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Molecular Plant

Research Article

Phosphorylation of WHIRLY1 by CIPK14 Shifts

Its Localization and Dual Functions in Arabidopsis
Yujun Ren1,2, Yanyun Li1,2, Youqiao Jiang1, Binghua Wu1 and Ying Miao1,*
Center for Molecular Cell and Systems Biology, Fujian Provincial Key Laboratory of Haixia Applied Plant Systems Biology, College of Life Sciences, Fujian
Agriculture and Forestry University, Fuzhou 350002, China
2These authors contributed equally to this article.
*Correspondence: Ying Miao (ymiao2013@hotmail.com)

Plastid-to-nucleus retrograde signaling is critical for normal growth and development in plants. The dual-
function and dual-located ssDNA binding protein WHIRLY1 (WHY1) has been proposed to coordinate the
retrograde signaling from plastids to the nucleus. However, the regulatory mechanism governing the func-
tional switch of WHY1 for mediating plastid-to-nucleus retrograde signaling remains unknown. Here, we
report that the Calcineurin B-Like-Interacting Protein Kinase14 (CIPK14) interacts with and phosphorylates
WHY1 in Arabidopsis. Phosphorylation of WHY1 results in increased accumulation in the nucleus and
enhanced binding with the promoter of WRKY53, which encodes a key transcription factor regulating
leaf senescence in Arabidopsis. Transgenic plants overexpressing CIPK14 showed an increased nuclear
isoform but decreased plastid isoform of WHY1, among which 95% of transgenic lines showed the stay-
green phenotype and 5% of lines showed the variegated pale-green phenotype. Interestingly, the pheno-
types of both types of transgenic plants could be recovered by overexpression of plastid-form WHY1. In
contrast, knockdown of CIPK14 caused early senescence and even seedling-lethal phenotypes along
with elevated expression of senescence-related genes such as WRKY53, SAG12, and NDHF but decreased
expression of MER11, RAD50, and POR genes, which could be rescued by overexpression of CIPK14 but not
by overexpressing plastid-form or nuclear-form WHY1; the stay-green plants overexpressing CIPK14
showed reduced expression of WRKY53, SAG12, NDHF, and large plastid rRNA. Consistently, the accu-
mulation of nuclear-form WHY1 was significantly reduced in the CIPK14 knockdown lines, resulting in
a low ratio of nuclear-/plastid-form WHY1. Taken together, our results demonstrate that CIPK14 regu-
lates the phosphorylation and organellar distributions of WHY1 and pinpoint that CIPK14 may function
as a cellular switch between leaf senescence and plastid development for coordinating the intercellular
signaling in Arabidopsis.
Key words: WHIRLY1, CIPK14, Retrograde Signalling, Leaf Senescence, Plastid Development
Ren Y., Li Y., Jiang Y., Wu B., and Miao Y. (2017). Phosphorylation of WHIRLY1 by CIPK14 Shifts Its Localization
and Dual Functions in Arabidopsis. Mol. Plant. 10, 749–763.

INTRODUCTION Leister, 2016). In addition, transcription factors that are able

to relocate from the chloroplast to the nucleus (Sun et al.,
Intercellular communication is important for the lifespan of a 2011; Isemer et al., 2012; Avendano-Vazquez et al., 2014), or
cell and may become altered with age. Outside the nucleus, those that could be released from the endoplasmic reticulum
the two DNA-containing organelles, plastid and mitochondrion, (ER) upon proteolytic activation in mitochondrial retrograde
utilize specific signaling molecules to convey information of regulation (DeClercq et al., 2013; Ng et al., 2013a, 2013b),
their developmental and physiological states into the nucleus as well as the classical inducible nuclear transcription factors
and thereby modulate the expression of nuclear genes. This (Koussevitzky et al., 2007; Van Aken et al., 2013), are also
retrograde signaling is critical for proper plant development. considered to be involved in retrograde signaling. However,
Many compounds, such as reactive oxygen species, chloro-
phyll biosynthesis metabolites, and redox system components,
as well as plastid-derived small metabolites have been sug- Published by the Molecular Plant Shanghai Editorial Office in association with
gested as retrograde signals (Kleine et al., 2009; Kleine and Cell Press, an imprint of Elsevier Inc., on behalf of CSPB and IPPE, SIBS, CAS.

Molecular Plant 10, 749–763, May 2017 ª The Author 2017. 749
Molecular Plant Phosphorylation of WHY1 by CIPK14 Affects Its Dual Functions
all these transcription factors seem to play indirect roles in is sequestered to enter the nucleus and to switch its functions
regulating gene expression or the maintenance of plastid DNA. at a certain stage of plant development or after modification
The mechanism underlying a direct contribution of proteins in by other factors.
transferring information from plastids or mitochondria to the
nucleus has not yet been envisaged. In the present study, we identified CIPK14 as a WHY1 interacting
partner. This SNF1-related protein kinase was able to phosphor-
Members of the WHIRLY family, which have a tetrameric structure ylate WHY1 protein in the nucleus. Phosphorylation of WHY1
resembling whirligigs (Desveaux et al., 2002), are dual-located by CIPK14 regulated its subcellular localization and distribution
proteins both in the nucleus and organelles and perform ratio between plastids and the nucleus, thereby switching its
numerous cellular functions (Krause et al., 2005; Grabowski function from controlling ribosome RNA stability in plastids to
et al., 2008). They were first discovered as transcriptional senescence retardation in the nucleus.
activators binding to the elicitor response element in the
promoter region of pathogenesis-related (PR) genes in potato
(Solanum tuberosum) and Arabidopsis (Desveaux et al., 2000,
2004). In Arabidopsis, they were able to bind various DNA Intracellular Accumulation of WHY1 Is Developmentally
sequences such as the telomeres (Yoo et al., 2007), the distal Regulated during Leaf Aging
element upstream of a kinesin gene (Xiong et al., 2009), the To examine the subcellular accumulation abundance of WHY1,
promoter of the early senescence marker gene WRKY53 in a we used transgenic plants expressing a fusion of WHY1 with
development-dependent manner (Miao et al., 2013), and the the HA (human influenza hemagglutinin) epitope tag under the
promoter of the senescence-associated gene HvS40 in barley control of its own promoter (PWHY1-HA; Miao et al., 2013).
(Hordeum vulgare) (Krupinska et al., 2014). In maize (Zea mays) Leaves from 6-week-old transgenic plants were used for the
chloroplasts, WHIRLY1 (WHY1) was proposed to bind both preparation of chloroplast fractions (membranes and stroma)
DNA and RNA and play a role in intron splicing (Prikryl et al., and a nuclear fraction. Western blotting with anti-HA antibody
2008), while in barley (Hordeum vulgare) chloroplasts, WHY1 revealed that the monomeric form of WHY1 was enriched in
was found to be associated with intron-containing RNA process- the stroma fraction and nucleus. An additional protein band
ing (Melonek et al., 2010). In addition, it was also demonstrated with a slightly higher molecular weight was detectable in the
that WHIRLY proteins in organelles could function as an anti- nucleus (Figure 1A). This protein band disappeared when
recombinant protein favoring accurate DNA repair for main- treated with phosphatase (Figure 1B), suggesting that it might
taining organelle genome stability (Cappadocia et al., 2010, represent a phosphorylated form of WHY1. To further monitor
2012; Lepage et al., 2013). All these studies suggest that the phosphorylation of WHY1 during leaf development, we
WHIRLY proteins might function distinctly depending on their isolated plastid and nuclear proteins from 3- to 8-week-old
intracellular localization and/or the different developmental rosette leaves of PWHY1-HA plants, separated them on high-
stages of plants. Tris SDS–PAGE, and analyzed with antibody against the HA
tag. The result showed that WHY1 accumulation in plastids grad-
There were three WHIRLY members (WHY1, WHY2 and WHY3) in ually declined from the 3-week-old stage, whereas nuclear WHY1
Arabidopsis but only two members (WHY1 and WHY2) in mono- protein showed a dephosphorylated form in the 3-week-old
cot plants. A recent study showed that a why1why3polIb-1 leaves, both the dephosphorylated and phosphorylation forms
mutant defective in WHY1, WHY3, and the DNA polymerase 1B in the 4- to 6-week-old leaves, and a predominantly phos-
(Pol1B), a type I chloroplast DNA polymerase, exhibited a severe phorylated form in the 6- to 8-week-old leaves (Figure 1C).
yellow-variegated phenotype (Lepage et al., 2013). Compared The phosphorylated and dephosphorylated forms of nuclear
with the wild-type, this mutant showed lower photosynthetic WHY1 protein were confirmed upon phosphatase treatment.
electron transport efficiencies and had higher accumulation Moreover, the amount of nuclear WHY1 protein gradually
of reactive oxygen species and altered expression of a number increased upon phosphatase treatment (Figure 1C). These
of oxidation-related nuclear genes (Lepage et al., 2013). results indicate that the phosphorylation status of WHY1 is
Based on these observations, it was proposed that WHY developmentally regulated.
proteins may mediate a link between the chloroplast to
nucleus signaling for enhanced adaptation to oxidative
stress (Lepage et al., 2013). In barley, WHY1 influenced the CIPK14 Interacts with WHY1 in the Nucleus
expression of a specific subset of genes encoding chloroplast To identify the kinase(s) responsible for phosphorylation of
proteins; severely reduced expression of WHY1 resulted in WHY1, we prepared a cDNA expression library from leaves of
reduced sensitivity of photosynthesis to low nitrogen, owing 5- and 7-week-old plants, when WHY1 achieved its first expres-
to a possible disruption of retrograde signaling between sion peak during plant development (Miao et al., 2013), and
the plastid and the nucleus (Comadira et al., 2015). Moreover, performed a yeast two-hybrid screen to look for its interacting
the close association of WHY1 with components of the partners. We used truncated WHY1, in which the activation
thylakoid electron chain and other evidence (Krause and domain (i.e., the last 33 amino acids at the C terminus) is deleted
Krupinska, 2009; Isemer et al., 2012) led Foyer et al. (2014) (Pfalz et al., 2005), fused to downstream of the plastid transit
to propose that WHY1 is a photosynthetic redox sensor for peptide (32 amino acids) and the c-myc tag, as the bait. More
chloroplast to nucleus retrograde signaling, and the than 30 positive colonies were obtained and sequenced.
movement of WHY1 from the chloroplasts to the nucleus Among them, the full-length cDNAs of 11 positive colonies were
could be triggered by the redox state of the photosynthetic isolated and confirmed for their interactions with WHY1 by fresh
electron transport chain. Yet the question remains how WHY1 re-transformation, respectively (Supplemental Figure 1). One of
750 Molecular Plant 10, 749–763, May 2017 ª The Author 2017.
Phosphorylation of WHY1 by CIPK14 Affects Its Dual Functions Molecular Plant
both CIPK14 and WHY1 by western blot analyses using GFP-
specific or HA-specific antibody (Figure 2B). From the above
results, it seems that overexpression of CIPK14 enhanced
WHY1 protein accumulation in the nucleus.

