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Biomech Model Mechanobiol

DOI 10.1007/s10237-016-0808-z


Elastic properties of woven bone: effect of mineral content

and collagen fibrils orientation
J. García-Rodríguez1 · J. Martínez-Reina1

Received: 14 March 2016 / Accepted: 29 June 2016

© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2016

Abstract Woven bone is a type of tissue that forms mainly suffering from Paget’s disease and in response to the admin-
during fracture healing or fetal bone development. Its istration of anabolic drugs in high doses (Su et al. 1997;
microstructure can be modeled as a composite with a matrix Buckwalter et al. 1995; Zhou et al. 2001).
of mineral (hydroxyapatite) and inclusions of collagen fib- Mineralization causes composition changes in woven
rils with a more or less random orientation. In the present bone (Remaggi et al. 1998; Frost 1989a, b; Su et al. 1997),
study, its elastic properties were estimated as a function of which also experiences microstructural changes by effect of
composition (degree of mineralization) and fibril orienta- its replacement by lamellar bone during bone remodeling
tion. A self-consistent homogenization scheme considering (Vetter et al. 2010, 2011; Sfeir et al. 2005; Brighton, Hunt
randomness of inclusions’ orientation was used for this pur- 1986; Brighton and Hunt 1997). Like other types of bone
pose. Lacuno-canalicular porosity in the form of periodically tissue, woven bone consists of an inorganic phase (hydrox-
distributed void inclusions was also considered. Assuming yapatite crystals), an organic phase (type I collagen, mainly)
collagen fibrils to be uniformly oriented in all directions led and water. Before remodeling, woven bone is microstruc-
to an isotropic tissue with a Young’s modulus E = 1.90 GPa, turally similar to many composite materials. Thus, it contains
which is of the same order of magnitude as that of woven bone a matrix of wet mineral and more or less randomly oriented
in fracture calluses. By contrast, assuming fibrils to have a wet collagen fibrils (Smith 1960) (see Fig. 1). The amount of
preferential orientation resulted in a Young’s modulus in the mineral varies widely given that the newly deposited tissue
preferential direction of 9–16 GPa depending on the mineral (osteoid) consists only of collagen and water and, with time,
content of the tissue. These results are consistent with exper- this tissue mineralizes as water is replaced with mineral to a
imental evidence for woven bone in foetuses, where collagen volume fraction of about 40 %. Regarding the fibrils orienta-
fibrils are aligned to a certain extent. tion, although they are most often assumed to be disordered,
Su et al. (1997) found a certain longitudinal alignment in
Keywords Woven bone · Multiscale micromechanical long bones of foetuses.
model · Homogenization · Mineral content A sound knowledge of the mechanical properties of woven
bone is paramount for some clinical uses such as the design of
external fixators. Some fractures require using a fixator, and
1 Introduction the ratio between the stiffnesses of the fixator and the frac-
ture callus has a decisive influence on the stress woven bone
Woven bone is a type of tissue that appears when osteoblasts must withstand, which in turn influences how effectively it
produce osteoid very rapidly. It is typically present in foe- is remodeled and the fracture repaired. Designing effective
tuses, in calluses during fracture healing, in individuals fixators therefore requires knowing not only the mechani-
cal properties of woven bone, but also the way they change
B J. Martínez-Reina during fracture healing.
In recent years, a number of authors have developed micro-
1 Department of Mechanical Engineering, Universidad de mechanical models of lamellar bone, but none for woven
Sevilla, Seville, Spain bone as far as we know. Most of the models for lamellar

J. García-Rodríguez, J. Martínez-Reina

consisting of a matrix of wet mineral containing inclusions

of wet collagen fibrils with a given probability distribution.
Finally, the compact woven tissue was assumed to contain
the lacuno-canalicular porosity hosting osteocytes, which are
also present in woven bone and in a higher proportion than
in lamellar tissue according to Remaggi et al. (1998).

2.1 Basic components

Bone tissue consists basically of hydroxyapatite crystals (h),

type I collagen (c) and water (w). Its composition can be
described by:

vi = with vh + vc + vw = 1 (1)
Fig. 1 Scanning electron micrograph of woven tissue showing disor- Vh + Vc + Vw
derly arranged collagen fibrils. Reproduced from Hunt (2016)

