‫ ب ا;ـاءة‬0‫ آـ‬Damascus, Matba‘atu Mufīd al –
4. Ahmad Muhammad Shaddād, (1977) J0‫ اـ‬L M‫ اـ‬%‫ـ‬$ 2‫ـ‬N!‫ ! ا‬K‫اـ‬
Baghdad, Matba ‘atu Tīmis.
5. Abdul-Rauf, (1989), &2.
8 N ,2;c F‫ب ا‬7K 2N!‫ ا‬Lebanon, A`s-Sa‘dāwī
6. Tarablīsī/Abu Ħarb (1967) ‫ ـ‬F‫ دى ا‬C‫ ـ‬Damascus, Al-Matba‘ah a`t –
7. Abdullah al-Wuhaybī et al (1970) 0‫ ا)ول ا‬%$ ! K‫ ا‬, Jeddah, Ministry

Module 3: ‫ا‬
Unit 1: ‫أ
اع ا‬

1.0 Introduction
2.0 Objectives
3.0 Main Content
3.1 ‫ ا‬%&!'
3.2 q
ّ 0< ‫ و‬5  X‫ إ‬8‫ ا‬2k;'
3.3 ‫ ا‬%&$'
4.0 Conclusion
5.0 Summary
6.0 Tutor Marked Assignment
7.0 References/Further Reading

1.0 Introduction
In the last two modules, it has been explained to you that "!+ and ‫ إ‬constitute the
scope of ‫ف‬. To a large extent, you have been taken through what ‫ ف‬does in
"!+. In this module, the searchlight is beamed on what ‫ ف‬does in ‫ إ‬starting
with the definition of ‫ إ‬and its various types.

2.0 Objectives
At the end of this unit, you should be able to:
• define ‫إ‬.
• state various types of ‫إ‬.
• conjugate ‫إ‬.

3.0 Main Context

3.1 ‫ ا‬%&!'
‫ إ‬means noun and it is defined in Arabic almost the same way noun is defined in
English Grammar i.e. the name of any person, place or things. Lets us see Ism in
the following text:
‫ِى‬5'َ ْ'َ ًuِ ‫ دَا‬X َ ‫ َو ِه‬.ِ 2a ِ 7
َ ْ 8ِ ْ‫ ا‬5ِ 2ِ َ;0a ‫ت وَا‬ ِ ‫ ا ْ!َ دَا‬Xَ# َ ْsَNَ 'َ ْ5[َ ‫ َو‬.ٍ Fَ &d 5َ 0َ ُ ٍ َ ِ k ْ ُ ٍ َ uِ َ# ْ,ِ ٌsFْ Nِ َ َ ِc َ+ ‫ن‬ a ‫ِإ‬
ِ Cَ 0َ ْ َ ْ ‫> َ ِة وَا‬
ِ َ َ ْ ‫ ِ ا‬#
َ َ[ , َ 2ْ Nَ ‫د ُد‬a َ0َ 'َ ُ َ c
ِ َ+ ْs
َ َ‫َ ِ َ! ِ آ‬.ْ ِN ْs;َ َ 0َ ْ ‫ َ ِإ‬5َ Fْ #
ِ ‫ َو‬.ٍ َ <ْ A ِ ‫َ ٍء َو‬2 َ Nِ ُ 2a َ 0َ 'َ l
َ Nِ ََ
. َ? ُ ‫ْ ُر‬5'َ Xِ0a‫^ ا‬ d K d ‫د ِة ا‬a َ Xِ+ ^ ِ 0ُ ُ ْ ‫ت ا‬ ِ َ?a ‫ ِز ُم ُأ‬7
َ 'ُ L ُ 2ْ A
َ ِ Cَ 0َ ْ َ ْ ‫ ا‬Xِ+ َ?'ِ َ[ْ‫‚ َ َأو‬ َ !ْ ُ Xِg;ْ 'َ 7 ً !ْ +ِ X َ ‫ َو ِه‬., ِ َ k
a ‫وَا‬
َ?Nِ ‫ َ>ً َ) َد‬# ِ َ2
ِ َK&ِNِ Xَ‫ُهَ ِإ‬N‫ُ َ!َ?َ َأ‬+ ِ k َ &ُ ،ٍ&a ِ Fَ  َ ‫" ِإَ َز ٍة‬d ‫ ُآ‬Xِ+‫ َو‬. j َ ًCA ُ َ‫ُه‬N‫?َ َأ‬Ca ِ &ُ ْ‫ْ َو َأن‬T َ َ
qُ a!َ 0َ 'َ ‫َى‬V ْ ‫ت ُأ‬ٍ ‫ ٍ َوَأ َدوَا‬2َ Cd c
َ ‫ت‬ ٍ 7 a. َ َ ‫ُ^ َو‬0‫َى ُآ‬ ِ َ َ c ِ َ+ ‫ب‬ َ َ.# ْ ‫َ ُل ِإ‬F&َ َ َ2
ِ َK&ِNِ Xِ+‫ َو‬."ِ 2ِ. َ ْ ‫ُ ِآ?َ ا‬ ُ ‫َو‬
."ِ 2ِ. َ ْ ‫ك ا‬
ِ ُkv ‫ وَا‬d2;َ ْ ‫ب ا‬ ِ ‫ اْ َ) َد‬Xِ+ َ َ c ِ َNِ ‫ئ‬َ 5ِ 0َ ;ْ &َ ْ‫ُهَ ُ& َ ِو ُل َأن‬V‫ َأ‬5ُ ِ َV‫ َو‬. َ?2ِN)َ , ٍ 2ْ #
َ ‫ ُة‬a [ُ َ َ c
ِ َ+ ‫ن‬ ّa ‫ ِإ‬.^d K d  ِN
Fatima is a girl from a practicing Muslim family. She was brought up on Islamic
ethics and traditions. She always puts on dresses distinguished with courtesy.
When she got admission to the University, Fatima used to shuttle between lecture
hall, Library and the hostel. Actually, she spends most of her times in the library

where she read essential books in Medicine that she studies. No wonder why her
father loves her so much.
On every annual vacation, her father takes her to Britain as a reward for her
excellent conduct. In Britain, nothing less than medical books, journals and other
materials could cash Fatima’s fancy. Certainly, Fatima is the apple of her father’s
eyes. Khalid, her brother, attempts to imitate Fatima in her good conduct.

3.1.1 ŠF‫ ا‬X+ ‫ وردت‬X0‫ا) ء ا‬

Thing - ‫ ء‬2E)‫ا‬ Places - ‫ا ن‬ Person - ‫ ن‬k

Habit - ‫ا! دة‬ University - ! .‫ا‬ c +
Course - ‫ا دة‬ Lecture hall – # [ ‫أب‬
‫ا >ة‬
Medicine ^K‫ا‬ Hostel - ,k‫ا‬ s2N
Dress - lC‫ا‬ Library - C0‫ا‬ 5 V
Instrument – ‫ا)داة‬ Britain - 2
Courtesy – < ‫ ء ا‬2 ‫ا‬
Apple of eye – ,2# ‫[ة‬

In the above table, nouns used in the text are classified into persons, places and
things. But you will notice that nouns that are in plural forms in the text are
reduced to singular forms in the table e.g.:
‫ ا! دة‬- ‫ا! دات‬
52;0‫ ا‬- 52 ;0‫ا‬
lC‫ ا‬- lN7‫ا‬

You should also take note of the fact that a noun (‫)إ‬, in the text, is either a doer
ِ َ+) or object (3N ‫)!ل‬. For example:
Fatima puts on dresses - l
َ Nِ 7 َ َ ‫ِى‬5'َ ْ'َ ُ َ c
ِ َ+
The father love Fatima - c + ^ v ِ &ُ ‫ب‬
v )َ ‫َا‬
Fatima buys a magazine - ً a .
َ َ ُ َ c
ِ َ+ ‫ِى‬0َ <ْ 'َ
Fatima’s father travels to Britain - 2
cN X‫ إ‬c + ُN‫ ُ َأ‬+ِ َk&ُ
Khalid imitates Fatimah - c + 5ُ d ;َ &َ 5 V
Fatima is going to the Hostel - ,k‫ ا‬X‫^ إ‬ ُ ‫ْ َه‬D'َ c +
Fatima loves the Library - ^0‫^ ا‬ v ِ 'ُ c +
She reads essential books - ^0‫ َ' ْ; َ ُؤ أ? ت ا‬X‫ه‬

Self Assessment Exercise

Extract nouns from Suratu `d-Đuħā and classify them into names of persons, place
or things.

3.2 q
ّ 0< ‫ و‬5  X‫ إ‬8‫ ا‬2k;'
Basically, 8‫ ا‬can be 5  or q0<. 5 .‫ ا‬8‫ ا‬means solid or hard noun in terms of
its structure. For example, 5 .‫ ا‬is so called because it is not derived from another
source, and all its letters are basic and original. The minimum original letters of
5 .‫ ا‬cannot be less than three e.g. ٌَ [َ ،ٌ5َ ‫ َو‬،ٌ5َ ‫ َأ‬،ٌ‫ ِ[ْد‬،ٌ"
ْ ‫ ِر‬،ٌ"
َ ‫ َر‬. It can be of four
letters, e.g. ُ َ !ْ 
َ . 5 .‫ ا‬is also similar to what is known as ‫د‬.‫ ا‬8‫ ا‬which means
it is void of any additional letters.

On the other hand, q p 0َ <

ْ ُ ْ ‫ َا‬is the (‫ )إ‬which is derived from a source e.g. ٌِ َ# which
is from ٌْ #
ِ or ٌ‫ُب‬0ْ َ which is derived from ُ Nَ َ0‫ ِآ‬/ٌ^0ْ ‫ َآ‬. To the extent that q0<‫ ا‬is not
independent of additional letter, it is qualified for 32+ 5&‫ا‬. This is to say that while
5 .‫ ا‬8‫ ا‬is similar to ‫د‬.‫ ا‬8‫ا‬, there is such a similarity between q0<‫ ا‬8‫ا‬
and 32+ 5&‫ا‬.

