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Book Review

Name : Amin Said Harahap


Book title : The Routledge Handbook of Teaching English to Young Learners

Writer : Sue Garton and Fiona Copland

Publish : 2019

This handbook provides an overview of teaching English to young learners across a

wide variety of international contexts. The editors state that this 540-page volume outlines the
key issues in young learner teaching and offers a ‘plausible research agenda moving
forward’. It achieves this for the most part, although there will inevitably be gaps given the
scope of the book.

The handbook is divided into six parts. It begins by framing ‘macro issues’ in the teaching of
young learners, which include language policy and planning, debates about a critical period
for language learning, and teacher education. Part 2 told about the issues in the context of the
YL classroom, notably classroom management, translanguaging and differentiation. All of
these are covered in detail, and the suggestions for further reading (as in every chapter) are a
good inclusion.

Part 3 includes summaries of research into young learner pedagogy. These include skills
development, along with selected approaches such as project-based learning. There is also a
welcome overview of critical pedagogy and teaching English to children. Overall, the topics
have been well chosen, although the chapter on Content and Language Integrated Learning
(CLIL) could have framed the method in relation to connected approaches such as English
Medium Instruction (EMI).

Part 4 explores technology and the young learner curriculum. Technology-related chapters
focus on gaming, classroom technology, and mobile learning. These are interesting yet
naturally some of the content will date quickly. A chapter focusing exclusively on low/no-
tech environments may add balance. The chapters on materials evaluation and assessment are
particularly useful for practitioners.

Part 5 focuses on researching young learners. It would be useful for those doing further
studies or training courses on teaching young learners. Part 6 offers regional perspectives on
the teaching of young learners in Africa, East Asia, Europe, Latin America and the Pacific.
This section could stretch to a handbook in itself, but the summaries are well-collated and
provide useful insights into each context.

This is a great resource for any young learner teacher, especially those undertaking further
studies or research in this field. It is a relatively comprehensive volume, although it would be
good to see further contexts covered in a second edition. For example, Teaching English to
young learners in international schools is rarely mentioned despite being relevant in various

Book title : Introducing English to Young Children: Spoken Language

Writer : Opal Dunn

Publish : 2013

A practical teacher guide book for teaching spoken English to young children Easy to
read and full of practical information, Introducing English to Young Children: Spoken
Language explains how very young and young children begin to acquire English, suggesting
how teachers and parents can 'tune into' young children's developmental needs and support
them. Introduces lesson plans and a wide selection of useful oral activities for 3- to 8-year-
olds. Includes tips for classroom management Contains projects, games and simple picture
books that can be used from the first lessons Includes essential information on the
expectations and needs of children in the classroom and oral language acquisition Suitable for
teachers of all ages, backgrounds and levels of experience.

In this book consist of nine chapter the first is about Very young and young children
and language learning, here we can explore about the children development how they learn
English or another language. The role of parent also explain here in supporting the children in
learning English.

The second chapter will explain the syllabus to child, we need to fit the syllabus for the
children like suplementing syllabus, the syllabus for beginners, and examination syllabus, in
this chapter also will explain about the teachers role as mediator and giving working to
student without a textbook.

The third chapter is about the lesson plan, it is about the class framework, class organisation,
planning activities, managing and mediating, making a lesson plan, documentation,
classroom language and linking home and school. The teacher can modify the language in the
level of young learners and also give a good pronounciation

The forth chapter told about beginning oral communication. It will explain about the use of
language from the start, how The teacher can modify the language in the level of young
learners and also give a good pronounciation.

Chapter five is about the oral games how the teacher select the appropriate games for student
then introduce and organize the games. But it also for teacher to collect several games and
adapt it before making and iplement the games in the class.

Chapter six in this chapter explain about the verbal play- rymes,songs, chants, tongue-
twisters, riddles and puns. In chapter seventh we can find about picture books, in introdcing
picture books we need to prepare what the picture then selecting the picture and introduce it
to the student.
Chapter eight it is about the oral projects and holistic activities and the last chapter is about
Culture, introducing the culture, absorbing culture, culture shoch and culture activities.