where vi and Vi are, respectively, the volume fraction and

bone use multiscale homogenization techniques (Deuerling total volume of component i = h, c, w. The ash fraction, α,
et al. 2009; Dong and Guo 2006; Ghanbari and Naghdabadi is defined as the ratio of the ash mass (mineral) to dry mass
2009; Kotha and Guzelsu 2007; Porter 2004; Sevostianov (mineral plus collagen):
and Kachanov 2000; Fritsch and Hellmich 2007; Hellmich
and Ulm 2002; Hellmich et al. 2004). Lamellar bone has a ρh vh
α= (2)
hierarchical organization, from the nanoscale (mineral crys- ρh vh + ρc vc
tals, collagen fibrils and water) to the microscale (mineralized
collagen fibers and lamella) that was carefully described by where ρi designates the densities of the components. The
Yoon and Cowin (2008a, b) in their micromechanical model. basic components (mineral, collagen and water) were
That model was subsequently extended by Martínez-Reina assumed to be isotropic (Katz 1968; Crolet et al. 1993) and
et al. (2011) to include the variation in mineral content during their stiffness tensors (Ch , Cc , Cw ) were defined in terms
mineralization. of the Young’s moduli (E i ) and Poisson’s coefficients (νi )
The primary aim of this work was to develop a multiscale given in Table 1. Water was modeled as in (Yoon and Cowin
homogenization model for estimating the mechanical prop- 2008a; Martínez-Reina et al. 2011) and assumed to be an elas-
erties of woven bone as a function of mineral content. For tic material with a compressibility modulus K w = 2.3 GPa,
this purpose, we adapted a previously developed model for which is typical of salt water, and a Poisson’s coefficient
lamellar bone (Martínez-Reina et al. 2011) to the particular close enough to 0.5 for E w to be several orders of magnitude
microstructure of woven bone. The proposed model was used smaller than K w , but not so small as to introduce numerical
to assess the influence of potential alignment of collagen fib- errors in the calculations.
rils in preferential directions as previously found by Su et al.
(1997) in fetal woven bone. Model-estimated results were 2.2 Wet phases
compared with reported experimental values.
Some water in the extracellular matrix was assumed to be
trapped between the other basic components so to wet the
2 Materials and methods mineral (Farlay et al. 2010) and the collagen fibrils (Grant
et al. 2009). Thus, the wet phases were defined as in (Yoon
The proposed model is schematized in Fig. 2. There is and Cowin 2008a) (viz., as collagen-water and mineral-water
little knowledge about the microstructure of woven bone composites). In this work, however, we used a self-consistent
scheme (SCS) to define the properties of the composites.
other than that it is more disordered than lamellar bone by
This SCS is used when it is unclear which phase constitutes
effect of much faster osteoid deposition. For this reason,
the matrix and which the inclusions or when the proportions
we assumed its microstructure not to be as hierarchical as of the two phases are similar (Hashin 1968; Hill 1965) and
in lamellar tissue; thus, we considered none of the typical the hypothesis of dilute inclusions does not hold (e.g., in
intermediate structures of lamellar tissue (lamellae, osteons). woven bone (García-Rodríguez 2014). The stiffness tensors
Rather, the compact woven tissue (before including the for the wet mineral, Chw , and wet collagen Ccw were esti-
lacuno-canalicular porosity) was assumed to be a composite mated from:

Elastic properties of woven bone: effect of mineral content and collagen fibrils orientation

Water Collagen
Ch Cw Cc
SCS eq.(3a) SCS eq.(3b)

Wet Wet

mineral collagen

Chw Ccw
SCS eq.(13) canaliculi

Compact Canalicular

woven bone porosity
Y Z Ccomp Pc,comp
P eriodic eq.(16)
Laminates eqs.(17) Lacunar
superposition 31nm
can Pe,LRC
P eriodic 26nm
composite eq.(20)

Woven bone Cwb

Fig. 2 Scheme of the proposed multiscale homogenization model

Table 1 Elastic constants of the basic components. Taken from Katz to calculate Shw . Eshelby’s formulation assumes inclusions
(1968), Crolet et al. (1993) and Yoon and Cowin (2008a) to be ellipsoid-shaped, and thus, the tensors Si depend on
Elastic constants the ellipsoid dimensions. The inclusions of the wet colla-
gen composite are collagen fibrils that are assumed to be
Mineral (hydroxyapatite) E h = 114 GPa νh = 0.28
infinitely long cylinders (b = c and a → ∞, where a,
Water K w = 2.3 GPa νw = 0.4999
b and c are the semi-axes lengths of a generic ellipsoid).
Collagen E c = 1.2 GPa νc = 0.35 The inclusions of the wet mineral composite are hydrox-
yapatite crystals, which are parallelepiped in its pure form
(Jackson et al. 1978) and preclude use of Eshelby’s approach
Chw = Cw + φhw (Ch − Cw ) I + Shw C−1
hw (Ch − Chw )
as a result. However, the lack of stoichiometry, confirmed by
García-Rodríguez (2014) in woven bone, makes the crystals
 −1 to be amorphous (Farlay et al. 2010). For this reason, mineral
Ccw = Cw + φcw (Cc − Cw ) I + Scw C−1
cw (Cc − Ccw ) inclusions were approximated by ellipsoids whose semi-axes
(3b) lengths were taken from measurements of crystals made by
Su et al. (2003) in human fetal woven bone: a = 32 nm,
where φhw denotes the proportion of mineral present in the b = 19 nm, c = 3 nm.
wet mineral composite and φcw that of collagen in the wet The proportion of mineral in the wet mineral phase, φhw ,
collagen composite. Si denotes the Eshelby (Eshelby 1957) was taken as:
tensor for each phase i. These equations are implicit and
can be solved iteratively for Chw and Ccw . The first itera-
tion involves assuming C0hw = Cw on the right-hand side φhw = (4)
of the equation and allows C1hw on the left-hand side to be vh + vwh
calculated. In the second iteration, the resulting C1hw value is
substituted on the right-hand side to obtain C2hw on the left-
where vwh is the water volume fraction in the wet mineral
hand side. After a few iterations, the process converges to the
phase. If, as previously assumed by Martínez-Reina et al.
tensor Chw . An identical result can be obtained by starting
(2011), water binds to mineral and collagen in proportion to
with the assumption C0hw = Ch .
the volume of each, then:
Eshelby’s tensors (e.g., Shw ) depend on the matrix stiff-
ness tensor. Since the SCS formulation assumes the matrix
to be the composite itself, the stiffness tensor for each iter- vh
ation, Cihw , is used as the matrix stiffness tensor needed vwh = vw (5)
vh + vc

