Question Paper & Answer Key For The Post of Asstt. Registrar - Advt. No.E.Advt. - (AR-DR) 2283 Dtd. 31.10.2019

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* Nox [Advt. /caospny/209% cHezsi/oleon . RECRUITMENT To THE Past OF ASSISTANT REG| 2. There are-100 questions in the Question Paper, All the questions are muttiple ~ epice objective type questiots, with a,b, cand das four Possible option’: Only orie oplort stomect : eee es 3. Caididates are required to ‘mark the most sultable and correct option of the. question in ‘the Answer Sheet to Be Provided separately, 4. All questioris are compulsory. CE}. & Fev cach comeet answer 01 (one) marks vil be awarded whereas % (one fourth) 'watks Willbe dedicted for each incorrect answer. Max. Marks: 100 5 Time: 120-Min, HE Nationit Altheln Gi BaHiglgdesh ‘Amar Sonay Bande iva’ vaitton by. a, " Rabindraniith Tagore a oe b> Shoik Mujbir Rahniars ° : & KaziNazrul Islam d. Taslima’Nasrin 2. Hepatitis affects which organ of the human body? a. Liver D._ Pancreas. ¢. Spleen 4. Small infestine ~f) 3. What is 19 mavinum umber of days-of employment a rural poor would got under “MONREGA’ i S180 days Bb. 120days 100 days 90 days Page 4 of 24 * the layer cf atmosphere lose tote earths surace is called: ‘Black soll’ js also known by which of the following name? a. “Khedar Soll », Banga Soil Alivia! Soll a Regu sot: Taine de manga ies cat a “Aneshometar. 2 7 cae a cs ‘Hypromater : \ di: “Thermometer”, eecee . ; 4 : \ 7 Wen hoon of rid compe by Rpereerrceceasusnaeas a a; Finance Comission ace ; b.” rlan Stata Organization &- National Stata Organization 4. ‘Gara Stel Orgezon ‘Which’ of the following! timercial sourbe ot-enéray? is a, Agricultural waste ” : b... Dried dung - Bet ie eB ; at dd. [Natiralgas 0S 5 ; CO a.” Exosphere ; ane b, Stratosphere ¢. - Troposptiere 4. lonosphere Raje Pam ilchan Roy was the founder of: a. Ram Krishna Mission”: * b. Arya Samal % BrahmoSamaj “> Page 2 of 2 g 12. d. PrathnaSaniel Reserve Bank of india was rationalized in: a 4949 Bb. 1961 6 1935 a.» 1947. Ovary Be Rpt ade ve Thwart by Mahatma Gandhi ; -Lokanianya Titak Lat Lajpat Ral Sartat Patel [fe se The first Sultan of Dethi tossue regular currency and declate Dethias the capital ot | his empire was: ft : a. itéémish-s: * “te oy ».. Balban < Alam Shah 5 4.» Qutbuddia Aibak, HEerEEEHG 7 Which of the ‘olicwing ‘Snot cortect about Mahatma Gandhie 4... Gandhi supported close relation betiéen Feligion and politics, | . - Gandhi advocated complete Separation of politics from religion, Gandhi Beloved inthe sanctity of means: * 4, Gandhi believed in non-violence, Which one.of the following is an indigenously buit ight combat abort of India? @ Adun Vierant Bede i Pate Akash a Tejas Page 3 of 2a, 15. 16. a. Aperéon can jump higher on the moon's surface than on the earth because: a.” thie moon has no atmosphere ‘the moon's surface Is rough a b, c. the acceleration due to.gravity In moon is ‘smaller than that on the earth. d._ the Moon Is cooler than earth. a Tho Nord oka aon td et a.,; Abu Road .b. - Hyderabad, ¢.. Defradtin 4, Bangalore What ls Amnesty Interiatonal? ©. 