Book title : Teaching Language to Young Learners ( Cmabridge Language Teaching Library)

Writer : Lynne Cameron

Publish : 2010

This is a book about teaching that puts learning in the center of the frame, particularly
teaching foreign language to young children, which in this book will mean those between five
and twelve  years of age. In this book consist of elevent chapters.
Chapter 1 : Children Learning a foreign language The book starts with a review of learning
theories from   Piaget, Vygostky, and Burner.  The book also describes advantages to starting
young with foreign language, and summary of key principles.
Chapter 2 : Learning language through tasks and activities This chapter describes about the
task as an environment for learning, task demands, task support, balancing demands and
support, the importance of language learning goals, defining  ‘task’ for young learner
classrooms,  stages in a classroom task, Hani’s Weekend: Possible  Preparation and follow-up
activities, task as plan and task-in-action.
Chapter 3: Learning in spoken language This chapter describes about guiding principles of
learning the spoken language, discourse and discourse events, meaning first, analysis  of a
task-in-action, effective support for children’s foreign language discourse skills, short
activities for learning the spoken language, supporting the written language, using dialogues,
and summary
Chapter 4: learning Words This chapter describes about vocabulary development in children's
language learning, organization of words in language, learning and teaching vocabulary,
children's’ vocabulary learning strategies and summary.

Chapter 5: Learning grammar This chapter describes about a place for grammar, different
meaning of grammar, development of the internal grammar, Development of the internal
grammar, A learning-centered approach to teaching grammar background, Principles for
learning-centered  grammar teaching, teaching techniques for supporting  grammar learning
and summary.

Chapter 6: Learning literacy skills This chapter describes about literacy skills in English,
factors affecting  learning to read in English as a foreign language, starting to read and write
in English as foreign language, continuing to learn to read, developing reading and writing as
discourse skills, and summary.

Chapter 7: Learning through stories This chapter describes about stories and themes as
holistic approaches to language teaching and learning, the discourse organization of stories,
language use in stories, Quality in stories, choosing stories to promote language learning,
ways of using a story, developing  tasks around a story, developing tasks around a story, and

Chapter 8: Theme-based teaching and learning This chapter describes about issues around
theme-based teaching, theme based teaching of a foreign language, planning theme-based
teaching, learning  language through theme –based teaching, learning language through
theme-based teaching, and summary.

Chapter 9: language choice and language learning This chapter describes about patterns of
first language use in foreign language classrooms,  dynamics of language choice and use,
taking responsibility, making choice, and summary.

Chapter 10: Assessment and language learning This chapter describes about issues in
assessing children's’ language learning, principles for assessing children's language learning,
key concepts in assessment,  teacher assessment of language learning, self-assessment and
learner autonomy, use of assessment information, and messages from assessment.

Chapter 11: Issues around teaching children a foreign language This chapter  describes about
reviews of the ideas, the need of the research, the need to develop pedagogy, and teaching
foreign languages to children.

Book 4

Book Title : How to Teach Prononciation

Writer : Gerald kelly

Publish : 2000

This book is intended to assist teachers in gaining theoretical knowledge as well as

confirming and expanding on what they already know. It also suggests a variety of practical
ideas, skills, and classroom activities. The book demonstrates how teachers can incorporate
pronounciation work into the treatment of grammar and lexis to help students understand its
relevance and importance for successful communication.
The first chapter investigates the characteristics and physiology of pronunciation and
introduces phonemic transcription.
Chapter 2 discusses various approaches to teaching pronunciation and introduces three types
of lessons: integrated lessons, where pronunciation is fully integrated with other aspects of
pronunciation difficulties and issues that arise in class, and practice lessons and activities,
where specific aspects of pronunciation are addressed in their own right.
In chapter 3 cover eight various aspects of pronunciation theory, factual knowledge, and
classroom ideas.
Except for the first chapter, each chapter contains a variety of sample lessons demonstrating
integrated, remedial, and practice lesson types.
The task file at the back of the book contains several tasks related to each chapter. They can
be used for individual study and reflection, as well as group discussion and revision in a
training setting. Where applicable, an answer key is provided.
The appendices include a newly designed learners' reference chart of English sounds, a
summary of common pronunciation difficulties, a set of sound and spelling tables, and further
reading suggestions.

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