To further investigate whether WHY1 and CIPK14 interact

only in the nucleus, we conducted a co-immunoprecipitation
assay using nuclear proteins and plastid proteins isolated from
5-week-old rosette leaves of double transgenic plants (PWHY1-
HA plus oeCIPK14-GFP). The fraction pulled down by the anti-
body against HA tag was analyzed for the presence of CIPK14-
GFP using an antibody against GFP. The CIPK14 protein (about
70 kDa) was only detected in nuclear proteins (and nuclear
plus cytoplasm proteins), but not in plastid proteins (Figure 2C),
suggesting that the interaction between WHY1 and CIPK14
occurred predominantly in the nucleus.

Phosphorylation of WHY1 by CIPK14 Enhances Its

Binding with the Promoter of WRKY53
Since CIPK14 is a kinase, the interaction between CIPK14 and
WHY1 prompted us to test whether CIPK14 could phosphorylate
WHY1. An in-gel kinase assay using recombinant WHY1 and
Figure 1. WHY1 Protein Immunodetection in Different CIPK14 proteins showed a strong band of 28 kDa correspond-
Compartments of Arabidopsis Cells from the Pwhy1-WHY1-HA ing to phosphorylated WHY1 (Figure 3A). In contrast, a mutated
Line and at Different Development Stages. version of CIPK14, CIPK14T168D, in which the Thr168 located at
(A) WHY1 protein isolated from plastid and the nucleus fractions of the kinase activation loop (Guo et al., 2001) was replaced by
6-week-old rosette leaves.
Asp, was not able to phosphorylate WHY1 in vitro (Figure 3A).
(B) Nuclear WHY1 and nuclear WHY1 treated with phosphatase from
Phosphorylation of WHY1 by CIPK14 was further confirmed
6-week-old rosette leaves. Asterisk indicates the phosphorylated form
of WHY1.
using cell extracts from 6-week-old transgenic plants overex-
(C) 12 mg of plastid WHY1 and nuclear WHY1 or nuclear WHY1 treated pressing CIPK14 (oeCIPK14) and the wild-type plants, whereas
with phosphatase isolated from 3- to 8-week-old Arabidopsis rosette phosphorylation of WHY1 was not detected from the kdCIPK14
leaves. plants, in which the expression of CIPK14 was knocked down
An antibody directed against the HA tag was used for detection of the (Figure 3B).
WHY1 fusion proteins, The purity of the subcellular protein fractions
was shown by immunological detection of the plastid protein cyto- To examine WHY1 phosphorylation status in vivo under various
chrome b559 (a-Cytb559) and the nuclear protein histone H2B (a-His- CIPK14 expression levels, the nuclear extracts from 5-week-old
tone H2B). Asterisk indicates the phosphorylated form of WHY1.
rosette leaves of PWHY1-HA plants and PWHY1-HA plants
overexpressing CIPK14 (oeCIPK14/PWHY1-HA) or knockdown
the candidate proteins interacting with WHY1 was identified CIPK14 (kdCIPK14/PWHY1-HA) were isolated and subjected to
as CIPK14, a CBL-interacting serine/threonine-protein kinase immunodetection using high-Tris PAGE gel; phosphorylated
(in the family of SNF1-related kinases; see Luan, 2009). The bands of WHY1-HA were detected in the oeCIPK14/PWHY1-
CIPK14-GFP fusion protein was localized both in the cytoplasm HA plants, while dephosphorylated bands of WHY1-HA accumu-
and the nucleus of onion epidemic cells and Arabidopsis proto- lated more strongly in the kdCIPK14/PWHY1-HA plants by both
plasts (Figure 2A-a,f). HA antibody and the Thr168 position phosphor antibody. In the
plastid extracts from these transgenic plants, the protein amount
To confirm that CIPK14 and WHY interact in vivo, we performed a of WHY1-HA slightly declined in the oeCIPK14/PWHY1-HA
bimolecular fluorescence complementation assay. Cotransfor- plants but significantly increased in the kdCIPK14/PWHY1-HA
mation of the protoplasts with the constructs CIPK14-cmyc- plants, nevertheless showing no phosphorylation phenomenon.
GFPn173 and WHY1-HA-GFPc155 containing the full-length All these results indicate that CIPK14-mediated phosphorylation
WHY1 resulted in fluorescent signals both in the nucleus and of WHY1 only occurred in the nucleus and was correlated to
cytoplasm. However, the fluorescent signal in the cytoplasm dis- CIPK14 expression, whereas the plastid form of WHY1 strikingly
appeared 4 h after transformation (Figure 2A-g). In contrast, showed no detectable phosphorylation (Figure 3C) but with
cotransformation of CIPK14-cmyc-GFPn173 and nWHY1-HA- changed protein amount.
GFPc155 that expresses the WHY1 without plastid transit
peptide generated fluorescent signals only in the nucleus As previously reported, WHY1 was able to bind to the pro-
(Figure 2A-i). Consistent with previous results (Grabowski et al., moter of WRKY53 (Miao et al., 2013). We then examined the
2008), expression of the full-length WHY1 fused with GFP effect of CIPK14-mediated WHY1 phosphorylation on its
showed fluorescence in plastids (Figure 2A-d), but expression DNA-binding affinity to WRKY53 promoter by ChIP–PCR
of nWHY1 fused with GFP generated fluorescence in the and electrophoretic mobility shift assay (EMSA). The chro-
nucleus (Figure 2A-e). We confirmed the protein expression of matins were prepared from the 5-week-old rosette leaves of
Molecular Plant 10, 749–763, May 2017 ª The Author 2017. 751
Molecular Plant Phosphorylation of WHY1 by CIPK14 Affects Its Dual Functions