J. García-Rodríguez, J. Martínez-Reina

substitution of which into (4) yields: which, Chw and Ccw , were used to estimate the properties
of compact woven tissue (before including the lacuno-
φhw = 1 − vw (6) canalicular porosity). With normal ash fraction values, the
volume fractions of the two phases are typically very simi-
A similar procedure can be used to calculate the proportion lar (García-Rodríguez 2014). This precludes discriminating
of collagen in the wet collagen phase, which coincides with between the matrix and its inclusions in most cases and
φhw : accepting the hypothesis of dilute inclusions underlying the
Mori-Tanaka homogenization method in virtually all cases.
φcw = φhw = 1 − vw (7) We therefore had to use a self-consistent scheme (SCS)
The composition of woven tissue changes with time. Freshly In woven tissue, collagen fibrils are more or less ran-
deposited osteoid contains water and collagen only, so domly oriented and mineral fills the gaps between fibrils.
vh = 0. As tissue mineralizes, water is replaced by mineral, Some authors have used the Mori-Tanaka method to describe
deposited between collagen fibrils. As a result, the volume of the elastic behavior of composite materials consisting of a
organic phase remains constant and identical with its volume matrix and nonaligned inclusions (Benveniste 1990; Petter-
within the osteoid (i.e., vc = constant). The collagen vol- mann et al. 1997; Ferrari and Johnson 1989) in terms of
ume fraction used in this work, vc = 0.593, was measured orientation distribution functions (ODFs) or length distribu-
in sheep distraction calluses (García-Rodríguez 2014) and tion functions (LDFs). Ferrari and Johnson (1989) proposed
assumed to remain constant until remodeling starts. At that using an averaged stiffness tensor depending on the prob-
point, the old woven tissue will be progressively resorbed and ability density of the orientation of inclusions. Thus, for a
replaced by fresh lamellar tissue, with a different composi- generic tensor F(g) in a given direction represented by (g),
tion and microstructure. Consequently, the proposed model they defined the average tensor F as:
is time-limited and will only hold until woven tissue starts 
to be remodeled. After that point the model should consider
F = F(g)ρ(g)dg
a mixture of woven and lamellar tissue, which is beyond the
scope of this work. 1 2π π 2π
Mineralization in lamellar tissue is initially fast during = F(g)ρ(g) sin  dφ1 d dφ2 (9)
ρ̄ 0 0 0
the so-called primary mineralization phase and then slows
down as the tissue becomes saturated with mineral in the
“secondary” mineralization phase. The process can last 6 which uses Euler angles g = { ∈ (0, π ),
months to several years (Parfitt 1987) until complete satu- φ1 ∈ (0, 2π ), φ2 ∈ (0, 2π )} to orientate inclusions (viz.
ration, which occurs at about α = 0.7 (Hernandez et al. collagen fibrils) as shown in Fig. 3. F(g) represents the
2001; García-Aznar et al. 2005). Regarding woven tissue, its generic tensor F upon rotation in the direction defined by
saturated ash fraction and mineralization rate are unknown, g, ρ(g) a probability function for fibril orientation and ρ̄ a
though it is probably remodeled prior to saturation. In fact, constant defined later on. If the representative volume ele-
Vetter et al. (2010) found signs of remodeling just 8 weeks ment (RVE) is assumed to have point symmetry, then ρ(g)
after formation. Therefore, the aforementioned time limi- will be independent of φ1 and φ2 . In addition, ρ(g) should
tation of the model makes it inapplicable well before the fulfill the following condition (Ferrari and Johnson 1989;
tissue is saturated with mineral. For generality, however, we Bunge 1982):
assumed vh to range from 0 to vh,sat . The latter value was
estimated from the constant vc = 0.593 under the assump-

tion that the amount of water remaining in the tissue was
ρ(g)dg = 1 (10)
virtually negligible: vw,min = 0.01.

vh,sat = 1 − vc − vw,min = 0.406 ⇔ αsat = 0.603 (8)

In this work, we assumed collagen fibrils to be oriented
with a uniform probability density function in the RVE,
where (2) was used.
2.3 Stiffness tensor of compact woven tissue

ρ = constant ∀ ∈ [γ1 , γ2 ]
Woven tissue was modeled as a composite formed by wet ρ(g) = (11)
mineral and wet collagen phases, the stiffness tensors of 0 elsewhere

Elastic properties of woven bone: effect of mineral content and collagen fibrils orientation

X X the stiffness tensor for compact woven tissue, Ccomp , can be

φ2 defined as:

Ccomp = Chw + ξ (Ccw − Chw ) Acomp (14)

where the bar over (Ccw − Chw ) Acomp means that the result-

ing tensor is averaged using Eq. (13). The concentration


tensor is given by:



Acomp = I + Scomp C−1
comp Ccw − Ccomp (15)

In these equations, ξ is the volume fraction of inclusions (wet

collagen) in the tissue and Scomp is the Eshelby tensor corre-
Y sponding to ellipsoidal inclusions within a matrix of compact
woven tissue. Again, calculating Ccomp requires using an iter-
Fig. 3 Schematic depiction of fibril orientation showing the local axes ative procedure because the matrix in (15) is assumed to be
(X  Y  Z  ), global axes (X Y Z ) and the angles between them. The ellip-
soid represents a fibril with an orientation g = {, φ1 , φ2 } the composite itself. This makes Ccomp to appear in both sides
of Eq. (14) (also in Scomp which depends on the matrix). The
wet collagen inclusions are assumed to be cylinders of infi-
so that: nite length (b = c and a → ∞). Their volume fraction is
given by:
1 2π π 2π vc + vwc vc
ρ(g)dg = ρ() sin  dφ1 d dφ2 = ξ = vc + vwc = = (16)
ρ̄ 0 0 0 vh + vwh + vc + vwc vh + vc