3.2.1 Derived and non-Derived Nouns in a table and sentences

32+ 5&‫ا‬/q0<‫اـ‬ ‫د‬.‫ا‬/5 .‫ا‬
ُ ِ َ!ْ ‫َا‬ ُ Kَ َ ْ ‫َا‬
‫‚ُ ُم‬ ْ ُ ْ ‫َا‬ sُ 2ْ Cَ ْ ‫َا‬
ُk ِ ْ ُ ْ ‫َا‬ ٌ5&ْ ‫َز‬
‫ُ ُر‬Bَ ْ ‫َا‬ ٌَ [َ
Xَ< ْ 0َ k ْ ُ ْ ‫َا‬ ُ َ !ْ 
ُ d!ْ ُ ْ ‫َا‬ ‫ن‬
ُ َ2ْ َ  ُ
"ُ  َ ُْ ْ ‫َا‬ ٌ5Fْ 
‫َ ُر‬Bْ 0ِ  ْ 8ِ ‫َا‬ ْ‫ن‬5َ Fْ َ
5ُ &ِ Cْ 0a َ‫ا‬ ‫ُس‬Tَ
"ُ &ِْ 0a َ‫ا‬ ‫ن‬
ُ َMْ # ُ

There was a torrential rainfall yesterday morning – lْ‫ح َأ‬ َ َC َ ُ &ِT َ ٌK َ َ ‫َ
َ َل‬
The scholar lives in a beautiful house – "ِ 2َِ s ٍ 2ْ Nَ Xِ+ ُ ِ َ!ْ ‫ ا‬, ُ ُ kْ &َ
Zayd is a philanthropist – ٌ"ُ ‫ًا َر‬5&ْ ‫ن َز‬ a ‫ِإ‬
ٌ,k ِ ْ ُ
Sulaiman inherited Dawud – ‫ن دَاؤُو َد‬ ُ َ2ْ َ 
ُ ‫ث‬ َ ‫َو ِر‬
Uthman financed the building of a mosque in his village – Xِ+ 5ِ .
ِkْ َ ‫َ ِء‬FNِ "ِ &ِْ 0َ Nِ ‫ن‬ ُ َMْ #ُ ‫[َ َم‬
3ِ 0ِ &َ ْ[َ
The teacher travelled to London – ْ‫ن‬5َ Fْ َ Xِ+ ُ d!َ ُ ْ ‫ َ ا‬+َ َ
Ja’far spent a few weeks in the hospital – Xِ+ 2ِN َ‫ َ! َ َأ‬g ْ Nِ ُ َ !ْ  َ L َ َ َ
Xَ< ْ 0َ kْ ُ ْ ‫ا‬
The philanthropist attains the pleasure of God – ƒ
ُ ‫ َر>َ ا‬, ُkِ ْ ُ ْ ‫َ َل ا‬F&َ
God always supports the wronged – ‫‚ُ َم‬
ْ َ ْ ‫ ا‬5ُ &d rَ &َ ًuِ ‫ƒ دَا‬
َ ‫نا‬ a ‫ِإ‬

Self Assessment Exercise

Derive 2 q0<‫ ا‬8‫ ا‬from ٌlْ 
َ – ٌ10ْ +َ – ٌ‫>ْب‬
َ – ٌْ 
َ and use them in sentences.

3.3 ‫َ ِء‬
ْ )َ ْ‫ ا‬%
ُ &ِ$
ْ 'َ
‫ ف‬impacts on ِ  ْ ‫ ِإ‬in a variety of ways; these include classification of ‫ إ‬into
‫د‬./5  and 32+ 5&/q0< as illustrated above. Secondly, ‫ ف‬impacts on ‫إ‬
through %&$0‫ا‬. This is by way of conjugating ‫ إ‬from ‫( ُ ْ َ ُد‬singular) to XaFMَ ُ
(dual) and ُ ْ  َ (plural). For example:
Sulayman is an brilliant boy – 5ُ َ ‫ن َو‬ ُ َ2ْ َ 
Two students from Abuja attended the party – َْN‫ْ َأ‬,ِ ‫ن‬ ِ َCِ َc َ g َ A َ
َ َ ْ
َ ْ ‫ا‬
There is only one school in our village – ٌ
َ ‫ْ َر‬5َ َF0ِ &َ ْ[َ Xَ+
ٌ‫ة‬5َ A
ِ ‫وَا‬
On the University campus, there are two schools – Xِ!ِ َ.ْ ‫ َ ِم ا‬ َ ْ ‫ ا‬Xِ+
‫ن‬ِ َ0 َ ‫ْ َر‬5َ
The Lagos schools are built on modern pattern – ‫َا ِز‬K
d ‫ ا‬Xَ#
َ ٌ2a Fِ Cْ َ ‫س‬ ِ ُTَ ‫س‬ َ ‫َا ِر‬5َ ‫ن‬ a ‫ِإ‬
Lِ &ِ5 َ ْ ‫ا‬
They have eyes with which they cannot see - ‫ن‬
َ ‫ُو‬$ ِ Cْ &ُ َ ٌ,2ُ # ْ ‫َ ُ?ْ َأ‬
The secretaries are happy with their new position - ُ ?ِ Cِ $
ِ Fْ َ Nِ ‫ن‬ َ Cُ 'ِ َْ ‫ح ا‬
َ ِ +َ
5ِ &ِ5. َ ْ ‫ا‬

In the above sentences, you will see how it is easy to formulate XFM from ‫د‬. The
mechanism is to add ‫ ا‬+ ‫ ن‬to ‫ د‬e.g.: ٌ5َ ‫ َو‬with ‫ ا‬+ ‫َان = ن‬5َ ‫( َو‬2 boys). The same
mechanism is applicable to all single words that are known as ٌFَ d َ 0َ ُ i.e. the ones
that can be conjugated from ‫ د‬to XFM to . e.g.:
ٌ‫ َو َر[َـ‬+ ‫ ا‬+ ‫= ن‬ ‫ن‬
ِ َ0[َ ‫َو َر‬
َ ‫ْ َر‬5َ + ‫ ا‬+ ‫ن = ن‬ ِ َ0َ ‫ْ َر‬5َ
ِk ْ َ + ‫ ا‬+ ‫ن = ن‬ ِ ‫َا‬5.
ِk ْ َ
ُ ‫ َر‬+ ‫ ا‬+ ‫ن = ن‬ ِ7َ ُ ‫َر‬
َ a'ُ + ‫ ا‬+ ‫ن = ن‬ ِ َ0A
َ a'ُ

Regarding plural (ُْ 

َ ), the situation changes i.e. the mechanism differs slightly
because there are different types of ُ ْ  َ Jam‘. These include:
Sound masculine plural – ٌِ َ ُ ‫آ‬a Dَ ُ ُ ْ 
Sound feminine plural – ٌِ َ L ُ
a rَ ُ ُ ْ  َ
Broken plural – ِ 2ِkْ 'َ ُ ْ َ

The mechanism for the   ‫آ‬D  is similar to that of XFM which is by simply
adding ‫ و‬+ ‫ ن‬to ‫ د‬e.g.:
ٌ^'ِ َ‫ آ‬+ ‫ و‬+ ‫ن = ن‬َ ُC'ِ َ‫آ‬
ٌ1'ِ َ+ + ‫ و‬+ ‫ن = ن‬َ ُ 'ِ َ+
ٌِ َ + ‫ و‬+ ‫ن = ن‬ َ ُِ َ
ٌِ َ + ‫ و‬+ ‫ن = ن‬ َ ُ!ِ َ
ٌ^‫ رَا ِآ‬+ ‫ و‬+ ‫ن = ن‬َ ُC‫رَا ِآ‬
ٌ‫ [َ ِدم‬+ ‫ و‬+ ‫ن = ن‬ َ ُ‫[َ ِد‬
Regarding the sound feminine plural, the formula is different. The first step is to
remove cN ‫ ' ء‬at the end of the word in question e.g. ٌ Cِ َc. Step two is to add
5 %‫ أ‬+ ‫ ت‬to the ‫ د‬i.e.
ٌ^ِ َc ‫ ا‬+ ‫َ ت = ت‬Cِ َc
ٌ‫َـ‬C‫ ا رَا ِآ‬+ ‫َ تٌ = ت‬C‫رَا ِآ‬
ٌَ ِ k
ْ ُ ‫ ا‬+ ‫ ََ تٌ = ت‬k
ْ ُ
ِ َ ‫ ا‬+ ‫َاتٌ = ت‬5 ِ َ
ٌَ uِ َ ‫ ا‬+ ‫َ تٌ = ت‬uِ َ

From the above, you can note that you have no difficulty in formulating ‫آ‬D 
XFM   and   L
r  because in these three cases, the constituent letters are
not disrupted.

Incidentally, the ِ 2ِkْ 'َ ُ ْ 

َ (broken plural) poses a unique case. There is no formula
or mechanism to follow or a process to adopt. Everything is based on oral tradition
called Xِ# َ
َ . In this case, the original constituent letters are disrupted and
sometimes with additional letters interwoven with the original ones.

Examples: ٌ^0ُ ‫َ بٌ ُآ‬0‫ِآ‬
ٌ‫"ٌ ِرَ ل‬ ُ ‫َر‬
ُ ‫َا ِر‬5َ ٌ َ ‫ْ َر‬5َ
َ ْ‫"ٌ َأر‬ ْ ‫ِر‬
ٌ,2ُ #
ْ ‫ َأ‬/ ‫ن‬
ُ ُ2# ُ ٌ,2ْ #َ
ُ َ'َ ٌAَ َ'ُ
ٌ‫َر ْ"ٌ ِرَ ل‬
ٌ‫ٌ َأدْ&َ ن‬,&ِ‫د‬

Self Assessment Exercise

State XFM and  of the following words: ٌFَ T
َ – ٌD2ِْ 'ِ – ٌ5َ Nَ – ٌِ 
َ – ُ ‫َْ َآ‬

4.0 Conclusion
Anytime you read an Arabic text such as a verse from the Qur’ān, Hadīth, a poem,
or literature, you should pay attention to broken plural. That is the surest way to
get acquainted with broken plural given the fact that there is no clear formula to
use in constructing it (broken plural).

5.0 Summary
Two exercises have been carried out for you in this unit; namely classification of
words into Jaamid/Mujarrad and Mushtaqq/Mazid feehi. The second exercise is
Tasreef i.e. conjugating a word into Muthanna and Jam‘from Mufrad.

6.0 Tutor Marked Assignment

What is the difference between al-Ismul Jaamid and Mushtaqq? Illustrate with six
words and use them in sentences.

7.0 References/Further Readings

1. Al-Maydānī, A. M. (1978), =
‫ا‬52‫ ا‬%&$', Agege, Matba’atu `th-Thaqāfatu `l-
2. Al – Hamlāwī, A.M.A, (1999) ‫ف‬$‫ ا‬,+ X+ ‫ ا!ف‬Dّ E Al-Qāhirah, Maktabatu `ş-
3. Al – Maħāsinī S. A. (1966), ‫ ب ا;ـاءة‬0‫ آـ‬Damascus, Matba‘atu Mufīd al –
4. Ahmad Muhammad Shaddād, (1977) J0‫ اـ‬L M‫ اـ‬%‫ـ‬$ 2‫ـ‬N!‫ ! ا‬K‫اـ‬
Baghdad, Matba ‘atu Tīmis.
5. Abdul-Rauf, (1989), &2.
8 N ,2;c F‫ب ا‬7K 2N!‫ ا‬Lebanon, A`s-Sa‘dāwī
6. Tarablīsī/Abu Ħarb (1967) ‫ ـ‬F‫ دى ا‬C‫ ـ‬Damascus, Al-Matba‘ah a`t –

7. Abdullah al-Wuhaybī et al (1970) 0‫ ا)ول ا‬%$ ! K‫ ا‬, Jeddah, Ministry
8. Ali al-Jārim/Mustapha Amin, (n.d.) 1>‫  اا‬F‫ ا‬, Al-Qāhirah.