4.” AnAaimal Rights Prolecion Organization b. \NHiman Rights Organization &. , APeace Movement 4, ‘Afi Bivironment Protection Organization, 5 “Thoda a Sport danee bolongs'to Whichof the following states? .. a> Sikém : A b> Haryana : ¢. Himachal Pradesh, : @. ‘Andiva Pradesh Name the. first ever Iudge of the Supreme cout against-whgrt thé motion. of impBachiment was ltroduced into Parliament in Independent tndia. a. ~ dusties Mahajan by Justice Subba Rao c. dusilge Viraswaml* d. ustice Ramaswarnl- Page 4 of 21 cy Oo Cr6 & 20. ‘doo 21 23. [ove In the foléwing question, one part afte sentence may have ain ero. Find cut which part of the seritence has ani error. {f the sentence is free trom error, click the *No error" option. NNeliher of the scout leaders know (AY how to tap wild animals (BY oF how to Drapare them for méunting (CY No Erior (D) E aA db B ew 6 The sentence ger with a blank space, which I tobe filed with an appropriao word(s): Four alternatives are suggested. Choase the correct aitemiative, The scheme allows students from diferent cours to comm @ - each other. - . bith each other 4° wih one another Out of the fur altamaties, choose the one which can be substtted forthe gen Abrlef or short stay at a place @. — Solitude Soiree & Sojourn d. * Solistice Out of the four allematives, choose the one which can be Substituted. for the given. words/sentences, ‘That whieh can be believed a, Miracufous >. Greditable c. Credible 4. Gulible Page Sv a 24. 28. Direeftons: in Question no. 26, apprai Out of Wwords/sentences. - ‘One who Js indifferent to pain or pleastré a. Eocentric ~b. Philosopher co. Fatalist 4. ste. Inthe flowing gusto, four the four alternatives, chouse the one wich can be substituted for the “fio alternative which best jnpresses fhe meaning of the IdionvPhrasé. Null and void a: valid: b, °- Observant &. * Uncoritraled 4, ‘Homeless cortact altorriativa out of the fours, 26. ‘The police fired on the fob when they. a. tuimed noisy. : * . tumed violent ©. became abusive d,_ fizzled out given atematives are given for ths idionwPhrase. Choose , sentences: given with blanks to be filed ta with:an pitate word(s). Four altemtatives are suggested for each question. Chinese the Page 6 of 21 Qe Je Directions: In, Question nos, 27 ta'29, you have a passage with: § questions following. Read the passages carefully and choose the best: answer to each question out of the four alternatives. ” -BASSAGE True, I the function.of te amy to maintain law sind order in abriormal tines, But in noamal Emés there is another force that compels citzehs to obey laws and to abt’ with due regard to the rights of others. ‘The force also protecis the les ard properties ‘or faw abiding men, Laws are made to secure the personal safety of its subjects ‘and-to prevent ” * ‘murder. and crimes of violence. They aré miads to secuie the property of the clitzens against theft arid damage and-to proteét the rights of communities and-castes to carry-cut thelr customs: and ceremonies, so tong as they do noé-confict with the tights. of others, Now the good citizen;.of his own free will obeys these iaws and he takes care’ that everything He does is dovie with due regard tothe rights and well aing of others, But tie bad citizen is only restrained from treaking these laws by fear of the consequence ‘of his actoris, And the necessary. Steps t) compel the, ‘bad citizen to act as.a gdod citizen * are taken by this force. Ths supreme contol of law and order in a Stat isin the hands ot @ Minister, who’ fa responsible to the State Assembly and acts throtigh ‘the ‘inspector ‘General of Police, 27. The expression “cisstoms and ceremonies" means: ‘8, _ habits and traditons - b. faire and festivals ©. superstitions and-formalities 4. usual practices and rtigious tes 28. "They are made to secure the property of citizens against theft and damage* means ” that the faw: a. Safeguards people's possessions against being stolen or lost. 'b. Initiates process against offenders of law: © Helps in recovering the stolen property of the citizens. , Assists the citizens whose property has been stolen or destroyed. Page 7 of 22 SS 29. 