4ρπ 2 γ2
= sin  d = 1 (12)
ρ̄ γ1 where (5) and (7) have been used.
This model was also used to assess the influence of ori-
entation in the collagen fibrils and their potential alignment
which can be easily solved for ρ̄. The constituents water,
in a specific direction, as previously observed by Su et al.
mineral and collagen were assumed isotropic; then, the wet
(1997) in fetal long bones, on the properties of woven tissue.
phases will also be isotropic. As a result, rotating a fibril
In fetal long bones, collagen fibrils are approximately aligned
about φ2 will have no effect on the previous equations, so (9)
with the longitudinal direction. To take this into account rev-
can be rewritten as:
olution symmetry about an axis (X in Fig. 3) was assumed
 2π  γ2 along with γ1 = 0 (see Fig. 4a which converts into Fig. 4b
F= F(g) sin  dφ1 d for this special case). In addition, the orientation probability
2π(cos γ1 − cos γ2 ) 0 γ1
function was assumed uniform ρ(g) = ρ = constant in sub-
domain  ∈ [0, γ2 ] (see Fig. 4b). If the collagen fibrils had
no preferential orientations, but rather were uniformly dis-
Ferrari and Johnson (1989) used the previous averaging
tributed throughout the entire space, then γ2 = π/2; on the
procedure in the Mori-Tanaka method to estimate concen-
other hand, if the fibrils were totally aligned in a preferential
tration tensors and hence stiffness tensors. In this work, we
direction, then γ1 = γ2 = 0.
applied this procedure to a self-consistent scheme (SCS),
analogously to what has been done in other works (Fritsch
et al. 2006, 2013). Selection of the particular phases to be 2.4 Properties of woven tissue including pores
used as matrix and inclusions in the first iteration was cru-
cial with nonaligned inclusions, for its strong impact on the In this step, the lacuno-canalicular porosity was included in
results. In woven tissue, wet collagen fibrils are randomly the material. These pores are occupied by osteocytes which
oriented and appear to be surrounded by mineral filling the have a central body in the lacuna and processes in the canali-
gaps left by the fibrils; therefore, it seems more reasonable to culi. Since lacunae and canaliculi differ in shape, they were
use wet collagen fibrils as inclusions and wet mineral as the dealt with separately as in previous studies (Martínez-Reina
matrix. In this way, similarly to Ferrari and Johnson (1989), et al. 2011; Yoon and Cowin 2008b).

J. García-Rodríguez, J. Martínez-Reina

3 Vk k
(a) (b) X k=1 Δk C can,i j
Ccan,i = 3 3 ∀ i, j = 4, 5 (18b)
j V k V

=1 Δk Δ

γ2 where
γ1 Y Δk = Ccan,44
k k
Ccan,55 − Ccan,45
k k
Ccan,54 (19a)
γ2 k

= k

Ccan,55 − Ccan,45

Ccan,54 (19b)
corresponding the subscripts k,
= 1, 2, 3 to the L, R and
wov in (17) was taken the
C directions, respectively. Since pcan
same ∀k, the proportion of canaliculi in each direction must
be considered in Eqs. (18a) and (18b) through V k (Yoon and
Fig. 4 Collagen fibrils with revolution symmetry about the X axis and Cowin 2008a; Beno et al. 2006).
a uniform probability function in the region  ∈ [γ1 , γ2 ] in the most
general case (a) and in the particular case dealt with here γ1 = 0 (b)
The procedure used to estimate V k is described in (Yoon
and Cowin 2008a). Canaliculi are assumed to run from the
2.4.1 Canalicular porosity osteocyte normal to the lacuna and in no preferential direc-
tion. As a result, the number of canaliculi oriented in a given
In this step, we estimated the properties of a composite with direction depends on the shape, dimensions and orientation of
a matrix consisting of compact woven tissue of stiffness the lacuna. A lacuna is approximated to an ellipsoid aligned
Ccomp and void inclusions representing the canaliculi. These with the LRC directions and having the semi-axes lengths
canaliculi were modeled as cylinders of infinite length peri- 2bL = 13 µm, 2bC = 12 µm and 2bR = 9 µm in woven tis-
odically distributed in the longitudinal, radial and circumfer- sue (Remaggi et al. 1998). This allows the proportions V k to
ential directions (Yoon and Cowin 2008b). The method of be approximated to the ratios between the ellipsoid sections
Nemat-Nasser and Hori (1999) for composites with periodic with the planes normal to each LRC direction. Thus,
inclusions, of null stiffness in this case, provides:
−1  bC bR
VL = = 0.283 (20)
Ccan = Ccomp I − pcan I − Pc,comp
k wov k
(17) bC bR + bC bL + bL bR

wov denotes canalicular porosity, which is calcu- A similar procedure yielded V C = 0.307 and V R = 0.409.
where pcan
lated below; Pc,comp is a 6 × 6 periodic tensor operator for
2.4.2 Lacunar porosity
infinitely long cylindrical inclusions (see Nemat-Nasser and
Hori 1999) embedded in a matrix of compact woven tis-
Canalicular porosity was estimated by using an equation
sue described in Sect. 2.3; and Ckcan is the stiffness tensor
similar to (17) but applied to void ellipsoidal inclusions (lacu-
including canalicular porosity in the k direction, which can
be longitudinal (L), radial (R) or circumferential (C).
Following Yoon and Cowin (2008b), we superimposed 
can I − plac I − Pe,LRC
Cwb = CLRC wov
three tissue laminates with canalicular porosity in the three
directions (L, R and C), using the formulation of Chou et al.
(1972) for laminar composites. Thus, once the volume frac- where Cwb is the final stiffness tensor for woven tissue—
total porosity included— plac wov is the lacunar porosity, and
tion for each laminate, V k , is known, the stiffness tensor of
the tissue with canalicular porosity, CLRC Pe,LRC is the tensor operator for periodic ellipsoidal voids
can , can be determined.
The components of this tensor are: (see Nemat-Nasser and Hori 1999) embedded in a matrix
consisting of tissue with canalicular porosity.
⎧ In a periodic composite, each inclusion is assumed to