Module 3: ‫ا‬
Unit 2: ‫; ت‬0<‫( ا‬Derived Nouns)

1.0 Introduction
2.0 Objectives
3.0 Main Content
3.1 ‫ ا) ء‬, ‫; ت‬0<‫ا‬
3.2 ‫; ت‬0<‫ ا‬continued
3.3 7!+ 8‫ورة ا‬2
4.0 Conclusion
5.0 Summary
6.0 Tutor Marked Assignment
7.0 References/Further Reading

1.0 Introduction
As already explained in unit one of Module 3 above, ‫; ت‬0<‫ ا‬which means
derivatives or the derived words play a crucial role in the enrichment of Arabic
language. This is an aspect of ‫ ف‬which is activity packed. It empowers the
learner to source appropriate words to express his/her thoughts. This is manifest in
‰‫ – إ ا‬lF.‫ – ا‬2B$0‫ – ا‬7!+ 8‫إ ا ن – إ ا ن – إ ا!ل – [^ ا‬

2.0 Objectives.
At the end of this unit, you should be able to:
• derive "# ‫إ اا ن – إ ا ن – إ ا!ل – إ ا‬
• derive ‰‫^ – إ ا‬kF‫ – ا‬2B$0‫ا‬
• Make a verb out of ‫إ‬

3.0 Main Content

3.1 `2T‫" و‬# ‫إ ا‬
In English language, you will observe that a person who teaches is a teacher
and a person who sweeps is a sweeper. In Arabic, both the teacher and sweeper are
called "# ‫ إ ا‬i.e. a derivative emanating from teaching and sweeping. Further
more, the object that is being taught or being swept is known in Arabic as ‫إ‬
‫ ا!ل‬which is derived from the same root. This could be seen as a plus for Arabic
because while English has the word teacher for the person teaching which is ‫إ‬
"# ‫ ا‬there is no other derivative in English to be taken out of teaching that can be
used for the recipient of teaching. You will note that the word student or learner is
the object of teaching. For example ‫س‬ ُ ‫ر‬d 5َ ُ ْ ‫ َأ‬the teacher and ‫س‬ ُ ‫ر‬a 5َ ُ ْ ‫ َأ‬the learner are
both derived from l ُ &ْ ‫ْ ِر‬5'َ in the case of Arabic. Let us consider the following
3N ‫إ ا!ل‬ "# ‫إ ا‬ ‫ر‬5$‫ا‬
/ ٌ‫<ُوب‬
ْ َ ٌ‫< ِب‬
ْ 0َ k
ْ ُ / ٌ‫َ ِرب‬E ٌ‫ْب‬E

ٌ‫< َب‬
ْ 0َ k
ْ ُ
ٌ^0َ ْ 0َ k
ْ ُ / ٌ‫ُب‬0ْ َ ٌ^0ِ ْ 0َ k
ْ ُ / ٌ^'ِ َ‫آ‬ ٌ^0ْ ‫َآ‬
ٌlFَ ْ 0َ kْ ُ / ٌ‫ُس‬Fْ َ ٌlFِ ْ 0َ kْ ُ / ٌl
ِ َ‫آ‬ ٌlFْ ‫َآ‬
ٌ10َ ْ 0َ k
ْ ُ / ٌ‫َح‬0ْ َ ٌ10ِ ْ 0َ k
ْ ُ / ٌ1'ِ َ+ ٌ10ْ +َ
/ ٌ‫ُوب‬g ْ َ ٌ‫ ِب‬g
ْ 0َ kْ ٌ / ٌ‫>َ ِرب‬ ٌ‫>ْب‬َ
ٌ‫ َب‬g
ْ 0َ kْ ٌ
ٌ‫ْ َزق‬0َ kْ ُ / ٌ‫َْزُوق‬ ٌ‫ْ ِزق‬0َ k
ْ ُ / ٌ‫رَا ِزق‬ ٌ‫ِرزْق‬

You note in the table that the person drinking is ٌ‫َ ِرب‬E and the liquid being drunk is
ٌ‫<ُوب‬ ْ َ . The person writing is ٌ^'ِ َ‫ آ‬and what is being written is ٌ‫ُب‬0ْ َ . The person
opening is ٌ1'ِ َ+ and what is being opened is ٌ‫َح‬0ْ َ . The person giving fortune is ٌ‫رَا ِزق‬
and the recipient is ٌ‫ َْزُوق‬etc. what makes the concept of derivation ‫ق‬ ُ َ;0ِ E
ْ ‫ِإ‬
interesting in Arabic is its elasticity that is, it is very broad and dynamic. For
example, from the same rout where you have derived "# ‫ إ ا‬and 3N ‫ إ ا!ل‬,
you can also derive the place of action which is called ‫ إ ا ن‬the time of action
which is called ‫ إ ا ن‬the instrument of action which is called ‰‫إ ا‬. If this is
applied to ٌ10ْ +َ we shall have the following:
ٌ‫َ ح‬0ْ ِ ٌ10َ ْ َ ٌ‫ُح‬0ْ َ ٌ1'ِ َ+ ٌ10ْ +َ

Key the place the opened opener opening

instrument where opening
of opening takes place

ٌCَ 0َ ْ َ ٌ^0َ ْ َ ٌ‫ُب‬0ْ َ ٌ^'ِ َ‫آ‬ ٌ^0ْ ‫َآ‬

Library desk written document writer writing

ٌCَ !َ ْ ِ ٌ^!َ ْ َ ٌ‫َ ْ!ُب‬ ٌ^#

ِ َ ٌ^!ْ َ

play thing field/ driveller player play


ٌ;َ !َ ْ ِ ٌq!َ ْ َ ٌ‫َ ْ!ُق‬ ٌq#
ِ َ q
َ !ِ َ

spoon something to someone

lick e.g. ice licking lick

The interesting aspect of this derivation exercise is when you derive words such as
key, library, playground and desk from the rout called ‫ر‬5$ in Arabic e.g.:
ٌ‫َ ح‬0ْ ِ ٌ10ْ +َ
ٌ^!َ ْ َ ٌ^!ْ َ
ٌCَ 0َ ْ َ ،ٌ^0َ ْ َ ٌ^0ْ ‫َآ‬

.‫م‬5;‫ آة ا‬X+ ‫ راة‬C‫ة ا‬5‫^ َِ< ه‬ ِ !َ ْ َ ْ ‫ ا‬Xَ‫َأ
َ َأذْ َه^ُ ِإ‬
I am going to the playing ground to watch football match.
ِ ;َ !َ ْ ِ ْ ِN ‫ز‬d v ‫ َ@آ ِ" ا‬Nِ ‫ح‬ ٍ َ'ُْ ُ 2ْ T َ ‫ى‬ v ‫ ِو‬5َ Cَ ْ ‫َا‬
The Bedouin is not comfortable using spoon to eat rice.
ِ َ 0ِ ْ ْ‫ب ا‬ ِ ْ[ُ 5َ Fْ # ِ ِ Cَ َ K
a  ِN ٌ˜َ ِ0َ ْ ُ ُ Cَ 0َ ْ َ ْ ‫َا‬
The library is filled to the brim by the student at the approach of exam.
‫َ ِة‬0< ْ َ ْ ‫ ا‬Xَ‫ ِ ِإ‬Fَ &ِ5َ ْ ‫ ا‬Xd# َ ‫َ َد َر‬T ْ5[َ
My uncle left the city to the winter resort.
ُ ‫ْ َه‬Fv ِ ‫ ا ْ َْ ِر ِد‬Xَ‫ ِإ‬5ُ 2ِ!َ ْ ‫^ ا‬ َ ‫َذ َه‬
The Dean went to the resort for relaxation.

Take note of words such as ^ ُ !َ ْ َ ْ ‫( َا‬playing ground), ُ ;َ !َ ْ ِ ْ ‫( َا‬spoon), ُ Cَ 0َ ْ َ ْ ‫( َا‬library),

‫َ ُة‬0<
ْ َ ْ ‫( َا‬winter resort) and ‫( َا ْ َْ ِر ُد‬a resort) in the sentences above. They are derived
from ٌ^!ْ َ , ٌq!ْ َ , ٌ‫َ ء‬0E
ِ , ‫ َورْ ُد‬.

Self Assessment Exercise

Derive from the following routs "# ‫إ ا‬, 3N ‫إ ا!ل‬, ‫ إ ا ن‬and ‰‫ إ ا‬and
use them in sentences:
َْ ،ٌlFْ ‫ َآ‬،ٌ^‫ َذ ْه‬،ٌCْ c

3.2 CkF‫ وا‬2B$0‫ا‬

With CkF‫ ا‬and 2B$0‫ا‬, you are given an opportunity to manipulate words to
express smallness and attribute/ascribe a word to something. In other words,
2B$0‫ ا‬is used when you want to show how small a thing or person is in the host of
his or its pairs. Similarly, you use CkF‫ ا‬when you want to attribute something or a
person to something else. There is a pattern i.e. a type of ‫ وزن‬you use in both
cases. In a three lettered word like ٌ5َ ‫ َو‬, the appropriate ‫ وزن‬is ٌ"2ْ !َ +ُ which gives you
ٌ52ْ َ ‫ ُو‬and in the case of a four lettered word, the pattern i.e. ٌ‫ َوزْن‬is ٌ"!َ 2ْ !َ +ُ in which ٌَ !ْ 
becomes ٌَ 2ْ !َ ُ . In case of CkF‫ا‬, you simply add a duplicated ya‘ at the end of the
word which you want to attribute. For example, if you intend attributing a person

to a town like َ $ ْ ِ (Egypt), you simply add a duplicated ya‘ and the word becomes
p ِ $ ْ ِ i.e. an Egyptian. Or you intend attributing an action or a dress to a ٌ5َ ‫ َو‬, you
add duplicated ya‘ and it becomes ‫ى‬ p 5ِ َ ‫ َو‬i.e. the action or dress which is that of a
boy (5‫)و‬. Let us consider the following sentences:
Khalid is an Egyptian student – ٌ^ِ َc 5ُ ِ َV
p ِ $ ْ ِ
Fawzi reads the Qur’an in an Egyptian voice – ‫ت‬
ٍ ْ$ َ Nِ ‫ْزِى‬+َ ‫َ& ْ; َ ُؤ‬
p ِ $ ْ ِ
Yusuf has Nigerian behaviour – ٌ‫َ ت‬+v $ َ 'َ 3ُ َ % ُ  ُ ُ&
ٌ&a ِ 2ِ.2ْ
Balqis wears a male dress – ًkCَ ْ َ ‫ِى‬5'َ ْ'َ l ُ 2ِ;ْ Nِ
j&5ِ َ ‫َو‬
ٍ 2a ِ 7
َْ ‫ ِإ‬5ِ 2ِ َ;'َ ‫ت َو‬ ِ ‫!َ دَا‬Nِ a&‫!ُ ِد‬k a ‫ ا‬Xِ+ ُ !ُ < ْ 0َ َ f َ
a ‫ِإ‬
You will feel in Saudi Arabia Islamic ethics and traditions.
Your entry into the country with a visa is illegal. – ُ 2ْ T
َ َk2ِ+ ‫ن‬ ِ ‫ُو‬5Nِ , َcَ َ ْ ‫ ا‬f َ َ ُV‫ن ُد‬ a ‫ِإ‬