Figure 2. Localization of CIPK14 Protein and Interaction of CIPK14 and WHY1 by Bimolecular Fluorescence Complementation Assay
and CoIP.
(A) Onion epidermal cells or Arabidopsis wild-type protoplasts were transformed with 35S:CIPK14-GFP. Green fluorescence can be detected in the
cytoplasm and the nucleus (a, f). Onion epidermal cells were transformed with 35S:WHY1-GFP and 35S:nWHY1-HA-GFPc155 plus 35S:nWHY1-cmyc-
GFPn173 as positive controls (d, e) (Grabowski et al., 2008). Onion epidermal cells and Arabidopsis protoplasts were transformed with 35S:WHY1-HA-
GFPc155 plus 35S:CIPK14-cmyc-GFPn173 and 35S:nWHY1-HA-GFPc155 plus 35S:CIPK14-cmyc-GFPn173. Green fluorescence can be detected (left)
in the cytoplasm and the nucleus according to the time course (2, 4, 10, and 16 h) and bright field (right) (b, c, g, and i). WHY2 protein instead of WHY1 was
used as a negative control (h). The bar represents 100 mm.
(B) Western blot detection of CIPK14-GFP and WHY1-HA proteins isolated from the transformed protoplast according to the time course (2, 4, 10, and 16
h) using antibodies against GFP peptide and HA tag.
(C) The interaction detection of CIPK14 and WHY1 in the nucleus by co-immunoprecipitation. Protein extracts (plastid protein, P; nuclear protein, N; and
nuclear plus cytoplasm protein, N + C) of overexpressing CIPK14-GFP in a PWHY1-HA background line as input. CoIP with antibody against an HA tag;
the antibody against GFP was used to immunodetect the pull-down protein.

oeCIPK14/ID-nWHY1-HA, kdCIPK14/ID:nWHY1-HA, and ID- protein in the presence of ATP and CIPK14 protein revealed that
nWHY1-HA transgenic lines (see Methods section) after 4 h the binding affinity of the WHY1 protein to the promoter
induction by 20 mM estradiol treatment; the induced nWHY1 fragment of WRKY53 increased with incubation time (Figure 3E).
were confirmed by western blot (Figure 3D-b). The ChIP–qPCR However, the mutated CIPK14 (T168D) did not show any effect
experiment with anti-HA antibody showed that Pwrky53 and on the binding affinity with extended incubation time (Figure 3F),
Pwrky33 element enrichment was more than 2-fold higher in the indicating that the phosphorylation of WHY1 by CIPK14
oeCIPK14/ ID-nWHY1-HA, but largely decreased in the enhanced DNA–protein complex formation. Moreover, when the
kdCIPK14/ID-nWHY1-HA compared with the ID-nWHY1-HA nuclear proteins, which were extracted from the 6-week-old
plants (Figure 3D-a), Actin was used as an inner control. A rosette leaves of the oeCIPK14/PWHY1-HA line, kdCIPK14/
series of EMSA experiments using purified recombinant WHY1 PWHY1-HA line, or PWHY1-HA plants were incubated with
752 Molecular Plant 10, 749–763, May 2017 ª The Author 2017.
Phosphorylation of WHY1 by CIPK14 Affects Its Dual Functions Molecular Plant

Figure 3. The Phosphorylation of WHY1 by CIPK14 Affects the Binding Affinity of WHY1 at the WRKY53 Promoter by ChIP-qPCR and
(A and B) The phosphorylation of WHY1 by the recombinant purified CIPK14 kinase (A) and plant extracts (B) from oeCIPK141(oe5), kdCIPK14(kd1), and
wild-type plants (wt) in an in vitro gel kinase assay. CIPK14, purified recombinant protein expressed in E. coli; WHY1, purified recombinant protein
expressed in E. coli; CIPK14m, purified recombinant protein CIPK14 mutated 168T/D expressed in E. coli; CKII and casein used as controls.
(C) The phosphorylation status of nuclear and plastid WHY1 protein isolated from 6-week-old rosette leaves of oeCIPK14 (oe5:oeCIPK14-5;oe6:oe-
CIPK14-6), kdCIPK14 (kd1:kdCIPK14-1;kd4:kdCIPK14-4) in a PWHY1-HA background and PWHY1-HA plants. Asterisk indicates the phosphorylated
form of WHY1. An antibody against Pi-Thr168 (provided by the Biochemistry Department of Tuebingen University) was used to immunodetect the
phosphorylated form WHY1. Coomassie staining shows the same amount of loading proteins.
(D) The enrichment of WRKY53 and WRKY33 promoter (Pwrky53, Pwrky33) of WHY1-targeted genes detected by ChIP–qPCR (a) using 5-week-old
rosette leaves of oeCIPK14 (oe5), kdCIPK14 (kd1) in the ID-nWHY1-HA background, and ID-nWHY1 plants in the wild-type background after 4 h induction
with 20 mM estradiol. The induced nWHY1-HA protein was detected by antibody against an HA tag (b). Asterisks (*P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001) show
significant differences from the ID-nWHY1 line according to Student’s t test. Actin was used as an inner control for ChIP–qPCR.
(E) The binding affinity of WHY1 to the Pwrky53 element after incubating with plant extract proteins from oeCIPK14 (oe5,oe6), kdCIPK14 (kd1,kd4), and
wild-type (wt) in a PWHY1-HA background. 25x, 50x, 25-fold and 50-fold specific competitor; Pwrky53 element, GTCAAAT.AAAAT (see Miao et al.,
2013). The western blot with HA tag antibody after incubation of the plant extract proteins shows the same amount of WHY1 proteins.
(F and G) The binding affinity of WHY1 to the Pwrky53 element after incubating with recombinant CIPK14 and CIPK14m protein from E. coli. With a time
course (0,1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 h), the Pwrky53 element was incubated with purified CIPK14(F) and CIPK14m(G). 25x, 50x, 25-fold, and 50-fold specific
competitor; Pwrky53 element, GTCAAAT.AAAAT (see Miao et al., 2013). The western blot with His tag antibody after incubation of the recombinant
WHY1 proteins shows the same amount of WHY1 proteins.