3 ⎨ k
Ccan,i3 k
Ccan,i3 be contained in a periodically repeated cell unit of matrix
Ccan,i = V k k
Ccan,i − + (Nemat-Nasser and Hori 1999). In lacunae, the unit cell is
j ⎪

j k
k=1 ⎩ assumed to be a cube of edge length 2L wovcell (Yoon and Cowin
⎫ 2008a). Parameter plac wov is obtained from the dimensions of

Ccan,3 j ⎪
=1 C

⎬ the lacuna and unit cell. The former was approximated in
∀ i, j = 1, 2, 3, 6 Sect. 2.4.1 to an ellipsoid of volume
Ccan,33 3 V

=1 C


Vlac = π · bL · bR · bC = 735.1 µm3 (22)

Elastic properties of woven bone: effect of mineral content and collagen fibrils orientation

The dimensions of the unit cell were estimated by fol- It should be noted that the lacuno-canalicular porosity in
lowing Remaggi et al. (1998), who used histomorphometric woven tissue, plcwov = 0.1353, is considerably greater than

measurements to determine the average osteocyte density lam = 0.05). The dif-
in lamellar tissue of cortical bone ( plc
in woven bone from various species and found Awov = ference can be ascribed to the nature of woven tissue, which
1050 osteocytes/mm 2 for humans. Based on this value, contains much more collagen than lamellar tissue (García-

2L cell = 1/ A
wov wov = 30.86 µm (Beno et al. 2006), Rodríguez 2014) as the likely result of having a higher
and hence the unit cell volume is Vcell wov = (2L wov )3 = concentration of osteoblasts. One can therefore expect the
29391 µm . Together with (22), this allowed lacunar porosity
3 amount of osteoblasts buried in the bone matrix and differ-
wov = V wov /V wov = 0.0250, which is
to be estimated as plac entiated to osteocytes to be greater in woven tissue than in
lac cell
much greater than the identically estimated value for lacunar lamellar tissue, which is consistent with the experimental
lam = 0.0082.
porosity in human lamellar tissue: plac osteocyte density measurements of Hernandez et al. (2004)
wov led us to estimate
The absence of reported values for pcan and Remaggi et al. (1998).
it under some assumptions. Thus, lacuno-canalicular porosity
was split into two terms: 2.5 Volumetric composition of woven tissue

Applying the equations of the proposed model entails know-

plc = plac
+ pcan
(23) ing the volumetric composition of woven tissue. In a previous
study, 11 sheep (merino breed, 3–5 years old) were subjected
The total pore volume of the unit cell, Vlcwov , is to metatarsal bone transport (Mora-Macías et al. 2016). Dur-
ing the healing period, the woven tissue mineralizes and is
Vlcwov = Vlac
+ Vcan
= plc
wov wov
Vcell (24) remodeled (and replaced with lamellar tissue) in the long
term. The sheep were killed at different stages of the healing
where Vlacwov and V wov are, respectively, the lacunar and process, and two woven tissue specimens obtained from the
canalicular volume within the unit cell. Osteoblasts in woven gap zone of each animal. One of the two specimens was ana-
and lamellar bone are assumed to be identical in size. When lyzed histomorphometrically in order to discard those sheep
osteoblasts are buried in the bone matrix and differentiated with signs of bone remodeling (Mora-Macías 2016). The
to osteocytes, they change shape and leave a cell body and other specimen from those sheep exhibiting no such signs
several cell processes that interconnect osteocytes to one was used to determine the volumetric composition of woven
another. As a result, the osteocyte volume distributes between tissue according to García-Rodríguez (2014). A lamellar tis-
the lacunar volume (cell body) and the canalicular volume sue specimen from the cortical layer of the contralateral
(cell processes). Although the difference between plac wov and metatarsus was also obtained for comparison. The latter was
plac suggests that porosity of lamellar and woven tissue may extracted at the same position of the gap of the operated
be unequally distributed; in this work we assumed the total metatarsus in such sheep. Table 2 compares the average vol-
pore volume, Vlc , to be the same in both if their osteoblasts umetric composition results with previously reported values
are of the same size, as assumed above, i.e., of Gong et al. (1964) for lamellar tissue from human corti-
cal bone. The mineral content of tissue is usually measured
with the ash fraction, which is also shown in the table, and
Vlclam = Vlcwov ⇔ lam
plc · Vcell
= plc
· Vcell
calculated as
A combination of (23) and (25) yields mm ρm vm
α= = (27)
mm + mo ρm vm + ρo vo
lam Vcell
pcan = plc
− plac
= plc − plac
= 0.1103 (26)
Vcell where m, v and ρ represent mass, volume and density,
respectively, and the subscripts m and o denote mineral and
The previously estimated Vcell wov and p wov were substituted organic phase, respectively. The values ρm = 3.12 g/cm3
in the last equation, together with the value plc lam = 0.05, and ρo = 1.43 g/cm 3 were used (Lees et al. 1979).
which was taken after (Yoon and Cowin 2008b; Cowin 1999;
Wang et al. 1999; Zhang and Cowin 1994; Zhang et al.
1998). Finally, the dimension of the unit cell in lamellar tis- 3 Results
celda = 43 µm, estimated by Beno et al. (2006) from
sue 2L lam
the results of Remaggi et al. (1998) for lamellar tissue in cor- Table 3 shows the stiffness results for sheep woven tissue
lam = (2L lam )3 = 76507 µm 3 , which
tical bone, yields Vcell as estimated from volumetric composition data under the
wov in (26).
allowed to estimate pcan assumption that collagen fibrils were oriented with an identi-

J. García-Rodríguez, J. Martínez-Reina

Table 2 Volumetric composition and ash fraction of various types of woven tissue. Results from (a) García-Rodríguez (2014), (b) Gong et al.
Mineral Organic phase Water Ash fraction
vh vc vw α