Sibaway is a grammarian – ٌ" ُ ‫ َر‬3ِ &ْ َ Cَ 2ِ ‫ن‬ a ‫ِإ‬
p ِ ْ
I prefer a smallish loaf of bread for breakfast – Xِ+ ‫ًا‬2ْ Cَ V ُ "ُ g d +َ ‫َأ
َ ُأ‬
‫ُ ِر‬Kُ ْ ‫ا‬
Ismail bough yesterday a smallish Ṣarf book – ًC2ْ 0َ ‫ ُآ‬l
ِ ْ ‫ ُ" َأ‬2ِ# َ ْ ‫َى ِإ‬0َ E ْ ‫ِإ‬
j2+ِ ْ َ
We have sent it an Arabic Qur’an Q 12:2 – ُْ a !َ َ j2Nِ َ #َ ً
ْ[ُ `ُ َFْ َ
ْ ‫ َأ‬a
‫ن‬َ ُ;ِ !ْ 'َ
3' & ْsَ $ d +ُ ً َْ ‫ َ;َ ُا‬j2ِ . َ# ْ ‫َ ُ` ُ[ْ
ً َأ‬Fْ !َ 
َ َْ ‫َو‬
Had We sent this as a Qur’an in a language other than Arabic, they would have
said: why are not its verse explained in detail? Q 41:44

3.2.1 Analysis
In the sentences above, you will note in the first sentence Khalid being attributed
to Egypt, Fawzi’s voice in the second sentence being attributed to Egypt again,
Yusuf’s behaviour in the third sentence being attributed to Nigeria, Balqis’ dress
in four being attributed to a boy’s, Saudi’s ethics and traditions in five being
attributed to Islam, entry to the country without a visa in six being attributed to
illegality, Sibaway in seven being attributed to Grammar. In sentence eight, a
smallish loaf of bread is preferred. Ismail in sentence nine bought a smallish ‫ف‬
book. in sentence ten, the Qur’ān is attributed to Arab. In the final sentence, the
Qur’ān is attributed to non-Arabibc language.

Self Assessment Exercise

Make ُ 2ِB$ ْ 'َ and َ Cَ k
ِ of the following words and use them in sentence:
َ ‫ْ َر‬5َ - ٌ‫ ب‬0َ ‫ ِآ‬- ٌ‫ ب‬Nَ - ٌ,c
َ ‫ َو‬- ٌ5َ Nَ

3.3 7!+ 8‫ور ا‬2
In Arabic, ‫ ف‬can assist you to construct verbs out of noun. This is common
especially with names of cities or countries such as َ $ ْ ِ (Egypt), America and
Nigeria. For example, if you intend saying that someone has become an Egyptian
or a Nigerian or any town or country for that matter, you can coin a verb out of the
intended town or country. In the case of ْ$ِ for example, you could say:
Abdul Wakil became an Egyptian – 5ِ Cْ #
َ َ $ َ 2ْ َ 'َ
"ِ 2ِ‫ا ْ َآ‬
Incase of USA, you first of all transliterate USA thus &‫أ‬. Then you can say
‫ك‬َ َ ْ @َ 'َ . Nigeria can be transliterated thus &2.2
and you have َ .
َ 2ْ Fَ 'َ .
Khalid became an Egyptian – ْ‫ٌ َأو‬5ِ V َ َ $ َ 2ْ َ 'َ
َ $
a َ 'َ
Sharif became an American – ‫ك‬
َ َ ْ @َ 'َ
%ُ &ِE َ
Muslim became a Nigerian – ُ ِ k
ْ ُ َ .
َ 2ْ Fَ 'َ

You should note that the ability to coin verbs out of names of towns, cities or
countries depends largely on a very wide reading since the mechanism of the
exercise is purely oral tradition known as X
ِ َ
َ .

Self Assessment Exercise

Attempt making verb our of the following names of towns and places and use
them in sentences: ‫س‬
ِ ُTَ – ‫ا‬5َ Fَ ‫ْ – َآ‬,K
ِ Fْ E
ِ ‫نْ – وَا‬5َ Fْ َ

4.0 Conclusion
Forming verbs out of towns and places should not give you sleepless nights since
you do not have a definite formula to work with. This aspect of ‫ ف‬is to show
how flexible Arabic language is and indeed how dynamic and interesting ‫ ف‬is.

5.0 Summary
If you take a critical look at َ Cَ k
ْ Fd ‫ا‬, it becomes clear to you that ‫ ف‬is not
presenting a unique formula because in English, there is the same formula as you
can see in adding n to Nigeria to become Nigerian (e.g. the Nigerian character)or
to America to become American (e.g. the American embassy). So, duplicated ya‘
is doing in Arabic what n or ish does in English. However, there are cases when n
cannot apply e.g. Britain or England, it is ish that is added while the last three
letters are removed i.e. and in England and you have English and ain in Britain
and you have British. You will have similar cases in Arabic where you will need
more than duplicated ya‘.

6.0 Tutor Marked Assignment

Explain the importance of Cَ k
ِ and 2ِB$
ْ 'َ in ‫ ف‬and illustrate with four

8.0 References/Further Reading.

1. Al-Maydānī, A. M. (1978), =
‫ا‬52‫ ا‬%&$', Agege, Matba’atu `th-Thaqāfatu `l-
2. Al – Hamlāwī, A.M.A, (1999) ‫ف‬$‫ ا‬,+ X+ ‫ ا!ف‬Dّ E Al-Qāhirah, Maktabatu `ş-

3. Ahmad Muhammad Shaddād, (1977) J0‫ اـ‬L M‫ اـ‬%‫ـ‬$ 2‫ـ‬N!‫ ! ا‬K‫اـ‬
Baghdad, Matba ‘atu Tīmis.
4. Abdul-Rauf, (1989), &2.
8 N ,2;c F‫ب ا‬7K 2N!‫ ا‬Lebanon, A`s-Sa‘dāwī
5. Abdullah al-Wuhaybī et al (1970) 0‫ ا)ول ا‬%$ ! K‫ ا‬, Jeddah, Ministry

Module 3: 5 .‫ا!" ا‬
Unit 3: X>  ‫زم‬7‫ ا‬5 .‫ا‬

3.0 Introduction
4.0 Objectives
5.0 Main Content

3.1 5 .‫ا!" ا‬
3.2 5 .‫أ
اع ا!" ا‬
3.3 M‫أ‬
4.0 Conclusion
5.0 Summary
6.0 Tutor Marked Assignment
7.0 References/Further Reading

1.0 Introduction
In modules 1 and 3 above, we treated verbs known as +$0 ‫! ل‬+‫أ‬. These are verbs
that can transform i.e. change from one form or shape to another with a view to
creating fresh meanings, ideas or impressions. This transformation is known as
conjugation %&$' as you have seen so far. In contrast, however, there are other
verbs that constitute the subject of this unit.

2.0 Objectives
At the end of this unit, you should able to:
• define 5 .‫ا!" ا‬
• State 5 .‫أ
اع ا!" ا‬
• Give illustrations

3.0 Main Content

3.1 By definition, 5 .‫ ا!" ا‬means verbs that are not amenable to conjugation.
They are not inclined to %&$'. 5  literally means solid or impenetrable. These
are the verbs that you cannot change from ‫  ض‬to ‫ رع‬$ and ‫أ‬. You cannot
derive out of them "# ‫ إ ا‬،‫ إ ا!ل‬،‫ إ  ن‬،‫ إ ا ن‬،3‫ا ا‬. Though, it is a
verb, it remains in one form. But then, it should be observed quickly the sign of
it’s being a verb is the acceptance of L2
@0‫ ' ء ا‬such as ْ‫ ت‬in ْsk
َ 2ْ َ or 0‫ ' ء ا‬such as
ُ in sُ k
ْ َ .

5 .‫ ا!" ا‬is of two types. The first group is permanently structured on past tense
(X> ) while the second group is permanently structured on command (‫)أ‬.

Members of the first group include: ،Xَk#

َ ،@َ<
ْ ‫ َأ‬،َqِ c
َ ،َ!ْ
ِ ،َl˜ْ Nِ ،‫ا‬DaCA
َ ،َDCa A
َ َ
َ 2ْ َ .

It should be stated that these verbs (5 .‫ )ا‬are meant for creating special
impressions. They are like what we can call occasional verbs. Each of them has a
special meaning to render.

l2 for example is one of ‫ات آ ن‬V‫أ‬. It is permanently structured on X>  and
cannot be conjugated as already explained in the general introduction above.
Interestingly though, its sisters like ‫ آ ن‬can be conjugated. l2 is to negate
occurrence of an action, e.g.:
I have no fruits to break fast with – َ?Nِ ُ K
ِ +ْ ‫ ََاتٌ َأ‬hَ Xِ l َ 2ْ َ
The male is not like the female (Q 3:36) – XَM
ْ )ُ ْ ‫ َآ ُ َآ‬Da ‫ ا‬l
َ 2ْ َ
Layla is not in hijab – C.A X2 sَk2ْ َ
I don’t know either rich or poor he is – َ ‫ٌ ُه‬2ِ;+َ ْ‫= َأم‬p Fِ Tْ ‫ َأدْرِى َأ‬s ُ k ْ َ
The Christians have naught to stand upon (Q 2:113) – ‫=ْ ٍء‬E َ Xَ# َ ‫?ُ ُد‬2َ ْ ‫ ا‬sِ kَ 2ْ َ
The Jews have naught to stand upon (Q 2:117) – ‫=ْ ٍء‬E
َ Xَ# َ ‫َ رَى‬$Fa ‫ ا‬s ِ kَ 2ْ َ ‫َو‬
Not all of them are alike (Q 3:113) – ‫َا ًد‬
َ ‫ُا‬k2ْ َ

In the above sentences, you will note that l َ 2ْ َ take a characteristic of a normal
verb with L2
@0‫ ' ء ا‬in the 3rd, 5th and 6th sentences, 0‫ ' ء ا‬in the 4th sentence and
# .‫ واو ا‬in the 7th sentence. You may recall that l َ 2ْ َ cannot be conjugated
ْ 'َ ) from Xِ> َ, ٌ‫َ ِرع‬gُ and ٌْ ‫ َأ‬being 5ُ ِ َ "ُ !ْ +ِ .

