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English Spesific Purpose

Dosen Pengampu
Yenny, M. Sas

Disusun Oleh
Hamidah 6120039



1. Chouse the correctalternative to completecachsentences

If a person or business has moredebtsthanmoney to paythem, this meansthey have

more(1).... thanassets, and they are (2)......If a (3)........ takes the matter to cour, the person
or company is declaredbankrupt. A bankrupt company goes into liquidation or
receivership or is wound up. The courtappoints a liquidator (or receiver, or administrator)
whorealises( iesells) the company's (4).. in order to repaycreditors. A failingbusiness can
choosevoluntarywinding up, in whichcase it appointsitsownliquidator. In America a
(5)......indifficulty can file for ChapserEleven' and propose a recovery plan; it is
thentemporarilyprotected from itscreditors, and given some time to attempt to
solveitsproblems. A failingbusiness that knows it has noreasonablechance of
avoidingbankruptcyshould stop tradingContinuing to (6)..... and building up
debtswithcreditors that will never be paid, is calledwrongfultrading and is illegal. There
are limits to limitedliability!

1. a. Equity b. Liability c. liabilities

2. a. Illegal b. Illiquid c. insolvent
3. a. Borrower b. Creditor c. debtor
4. a. Assets b. Debts c. liabilities
5. a. Corporation b. Partnership c. proprietor
6. a. Do business b. Aearn c. Make busines

2. What do you think are the main reasons why a company could go bankrupt?
I think the company is too focused on product development, so the company can forget
the needs of consumers, because companies that are too focused on product development
will lose sensitivity to what is happening inside the company, outside situations and so

3. If you were the owner of the company, how would you avoid them?
I will do product development by adjusting to consumer needs by adjusting external
conditions so as not to miss the trend to make consumers satisfied so that the company
will run smoothly and avoid going bankrupt.

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