Woven bone (sheep)a 0.280 0.584 0.136 0.511

Lamellar bone (sheep)a 0.398 0.392 0.210 0.689
Lamellar bone (human)b 0.395 0.354 0.251 0.709

Table 3 Estimated elastic constants for woven tissue before seen, clustering of collagen fibrils in a given direction (i.e., a
(orthotropic) and after (isotropic) symmetrization with the method of decrease in γ2 ) led to increased stiffness in that direction but
Cowin et al. (1999)
had virtually no effect on the stiffness in the other orthotropic
Orthotropic constants Isotropic constants directions. The symmetry of the estimated stiffness tensor
E1 1.8318 GPa
for woven tissue is very close to transverse isotropy, which
is consistent with the expectations because, as can be seen
E2 1.9647 GPa E 1.9041 GPa
from Fig. 3 and Eq. (13); the model does not depend on φ1 .
E3 1.8605 GPa
The above-mentioned symmetrization technique (Yang et al.
ν12 0.3552
1998; Cowin et al. 1999; Yoon et al. 2002) allowed us to
ν13 0.3410
obtain an equivalent transversely isotropic material with a
ν21 0.3520 ν 0.3431
stiffness tensor CTI
wb . Table 4 shows the Young’s moduli in
ν23 0.3565
the longitudinal direction X , termed El , and in the transver-
ν31 0.3355 sal direction of the symmetry plane, E t , at different α and
ν32 0.3375 γ2 values. The fact that Cwb was quasi-transversely isotropic
G4 0.7114 GPa was confirmed by calculating the following parameter that
G5 0.7086 GPa G 0.7088 GPa measures the difference between the original and the sym-
G6 0.7207 GPa metrized tensors:
The volumetric composition is that given in Table 2 for woven bone and
γ2 = π/2 wb − Cwb ||
dif(%) = · 100 (28)
||Cwb ||
cal probability in all directions (γ2 = π/2). Formally, the where the norm of the tensor is defined as
proposed method provides an orthotropic stiffness tensor 
Cwb which, however, is quasi-isotropic with γ2 = π/2. This  6 6
fact was exploited by using the symmetrization method of ||C|| = C : C =  Ci2j (29)
Cowin and coworkers (Yang et al. 1998; Cowin et al. 1999; i=1 j=1
Yoon et al. 2002), who proposed an isotropic estimate of
the stiffness tensor obtained by averaging the classical esti- It was checked that dif never exceeded 2 % being these
mates of Voigt and Reuss. This approximation yields the differences due only to the numerical integration of equations
Young’s modulus and Poisson’s coefficient shown in Table 3 such as (13).
for γ2 = π/2. Figure 7 shows the variation of El and E t with α in
We also examined the variation of Cwb with composi- the equivalent isotropic material with quasi-aligned fibrils.
tion during the mineralization process. Figure 5 shows the Specifically, γ2 was assumed to be π/18, which is small
variation of the elastic constants with the ash fraction in the enough to simulate quasi-aligned fibrils but allowed the inte-
equivalent isotropic material obtained by symmetrizing Cwb . grals in Eq. (13) to be solved in the case γ1 = 0 without
The figure also shows various fitted elastic constant-ash frac- numerical problems.
tion curves.
The influence of alignment of collagen fibrils was assessed
by examining the variation of the stiffness tensor Cwb with 4 Discussion
angle γ2 for the sheep volumetric composition (α = 0.511,
see Table 2) and for other three greater values of α. The The elastic properties of composites containing randomly
tensor was orthotropic, and the Young’s moduli in the three arranged inclusions—which is the case with woven bone
orthotropic directions are shown in Fig. 6, where X , Y and Z in most cases—are usually worked out with a rule of mix-
in Fig. 3 correspond to E 1 , E 2 and E 3 , respectively. As can be tures in order to considerably reduce the numerical effort.

Elastic properties of woven bone: effect of mineral content and collagen fibrils orientation

E E estimated by the model ν

(GP a) E = 0.46 − 9.49α + 117.34α2
−609.52α3 + 1671.65α4
−2292.11α5 + 1284.19α6 (R2 = 1)
E = 12.88α2.75 (R2 = 0.959)
E = 0.31 + 21.24α3.79 (R2 = 0.988)

ν estimated by the model

ν = 0, 48 − 0, 14α + 0, 34α2
−2, 98α3 + 8, 82α4
−15, 00α5 + 9, 23α6 (R2 = 1)

α α

Fig. 5 Variation of Young’s modulus and Poisson’s coefficient of the equivalent isotropic material with the ash fraction, α, for γ2 = π/2

20 α = 0.511 20 α = 0.530
(GP a) E1 (GP a) E1
15 E2 15 E2
E3 E3

10 10

5 5

0 0
π π π π π π π π
0 18 6 3 2 0 18 6 3 2
γ2 γ2

20 α = 0.555 20 α = 0.580
(GP a) E1 (GP a) E1
15 E2 15 E2
E3 E3

10 10

5 5

0 0
π π π π π π π π
0 18 6 3 2 0 18 6 3 2

γ2 γ2

Fig. 6 Variation of the estimated Young’s moduli in the three orthotropic directions with angle γ2 and the ash fraction α

Using the average composition of woven tissue as mea- phases) E V oigt = 32.7 G Pa, which is an upper bound of
sured in sheep (see Table 2) provided a Voigt estimation the Young’s modulus for the composite. On the other hand,
(weighted volume average of the stiffness of constituent the Reuss estimation (weighted volume average of the com-