• Xَk#
َ connotes hope/expectation of occurrence of an action or an event.
It may be that Allah will bring a solution – ƒ‫ ا‬X'@& ‫ أن‬Xk#
‫ ;   دا‬fN‫ ر‬fM!C& ‫ أن‬Xk#
It may be that your Lord will raise you to a station of glory
You may dislike a thing which is good for you –  2V ‫˜ وه‬2E ‫ أن 'ها‬Xk#
You may like a thing which is an evil for you –  E ‫˜ وه‬2E ‫ا‬C ' ‫ أن‬Xk#‫و‬
If you were to be placed in a position of authority – 02' ‫ إن‬02k# "?+
• Just like in l2, you will observe that Xk# also takes one of the
characteristics of a normal verb for taking .‫ ا‬2  0‫' ئ ا‬. Again,
you cannot conjugate Xk# into X> , ‫ رع‬g and ‫ أ‬being 5  "!+.

• !
connotes appreciation and praise when someone or something has
performed wonderfully well.

The best to protect, the best to help (Allah) (Q 22:78) – َ !ْ
ِ ‫ َو‬Xََْ ْ ‫ِ
ْ! َ ا‬
ُ 2ِ$Fa ‫ا‬
How excellent is the servant ever turning to (Allah) (Q 38:44) - ٌ‫اب‬a‫ َأو‬3ُ
a ‫ ِإ‬5ُ Cْ !َ ْ ‫ِ
ْ! َ ا‬

How excellent is the hero Khalid b. Walid – ,
ِ Nُ ‫َ ِد ُل‬V "ُ K َ Cَ ْ ‫ِ
ْ! َ ا‬
5ِ 2َِ ْ ‫ا‬
How excellent is the philanthropist Uthman b. Affan – ْ,Nُ ‫ن‬
ُ َMْ # ُ , ُkِ ْ ُ ْ ‫ِ
ْ! َ ا‬
‫ن‬ ِ a#َ
How excellent is the hardworking student Abdul Karim – 5ُ Cْ #َ 5ُ ?ِ 0َ .
ْ ُ ْ ‫^ ا‬
ُ ِ َK
َ ْ ‫ِ
ْ! َ ا‬
ِ &َِ ْ ‫ا‬
!N‫ اا‬F&5َ0ُ ْ ‫ ا‬s ِ َ !ْ
How excellent is the (female) devotee Rabi‘ah al-Adawiyyah

َ ˜ْ Nِ is the direct opposite of !
. It is to express disgust and blame. When
something or an action is distasteful and disgusting or a person does something
blameworthy we use l َ ˜ْ Nِ . For example, you can say:
How disgusting what invited inviting me to – 3ِ 2ْ َ‫ ِإ‬Xِ
َ ُ 'ُ ْ#
َ ‫َ َد‬kَ ˜ْ Nِ
What a bad/evil behaviour telling lies – ‫ْب‬Dَ ْ ‫™ ا‬ ُ 2d k a ‫ ا‬q ُ ُˆْ ‫ ا‬lَ ˜ْ Nِ
What a morally bankrupt person a slanderer – ‫ ُم‬aFa ‫ ا‬q ِ ُˆُ ْ ‫™ ا‬
ُ 2d k
a ‫ ا‬lَ ˜ْ Nِ
What a bad evil name after faith – ‫ن‬
ِ َ&ِ8ْ‫ ا‬5َ !ْ Nَ ‫ُ ُم‬kُ ْ ‫ ُ ا‬ ْ 8ِ ْ‫ ا‬l
َ ˜ْ Nِ
Terrible is the drink and an evil dwelling place – َ;َ 'َ ُْ ْ‫ب َوَ ءت‬ ُ ‫<َا‬ a ‫ ا‬lَ ˜ْ Nِ

In the Qur’an we have the following examples:

َ ˜ْ Nِ ‫ َْ َ
?َ َو‬$ ْ &َ َ Fa ?ْ  َ
‫ا ْ َ;َا ُر‬
Hell, in which they will burn, and what an evil place to settle in (Q 14:29)
َ ˜ْ Nِ ‫ َو‬,
ِ 2ْ [َ ِ <
ْ َ ْ ‫ ا‬5َ !a Nُ fَ Fَ 2ْ Nَ ‫ َو‬XِF2ْ Nَ s
َ 2ْ َ َ&
ُ &ِ;َ ْ ‫ا‬
Would that between me and you were the distance of the two eats – what a
worst companion (Q 43:28)

Self Assessment Exercise

Use the following ‫ة‬5 .‫! ل ا‬+)‫ ا‬each in 2 sentences:
،Xk# ،l˜N ،l2

3.2 ‫ة‬5 .‫! ل ا‬+)‫ ا‬continued

3.2.1 ‫َا‬DCa A
َ َ ،‫َا‬DCa A
َ ،َ‫َ ش‬A
The three ‫ة‬5  ‫! ل‬+‫ أ‬listed above are distinct from those that are treated in 3.1. The
distinction is in timing. While the ones treated in 3.1 are exclusively for the past
tense, the latter ones are of ‫ أ‬type i.e. futuristic.
‫ ش‬A for example means except but as ‫ أ‬5  "!+ it connotes forbid. The
impression being created with ‫ ش‬A is no! It cannot happen! Or prevent it from
happening! ‫ ش‬A came up twice in Surat Yusuf:
ٌ&ِ‫ٌ َآ‬fَ َ a ‫َا ِإ‬D‫ن َه‬
a ‫<ًا ِإ‬
َ Nَ ‫َا‬D‫ƒ َ َه‬
ِ ‫ش‬
َ َA

How perfect is Allah (or Allah forbid)! No man is this! This is none other than a
noble angel! (Q 12:31).
Allah forbids! No evil know we against him! (Q 12:51) - ْ,ِ 3ِ 2ْ َ #
َ Fَ ْ ِ #
َ َ ƒ
ِ ‫ش‬
َ َA
‫ُ ٍء‬

In an ordinary context:
A scholar cannot be in want – َ ;ِ 0َ ْ &َ ْ‫ش ِ ْ!َ ِ ِ َأن‬
َ َA
An Imam cannot commit evil as must not commit evil – q َ k ُ ْ &َ ْ‫ َ َأو‬. ُ ْ &َ ْ‫šَ ِم َأن‬ ِ ِ ‫ش‬
َ َA
The sky cannot drop gold – ًC‫ َ َذ َه‬K ِ ْ 'ُ ْ‫َ ُء َأن‬k a ‫ش ا‬َ َA
A camel cannot enter the eye of the needle (Q 7:40) – ‫ط‬
ِ َ2ˆ
ِ ْ ‫ ا‬d 
َ Xِ+ ’ َ ِ &َ ْ‫ َ ُ" َأن‬. َ ْ ‫ش ا‬ َ َA

In the case of ‫َا‬DCa A

َ or ‫َا‬DCa A
َ َ , we also have a 5  which connotes a future event that
is of utmost demand. In other words, something fondly desirable. This is to
express expectation of occurrence of something very pleasant like yearning for a
cool weather in summer.
What a brilliant boy (love him) – ^
ُ 2ِ.Fa ‫ ا‬5ُ َ َ ْ ‫َا ا‬DCa A
َ َ&
What a beautiful autumn weather (you love it) – "ُ 2ِ. َ ْ ‫ ا‬%
ِ &ِˆ َ ْ ‫ ا‬v  َ ‫َا‬DCa A َ َ&
What a terrible heat (hate summer weather) – %
ِ 2ْ $a ‫ ا‬v  َ ُ َ 2ْ َ ْ ‫َا ا‬DCa A
َ َ
Corruption! What a dirty social system – "ُ &ِ‫ذ‬a ‫ ا‬X v#
ِ َ0ِ 
ْ 8ِ ْ‫‚َ ُم ا‬Fd ‫َ ُد ا‬kَ ْ ‫َا ا‬DaCAَ َ

Self Assessment Exercise

Identify from the Qur’an or Arabic poems the usage of and use them in your own

4.0 Conclusion
You should note that what ‫ ش‬A and ‫ا‬DCA have in common is the issue of timing;
both of them connote a feature occurrence of an event. However, their difference
is in negative and positive meanings; while ‫ ش‬A connotes never to happen ‫ا‬DCA
connotes excitement and love for the event or thing to happen.

5.0 Summary
‫ ف‬presents to us in ‫ة‬5 .‫! ل ا‬+)‫ ا‬an interesting case. What makes them ‫ة‬5  is
the fact that they cannot:
(a) be conjugated:
(b) attract ‫وف ا& دة‬A i.e. they cannot become 32+ 5&.
(c) Reflect ‫ – ُ ْ َ ُد‬XaFMَ ُ – ُ ْ 
َ like ‫ن‬
َ ُC‫ْ َه‬D&َ ‫ن‬
ِ َC‫ْ َه‬D&َ ^
ُ ‫ْ َه‬D&َ

6.0 Tutor Marked Assignment (TMA)

State definition of ‫ة‬5 .‫! ل ا‬+)‫ ا‬and their characteristics. Illustrate with any two of

7.0 References/Further Readings.

1. Al-Maydānī, A. M. (1978), =
‫ا‬52‫ ا‬%&$', Agege, Matba’atu `th-Thaqāfatu `l-
2. Al – Hamlāwī, A.M.A, (1999) ‫ف‬$‫ ا‬,+ X+ ‫ ا!ف‬Dّ E Al-Qāhirah, Maktabatu `ş-
3. Ahmad Muhammad Shaddād, (1977) J0‫ اـ‬L M‫ اـ‬%‫ـ‬$ 2‫ـ‬N!‫ ! ا‬K‫اـ‬
Baghdad, Matba ‘atu Tīmis.
5. Abdul-Rauf, (1989), &2.
8 N ,2;c F‫ب ا‬7K 2N!‫ ا‬Lebanon, A`s-Sa‘dāwī
6. Abdullah al-Wuhaybī et al (1970) 0‫ ا)ول ا‬%$ ! K‫ ا‬, Jeddah, Ministry

7. Ali al-Jārim/Mustapha Amin, (n.d.) 1>‫  اا‬F‫ ا‬, Al-Qāhirah.

Module 4: ‫ازن وازون‬/‫وف ا& دة‬A
Unit 1: ?2

1.0 Introduction
2.0 Objectives
3.0 Main Content
4.0 Conclusion
5.0 Summary
6.0 Tutor Marked Assignment
7.0 References/Further Reading

1. Introduction
‫وف ا& دة‬A is a cluster of letters commonly referred to as in a statement which
reads thus: َ?2ْ
َ ُ0ُ ْ @َ
َ i.e. you asked me of them. They are treated in this unit for
further classification.

