P.O Board - Task1+2-Pham Nguyet Minh - 21DH718271

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Name: Phạm Nguyệt Minh

ID: 21DH728271

Task 1: The Panathenaia Festival, a major celebration in Athens, is about to begin. In order to establish
your potential as Athena's Descendant, you, the chosen one, are in charge of organizing this event. Five
essential points must be covered in your program's content:

1. Theme of your program: Panathenaia Festival

- Reasons to choose this program: THE PANATHENAIA was an Athenian festival celebrated every June in
honour of the goddess Athena. Since Athena is an interesting goddess with her major talents and unique
characteristics, I want to let the the audience know some fun facts about her. Thus, they could explore
their simlatities in term of personal qualities comparing to this goddess in order that they could make use
of these skills to ameliorate their English and confidence.

- The concept: Since the main topic is about Athenas, I’m going to make the powerpoint in Greek
mythology style.

- Purpose of the program: to help the audience awake their own inner Athena as well as finding out their
strength and weakness pertaining to studying English

2. The content of the program:

- Target audiences: no age restrictions, everyone can enter.

- Location and Date of event:

Location: Huflit university – Su Van Hanh branch.

Date of event: weekend (either Saturday or Sunday)

- Way to participate: fill in google form, limited (75-100 members)

3. Financial planning:

- Income: free

- Expense: Presents for mini games: pastries and sweets.

4. The timeline of the program:

- General timeline.

A Timeline form:

Time Content Detail Prepare In charge Note

3:00 Check for Check email Need a 2 members If someone enters
attendance And students laptop from 7 secs the room late
ID ( over 20 mins), tick
them as absent
3:30 Warm up game Need a fun one 7 secs MC
tone to make leads the game
the classroom
more exciting
one 7 secs
member to turn
the slides on ppt
one 7 secs
member helped
to bring gift.
3:40 Discussion 1 Need at least 7
members to go
around and hear
the audience.
Main content of
4:10 Discussion 2 Need at least 7
members to go
around and hear
the audience.
Main content of
5:00 End of the Need one
presentation member to take
a photo

5. Risk management and solutions:

Possible risks:

- The attendances may be shy to join in the group discussion.

- The MC may forget what they are going to say.

Solutions suggested:

- It’s the 7secs members’s responsibilities to encourage the audience.

- It’s the one who make the powerpoint’s resposibility to remind what they forgot

Task 2: Host a GOTTA TALK for 7S English Club with your topic.


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