J. García-Rodríguez, J. Martínez-Reina

Table 4 Longitudinal (El ) and transverse (E t ) Young’s modulus, in posed model, bone callus may recover its stiffness very
GPa, of the equivalent transversely isotropic material rapidly during fracture healing, which is a functionally opti-
γ2 α = 0.511 α = 0.530 α = 0.555 α = 0.580 mal result.
El Et El Et El Et El Et As can also be seen from Fig. 5, the polynomial equation
was the best option to fit the Young’s modulus versus the ash
π/18 9.31 1.70 10.76 1.89 13.14 2.19 16.15 2.56 fraction (the degree 6 was the lowest providing R 2 1).
π/6 3.25 1.73 3.75 1.93 4.61 2.26 5.74 2.67 The other two curves in the figure were used for comparison
π/3 2.06 1.84 2.34 2.07 2.79 2.46 3.39 2.96 with the experimental results of Hernandez et al. (2001), who
π/2 1.86 1.93 2.10 2.18 2.49 2.60 2.99 3.16 obtained:

E (GPa) = 84.37vb2.58 α 2.74 (30)
E El estimated by the model
(GP a) El = 189.4 α4.513 (R2 = 0.998)
15 The exponential regression curves with a constant term
(E = A α B + C, where constants A, B and C were fitted)
resulted in slightly better fitting than a simple exponential
10 regression equation (E = A α B ); interestingly, however,
the exponent of the latter coincided with that of the corre-
lation of Hernandez et al. (2001), which also lacks a constant
Et estimated by the model
5 term, despite the fact that these authors tested lamellar tissue.
Et = 15.98 α3.355 (R2 = 0.996)
Therefore, the elastic properties of both types of tissue must
be similarly influenced by the mineral phase.
0 Very few authors have reported experimental measure-
0.50 0.55 0.60 ments of stiffness in woven tissue. Among the few are
Leong and Morgan (2008), who performed nanoindenta-
Fig. 7 Variation of the Young’s moduli of the equivalent transversely tion tests on fracture calluses in rat femurs. Their results
isotropic material with the ash fraction at an angle γ2 = π/18 and fitted
were widely variable with location within the callus (26.92–
exponential curve for each modulus
1010 MPa). Gardner et al. (2000) estimated the Young’s
modulus of woven tissue during healing of a tibial fracture in
pliance of constituent phases) provided E Reuss = 0.01 G Pa, a 20-year-old individual by using inverse finite element char-
which is a lower bound. Some authors have proposed using acterization. They split the fracture region into very wide
the average of the two bounds as an estimation of compos- zones and obtained Young’s modulus ranging from 500 to
ite’s elastic modulus (Yoon and Cowin 2008a); however, this 3600 MPa depending on the particular zone and the time
makes no sense here owing to their large difference—a result after fracture. These values exceed those of Leong and Mor-
of the also large difference in stiffness between constituents. gan, possibly because the measurements of Gardner et al.
Rather, woven tissue requires using a more complex choice included late healing stages where the fracture might already
such as the proposed model, which considers the microstruc- have undergone remodeling in some regions and, thus, min-
ture of the composite and the more or less random orientation eralized lamellar tissue had appeared. However, both ranges
of the inclusions. of values are consistent with our estimates, especially with
The proposed micromechanical model predicts an those for the average composition of sheep woven tissue and
orthotropic behavior for woven tissue. However, as can be for quasi-isotropic tissue (i.e., tissue with randomly oriented
seen from Table 3, the results suggest a quasi-isotropic behav- fibrils).
ior for γ2 = π/2. The reason for this symmetry is the way As regards the influence of alignment in collagen fibrils,
wet collagen fibrils are assumed in that case, with a uniformly from Fig. 6 and Table 4 it follows that the longitudinal elas-
random distribution throughout the entire space. tic modulus increased markedly—but the transverse modulus
The elastic properties of woven tissue are clearly depen- decreased very slightly—with grouping of collagen fibrils in
dent on its mineral content, as can be seen from Fig. 5. a specific direction (i.e., at low γ2 values). Therefore, woven
Mineralization markedly increases stiffness and decreases tissue becomes stiffer in the longitudinal direction as colla-
Poisson’s coefficient as a result of mineral replacing water gen fibrils align. Fibril alignment has been observed in woven
initially present in the tissue. Moreover, mineralization in tissue of human foetuses (Su et al. 1997), but not in bone cal-
woven tissue is especially fast (García-Rodríguez 2014), lus. As can also be seen from Fig. 6, tissue stiffness increased
likely by effect of its high content in type I collagen, which with increasing ash fraction as a result of water being gradu-
favors deposition of mineral. Therefore, based on the pro- ally replaced with a stiffer material (hydroxyapatite mineral).

Elastic properties of woven bone: effect of mineral content and collagen fibrils orientation