2. Objectives
At the end of this unit, you should be able to:
• list ‫وف ا& دة‬A;
• Identify ‫وف ا& دة‬A in verb and nouns.
• Illustrate with ‫وف ا& دة‬A in verbs and nouns.

3.0 Main Content

3.1 Huruufuz-ziyaadah are so called because of the role they play in verbs and
nouns. They provide additional letters to what is known in a verb or noun as
foundation letters or constituent letters/radicals. For example, l َ َ 
َ is known as "!+
‫د‬. as already explained to you in the previous modules. If you add ‫ة‬5 %‫ أ‬to
l, you have l َ َ َ while l means (he) sat e.g. ٌ,ِ ْrُ l
َ َ 
َ (Mu’min sat), l َ َ َ
means (he) sat with e.g. ‫ًا‬5ِ َV ٌ,ِ ْrُ l
َ َ َ (Mu’min sat with Khalid) in the same
token, ٌَ [َ (a pen) is a ‫د‬. ‫ إ‬because all the letters therein are foundation radicals.
But in ‫ ُم‬7
َ [ْ ‫ َأ‬we have ‫ة‬5 %‫ أ‬which is an additional letter.

It should be noted that ‫وف ا& دة‬A are not used for mere aesthetics. They are
employed to create fresh meanings and effects. As you can see in ٌَ [َ above, with
‫ة‬5 %‫ أ‬added, ٌَ [َ changed to ٌ‫م‬7
َ [ْ ‫ َأ‬i.e. from ‫ د‬to . In the case of l
َ َ 
َ and l
َ َ َ,
you will note that the effect of sitting alone changed to sitting with someone else.
With the use of ‫وف ا& دة‬A therefore, ‫ ف‬provides a mechanic for creating
numerous verbs and nouns in response to fresh meanings and effects. The letters
are ten. Take note of the following illustration.

3.1.1 Illustration
(‫َأ ْ َ? ْ َ ُة )أ‬
Put off thy shoes f
َ 2ْ َ !ْ
َ َْ V
ْ ‫ِإ‬

I beat my flock with it XِFَ T
َ Xَ# َ َ?Nِ ›v ‫َأ ُه‬
Strike with they foot ٌ‫َاب‬E
َ ‫َ ِردٌ َو‬N ٌ"k
ِ 0َ Bْ ُ ‫َا‬D‫ َه‬fَ ِ 
ْ ِ Nِ ْx‫َأرْ ُآ‬

I comb my hair ‫ ْ!ِى‬E َ J ُ<d َ ‫َأ‬

Muhammad is the most eloquent of the Arabs ً
َkِ ‫ب‬ ِ َ !َ ْ ‫ ا‬1 ُ$ َ +ْ ‫ٌ ُه َ َأ‬5a َ ُ
Bilqis embraced Islam through Sulaiman ‫ن‬
َ َ2ْ َ  ُ 5ِ &َ Xَ# َ l ُ 2ِ;ْ Nِ ْsَ َ  ْ ‫َأ‬
I am going to my Lord, He will certainly guide me XِF&ِ5?ْ 2َ  َ XdN‫ َر‬Xَ‫ ذَا ِه^ٌ ِإ‬Xd
The killer of Hamzah is a criminal ٌ‫ ِم‬. ْ ُ َ ‫ن [َ ِ' َ" َه ْ َ ِة‬ a ‫ِإ‬
I practice body exercise everyday ‫" َ&ْ ٍم‬a ‫ َ ُآ‬2a
ِ 5َ Cَ ْ ‫> َ ا‬ َ َ&d ‫س ا‬ ُ ‫َأ
َ ُأَ ِر‬
Allah will surely accomplish His purpose `ِ ِ ْ ‫َ ِœٌ َأ‬N ƒ
َ ‫نا‬ a ‫ِإ‬
I bought a new book ‫ًا‬5&ِ5 َ ً' َ0‫ ِآ‬s ُ &ْ َ 0َ E
ْ ‫ِإ‬
My brother travelled to London on vacation ‫šَ َز ِة‬ِ ِ ْ‫ن‬5َ Fْ َ Xَ‫ ِإ‬XِV‫ َ َأ‬+َ َ

(‫ )م‬2ِْ ‫َأ‬

Zayd is in the mosque 5ِ .
ِk ْ َ ْ ‫ ا‬Xِ+ ٌ5&ْ ‫َز‬
The key is with the driver q
ِ uِ ak‫ ا‬5ِ 2َ Nِ ‫ح‬ ُ َ0ْ ِ ْ ‫ا‬
My friend is in the house of Representatives ‫ب‬
ِ ‫َا‬Fa ‫ ا‬l
ِ ِ . ْ َ Xِ+ Xِ;&ِ5 َ
I am a Muslim ٌِ k
ْ ُ َ
Junaid is an exemplary philanthropist 3ِ Nِ ‫ِى‬50َ ;ْ &ُ ٌ,kِ ْ ُ 5ُ 2ْ Fَ 
The farmer is in the farm ‫ع‬
ِ ‫ ا ْ َْ َر‬Xِ+ ‫ح‬ ُ7 a َ ْ ‫َا‬

(‫ن )ن‬vF‫ا‬
The cup was broken ‫ب‬
ُ ُْ ‫ َ ا‬k
َ َ
ْ ‫ِإ‬

Musa and his teacher proceeded 3ُ ُ d!َ ُ ‫ َو‬Xَُ q

َ َ K
ْ ‫ِإ‬

We understand not whether ill is intended for those on earth X+ ,N 5&‫ أر‬p E َ ‫ْرِى َأ‬5
َ َ
It is We Who give life and death َF2ْ َ ‫ َوِإ‬s
ُ 2ِ
ُ ‫ َو‬Xِ2 ْ
ُ ,ُ ْ
ُ 2ِ$َ ْ ‫ا‬
We circumambulate around Ka‘abah َC!ْ َ ْ ‫ْ َل ا‬A
َ ‫ف‬ ُ ُK

The minister resigned in annoyance ُ &ِ‫ا ْ َز‬ ‫;َ َل‬0َ 

ْ ‫ا‬
‫ن‬ِ َCg ْ Tَ
(‫ااو )و‬
You are blessed s
َ ‫ُ ِر ْآ‬N
Abubakr was installed as the first Caliph ‫و َل‬a ‫ ْ ِ َأ‬Nَ ُN‫ُ& َ َأ‬N
ٍ َ 2ِV
Feeble is the seeker and the sought ‫ب‬
ُ ُK
ْ ُ ْ ‫^ وَا‬
ُ ِ aK‫ ا‬%
َ !ُ >

I am wronged, so, help ْ$

ِ 0َ
ْ َ+ ٌ‫‚ُم‬
ْ ُ Xd
GSM is made of crude oil J
ِ ْ Fa ‫ ا‬,
َ ِ ٌ#َ ُF$ْ َ ُ َ ‫ا‬a.َ ْ ‫َا‬

I am a student at the Open University ِ !َ ِ َ.ْ ‫ ا‬Xِ+ ٌ^ِ َc َ
ُ A
َ ُ0ْ َ ْ ‫ا‬

(‫ )س‬,2k‫ا‬
By degrees shall we teach thee, so thou shall not forget XَkFْ 'َ 7
َ +َ ‫ك‬
َ ‫ ِ;ْ ُؤ‬Fُ 

I shall see my Lord’s forgiveness for you XdN‫ َر‬fَ َ ُ ِ Bْ 0َ 

ْ @َ 
We shall send down to thee a weighty word 7
ً 2ِ;hَ ً ْ[َ f
َ 2ْ َ #
َ Xِ;ْ Fُ َ

The Head of State received his visitor at the Airport Xِ+ 3ُ َ 2ْ >
َ ِ َ ْ‫و‬5a ‫ ا‬l
ُ 2ِu‫ َ" َر‬Cَ ;ْ 0َ 
ْ ‫ِإ‬
‫َ ِر‬Kَ ْ ‫ا‬
When Musa prayed for drinking water for his people 3ِ ِ ْ;َ ِ Xَُْ Xَ;k
ْ 0َ 
ْ ‫ِإ ِذ ا‬

I will create an avenue of relaxation for you ِ A

َ ‫ا‬aِ ‫َ َل‬.َ ْ ‫ ا‬f
َ َ 1
ُ 0َ +ْ @َ 

You may take note that ‫ ت – س – أ‬are used in Xَ;k

ْ 0َ 
ْ ‫ِإ‬, "َ Cَ ;ْ 0َ 
ْ ‫ِإ‬, ُ ِ Bْ 0َ 
ْ ‫َأ‬

‫م‬7‫ا? ء وا‬
These two letters as ‫وف ا& دة‬A are very rarely used. For example, we have ‫ ه ء‬in
the plural of ‫( أم‬mother) which is ‫?َ ت‬a ‫( ُأ‬mothers). Examples of ‫ م‬in ‫ َل‬5َ Cْ #
َ meaning
(he) worshipped Allah.

(‫ ء )ي‬2‫ا‬
Abdul Hamid is a brilliant student ٌ^2ِ.
َ ٌ^ِ َc 5ِ 2ِ
َ ْ ‫ ا‬5ُ Cْ #
I love a clean environment ً ˜َ 2ِN ^v Aِ ‫َأ
َ ُأ‬
ً َ 2ِ‚
‫ْ َ&<َ ُء‬,َ ِ f
َ ِ ‫ن َذ‬
َ ‫ ِ ُ َ دُو‬Bْ &َ ‫ َو‬3ِ Nِ ‫ك‬
َ َ <
ْ &ُ ْ‫ ِ َ َأن‬Bْ &َ َ ƒ
َ ‫نا‬
a ‫ِإ‬
Allah forgiveth not that partners be set up with Him; but He forgiveth anything
else to whom He pleaseth

3.1.2 Observation
In every underlined word in the sentences listed above, you will note ‫ف ا& دة‬A.
Take a close look at every word you will see in it one or two ‫ف ا& دة‬A. The
sentences are either taken from the verses of the Qur’an or from common daily
usages. The variety is to make its learning easy for you.