Pwrky53 element by EMSA, a stronger signal appeared for young leaf and died 20 days after germination, showing
the oeCIPK14/PWHY1-HA line and a much weaker signal for severe senescence and an early seedling-lethal phenotype
the kdCIPK14/PWHY1-HA line, compared with the PWHY1-HA (Figure 4A). To revise this lethalness, a CIPK14 interference
plants (Figure 3G). The loading control in the gel shift experiment knockdown line was generated (Supplemental Figure 2C). The
was done using western blot with antibody against 6xHis tag plants showed an early senescence and cell death phenotype
and HA tag. Both ChIP–qPCR in vivo and the EMSA DNA- (Figure 4B and 4D). In addition, a CIPK14-overexpressing line
binding assay in vitro demonstrated that phosphorylation of was produced (Supplemental Figure 2B), and the CIPK14
WHY1 by CIPK14 enhances the binding of WHY1 with the pro- mRNA level of different knockdown or overexpression lines was
moter of WRKY53. quantified by qRT–PCR (Supplemental Figure 2D). In the
oeCIPK14 lines, 5% of plants of a total 205 T1 transgenic lines
unexpectedly displayed variegation patterns with pale-green
Alteration of CIPK14 Expression Level Produces plants (oeCIPK14var) and the other 95% of plants showed
Multiple Phenotypes a stay-green phenotype (Figure 4B). The fluorescence of
Under illumination for16 h, seedlings of a CIPK14 T-DNA insertion chlorophyll of oeCIPK14var leaves was visualized with a strong
line (Supplemental Figure 2A) grew yellow from the old leaf to diminution in chlorophyll autofluorescence compared with
Molecular Plant 10, 749–763, May 2017 ª The Author 2017. 753
Molecular Plant Phosphorylation of WHY1 by CIPK14 Affects Its Dual Functions
Figure 4. Phenotype Analyses of CIPK14
(A) A T-DNA insertion line (a, koCIPK14 homo-
zygous line; b, koCIPK14 heterozygous line; c,
wild-type) of the CIPK14 gene shows a lethal
(B) 5% variegation pale-green phenotypes
(oevar:oeCIPK14var) shown in oeCIPK14 lines;
chlorophyll autofluorescence of the oevar line and
the wild-type (wt) are observed under confocal
(C) The phenotypes of the leaves from plants
grown for 10 weeks are observed by arrangement
of leaves according to their age with number
one being the oldest and a whole rosette upside
down. An early senescence phenotype in two
kdCIPK14 lines (kd1 and kd4) and a stay-green
phenotype in two oeCIPK14 lines (oe5 and oe6)
compared with wild-type are presented.
(D) Senescent leaf proportions are characterized
by 30 plants at week 10. The error bars indicate
the standard error of 2 3 6 independent mea-
(E) Chlorophyll content of CIPK14 mutants at
week 10; wt is set to 100%. The error bars
indicate the standard error of five independent

allocation of its non-phosphorylated form

in plastid, in order to further demonstrate
that CIPK14 might function as a phosphory-
lation shift of WHY1 allocation between
plastids and the nucleus, we conducted
wild-type plants under confocal microscopy (Figure 4B). At the immunodetection on the ratio of nuclear and plastid WHY1 pro-
end, two CIPK14-overexpressing lines (oeCIPK14-5 and tein in 5-week old rosette leaves of oeCIPK141/PWHY1-HA or
oeCIPK14-6) and two RNAi knockdown lines (kdCIPK14-1 and kdCIPK14/PWHY1-HA mutant lines. Since the different CIPK14
kdCIPK14-4) (Supplemental Figure 2) were subjected to mutant lines expressed variable amounts of CIPK14 proteins,
phenotype profiling. Thirty individual plants of each line were the ratio of plastid and nuclear isoforms of WHY1 changed
categorized by grouping the leaves at 10 weeks according to accordingly (Figure 5A and 5B). The amount of plastid isoform
their color (green; green/yellow; fully yellow; brown/dry; WHY1 protein decreased in the oeCIPK14 line, but increased in
Figure 4C and 4D). By this, two CIPK14-knockdown lines the kdCIPK14 line compared with the control plant PWHY1-HA.
showed less numbers of rosette leaves, early bolting at The amount of nuclear isoform of WHY1 did not change signifi-
4.5 weeks after germination, and an early yellowing phenotype at cantly, instead appeared more as phosphorylated proteins in
week 7, then sharply got brown with cell death after week 9; the oeCIPK141 lines. On the other hand, nearly all dephosphory-
two CIPK14-overexpressing lines showed a delay senescent lated protein was observed in the kdCIPK14 lines (Figures 3C
phenotype compared with wild-type (Figure 4C and 4D). The and 5A).
chlorophyll content was measured from the whole rosette of
10-week-old plants (Figure 4E). In the kdCIPK14 lines, it was Since plastid-localized WHY1 had implied functions on RNA
20%–30% of that of wild-type plants, whereas in the processing, the knockout WHY1 gene showed a plastid ribo-
oeCIPK14-5 and oeCIPK14-6 lines, it was 70%–180% of the some defect phenotype in maize and in barley (Prikryl et al.,
wild-type; however, the variegated pale-green plants contained 2008; Melonek et al., 2010; Zhang et al., 2013), the altered
chlorophyll less than 40% of the wild-type (Figure 4E). This allocation of plastid WHY1 by CIPK14 expression prompted
variegated pale-green phenotype was rather similar to why1why3 us to test whether the above-mentioned 5% variegated pale-
(Maréchal et al., 2009), why1why3polIb-1 (Lepage et al., 2013), green leaves in the oeCIPK14var line and the ‘‘stay-green’’
and ZmWHY1 phenotype (Prikryl et al., 2008; Zhang et al., 2013). phenotype of the oeCIPK14 lines had a relevant mechanism
for RNA processing. To this end, total RNAs isolated from
oeCIPK14var and oeCIPK14 plants were subjected to RNA
CIPK14 Modulates the Intracellular Distribution of WHY1 gel separation, and dot plots were conducted with different
between the Plastids and the Nucleus dilutions of RNA and northern blot analyses with probes for
Having shown that CIPK14 expression level changed the 16S, 23S, 4.5S, 5S rRNA, RPL, and RPS. The results showed
phosphorylation status of WHY1 protein in the nucleus and the that in the oeCIPK14var line, whole-plastid ribosomal RNAs
754 Molecular Plant 10, 749–763, May 2017 ª The Author 2017.
Phosphorylation of WHY1 by CIPK14 Affects Its Dual Functions Molecular Plant
Figure 5. WHY1 Protein and the Plastid
Ribosomal RNA Analyses of oeCIPK14
(oe5:oeCIPK14-5; oe6:oeCIPK14-6; var:
oeCIPK14var), kdCIPK14 (kd1:kdCIPK14-1;
kd4:kdCIPK14-4) in a PWHY1-HA Back-
ground and PWHY1-HA Plants.
(A and B) The distribution of plastid WHY1 pro-
tein and nuclear WHY1 protein from 5-week-
old rosette leaves of oeCIPK14, kdCIPK14 in a
PWHY1-HA background and PWHY1-HA plants
(A). Antibodies against an HA tag and Pi-Thr168
were used for immunodetection; Coomassie
staining was used as a loading control. The pro-
tein band signal was captured and calculated by
the ImageJ program (http://www.di.uq.edu.au/
sparqimagejblots) (B). The data are the average
of three replicates.
(C) Dot blots of total RNA (1 mg, 5 mg, 15 mg) iso-
lated from 4-week-old rosette leaves of CIPK14
mutants performed with plastid rDNA (4.5S, 5S,
16S, 23S rDNA), ribosome protein with large and
small subunits (RPL and RPS), ORF23 and ORF63
as probes, with pBluescript plasmid DNA as the
(D) Northern blot analyses of chloroplast 4.5S, 5S, 16S, 23S, RPL, RPS, and cytoplasmic 18S rRNAs. Total RNA (3 mg) from 4-week-old leaves of CIPK14
mutants were used for the northern blot experiments. Equal loading controls for northern blot analyses are shown in 18S.