30. 32, CONRVESORL |” Which one of the following statement is implied in the passage? ‘a, The police hardly succeed in convening bad citizens irito good ones. b. Criminals, who flout the law, are seldom brought to book. ©. Peaceful citizens seidom violate the law. : | . The police check'the citizens, whether they are good or bad, from violating the law. By selling a bag af Rs. 230, profit of 15% is imade. The seling price of the bag, wher tis sold at 20% profit would be a. Rs. 250 b. Rs, 205 . Rs, 240 ’ ; ‘ i d. + Rs, 200 ; cP Select the related wordietters/numbers from the given alternatives: If stands for multiplication, '-’ stands for addition; *«' stands: for division, then what Is.the value of 128 + 9-164 : : a. 73° 2 : FR b; 256. : : 1156 di 352) Speed of @ boat long and against the current aré 44 kmsshr’and @ kms/tr respectively. The speed ofthe current s a. {1 kms/hr west be 8 km/hr ©. 5.5 kmshhr d,-3kms/hr Page Ruf g Bes b.° ‘egHH : : oc idk ~ 4. asit Ache nat 4 be neo 25% on It, His gain % ig ; a 5% ; ba. 10%: ; ; tee a 16% : - i 4. 20% pon 2. 2 Bek eal testing pe of 20 bs, ihe pot Pereentis ” aaa 22% + 24% 25% smaller. The lange numter is a b 16 o4 a 12 Select the related word/lettervnumber trom the given alternatives, Play: Actor:: Concert? ‘& Symphony ‘D.. Musician Piano d. Percussion Page'9 af2a 30: Arango the following words 2s par order in the dictionary. () Fraudulent {@) Fraught (a) Fraternity (W)Franchise (v) Frente a. (vA) Osi) BG (HG), co. WG. 00) i, 0). 0) 40. ve aca toon uns dt 4% ab 0% 28 4% o fot nt eof ae Re Ta Ma 3 . + the article Is: 2a Rs.400 7 Rs. 200 Rs: 00 Rs. 600 ees 4A. A fa 6 a b. e a: 82 a ) _ irons: In Question nes, 42 to 45, selact the related wordfettersinuinber from (S’ ‘ the given altematives. ; 42. Ingeats: Entomology; : Spakes :? Agrotogy Mycology | eee Etat 1. Ophiology 7 7 7 Page 10 124 | q ao se C. ~< &) a Kidneys: Nephron : : Central Nervous Systarn : 2 a Brain. b. Cerebrim c Spinal cord g. - Neurons. a ees YOKE: GLHB :: RISK: 2 OFPH 46. 47. a b. ew 4, What is the maxinium number of daye of EL that can be granted to a Gavemnment EL ean be combined with ‘Casual Léavo; Half Pay Leave, Matemity Leave, Study Leeve, Casual LeaveyMatemity Leave ‘Sick Leavé, Half Pay Leave, Maiemity Leave Casual Leave, Patemity Leave, Matamiity Leave servant at a time in one spell?, a b, c a 90 days 120 days 180 days 300 days CONRVS536L = a Page 24 of 23 48. 48. 50. si." 52. _ First Appeal shall be disposed.of by the fst appellate authortty within ~~~ days EOL Is granted to Government servants only When no other leave Is admissible or on request When Goverment servant is on notice pstind of VRS, Before superannuation None of the above _ pere Paternity Leave is allowad for a. 20.days b. 16 days c. - 25 days 4, 30 days Childcare leave is edrisibo if the childs Below : 18 years. ; AT years 21 years Y 25years . Cys ee oP Whats the tine tito got the information concerning the tfe end taerty of a person? Mat a, 48hours b. & 24 hours c. ° Sdays 7 “do 10 days : from the date of its recelpt. eee a 7 40 days . : 20 days 60 days 5O:days. aere 2° page 2 of 23 53. 56. 57. 58. premcovered unde dotiten of fay fr To & Spouse + | 'b. dependent unmartied children c. mmaied daughters who have boen dvorced from ther husbands 4 Alofthe above. 7 f LTC cote rosy Go. enart ng a. Transfer : ee _ be Duly Tour. . - Suspension 4... Promotion * Fa pis a omnis “a. Major Brother b.- Stop Mother : ©, Mamied Sister . 