Su et al. (1997) examined femur diaphyses in human foe- i.e., stiffer than woven bone with its actual composition
tuses of variable gestational age (14–26 weeks). This tissue (E = 1.90 GPa), but much more flexible than lamellar bone.
is microstructurally similar to woven tissue forming on bone This difference highlights the importance of the hierarchi-
callus after a fracture (McKibbin 1978; Frost 1989a, b; Wen cal and well organized microstructure of lamellar bone in
et al. 1995), so it allows extrapolation of the results obtained its mechanical features and is explained by two reasons. On
with the proposed micromechanical model. The longitudi- the one hand, by the high stiffness of the mineralized colla-
nal Young’s modulus for 26-week-old foetuses ranged from gen fibril in the longitudinal direction as compared with the
9 GPa in the periosteum to 16 GPa in the endosteum. The transverse direction. On the other hand, a uniform distribu-
difference arose from the way tissue forms during fetal bone tion of the fibril orientation gives more weight to the most
development: from the inside to the outside. Thus, the endos- flexible direction, in the sense of a Reuss average. Thus, a
teum is older and contains greater amounts of mineral as a uniform distribution in the three directions (γ2 = π/2) yields
result (Su et al. 1997). The proposed model estimated El a quasi-isotropic material with a flexibility similar to that of
ranging from 9 GPa at α = 0.511 to 16 GPa at α = 0.580, the collagen fibril in the transverse direction.
the former value being consistent with the experimentally In addition, a quasi-aligned woven bone (γ2 = π/18) with
found composition in sheep (García-Rodríguez 2014) and the composition of lamellar tissue would be very stiff in the
the latter being a moderate estimate of mineral content. No longitudinal direction (El = 27.1 GPa) and very flexible in
higher mineral contents were analyzed as they are unlikely the transverse direction (E t = 2.59 GPa). In this case, the
to be reached by so young foetuses. As can be seen from uniform distribution of fibrils’ orientation in the transverse
Figs. 6 and 7, stiffness in the longitudinal direction increased plane (implicit in the present model by assuming ρ(g) to be
markedly with increasing ash fraction, much more markedly independent of φ1 ) yields a transversely isotropic material
than in the transverse direction. In any case, the Young’s with a very low transverse stiffness. In contrast, the longi-
modulus of fetal woven tissue is smaller than that of lamellar tudinal modulus, El = 27.1 GPa, would be higher than any
tissue; in fact, the latter ranges from 18 to 25 GPa depend- modulus of the lamellar tissue since, in the latter, the lamel-
ing on the mineral content, which can be much higher in old lae were superimposed in layers by rotating the orthotropic
lamellar tissue. lamellar tissue 90◦ around the orthotropy directions [see
This result raises an interesting question: why is the stiff- Martínez-Reina et al. (2011) for details]. Again, this super-
ness of woven bone so small compared to that of lamellar imposition results in an averaged stiffness that reduces the
tissue? and, more precisely, from all the microstructural dif- differences between the stiffest and the most flexible direc-
ferences between both, which are the most influential factors? tions.
Probably, the composition and the orientation of collagen fib- The predominance of the most flexible direction in the
rils. Let us study the composition first. Mineral is the stiffest homogenization scheme also explains the little variation of
phase in bone and the mineral contents analyzed in this paper the transverse stiffness with γ2 (see Fig. 6). In the quasi-
were much lower than the typical values for lamellar tissue.1 aligned case, the transverse stiffness of the tissue almost
However, it can be thought that, even when woven tissue coincides with that of the mineralized fibrils, viz. very low.
gets saturated with mineral, it will be less rigid than lamellar As γ2 rises, some fibrils begin to be aligned with the trans-
tissue, given that its collagen concentration is higher (recall verse direction, contributing with their high longitudinal
Table 2). stiffness to the transverse stiffness of the composite. How-
The special microstructure of woven bone has also an ever, the stiffness of those fibrils is overshadowed by the high
important effect on its stiffness. This microstructure, mod- transverse flexibility of the other fibrils, aligned with the lon-
eled in the present paper, was compared with that of lamellar gitudinal direction, so that the increase in transverse stiffness
tissue considered in a previous work (Martínez-Reina et al. is negligible.
2011). This was done by applying the present model with Other features that are different between woven and lamel-
the volumetric composition of human lamellar tissue (see lar tissue are the porosity and the aspect ratio of mineral
Table 2) and comparing the results with those obtained in crystals. The typical dimensions of mineral crystals are dif-
that previous work (with the composition and microstructure ferent, though quite similar: a = 32 nm, b = 19 nm,
of lamellar tissue). The latter provided an orthotropic mate- c = 3 nm in human fetal woven bone (Su et al. 2003) ver-
rial with Young’s moduli: E 1 = 17.2 GPa, E 2 = 19.7 GPa, sus a = 50 nm, b = 25 nm, c = 3 nm (Rho et al. 1998)
E 3 = 22.0 GPa (Martínez-Reina et al. 2011). Meanwhile, in lamellar bone, which translates into a minimal influence
a quasi-isotropic woven bone (γ2 = π/2) with the same in the modeled stiffness. The porosity could indeed play a
composition would have a Young’s modulus E = 3.65 GPa, distinguishing role, but despite being different, its value is so
small in both tissues that its influence on the stiffness is neg-
1This was so due to the commented time limitation of the model, which ligible as well. Dwelling on this idea, the vascular porosity
makes it inapplicable well before the tissue is saturated with mineral. was not included in the model in spite of being present in the

J. García-Rodríguez, J. Martínez-Reina

woven tissue, as analyzed in a related work (Mora-Macías bone transport, the composition of which was determined in
2016). It was excluded because the incipient vessels are so a previous work). The stiffness tensor obtained was quasi-
scarce at the time interval; this model is valid that its effect isotropic and the Young’s modulus, 1.9 GPa, similar to the
would be negligible. experimental values for fracture calluses in other species.
The Young’s modulus of collagen adopted here (in the The model was also used to estimate the elastic con-
order of 1 GPa, see Table 1) is roughly ten times lower than stants of fetal woven tissue, where collagen fibrils are slightly
that measured by Cusack and Miller (1979) in rat-tail ten- aligned. The resulting stiffness tensor was quasi-transversely
dons and used in some similar works (Hellmich et al. 2004; isotropic and the longitudinal Young’s modulus ranged from
Tiburtius et al. 2014). Given that collagen is the most abun- 9 to 16 GPa depending on the mineral content. These values
dant constituent in woven tissue, (see Table 2), increasing its are smaller than those for lamellar tissue but similar to those
stiffness by a factor of 10 leads to an increase in the compos- found by Su et al. (1997) in human foetuses.
ite’s stiffness by approximately the same factor. This would
result in an abnormally high stiffness of woven bone (no mat- Acknowledgments This work was supported by grant DPI2014-
58233-P from the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (Spain).
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