Self Assessment Exercise

Identify ‫وف ا& دة‬A from the following expression:
."ٍ $
ْ +َ "d ‫ْ ُآ‬,ِ ,
ِ 2ْ +a d ;َ 0َ ُ ْ ‫ ا‬,
ِ 2ِCِ aKِ ً 2a 
ِ ‫ ً ِدرَا‬
َ Fْ ِ ٍ Fَ 
َ "a ‫ ُآ‬XِK!ْ &ُ ِ 2a ُِ ْ ‫ ا‬5َ 2ِ#
َ ‫ن‬
a ‫ِإ‬

3.2 s
ُ 2ْ
َ ‫َأ‬

There is another set of ‫وف ا& دة‬A known as s ُ 2ْ
َ ‫َأ‬. These are known as ‫وف‬A
#‫ ر‬g‫ ا‬i.e. the letters of the present tense. You will take note that these four
letters called sُ 2ْ
َ ‫ َأ‬are already listed among َ?2ِ
ُ0ُ ْ @َ 
َ . But, for emphasis and
clarification, they are repeated. This is to remove doubt for should you come
across them in another text book or reference material.

I sit on the chair Xَ#
َ l
ُ ِ 
ْ ‫َأ‬
dِ ُْ ْ ‫ا‬
Xِu َ<
ْ 8ِ ْ‫ ا‬XِNُ
ْ ‫ ُأ‬,
َ 0َ &َ Xَِ ‫ف‬
َ ْ$
a ‫ َ وَا‬
ْ Fa ‫س ا‬
ُ ‫َأدْ ُر‬
I study Nahw and ‫ ف‬in order to improve my composition style
I drink milk every morning ‫ح‬
ٍ aC
َ "a ‫^ ُآ‬
َ 2ِ
َ ْ ‫ب ا‬
ُ َ E
ْ ‫َأ‬

I recite the Qur’an twice a week Xِ+ ,

ِ 2ْ 'َ a َ ‫ن‬
ِ ْ;ُ ْ ‫ َو ِة ا‬7
َ 0ِ Nِ ‫َأ[ُ ُم‬
ِ ُC
ْ )ُ ْ‫ا‬

We fast in the month of Ramadan as a worship to Allah ‫ن‬
َ g َ َ ‫ ْ? ِ َر‬E َ X+ِ ‫ ُم‬$ ُ
ِ ‫ا‬5ً Cv !َ 'َ
We seek success ad guidance from Allah q
َ 2+ِ ْ0a ‫ƒ ا‬ ُ ‫ َ@ ُل ا‬k ْ
‫ َد‬E
َ a ‫َوا‬
ٍ Fَ 
َ "a ‫ْ ُآ‬Nَ ُ0‫ ِة ُأ ْآ‬a T
ُ Xِ+ XِFc َ َ ْ ‫ ا‬5ِ 2ِ!ْ ِN "ُ ِ 0َ
We celebrate national day 1 day of October every year.
We live in security as long as we rely on Allah "ُ ‫آ‬a َ 0َ
َ َ , ٍ َ @ْ َ X+ِ › ُ 2!ِ
ِ ‫ ا‬Xَ # َ

Pilgrims return from Makkah this week ‫َا‬D‫ َ ِ َه‬a َ ُ ْ ‫ َ ا‬a َ ْ,ِ ‫ج‬
ُ a.
ُ ْ ‫ ُ ا‬
ِ َْ&
‫ع‬َ ُCْ )َ ْ‫ا‬
Allah elevates the position of learned ones ِ ْ !ِ ْ ‫ ا‬Xَ‫ƒ أُو‬
ُ ‫ ُ ا‬+َ ْ&َ
‫ت‬ٍ َ‫َد َر‬
Allah purifies who He wishes ْ,َ Xd‫ƒ ُ& َآ‬
َ ‫نا‬
a ‫ِإ‬
‫َ&<َ ُء‬
On that day, the faithful shall rejoice ‫ح‬
ُ َ ْ &َ Dٍ ˜ِ َ ْ&َ
َ ُFِ ْrُ ْ ‫ا‬
ِ ْ )َ ِN ًkْ
َ s َ ْ 0َ [َ َ‫ َآ‬XِFَ 0ُ ;ْ 'َ ْ‫ُ َأن‬5&ِ'ُ ‫َأ‬
Do you intend killing me as you killed someone yesterday
Xِu َ?Fd ‫ َ ن ا‬0ِ ْ 8ِ ْ‫ ا‬Xِ+ ً [َ d َ 0َ ُ ‫ن‬َ ُ0َ ِ ٌَ cِ َ+ 5ُ ?ِ 0َ .
ْ 'َ
Fatimah is working hard to come out top at the final examination
Nigeria is experiencing brain drain ‫ َ ِة‬.
ْ ‫ْ ِه‬,ِ Xِ
َ!'ُ َ&ِ 2ِ.2ْ
‫ا ْ ُ!;ُ ِل‬

Green Eagles win the CAF competition ‫س‬
ِ @ْ ‫ت َآ‬
ِ ‫َ رَا‬Cُ Xِ+ ‫َا ُء‬g
ْ ˆ
َ ْ ‫ ُر ا‬kvF‫َ'ُ ُز ا‬
َ2;ِ &ِ+ْ ‫َأ‬

The s ُ 2ْ
َ ‫ َأ‬letters can be graphically illustrated as follows:
َُ ‫ْــــــــــــــــــــــ‬2‫
َــــــــــــــ‬ ‫َأ‬
( 0


ْ ‫َأ‬
ْ 'َ
ْ 'َ

ْ 'َ

ْ 'َ

ْ 'َ

ُ ِ
ُ ِ.
ُ ِ.
ِ ِ.

َ ِ.

ُ ِ.

ْ ِ.

ْ &َ
ْ &َ

ْ &َ

ْ &َ
ُ ِ.
َ ِ.

ُ ِ.

ْ ِ.

‫ )أ‬l
) l
َ 2k

ِ k

َ k
‫ )أ‬l

ِ k

َ k
(‫ )ه‬l
‫ )أ‬,

(,‫ )ه‬,
‫ )أ‬,


( ‫ن )ه‬

(‫ن )ه‬

Self Assessment Exercise

Illustrate each of the s
ُ 2ْ
َ ‫ َأ‬letters with two sentences.

4.0 Conclusion
You should take note of the fact that the s2
‫ أ‬letters are basically part and parcel of
‫وف ا& دة‬A known as ?2
0@. Their designation as sُ 2ْ
َ ‫ َأ‬letters is for their specific
usage as ‫ رع‬g‫وف ا‬A.

5.0 Summary
It is necessary to note shaddah when ‫وف ا& دة‬A are discussed. Shaddah means a
duplicated letter. For example, , َ 2َِ َ!ْ ‫ب ا‬
d ‫ƒ َر‬
ِ 5ُ ْ
َ ْ ‫ َا‬. The shaddah sign on baa mean
that letter baa is doubled or duplicated. In that case, it serves as ‫ف ا& دة‬A. If, for
example, ‫س‬ َ ‫ َد َر‬to study become ‫س‬َ ‫ر‬a ‫ َد‬to teach, letter raa’ is duplicated and the
additional raa assumes the position of ‫ف ز& دة‬A. So, any other letter can play that
role whenever it is duplicated.

6.0 Tutor Marked Assignment

What is the difference between ?2
0@ set and s2
‫ أ‬set? Illustrate with six
7.0 References/Further Reading
1. Al-Maydānī, A. M. (1978), =
‫ا‬52‫ ا‬%&$', Agege, Matba’atu `th-Thaqāfatu `l-
2. Al – Hamlāwī, A.M.A, (1999) ‫ف‬$‫ ا‬,+ X+ ‫ ا!ف‬Dّ E Al-Qāhirah, Maktabatu `ş-
3. Al – Maħāsinī S. A. (1966), ‫ ب ا;ـاءة‬0‫ آـ‬Damascus, Matba‘atu Mufīd al –
4. Abdul-Rauf, (1989), &2.
8 N ,2;c F‫ب ا‬7K 2N!‫ ا‬Lebanon, A`s-Sa‘dāwī
5. Tarablīsī/Abu Ħarb (1967) ‫ ـ‬F‫ دى ا‬C‫ ـ‬Damascus, Al-Matba‘ah a`t –

6. Abdullah al-Wuhaybī et al (1970) 0‫ ا)ول ا‬%$ ! K‫ ا‬, Jeddah, Ministry

Module 4: ‫ازن وازون‬
Unit 2: B C‫إ ا‬

1.0 Introduction
2.0 Objectives
3.0 Main Content

3.1 ‫ازن وازون‬

3.2 B C‫إ ا‬
3.3 Illustrations
4.0 Conclusion
5.0 Summary
6.0 Tutor Marked Assignment
7.0 References/Further Reading

5.0 Introduction ‫ازن وازون‬

In this unit, my intention is to do what I call a mob up presentation. This is to
recap some of the topics we have treated to give it a fresh treatment. It is for
emphasis and reinforcement. I am particularly inclined to treating ‫ ازن وازون‬as
two terms that occupy a special position in ‫ ف‬generally. The two terms actually
deserve this special mention. Also to be treated specially is B C‫إ ا‬.

2.0 Objectives
At the end of this unit, you should be able to:
• correctly use the terms ‫ازن وازون‬.
• state the differences between "# ‫ إ ا‬and B C‫ ;إ ا‬and
• give illustration.

3.0 ‫ازن وازون‬

3.1 ‫ ازن وازون‬is the hup of ‫ف‬. It cuts across all aspects of Ṣarf. Every
word (‫ )آ‬has a Wazn and every Wazn has mawzuun. It is important that you
know how to use the two terms appropriately. The Wazn means the scale i.e. the
measure used in determining the status of every ‫آ‬. For example, ٌ"!ْ +َ is a wazn
and the mawzuun is ٌ5# ْ ‫ َو‬. You can therefore, ask a question: what is the wazn of
ْ ‫ ? َو‬Your answer is: ٌ"!ْ +َ is the wazn of ٌ5#
ْ ‫ َو‬. Furthermore, you can as well ask:
what is the mawzuun of ٌ"!ْ +َ ? Its mawzuun is ٌ5# ْ ‫ َو‬.

The method of determining wazn of a kalmah or mawzuun of a wazn is very


The smallest size of a word in Arabic is the three lettered. This is called thulaathi.
In other words, no Arabic word is less than three letters. In case you see a word of
two letters or one such as ْ"[ُ (say) or ‫ق‬
ِ (save), certainly, such a word must have

been subjected to some structural adjournment exercise by means of elimination of
one or two letters for morphological reasons which are explainable.

3.1.1 The starting point of mastering of the technique is through labeling the
constituent letters. You will recall what we term the foundation radicals. One must
reiterate, foundation radicals or constituent letters are the original letters in a verb
or noun each of which cannot be removed or else, the word is rendered
meaningless. If, for example you remove a letter from ^ ُ ْ ‫ َآ‬, say ‫ك‬, the remaining ^
will be meaningless. Or you remove a letter from َ ِ َ , say ‫م‬, the remaining َ ِ will
be meaningless. So, labelling is the game. The wazn "َ !َ +َ or "ُ !ْ +َ is labelled as
follows: "َ ‫َـــ!َــــ‬+.
"ِ !ْ ِ ْ ‫َ ُء ا‬+
ُ 2ْ #
"ِ !ْ ِ ْ ‫َ ُم ا‬

"ِ !ْ ِ ْ ‫ ا‬, َ

That of ٌ"!ْ +َ follows the same pattern i.e.