were reduced, suggesting a ribosome deficiency. The stay- (Figure 6D). These results further indicated that CIPK14
green plants (oeCIPK14-5 and oeCIPK14-6) exhibited a defect phosphorylates nWHY1 and determines the distribution ratio of
in the biogenesis of the large ribosomal subunit (Figure 5C– pWHY1 and nWHY1 proteins, which determines the variegation
5D). The phenotypic similarity between the pale-green plants pale-green or early senescence phenotype of transgenic plants
and the ZmWHY1 knockout mutant as well as between the overexpressing CIPK14.
stay-green plants and the ore4 mutant in which the levels of
RPS17 mRNA and 16S rRNA were reduced (Woo et al., 2002)
both implied a similar pWHY1 function involved in plastid CIPK14 Regulates the Expression of WHY1 Target
RNA processing. Genes
To further define the CIPK14-WHY1 regulatory network, we
To further confirm that the above phenotype of CIPK14 examined the expression of 30 putative targeted genes of
mutants was due to the alternative isoform WHY1, the con- WHY1, some WHY1 function-related genes, as well as the
structs overexpressing plastid isoform WHY1 (oepWHY1-HA), three WHIRLY family members in the CIPK14 mutants (Miao
and nuclear isoform WHY1 (oenWHY1-HA) plants were et al., 2013; Comadira et al., 2015). As expected, changes
transformed to oeCIPK14-5, oeCIPK141var, and kdCIPK14-1 in the transcript levels of a number of senescence- and
transgenic plants, respectively (Supplemental Figure 3). cell-death-related genes such as WRKY53, SAG12, WRKY33,
The homozygous double transgenic plants of oepWHY1/ SAG101, NDHF, PDF1.2-3, and double-strand-break (DSB)-re-
oeCIPK14-5 or oepWHY1/oeCIPK14var recovered their lated genes such as MER11 and RAD50 (Vannier et al., 2006;
background plant phenotype showing a wild-type-like Ronceret et al., 2009), as well as chlorophyll syntheses-
phenotype (Figure 6A–6B) with increased pWHY1 accumulation related enzyme protochlorophyllide oxidoreductase gene
in plastids (Figure 6C). However, transgenic plants of (POR), were observed (Figure 7A and 7B); Overexpressing
oenWHY1/oeCIPK14-5 enhanced the stay-green phenotype of or knocking down CIPK14 had no obvious effect on
oeCIPK14-5 lines, and those of oenWHY1/oeCIPK14var did not gene expression of WHY1, WHY2, and WHY3, but both
significantly change the oeCIPK14var phenotype (Figure 6A– significantly promoted PDF1.2a, PDF1.2b, PDF1.3, and
6B), both of which showed increased amount of nWHY1 protein SAG101 transcript levels. Overexpression of CIPK14
in the nucleus (Figure 6C); neither pWHY1 nor nWHY1 significantly downregulated the expression of WRKY53,
ameliorated the yellowing phenotype of kdCIPK14, and even WRKY33, SAG12, and NDHF genes as well as the levels
enhanced yellowing (Figure 6A–6B and Supplemental of plastid ribosomal RNAs except for 5S rRNA, whereas
Figure 2E). To understand molecular basis underlying the the transcript levels of MER11, RAD50, and POR were
observed phenotypes, we examined the expression of upregulated. Consistently, knockdown of CIPK14 upregulated
senescence-related target genes of WHY1. Only expression of the expression of WRKY53, WRKY33, SAG12, and NDHF
SAG12 was significantly upregulated in the oenWHY1/kdCIPK14, (Zapata et al., 2005) but downregulated the expression of
while expression of NDHF, SAG101, and PDF1.2 were largely up- MER11, RAD50, and POR (Figure 7A and 7B). These results
regulated in the oepWHY1/kdCIPK14 compared with the indicate that alteration of CIPK14 did not change the WHY1
kdCIPK14 line. In contrast, WRKY53 expression showed little transcript level but did modify the phosphorylation status of
change in both double lines compared with the kdCIPK14 line nWHY1 and the distribution ratio of pWHY1 and nWHY1
Molecular Plant 10, 749–763, May 2017 ª The Author 2017. 755
Molecular Plant Phosphorylation of WHY1 by CIPK14 Affects Its Dual Functions
Figure 6. Genetic Complementation of
CIPK14 Mutants with Overexpression of
Plastid WHY1 and Nuclear WHY1 Partially
Recovers the CIPK14 Mutant Phenotype.
(A) Phenotype analyses of a series of double
mutants of CIPK14 and WHY1 (Supplemental
Figure 3) Leaves from the transgenic plants are
laid out in order of leaf emergence as indicated
by the numbers. Number 1 is the oldest. Results
from one of five biological replicates are shown.
(B) The proportion of senescent leaves is
characterized by 20 plants at week 7. The error
bars indicate the standard error of 2 3 6
independent measurements.
(C) 12 mg of plastid (P) and nuclear (N) protein
from 4-week-old transgenic plants were im-
munodetected by antibody against an HA tag.
WB, western blot.
(D) The gene expression of WHY1 downstream
senescence-related genes detected in a series of
complementation lines of CIPK14 and WHY1
mutants by qRT–PCR. The relative expression
level of the gene is normalized to Actin, with the
wild-type as 1. The standard error bars present
three time biological replicates and three tech-
nical replicates, n = 3 3 3 = 9; the values are
shown as means ± SD. Asterisks (*P < 0.05, **P <
0.01, ***P < 0.001) show significant differences
compared to the kdCIPK14 line according to
Student’s t test.

hypotheses: first, the WHY1 protein in

plastids produces or affects a retrograde
signal, for example, small metabolites,
reactive oxygen species (Lepage et al.,
2013; Comadira et al., 2015), or hormone
accumulation (unpublished results in our
lab). The why1why3polIb-1 mutants of
Arabidopsis accumulated a higher amount
of reactive oxygen species (Lepage et al.,
2013). Knockdown WHY1 in barley affected
proteins, resulting in the remodeling of gene expression the expression level of NDH as well as the expression of
patterns of downstream-targeted genes. photosystem-related genes, suggesting WHY1 might be a
potential target for redox regulation (Foyer et al., 2014; Comadira
et al., 2015) and link the chloroplast signal to the nucleus. If this is
DISCUSSION true, WHY1 may have a function in plant adaptation to oxidative
A fundamental question in plant biology is how information stress (Lepage et al., 2013). Second, WHY1 might be
exchanges between plastids and the nucleus coordinate sequestered at a certain time point or at a modified situation into
cellular function. In the work reported here, we have provided the nucleus as a transcription factor. The first evidence was
evidence that a serine/threonine SNF1-related protein kinase provided from studies using a recombinant form of WHY1, which
(CIPK14) was able to interact with the dual-targeted WHY1 pro- was able to translocate from transplastomic chloroplasts to the
tein, altering its phosphorylation status, and in this way provided nucleus (Isemer et al., 2012). Repression of downstream gene
a switch controlling its localization, distribution, and function in WRKY53 by WHY1 in the nucleus was dependent on the
either plastids or the nucleus. developmental stage (Miao et al., 2013). Analysis of the WHY1
protein sequence revealed 18 potential phosphorylation sites (13
Plastid-to-nucleus retrograde signaling was well known for playing serines and 5 threonines) at regions between positions 19 and 24,
roles in coordinating the proper expression of those nuclear genes positions 107 and 152, and positions 296 and 303. In this study,
encoding plastid-localized proteins associated with plastid devel- we found that WHY1 phosphorylation status in the nucleus was
opment and nuclear events. However, the molecular connections increased with plant aging (Figure 1C). By using a biochemical
are still largely unknown. The dual-located protein WHY1 was pro- and genetic approach, we identified a WHY1 interacting partner,
posed as a retrograde signaling molecule between organelles and CIPK14, which was located in both the cytoplasm and nucleus
the nucleus (Krause and Krupinska, 2009). There might be two (Figure 2). CIPK14 was able to phosphorylate WHY1 and
756 Molecular Plant 10, 749–763, May 2017 ª The Author 2017.
Phosphorylation of WHY1 by CIPK14 Affects Its Dual Functions Molecular Plant
Figure 7. WHY1 Downstream Gene Expres-
sion by Quantitative RT–PCR in CIPK14
qRT–PCR analyses of downstream related
genes of WHY1 in CIPK14 mutants, including
the DSB-related genes and plastid rRNA
genes (A), the senescence-related and cell
death-related genes (B). The relative gene
expression level was normalized to Actin, with
the wild-type as 1. The standard error bars
present three biological replicates and three
technical replicates, n = 3 3 3 = 9; the values
are shown as means ± SD. Asterisks (*P < 0.05,
**P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001) show significant differ-
ences compared with Col-0 wild-type according to
Student’s t test. oe5:oeCIPK14-5; oe6:oeCIPK14-6;
kd1:kdCIPK14-1; kd4:kdCIPK14-4.

