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Fraternal greetings of peace and good "FIRSTNAME"!

Receive a hug full of affection from all the Capuchin Friars that we serve in Puerto Rico. We keep praying
for each other, giving thanks to God for your life, mine and that of so many with whom the Creator has
allowed us to coincide.

We begin the month of March and with it, on this occasion, we also begin Lent. Each year, this liturgical
season calls us to prepare to celebrate Easter, to conversion of heart and of life itself. Lent never hurts in
our lives. It is that opportune space to look at the path we are taking and ask ourselves if we are going in
the direction of Christ. We can be leading a pious life, praying every day, acting morally and spiritually in
an acceptable way, but without giving the real meaning and conviction to these actions. This is where
Lent invites us to review our routine… am I aware of what I am doing?

In the life of Saint Francis it is observed that he lived a total of five Lents... how long? Yes, five lent. The
stories of his life speak of the experience of spiritual preparation for liturgical festivals of special
relevance to the saint, such as Christmas, Easter, the feast of Saint Peter and Saint Paul, the Assumption
of Mary and the feast of Saint Michael. . Francisco enjoyed these days of intimacy with God in prayer
and penance. This is an invitation for each one, as the Ash Wednesday Gospel presented us: “When you
go to pray, go into your room, close the door and pray before your Father, who is there in secret” (Mt.
6 , 6). Separate ourselves from the noise, from the attention of the world, from the routine that
overwhelms us to put ourselves there, before God.

The Capuchin Friars want to invite you to make the most of this time that the Church providentially gives
us. We cultivate spiritual life day by day, with prayer and good works, but not automatically, but putting
our whole heart into each action. Saint Paul says: “Whatever you do, do it with love.” (1 Cor. 14, 16) Go
to the sacrament of reconciliation, prepare yourself in a special way for that beautiful encounter with
the merciful Father who comes to meet you. Seek to do some charity work in which you get out of your
comfort zone, be it physically or offering the Lord some work that costs more than others.

We dedicate this novena of prayer to the Capuchin works. In Puerto Rico, the friars and so many lay
people who collaborate with our charism, daily promote initiatives to be supportive and a close hand to
everyone who needs it, whether materially or spiritually. Day by day, the brothers listen, advise and
accompany many who seek or need clarity and peace in their lives. That company and listening that
manages to identify God himself in life and that animates and fills the face of the brother with light.

«FIRSTNAME», thanks to your contribution, we brothers can continue to serve by listening to and in the
company of so many. Likewise, in the support of charity projects in our communities, such as the food
initiatives in the Fondita Santa Marta in Utuado, in the San Antonio Parish in Río Piedras or in the Padre
Venard Home and the Pearl Showers in The old San Juan.

I invite you to include your prayer intentions on the ballot at the bottom of this letter. Send it to us as
soon as possible in the pre-addressed envelope together with your donation for the support of our
Capuchin works, in which you play an important part. Don't forget to include your membership number.

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