"ُ ‫َـــ!ْـــ‬+
"ِ !ْ ِ ْ ‫َ ُء ا‬+
ُ 2ْ #
"ِ !ْ ِ ْ ‫َ ُم ا‬

"ِ !ْ ِ ْ ‫ ا‬, َ

When the same pattern is applied to mawzuun, we have the following:

َ ‫َـــَـــ‬
"ِ !ْ ِ ْ ‫َ ُء ا‬+
ُ 2ْ #
"ِ !ْ ِ ْ ‫َ ُم ا‬

"ِ !ْ ِ ْ ‫ ا‬, َ

By now, you must have been able to distinguish wazn from mawzuun.

3.1.2 It should be recalled that we have wazn thulaathi and wazn rubaa‘i. Wazn
thulaathi is of six types while wazn rubaa‘i is only one. But both of them
are of mujarrad structure. These are:
"ُ !ُ ْ &َ "َ !ُ +َ "ُ !ِ ْ &َ "َ !ِ +َ "ُ !َ ْ &َ "َ !ِ +َ "ُ !ُ ْ &َ "َ !َ +َ
"ُ !ِ ْ &َ "َ !َ +َ "ُ !َ ْ &َ "َ !َ +َ

Regarding Rubaa‘I al-mujarrad, its wazn is "َ َ !ْ +َ i.e. "ُ ِ !ْ َ &ُ "َ َ !ْ +َ . But wazn rubaa‘i
will also be given the same labelling as that of thulaathi. It reads thus:
"َ ‫َـــ ْ!ـــَـــ‬+

"!‫م ا‬
‫م ا!" ا)ول‬

"!‫ ء ا‬+

"!‫ ا‬,2#

To apply this to mawzuun, we have the following:

َ ‫ُــــ‬# ‫َز‬ 1
َ ‫َـــ‬0‫َـــ‬+ 5َ ‫[َـــ!َـــ‬
"!‫م ا‬
‫م ا!" ا‰دل‬

"!‫ ء ا‬+

"!‫ ا‬,2#

"!‫م ا‬

"!‫ ء ا‬+

"!‫م ا‬

"!‫ ء ا‬+
"!‫ ا‬,2#

"!‫ ا‬,2#
As you move from thulaathi mujarrad and rubaa‘i mujarrad to thulaathi mazeed
and rubaa‘i mazeed feehi, you follow the same pattern. Whatever increment that
may occur in mawzuun, its equivalent in wazn will be created. In the same vein, if
there is any reduction in mawzuun, the wazn is taken through the same reduction.
For example:
‫س‬َ ‫ر‬a ‫ َد‬- ‫س‬َ ‫َا َر‬5'َ - 1َ 0َ ْ 0َ 
ْ ‫ ِإ‬- ‫ع‬َ َ # ْ َ 'َ - َ .
ْ َ A ْ ‫ِإ‬
"َ !a +َ - "َ #
َ َ'َ - "َ !َ ْ 0َ 
ْ ‫ ِإ‬- "َ َ !ْ َ 'َ - "َ َ Fْ !َ +ْ ‫ِإ‬

You should be ready to approach it either way. In other words, you be given wazn
e.g. "َ َ !ْ +َ and be asked to supply the appropriate ٌ‫ َْزُون‬which in this instance will be
َ k
َ ْ +َ . Suppose, you are given the ‫ زون‬e.g. % َ k
َ ْ َ 'َ and be asked to supply the
appropriate ‫وزن‬. In this instance, the appropriate wazn is "َ َ !ْ َ 'َ .

In case of reduction in the mawzuun e.g. ْ"[ُ – ‫ [َ َل – َ&;ُ ُل‬the wazn is ْ"+ُ – ْ"!ُ ْ &َ – "َ !َ +َ
since "!‫ ا‬,2# has been eliminated in the mawzuun, so also in the wazn, "!‫ ا‬,2#
will disappear and that’s why we have ْ"+ُ as wazn to correspond with "[ in

Self Assessment Exercise

What is the relationship between wazn and mawzuun? Given illustration in four
wazn and four mawzuun.

3.2 B C‫إ ا‬

This is another language structure designed to create an effect; a special effect.
Literally, B C‫ ا‬means exaggeration. Technically though, B C‫ ا‬is a special
structure meant for creating a special meaning. In this case, ‫ إ‬is attributed to it as
we say B C‫ إ ا‬which means a noun structured to connote a higher degree of ‫إ‬
"# ‫ ا‬i.e. the doer e.g. ٌ^'ِ َ‫ آ‬or ٌ"#
ِ َ+. While ٌ^'ِ َ‫ آ‬means a writer, ٌ"#
ِ َ+ means a worker

or a doer. But when a particular writer (ٌ^'ِ َ‫ )آ‬writes at a rate faster, better more
intense than an ordinary writer or when a worker (ٌ"# ِ َ+) works more devotedly,
more diligently with an exceeding commitment, the ‫ ف‬comes up with a
structure to express that higher level of handling the craft. Then, you have ٌ‫ ل‬a!+َ or
ٌ‫ ب‬a0‫ َآ‬. So ٌ‫ ل‬a!+َ or ٌ‫ ب‬a0‫ َآ‬is called ِ Bَ َ َCُ ْ ‫إ ا‬.

3.2.1 As usual in Ṣarf, every structure has a wazn and mawzuun. The wazn of ‫إ‬
B C‫ ا‬is numerous. Some of the popular ones are ٌ‫ ل‬a!+َ – ْ‫!ُل‬+َ – ٌ"2ِ!+َ – ٌ"!ِ +َ .
"# ‫إ ا‬ ‫زون‬ ‫وزن‬
Fortune giver: ٌ‫رَا ِزق‬ The providence: ٌ‫اق‬a‫َرز‬ ٌ‫ ل‬a!+َ
The knower: ٌِ َ# The all knowing: ٌ‫م‬7
The eater: ٌ"‫ ِآ‬ The great ٌ‫ ل‬a‫َأآ‬
Repentant ٌ^uِ َ' oft-forgiving ٌ‫اب‬a'َ
Forgiver ٌ+ِ َT oft-forgiving ٌ‫ ر‬aT َ
Forgiver ٌ+ِ َT Oft-forgiving ٌ‫ُر‬T َ ٌ‫!ُل‬+َ
player ٌ^# ِ َ fond of play ٌ‫َ!ٌب‬
Merciful ٌA ِ ‫رَا‬ The all-Merciful ٌ‫ٌم‬A‫َر‬
Merciful ٌA ِ ‫رَا‬ Exceedingly merciful ٌ2ِA‫َر‬ ٌ"2ِ!+َ
Conscious ٌ5E ِ ‫رَا‬ exceedingly intelligent ٌ52ِE‫َر‬
God is Oft-forgiving ٌ‫ ر‬aTَ ƒ َ ‫نا‬ a ‫ِإ‬
In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful ِ 2ِAa ‫ ا‬, ِ َ Aْ a ‫ƒ ا‬ِ ‫ ِ ا‬k ْ Nِ
For Abraham is most tender hearted, forbearing ٌ2ِA
َ `ُ ‫ا‬a‫ َ)و‬2ِ‫َاه‬Nْ ‫ن ِإ‬ a ‫ِإ‬
Musaylimah is a pathological liar ٌ‫اب‬aD‫ َِ َآ‬2ْ k َ ُ ْ ‫ن ا‬
a ‫ِإ‬
Zayd is a glutton (eating too much) ٌ‫ ل‬a‫ًا َأآ‬5&ْ ‫ن َز‬ a ‫ِإ‬
Your brother is a rover ٌ‫ال‬a َ ‫ك‬ َ َV‫ن َأ‬ a ‫ِإ‬
You are very intelligent ٌ52ِE‫ َر‬f َ
a ‫ِإ‬
A playful baby ٌ‫ ْ ٌَ َ!ُب‬c ِ

You may take note from the examples given above that B C‫ إ ا‬is a special
morphological structure to appropriately describe some one who is involved or
indulge with an action in an extraordinary manner.

Self Assessment Exercise

Give any five B C‫ إ ا‬and use them in sentences.

4.0 Conclusion
Two factors can assist you to accumulate as many B C‫ إ ا‬as possible as well as
mastering of their usage in sentences. The two are the wazn given to you above
and reading of the Holy Qur’an. B C‫ إ ا‬is very common in the Qur’an.

5.0 Summary

Your attention has been drown in this concluding unit to the terms ‫ زون – وزن‬and
B C‫ إ ا‬due to their effect on different aspects of Ṣarf. For example, whenever
you are to do conjugation, the terms ‫ وزن‬and ‫ زون‬come handy. In any
conjugation exercise, "# ‫ إ ا‬normally features and that will remind you of ‫إ‬
B C‫ا‬. You can see the interconnectedness between the terms treated in this unit
and other aspects of Ṣarf. It is like revising the whole Ṣarf note.

6.0 Tutor marked Assignment

By means of conjugation, bring out "# ‫ إ ا‬and B C‫ إ ا‬from the following
verbs: 1
َ َ 
َ - 1
َ 0َ +َ - َ ِ 
َ - ‫ب‬
َ ِ E
َ - َ ‫ َر َآ‬.

References/Further Reading
1. Al-Maydānī, A. M. (1978), =
‫ا‬52‫ ا‬%&$', Agege, Matba’atu `th-Thaqāfatu `l-
2. Al – Hamlāwī, A.M.A, (1999) ‫ف‬$‫ ا‬,+ X+ ‫ ا!ف‬Dّ E Al-Qāhirah, Maktabatu `ş-
3. Al – Maħāsinī S. A. (1966), ‫ ب ا;ـاءة‬0‫ آـ‬Damascus, Matba‘atu Mufīd al –
4. Ahmad Muhammad Shaddād, (1977) J0‫ اـ‬L M‫ اـ‬%‫ـ‬$ 2‫ـ‬N!‫ ! ا‬K‫اـ‬
Baghdad, Matba ‘atu Tīmis.
5. Abdul-Rauf, (1989), &2.
8 N ,2;c F‫ب ا‬7K 2N!‫ ا‬Lebanon, A`s-Sa‘dāwī
6. Tarablīsī/Abu Ħarb (1967) ‫ ـ‬F‫ دى ا‬C‫ ـ‬Damascus, Al-Matba‘ah a`t –
7. Abdullah al-Wuhaybī et al (1970) 0‫ ا)ول ا‬%$ ! K‫ ا‬, Jeddah, Ministry
8. Ali al-Jārim/Mustapha Amin, (n.d.) 1>‫  اا‬F‫ ا‬, Al-Qāhirah.


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