Protein phosphorylation is a post-

transcriptional modification critical for pre-
cise functions. Intriguingly, plant SNF1-
related protein kinase 1 (SnRK1) modulates
transcriptional, metabolic, and develop-
mental processes (Cho et al., 2012, 2016).
The SnRK kinase family could physically
and functionally interact with a group of
Ca2+ sensors, Calcineurin B-like (CBL)
proteins (Luan, 2009). Increasing evidence
enhanced nucleus accumulation of phosphorylated WHY1 has highlighted the dynamic localization of CIPKs as
(Figure 3). The increased phosphorylation of the nuclear isoform determined by their specific CBL partners, in alternative CBL–
WHY1 protein promoted the binding of WHY1 to the promoter of CIPK complexes at either the plasma membrane or the
WRKY53, which led to decreased expression of WRKY53 at the tonoplast (Waadt et al., 2008; Tang et al., 2015) or other
early leaf senescence stage (at week 5–6) and SAG12 gene subcellular compartments (Batistic et al., 2010). The CBL–CIPK
expression, resulting in the stay-green phenotype as expected. regulatory pathways involved in plants responded to
However, in plants overexpressing CIPK14, only 95% of stay- environmental stresses, to general and ionic stresses in
green phenotype appeared and the remaining 5% showed a particular (Luan, 2009; Tang et al., 2015). CIPK14 is one of the
variegation pale-green phenotype (Figure 4). This 5% pale-green serine-threonine SNF1-related protein kinases, which was previ-
phenotype had decreased whole-plastid ribosomal RNA, hinting ously reported to interact with a calcium-binding protein,
at ribosome deficiency, while the 95% stay-green plants only AtCBL2. Accumulation of AtCBL2 transcripts is activated differ-
exhibited a partial defect in the biogenesis of the large ribosomal entially upon treatment with light and cytokinins (Chikano et al.,
subunit (16S, 23S, RPL, and RPS); albeit both of them showed 2001; Nozawa et al., 2001, 2003; Hrabak et al., 2003; Akaboshi
decreased plastid isoform of WHY1 proteins (Figure 5). These et al., 2008). CIPK14 appears to have roles in regulating the
observations were similar to the ore4-1 mutant in which reduced responses of Arabidopsis to ABA and salt stress (Qin et al.,
RPS17 mRNA and 16S rRNA level and extended leaf longevity 2008) and is involved in PhyA-mediated FR inhibition of seedling
were described by Woo et al. (2002). The T-DNA insertion line of greening (Qin et al., 2010). Knockout of CIPK14 displayed
CIPK14 showed a lethal phenotype (serious early senescence etiolated seedlings under far-red light after transfer to white light
and cell death), whereas knocking down CIPK14 not only (Qin et al., 2010). In our experiment, similarly, loss-of-function in
upregulated the expression of senescence-related WRKY53, CIPK14 showed yellow seedlings, even resulting in a lethal
SAG12, WRKY33, and NDHF genes but also downregulated the phenotype. Knocking down CIPK14 facilitated the accumulation
expression of MER11 and RAD50 genes known to be involved in of plastid WHY1 proteins coupled with dephosphorylated nuclear
plastid DNA double-strand break DNA repair (Vannier et al., WHY1. Phenotypically, plants of CIPK14 knockdown had fewer
2006; Ronceret et al., 2009) as well as downregulated the rosette leaves, early bolting and flowering, and were early senes-
expression of photosystem-related NDHF and POR genes cent or even lethal. However, the phenotype of the CIPK14
(Figure 7). Interestingly, either overexpressing or knocking down knockdown mutant could not be recovered by complementation
CIPK14 promoted the expression of cell-death-related genes of plastid WHY1 or nuclear WHY1 protein as we described
PDF1.2a, PDF1.2b, PDF1-3, and SAG101, likely an indirect above (Figure 6). In fact, our previous result showed that
effect. Thus, we have identified that CIPK14 affected WHY1 dual overexpressing plastid isoform WHY1 mutants caused an
localization and dual function in plastids and in the nucleus and etiolated seedling (Supplemental Figure 4). The decreased
determined the ratio of nWHY1/pWHY1 for its functioning in expression of NADPH:protochlorophyllide oxidoreductase
leaves of Arabidopsis. (POR) gene (Figure 7), which was encoded by a key enzyme in
Molecular Plant 10, 749–763, May 2017 ª The Author 2017. 757
Molecular Plant Phosphorylation of WHY1 by CIPK14 Affects Its Dual Functions
phosphorylated WRKY33 enhanced the binding affinity on ACS
gene promoters or its own promoter and mediated the ethylene
response or cell death (Zhou et al., 2009; Mao et al., 2011; Li
et al., 2012). Likewise, AHK3 was responsible for the
phosphorylation of ARR2, which was involved in cytokinin-
mediated control of leaf longevity (Kim et al., 2006). Our data
suggested that knocking down CIPK14 not only decreased
nWHY1 accumulation (Figure 5) but also decreased the
phosphorylation of nWHY1 (Figure 3). The dephosphorylated
nWHY1 had a lower binding affinity with the promoter of the
WRKY53 gene (Figure 3), which promoted WRKY53 transcription
and then enhanced SAG12 gene expression, resulting in an early
senescence phenotype (Figure 4). However, complementation of
nWHY1 in the kdCIPK14 line did not recover the senescent
phenotype and decreased the expression of the WRKY53 gene,
but the expression of SAG12 was more pronounced (Figure 6).
This indicated that only the phosphorylated nWHY1 is the
prominent limitation factor for WRKY53-mediated leaf
senescence initiation at the early senescence stage (at week
5–6), and likely WRKY33-mediated abiotic stress or biotic stress-
related senescence and cell death at the late stage (at week 6–8).
Although phosphorylated nWHY1 was increased with the
progress of plant senescence but WRKY53 expression was
downregulated after senescence initiation at the late senescence
stage (Hinderhofer and Zentgraf, 2001), this was not fully
Figure 8. CIPK14 Level Control WHY1 Subcellular Localization
and Its Prominent Functions in Plastids and the Nucleus, consistent with the expression pattern of WRKY53 during leaf
Providing a Model for Retrograde Signaling between Plastids development. This could be explained by the fact that the
and the Nucleus at the Early Leaf Developmental Stage in phosphorylated nWHY1 also enriched at the WRKY33 promoter
Arabidopsis. (Figure 3D and Miao et al., 2013) or at other WHY1 target genes,
WHIRLY1 has different functions in plastid and the nucleus. The ratio of and was even involved in regulation of chromatin remodeling
nWHY1/pWHY1 is determined by the CIPK14 expression level in the cell. (Janack et al., 2016). Therefore, CIPK14 might be an upstream
The phosphorylation status of WHY1 by CIPK14 kinase affects the binding regulator of multiple cell senescence and cell death phenomena.
affinity of WHY1 protein with the promoter of the downstream gene to On the other hand, as for WRKY53, many other factors such as
control gene expression and the phenotype. Therefore, CIPK14 plays a
MEKK1 (Miao et al., 2007), AD protein (Miao et al., 2008), UPL5
key role in switching the roles of WHY1 in the nucleus and plastids.
(Miao and Zentgraf, 2010), ESR (Miao and Zentgraf, 2007), REV
Impairment of CIPK14 leads to seedling de-greening and plastid damage
due to the distribution of WHY1 in plastids and the nucleus. The impair-
(Xie et al., 2014), and HDA9 (Chen et al., 2016) all co-regulated
ment of CIPK14 leads to a preference for senescence initiation due to the WRKY53 expression. Further molecular analyses of the effects of
phosphorylation status of WHY1 in the nucleus. CIPK14-mediated nWHY1 phosphorylation on the expression of
target genes of WHY1 may provide new insight into the fine-tune
mechanism of cell senescence initiation in future.
chlorophyll biosynthesis in higher plants by knocking down
CIPK14 might explain the phenotype as an indirect senescence Taken together, this study demonstrates that WHIRLY1 has
and cell death effect. This was likely to be associated with PhyA different functions in plastids and the nucleus, and the ratio of
and/or CIPK14-mediated FR inhibition of greening chlorophyll nWHY1/pWHY1 is determined by the CIPK14 expression level
accumulation, since POR catalyzed the light-dependent reduction in the cell. Phosphorylation of WHY1 by CIPK14 kinase affects
of protochlorophyllide (Pchlide) to chlorophyllide (Chlide) and the binding affinity of WHY1 protein to the promoter of down-
played a pivotal role in chlorophyll biosynthesis in higher plants. stream genes, thus controlling gene expression and giving rise
Severe repression of POR genes was coupled with irreversible to the relevant phenotype. Therefore, CIPK14 plays a key role
plastid damage (Qin et al., 2010). In contrast, transcripts in switching the roles of WHY1 in the nucleus and plastids, anal-
encoding photosynthetic proteins, including NDHF (Figure 7), the ogous to the function of SNF1-KIN10 (Baena-Gonzale et al.,
