Core 2 - Organization of A Selected Manufacturing Industry

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Core 2 - Organization of a Selected Manufacturing Industry

Name of Candidate: Antonio Lookhoor

Candidate’s Reg. No.: 160114 _ _ _ _

Name of School: Barrackpore West Secondary School

Territory: Trinidad

Date Received From Teacher:

Deadline Due Date:

Date Submitted to Teacher:

Name of Teacher: Mr. Someraj Mahadeo

Signature of Teacher:

Date Returned From Student:

Date Marked:

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Title: Organization of a Selected Manufacturing Industry

Aim: To describe the Organizational Structure of a Selected Manufacturing Industry

Objectives: The candidate will be required to

(i) Identify the organizational characteristics of an industry in the Manufacturing
(ii) Describe the structure of the organization detailing the relationships and
relative ranks of the players and positions/jobs.


 Research on any industry in the Manufacturing sector to determine the type of

organizational structure
 Draw the type of organizational chart it represents showing the positions, departments,
ranks, jobs etc. and how they are linked.
 Give a brief description of what each block represents
 Attach your work to this document
 Ensure you identify the name of the entity/company

MARK SCHEME and Scores

Core 1 - Organization of a Selected Manufacturing Knowledge and
Industry Comprehension;
Organization of a selected Manufacturing industry Out of 03
Organizational structure clearly stated 3 marks marks

Partial organizational structure identified 1-2 marks

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CEO: Manufacturing CEOs are deeply involved with their companies at every level of
business. Depending on the company's size, they may manage relationships with customers,
oversee product and process and keep track of finances, all while forging a trajectory for the
company's future in the industry.

COO(Operations): In the manufacturing sector, the primary role of the COO is routinely one of
operations management, meaning that the COO is responsible for the development, design,
operation, and improvement of the systems that create and deliver the firm's products.

CFO: The chief financial officer (CFOs) holds the top financial position in an organization.
They are responsible for tracking cash flow and financial planning and analysing the company's
financial strengths and weaknesses and proposing strategic directions.

CMO: A contract manufacturing organization (CMO), sometimes called a contract

development and manufacturing organization (CDMO), is a company that serves other
companies in the pharmaceutical industry on a contract basis to provide comprehensive services
from drug development through drug manufacturing.

Legal: Manufacturing means an operation or series of operations where raw materials are
changed in form, composition, or condition by machinery and equipment, and which results in
the production of a new article of tangible personal property.

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CCO: The Chief Compliance Officer (CCO) The Chief Compliance Officer, one of the most
important members of the management team, is primarily responsible for overseeing
compliance within an organization, and ensuring compliance with laws, regulatory
requirements, policies, and procedures.

PROD MGR: Defines the product vision, strategy, and roadmap. Gathers, manages, and
prioritizes market/customer requirements. Acts as the customer advocate articulating the user's
and/or buyer's needs. Works closely with engineering, sales, marketing, and support to ensure
business case and customer satisfaction goals are met.

ACCOUNTING: Manufacturing cost accounting encompasses areas that impact production

operations and the valuation of inventory. These activities can significantly boost the profits of
a business, as well as bring it into compliance with the applicable accounting standards.

ANAYST AND LOGISTCIS: Logistics analysts gather data on every aspect of how products
are made and distributed– to find where improvements can be made. They keep detailed records
of costs, parts orders, shipping and billing. Logistics engineers use the information analysts
gather to design improved processes and systems.

LITIGATOR: The manufacturing sector, as defined by the U.S. government, “comprises

establishments. engaged in the mechanical, physical, or chemical transformation of materials,
substances, or. components into new products,” as well as those engaged in “assembling of
component parts of.

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MEDIA RELTNS: Media relations refer to the relationship that a company or organization
develops with journalists, while public relations extend that relationship beyond the media to
the general public. ... The media can consist of thousands of magazine publications,
newspapers, and TV and radio stations.

ISSUES MGT: Production management's responsibilities are summarized by the “five M's”:
men, machines, methods, materials, and money. “Men” refers to the human element in
operating systems.

Supervisor: A Production Supervisor is the person directly responsible for overseeing and
organizing the equipment, staff, and processes on a production floor. They will oversee
scheduling and routine production activities as well as acting as first-line troubleshooting
should problems arise.

BUDGET ADM: An administrative budget is an official, detailed financial plan for an

upcoming period for a business. An administrative budget is usually prepared on an annual or
quarterly basis and identifies the costs of running an operation that is not tied to producing a
product or service.

SALES: A company engaged in the manufacturing industry is a company that sells a variety of
raw goods or raw materials and semi-finished materials. The purpose of manufacturing sales is
to provide raw materials to be managed into a product in order to meet market demand

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SOCIAL MEDIA: Gain customer feedback. Social media offers manufacturers a way to gain a
direct relationship with their customers and obtain more feedback during product
development. ... They should also use social media listening tools to learn more about what
customers and non-customers are saying about their brand.

TECHNICIAN: The manufacturing sector, as defined by the U.S. government, “comprises

establishments. engaged in the mechanical, physical, or chemical transformation of materials,
substances, or. components into new products,” as well as those engaged in “assembling of
component parts of.

ENV. SCANNER: Definition Of Environmental Scan. Environmental Scan, an examination

of the external and internal environments: ... Industry environment: new entrants, suppliers,
buyers, product substitutes, intensity of rivalry, position of the firm in the industry (Porter's
Five Forces Analysis)

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