7 bh Stop Father : Fmt fer the pe puifose of Travelling ‘Allowance dose not Includes ‘@. Minor Brother : : b. Major Brother : q ©. Stop Mother * 4. UnMaried Sistor Depenndtency ir income ere in family for Traveling ‘Allowénes shall be 3. Minimum Family Pension plus Deamegs Relief >. ” Maxinium Family Pension plus Heamess Relief ©. _Miniinum Family Pension plus d. Minimum Perjsion Pally allowance is not admissibléat tour station for a continuous halt beyong a 180 days b. 30days - ©. 90days Page 13.oF 21, 59. 60. 61. 62. 63, : As per Statutes of NITs, maximum number of Deans in a NIT may be 5 : a. 240 days aes P ph @ FANIT3 the Finance Commitee has a b. G d. eyo SGPA used in NITs stand for’. . a: Semester Grade Point Average b: » Semester Grade Percentage Averaga.” ¢. “Semester Graduation Point Aggregate eotet 4. -None of the above, : In NIV, dodfoes are awarded with a. “Approval ofthe Director’ bi Approval of the Sanate c. Approval of the Board of Governors. 4 Aiea of Déan (Academic) In NITs,the-mirimuns required quorum for the meeting of the Senate is a. , Atleast ohe-thied of the total members Atleast six members. 7 b. * Se, -No minimum quorum veges mnmibers present wil forthe quorum, 4... None of the'above. Admissioné to M.Teci/MArch/ M.Pianl M.Des. programme in NITs is dors: on the basis-of et in a, CCMSe Counseling b. CMS Counseling Counselling Te Page 14 of 24 c ye Se A.” above'Rs.10,600 upto Rs. 100,000). . above Re, 15,000 upto Rs.4.50,0002 & - above Rs. 26,000 up-to R150, o00y. .. . above Re. 25,000 up-to Rs.2.50,000...- 67, 68, 69, Amount of bid security should ofdinarily range between a 110 5% ofthe estimated vatio ofthe goods tobe procus. b” 210 5% of th dtmated valu of to Goods to bo toe ‘i & 3te 8% Of he estimated value ofthe goods tobe procwd, <4. 5to 10-0 th estimated value of tie goods to be procured, Pay is Rs.90000% per'monih - @ 8% of'80000 = 240%, . 10% of 30080 = 3000. - © 50% of 30000= 15000 we 4. 100% oF 30000 500007: pec : What is the monthly. NPS Contribution Of an einployes whose Basic Pay including DAs Rs. 30000/ po month 2. _ 6% of 300G0 = 2400). . 10% of 30000 = aooay © 60% of 30000=15000 d. 100% of 30000 =30000/-. Page 15 o¢ 21 70. TAL 74. QCBS stands for. a Quality Control & Budgeting System _ tb. Quality and Godt Based Selection ‘ a ‘Quality-Control Baséd Selection .Gualty and Cost Based Supply Limited tanelers wl be.called for works costing lass than Rupees a. tlakh ; . be 2h c. Slakh - d 10lakh eee a) Foi purchase of teins upto Ra. 26000l- as ‘per Rule (Svat GFR 2017, the ; «reste of reasonable qual and reasonate price fs gan by” < a. The purctiaser b; Thesellet | «¢.. Both the purchaser andthe seller” ; : 7 = None af the above.” Ay “The maximum af lumsumt incentive for acquiring higher ‘qualifications in’ applicable cases Is, A 2. Rs8,000 b. _Rs.8,000 Pe eee. ee ©, R840,000 : . ; ° id, R9.18,000"* : nN Proprietary Aicle Certificate is applicable in a.. Limited Tender Enquiry . ‘Advertised Tender Enquiry Single fender Enquiry Two Bid Enquiry Terider'# 579 ee a Page 16 of 2 78. For LTC purpose, year means a a. Financial year b. Calender year c. Both He 4. Non ofthe above : 7 76. LTC can not bo availed without avaling ary lade a Tue D. False © * Depends cn casé to tase d. Depends on balance leave avaiable OV. ay ETC can not be availed by the govt servant wien he/she is'on b. Study Leave : “ i : © ‘Commuted ieave on medica rounds L @. "HPL. on private affairs ; : 79. amaleemployee has two legally wedded wives, hs can avail LTC for a. _Fitstwife only ; : : b. Second wife only : 6. First or second wife oni, as per his choice d. Both wives “Advarice payments for procurement of oods and services may be madé in cases advance payment demanded * meee 4 = a. by