thylakoid NADH dehydrogenase, cytochrome b/f complexes 2007; Mathur et al., 2011; Blanco et al., 2014; Ng et al., 2013a).
(Zapata et al., 2007), and chloroplast ribosomes were more Moreover, light conditions (Qin et al., 2010), sugar (Lee et al.,
abundant in the WHY1-deficient leaves than those in the wild- 2005; Yan et al., 2014), or a cytokinin (Gan and Amasino, 1995)
type (Comadira et al., 2015). On the other hand, a few reports or calcium-calmodulin signal (Akaboshi et al., 2008), which
have revealed that protein phosphorylation of transcription promote CIPK14 expression, might control the subcellular
factors affected their DNA-binding affinity at the promoter of localization and prominent functions of dual-located WHY1
downstream target genes and thus their target gene proteins. Indeed, the CIPK14 expression level and CIPK14
expressions. For example, MEKK1-phosphorylated WRKY53 protein level also increased during plant aging (Supplemental
increased the binding affinity of WRKY53 at its own promoter Figure 5), further revealing that their functions might provide
and activated WRKY53 gene expression, resulting in an early insights into retrograde signaling between plastid and nucleus
leaf senescence phenotype (Miao et al., 2007); MPK3/MPK6- (Figure 8).
758 Molecular Plant 10, 749–763, May 2017 ª The Author 2017.
Phosphorylation of WHY1 by CIPK14 Affects Its Dual Functions Molecular Plant
It has become increasingly clear that retrograde signaling probably mRNA Preparation, Quantitative RT–PCR, and Northern Blot
includes, at least, factors associated with MAP kinase or hormone, Analyses
the WHIRLY family, and SNF1 kinase. Most of these factors appear mRNA was extracted from entire rosettes of Arabidopsis using a
to integrate the signals emitted by mitochondria (Law et al., 2015) Chemagic mRNA Direct Kit according to the manufacturer’s protocol
or chloroplasts and might represent just the founder members of (Chemagen, Germany). First-strand cDNA was synthesized using the
much larger signaling networks associated with retrograde qScript cDNA SuperMix Kit according to the manufacturer’s protocol
signaling. Moreover, in most cases plastid signals seem to (Quanta Biosciences, VWR, USA). Gene-specific primers were developed
for the genes SAG12, WRKY33, WRKY53, WHY1, 2, 3, and WHY1
involve more than a simple signal that moves directly from the
downstream-targeted genes as well as for ACTIN2 as an internal control.
inside of the organelle to the nucleus (Woo et al., 2016). Thus,
Primer pairs are referred to Miao et al. (2013); other primer sequences are
organelle dysfunction could induce specific transcription factors shown in Supplemental Table 1. The expression of the genes was
re-localized to the ER (DeClercq et al., 2013; Ng et al., 2013a, monitored by applying 1 mL of the diluted cDNA in an SYBR Green Real-
2013b), or from the plastid (WHY1) or mitochondrion (WHY2) into Time PCR analysis using the qPCR SYBR Green Kit (Quanta Biosciences,
the cytoplasm or the nucleus, and consequently, enabling them VWR, USA) according to the manufacturer’s protocol. Data analysis
either to serve as signaling intermediaries between organelles was accomplished using iCycler (Bio-Rad). To calculate PCR efficiencies,
and the nucleus or to act directly on nuclear genes. four different cDNA dilutions were applied. To determine the relative
expression rate, data were normalized to the expression level in wild-
type, and these basic points were set to 1; the relative expression formula
METHODS described by Pfaffl (2001) was used. Each value represents three technical
replicates of three biological replicates (nine measurements altogether).
Plant Materials
Plants of Arabidopsis thaliana, ecotype Columbia, and a series of Northern blotting was done as described by Melonek et al. (2010) and
CIPK14 mutant plants were grown in a growth chamber at 22 C with Zhang et al. (2016); 1 mg, 5 mg, and 15mg of RNAs were used to do dots
16 h of illumination under low light conditions (70 mmol s 1 m 2). Under blot, 3 mg of RNA was used to do northern blots; the probes 16S, 23S,
these conditions, wild-type plants bolted at week 5–6 and developed 4.5S, 5S rRNA, RPL, and RPS were labeled by 32P via a T4 ligase
flowers within 11–12 weeks; mature seeds could be harvested after assay. Hybridization probes were prepared from the PCR fragments of
12–13 weeks. Colored threads were used to label entire rosette leaves after the following genes of the chloroplast genome (GenBank: AP000423):
their emergence as previously described (Hinderhofer and Zentgraf, 2001). 16S (101406–101866), 23S (104691–105063), 23S (107296–107480),
4.5S (107587–107729), and 5S (107926–108087) rRNAs.
Chlorophylls were extracted from whole rosettes with hot methanol in the
presence of magnesium hydroxide carbonate. Chlorophyll concentrations Production of Recombinant CIPK14 and CIPK14m168T/D
were determined according to Lichtenthaler (1987). Protein
The CIPK14 sequence was cloned into the Gateway protein expression
T-DNA insertion lines SALK_009699 (CIPK14-1), SALK_147899, and vector pDESTTM17 containing a 6xHis tag for purification (Invitrogen).
SALK_149471 (CIPK14-2) for CIPK14 were provided by NASC. They CIPK14m168T/D clones were produced with a site-mutagenesis kit
were confirmed by PCR with the primers suggested by the T-DNA Express (Strategies Company) according to the manufacturer’s protocol. The
tool of the SALK institute and by RT–PCR with gene-specific primers CIPK14cds 168 position amino acid was replaced with Thr of Asp by
(Supplemental Figure 2). SALK_147899 and SALK_149471 lines could designing the primer. The recombinant protein was expressed in the Es-
no longer generate seeds. cherichia coli strain BL21-S1 and purified by nickel NTA affinity chroma-
tography and dialyzed according to the manufacturer’s protocol. The
Overexpression of CIPK14, CIPK14 RNAi, and a Series of recombinant WHY1 protein was isolated using the method described by
Double Mutants of CIPK14 and WHY1 Miao et al. (2013).
The full-length coding sequence of CIPK14 and a 198 bp fragment
In Vitro DNA-Binding Assays
sequence were amplified by PCR using cDNA U09142, cloned into
pENTR/TOPO Gateway vector and sequenced to verify PCR product EMSAs were performed essentially as described by Miao et al. (2004, 2007),
sequences. After transfer of the full-length CIPK14 and 198 bp fragment but 32P was labeled by T4 ligase. To test the influence of phosphorylation of
constructs to the binary destination vectors pB7YWG2.0 and WHY1 on its DNA-binding activity, the phosphorylation reaction of WHY1
pB7GWIWGW2(I) (Karimi et al., 2002), respectively, PWHY1-HA proteins was performed by incubation of 1 mg of purified recombinant
plants (Miao et al., 2013) and wild-type were transformed using CIPK14 protein or the CIPK14m168T/D protein and 400 ng of purified
agrobacterium-mediated flower transformation with the vacuum recombinant WHY1 protein with kinase buffer (25 mM Tris [pH 7.5],
infiltration procedure (Miao et al., 2004). The seedlings grown from the 10 mM MgCl2 containing 0.135 mM NaVO4, 2 mM DTT, 50 mM ATP, and
collected seeds of the infiltrated plants were selected by hygromycin. 0.05 mg/mL aprotinin, 0.5 mM leupeptin) and 0.02 pmol of a [g-32P]ATP-
labeled single-stranded DNA fragment in a total volume of 20 mL at 30 C
The oepWHY1-HA plasmid with the WHY1-HA protein only located in for 0, 15, 30, and 45 min. Subsequently, 5 mL of 100 mM EDTA was added
plastid and the oenWHY1-HA plasmid with the WHY1 protein only located to stop the reaction. The phosphorylated proteins were analyzed on 5%
in the nucleus were provided by the Krupinska group (Isemer et al., 2012). (w/v) polyacrylamide gels under non-denaturing conditions to perform
The ID-nWHY1-HA plasmid with the WHY1 protein only located in the nu- the DNA-binding assay. To show the specificity of the DNA–protein interac-
cleus under estradiol-inducible promoter was prepared according to Miao tion, a 20-, 50-, or 100-fold excess of the unlabeled DNA fragment was
et al. (2013). Three plasmids were transformed into oeCIPK14 and added. Alternatively, 3 mg of crude nuclear extracts from oeCIPK14/
kdCIPK14 lines as well as wild-type plants according to the above PWHY1-HA, kdCIPK14/PWHY1-HA, and wt/PWHY1-HA plants was used
procedure. The seedlings grown from the collected seeds of the instead of recombinant protein CIPK14 and WHY1 protein to perform the
infiltrated plants were selected by spraying with 0.1% (w/v) glufosinate same assay.
ammonium (Basta, Bayer Crop Science, Germany). Western blotting
with HA antibody detected positive double transgenic plants Yeast Two-Hybrid System
(Supplemental Figure 3), and screened the second generation (T2) with The activation domain (33 amino acids) of full-length WHY1 cDNA was
a 3:1 ratio to get homozygous transgenic plants. deleted (DWHY1), and the truncated cDNA was cloned into the bait

