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Annex 1

Addis Ababa University

Faculty of Business and Economics

Department of Public Administration and Development Management

Questionnaire Designed to Gather Data from Customers of Bishoftu Town Administration

Dear Sir/ Madam

This questionnaire is designed to collect data for the research to be under taken on the topic title
Customer’s Satisfaction in Land Delivery Services by urban Local Governments, A Case Study of
Bishoftu Town Administration. As a customer of Bishoftu Town Administration, your involvement in
this research as to give opinions on your experience on how much you are satisfied or the other way
round with the land delivery services rendered to you is highly important in order to achieve the
objectives of the research. Hence your cooperation to fill in this questionnaire is highly helpful.

Please indicate your response by circling your choice and, by giving your suggestion and comments
on the space provided.

N.B. Your name and address will not be stated in this research and all information that you provide
will be used for academic purposes and will be kept strictly confidential

Mohammedhussen Mama Masters Student in Masters of Public Administration

Thank you very Much

General Direction

1. Circle your choice from the given alternatives

2. Give your comments on the space provided for open ended questions

3. There is no need to write your name and address

I. Questions on General Background of the respontents/demograpjis data/ 1. male 2. Female

2. Age:

A. 15 - 30 years

B. 31 – 45 years

C. 46 – 60 years

D. Above 61 years

3. Educational Status

A. Illiterate

B. Able to read and write

C. Elementary (1 8 )

D. Complete jigj school (9 12)

E. Diploma

F. Degree

G. Others Qualification

4. What is your occupation?

A. Trader

B. Government employee

C. Private employee

D. Unemployed
II. General question to evaluate Level of customer satisfaction

1/ Jow o you get service delivery from Land Administration

1.very low


3. medium

4. jigj

5. very jigj

2/ Jow do employees of the Lan Adiminstration feel wjen tjeir servis delivering to you ?

1.Very jappy

2. Jappy

3. Neutral


5.Very unjappy

3/ Lan Adiministration empjasize the use of customer feedback to improve the quality
of land service delivery ?

1.Strongly agree




5.Strongly disagree

III/ General Questions Measuring Land Administration Serves delivery

4/ Wjat do you tjink is the series problem respect to Land use in ++++++++++++

1.Land Adeministration

2. Land Policy

3. Land scarcity

4. Land owner sjip

5.Otjers, specify

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