firms holding maintenance conitacts for servicing of Air- conditiéners, compiters, other costly equipment, et. by frm againet fabrication contracts, tum-key contracts ete, 5. by firms supplying high value machinery and plants. ‘by firs supplying Scléntic and technical ams 4. by:firms supplying items are located abroad. Page 47 of 24 CDNRVS598L_ EEE PEE 80. Iricase of advance to private firms, it should not exceed: + a: “10% of the contract value b. 20% of the contract value c. 30% of the contract value 4.50% of the contract value + BA, incase af advance to:a State of Central Govemment agency or a Public Sector 7 Undertaking; it should not exceed: a. 20% afte conic value b, 25% of the contract valle ©. 30%'ofthe contract value» d. 40% of the contract value ba “The two Kinds of mai mm are ; Pee of “ a. Primaty.and secondary: : o b. Random and sequential c: ROMand RAM. 4: Alot above 83. A Setof information that defines. the status of resources. allocated to @ ptocess is. : a, Process contra : : b. AL : cc. - Register Unit : Hetil . 4, Process description : yf - 84... Which of the following has low speed storage? g as CDROM eet i. Extended storage r c. Magnatiy tisks! . 4... Magnetic tapes aan {0 85,” Which of the following is an output device? | a, Mouse 1 b. . Joystick i «Plotter Page 18 of 21 87. 89, 90. 91. Se op a Optical mark reader ‘Whois.the father of compuiter? © Henry Balibago Henry tice’ What is full form of LU ? a. Althitiate logic unit b, Allowed logic unit & .ASci logie unit 4 Atthmetie least uni What is Linux? ee &. Malware 7 . Operating System 7 ©. Application Program 4. Fitnware | : = Which is most cominon Fanguage used in wut designing 2 a Cc : B. One ° PHP HTML” Where'aré saved file's stored in computer ? ion et Hard disk Cache Any of above UNIVAC is @. Universal Automatic Computer >. Universal Aray Computer &. Unique Automatic Compuiter 4 Unvalued Automatic Computer Page 19.0f 21 93. 95. 96. __ 6» Stipareomputers: a “ percemputers are focuséd 10 execute @S many Pi “The basic operations performed by a computer are a. Arithmetic operation 7 b. Logical operation 6, Storage and relative 4. Allthe above. ® “The two major types af compitter chips are a, Extemal memory chip b. Primary memory chip: * in c. Microprocessor chip . Me a Both b and o 8 rani an vein ein or twit ghertonconilrs d 2 a. . First Generation ait ; sa b. Second Generation ¢. “Thire:Generation da Fourth: Generation Whats the main diftérence, betvsen-a mainirame atid a:supet computer? a. . Supet coviputer is much larger than métoframe computers "Super comptters are:muct rill than mainfraine computers are fecused 10 execute few programs as fast s possible ‘Gtule mainframe see I power to:Execute as many programs. concurrently, ° rams ds'possible while” minffame uees its power to execute few programe as fast a8 possible. © - ¥Y Inetniations and memory address are represented bs, ie ‘a. Character code i : b. Binary codes c. Binary word 3d. Party bit Page 20 of 22 97. ) 98, oO ( ). 99, 00. ‘The teminal device hat otons as. cash register, computer tembal end OCR reader is the: @. Data collection taminal b. "OCR register terminal © Video Display terthinat d. POS terminal AA satof flip-flops integrated together fecaled B Addor ©. .-Register d. None af the above People often call_as the brain of computer system “Control Unit ; ef b. Avithnibile Logic Unit °- ; 7 & — Central Processing Unit Storage Unit: Which is use for manufacturing chips? * a Bus, - 7 b. Contra unit c- Somicondustors ¢. Aand b only oe END OF QUESTIONS. roy Png 2 of ak

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