Molecular Plant 10, 749–763, May 2017 ª The Author 2017. 759
Molecular Plant Phosphorylation of WHY1 by CIPK14 Affects Its Dual Functions
pGBKT7 vector, which harbors the Trp1 selection marker, and was trans- containing 50 mCi [g-32P]ATP (5000 Ci/mmol) and one of the substrates
formed to yeast strain Y187. The cDNA expression library was prepared at a final protein concentration of 0.1 mg/mL. Casein (43 kDa) was used
from 5- and 7-week-old rosette leaves of Arabidopsis and cloned into as a control substrate. CKII was used as a positive kinase control. The
pGADT7-Rec vector containing the GAL4 activation domain and the reaction was terminated by the addition of 53 SDS sample loading buffer.
leu2 selection marker. The yeast strain AH109 was used to express this After electrophoresis on 8% (w/v) SDS–PAGE, the phosphorylated sub-
cDNA library. The two-hybrid screenings and assay were performed via strates were visualized by autoradiography (Miao et al., 2007).
the matting protocol as described in CLONTECH’s Matchmaker GAL4
two-hybrid system 3 and libraries user manual (Clontech/Biosciences, ChIP–qPCR Assay
Palo Alto, CA, USA). For confirmation of the protein–protein interaction,
ChIP assays were performed using the method described by Miao et al.
the full-length CIPK14 and DWHY1 cDNAs were cloned into the prey
(2013). A total of 1.5 g of leaf tissue from entire rosettes of 5-week-old
pGADT7 vector, which harbors the leu2 selection marker, and the bait
plants harboring oeCIPK14, kdCIPK14 in an estradiol-induced promoter
pGBKT7 vector, which contains the Trp1 selection marker, respectively.
fused to nWHY1-HA (ID-nWHY1-HA) background transgenic lines and
If WHY1 was used as bait construct in pGBKT7, the truncated version of
ID-nWHY1 line were treated with 20 mM estradiol after 4 h. The nWHY1
WHY1 (without activated domain) was inserted. The two-hybrid assays
protein was isolated, and induction was confirmed by western blotting.
were performed as described in CLONTECH’s MATCHMAKER GAL4
The fold enrichment was calculated by the ChIP/input ratio and then
Two- Hybrid System 3 Protocol to confirm the interaction.
normalized to the ID-nWHY1 line. Two biological replicates and three
technical replicates were carried out (n = 2 3 3).
Bimolecular Fluorescence Complementation Assay
The full-length WHY1 cDNA with a c-myc tag was cloned into pGFPn173c
vector (Miao et al., 2007) encoding the N-terminal part of the GFP protein
Supplemental Information is available at Molecular Plant Online.
and was sequenced. The full-length CIPK14 cDNA fragment with an HA
tag was cloned into the pGFPc155c vector encoding the C-terminal part
of the GFP protein under the CaMV35S promoter. All appropriate FUNDING
plasmids were isolated using a Maxi kit and transformed to Arabidopsis This work was supported by a grant from the German Research Founda-
protoplast by PEG assay (ZMBP, Transformation Center, Tuebingen, tion (MI1392/1-1) and a grant from the Natural Science Foundation of
Germany) and onion epidemic cell by biolist (Krause et al., 2005). China (31470383).
Protein expression was examined 2–48 h after transformation by
western blot analyses. GFP-dependent fluorescence was observed after
transformation for 2, 4, 8, 16, and 24 h incubation by using a confocal
Y.M. designed the research; Y.M. performed yeast two hybridization,
laser-scanning microscope (Leica SP8). The laser settings were as fol-
northern dot blotting, EMSA, and CoIP; Y.R. constructed the oeCIPK14
lows: 488 nm at 37% of maximal power and 543 nm at 100% of maximal
and kdCIPK14 plasmids, screened mutants, and performed qRT–PCR;
power. Photomultiplicator (PMT) 1 was set by using a 500- to 530-nm win-
Y.L. performed the bimolecular fluorescence complementation assay,
dow to collect the GFP fluorescence. For each construct, at least three
protein localization, and western blotting; Y.J. screened single and double
different independently transformed Arabidopsis protoplast batches
mutants and performed the phenotype analyses and ChIP–qPCR; B.W.
and four different independently transformed onion epidemic cells were
performed in-gel kinase and CIPK14 protein site mutagenesis. B.W. and
Y.M. analyzed the data and wrote the paper.

Co-immunoprecipitation of Plastid and Nuclear Proteins

The plastid and nuclear protein extracted from oeCIPK14-GFP/PWHY1-HA
We acknowledge Prof. Karin Krupinska of University of Kiel for providing
lines were incubated with the HA antibody at 4 C for 1 h on a rotating
oepWHY1-HA and oenWHY1-HA plasmid. The antibody against Pi-
wheel. After addition of protein G beads, the mixture was incubated likewise
Thr168 peptide was provided by the Biochemistry Department of Tuebin-
for 1 h and then centrifuged at 7000 rpm for 20 s. Protein G beads were
gen University. No conflict of interest declared.
washed three times with buffer (50 mM Tris–HCl, including 0.1% Nonidet
P-40 [pH 8.0]) and then resuspended in SDS–PAGE loading buffer.
Received: November 3, 2016
Revised: March 23, 2017
Isolation and Immunoblot Analysis of Plastid and Nuclear
Accepted: March 24, 2017
Published: April 11, 2017
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