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Alamat: Jl. ,,,,,,,



Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas /Semester : VII (Tujuh) / I (Satu)
Hari / Tanggal : Kamis, 08 Desember 2022
Waktu : 120 Menit

PETUNJUK : 1. Tulislah nama anda pada lembar jawaban yang tersedia.

2. Dahulukan menjawab Soal-soal yang anda anggap mudah.
3. Periksalah pekerjaan anda sebelum diserahkan kepada Pengawas Ujian.
PILIHAN GANDA : Berilah Tanda Silang (X) pada salah satu huruf a, b, c, dan d, pada
jawaban yang kamu anggap Benar Choose the correct answer by crossing a, b,c or d!
1. Shidqi : Hi, Zahra. ... ?
Zahra : Hi, Shidqi. I’m fine. Thanks.
A. Not too bad C. How do you do?
B. How are you? D. Nice to meet you
2. Ali : Good afternoon, Maryam! How’s life?
Maryam : Good afternoon Ali, Alhamduliillah, I’m very well. Thank you .
By the way, Where will you go?
Ali : I’ll pick up my mother. I must go now. ... Maryam
Maryam : Bye
A. Not too bad C. Good night
B. How are you? D. Good bye
3. Nisa : It’s hot here. Can you help me open the window, Dila?
Dila : Of course. Nis.
Nisa : ..., Dila.
Dila : You’re welcome.
A. Thank you C. I’m sorry
B. Sure D. It’s all right
4. Andini : ……?
Budiono : He is Bob
A. What is your father’s name?
B. What is your sister’s name?
C. What is your father’s hobby?
D. What is your father?
5. Fill the blank conversation with the correct answer.
Ani : Nia, what are you doing?
Nia : I’m preparing myself for going to school today.
Ani : Oh, …. ?
Nia : It’s a half past six!
Ani : Really? I can be late!
Nia : Hurry up, Ani!
A. How are you?
B. Where are you going?
C. What time is it?
D. What is your name

6.Fill the blank conversation with the correct answer.

Andi : ….?
Tomi : It’s Sunday. And I plan to go to the zoo.
A. What time is it?
B. What day is it?
C. How are you?
D. What are you doing?

7.Reni :.....

Tia : In August
Reni : That’s right, Thanks.
Tia : You’re welcome.
A. What time is it ?
B. What day is today?
C. What month is Indonesian Independence Day?
D. What date is today?
8.Look at this picture

What animals is it?

A. it is a fish, horse ,cat
B. it is a horse , giraffe , cat
C. it is a cat , rabbit , giraffe
D. it is a cow, cat , rabbit
9.Students : Good morning, Mrs. Fasiha.

Mrs. Fasiha : ..., dear.

A. Good evening
B. Good afternoon
C. Good morning
D. Good night
10.Karim : Thanks for lending me money, Anna.

Anna : ...
A. Thank you
B. I’m afraid
C. I’m sorry
D. You’re welcome
11.Fina : Do you have an uncle?

Windi : Yes, I do
Fina : ….?
Windi : He is 40 years old.
a. How old is he?
b. Where does he live?
c. What is his favorite food?
d. How do you do?

12.Anton : …..?
Susilo : I live at Usman street no.27 Batang.
e. Where do you live?
f. How old areyou?
g. How areyou?
h. Where do you come from?
14. Fill the blank conversation with the correct answer.

Tony : Hai Tito, what are you looking for?

Tito : I’m looking for Math schedule.

Tony : Oh, I know that. Math schedule is on Monday.

Tito : Monday is . . . right? Thanks.

Tony : Yes. You’re welcome.

A. Before Wednesday
B. After Sunday
C. After Tuesday
D. Before Sunday
15.Siti : This month is April. What is next month?

Faiz : It is …
A. June
B. January
C. March
D. May
Text for no 16 -18

I have ( 16 )…new book. It’s Harry potter. ( 17 )… book is very interesting. The story
pulls me to the setting. I love the ( 18 )…
16. A. there are C. the

B. this is D. a
17. A. the C. it

B. this D. that
18. A. Newspaper C. book

B. comic D. Magazine
19’Azka : I’m sorry sir, I’m late.

Mr. Umar : .... Why are you late, Azka?

Azka : I overslept, sir.
Mr. Umar : Please be punctual next time.
A. That’s all right
B. You’re welcome.
C. Excuse me
D. Thank you very much
20.Fajar : What is your name?

Nana : ….
A. My name is Fajar
B. His name is Fajar
C. She is Nana
D. I am Nana

21.The students are sitting on the …

A. Tables
B. Flags
C. Chairs
D. Pens
1. I have a friend. Her name is Dita. … hobby is swimming
A. Her
B. His
C. My
D. Its
2. Rio : . . . . celebrate Kartini day?
Lety : Kartini day is in April. It is on the twenty first of April.

A. What do we
B. Why do we
C. When do we
D. How do we
3. John : When do we commemorate Santri Day
Mike : It is on the . . . . October.

A. Twenty two
B. Twenty Second
C. Thirty one
D. Thirty first
25.George : How many pens do you have ?

James : I have …

A. a pen
B. two pens
C. four pens
D. Fife pens


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