DND Shorts PVP Tournament Rules

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DnD Shorts PVP Tournament Rules!


1. This is a friendly tournament! DnD is a game that inherently revolves around luck; be
chill and don’t take it too seriously. Sometimes the dice gods are against you, sometimes
you get a really unlucky match up, don’t worry or get upset if things don’t go your way
this time; it’s all good fun!

2. You’ll be appearing live on stream to play. Any hate speech of any kind will not be
tolerated, and will result in an instant disqualification and banning from future live events.

3. Once your turn is done, win or lose, you’ll go to the back of the queue to play again if we
have time.

4. As time is precious, we need to keep things moving. Make your move as quickly as you

5. DMs calls are 100% final.

6. You will be added to the live call when it is your turn to play, and removed once your
round is finished.

7. Have fun! Win or lose this time, we’ll definitely try more of these in the future if it goes

Combat Rules:

DnD is not designed for PvP combat. As such there are a few rules on spells and abilities we
need to tweak in the interest of fairness.

1. All stats are Point Buy, no rolling at all. Hit Points on level are calculated by taking the
average roll of your hit dice + your con modifier

2. Multiclassing is allowed, using the usual multiclassing rules of 5e.

3. All characters must be Level 5.

4. Players start 60ft away from each other on the ground.

5. It is a 1v1 fight.
6. Flight speed is limited to a height of 10ft. It is too powerful otherwise. This applies to any
flying summons as well.

7. Summoning spells are incredibly powerful in 1v1 situations. Any summoning spell that
can summon multiple creatures (Eg. Conjure Animals) can only be cast to summon one
creature at the highest level. (In the case of Conjure Animals, one CR2 beast)

8. Time is of the essence! To keep the tension high and the fighting going, you have a time
limit per turn of 90 seconds maximum! Think about what your strategy might be before
the game begins!

Character Gear

1. Characters can bring up to two weapons with which they are proficient (including a

2. At this time, in the interest of balance, magical weapons and items are not allowed.
(spellcasting focuses and the like are fine, but no fire swords, wands, +1 weapons etc.)

EXAMPLE: Your weapons choices could be something like a Greatsword and Javelin, a
Heavy Crossbow and a Short Sword, or a Longsword and a Shield.

3. You may wear the following armor, as long as your character is proficient with it:

Light armor: Studded Leather

Medium armor: Breast Plate

Heavy armor: Splint Plate

4. Spellcasters may choose to sacrifice one level 1 spell slot before beginning the fight to
cast Mage Armor on themselves, if they have mage armor prepared.

5. Ammunition is not tracked. It is assumed you have plenty of crossbow bolts or hand
6. Aside from weapons and armour, any other objects and items you bring MUST be
included in your starting gear. This means you may have rope, or thieves tools, but likely
little else.

7. No potions, spellwrought tattoos, spell scrolls or other consumables are allowed. (They
make games go on forever)
8. Any gear you bring must be on your character sheet when you submit it to enter the
fight, and is subject to review.

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