Trabajo de Inglés 2

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Scene 01:

boss: You have more work to do.

John: What? More? Why always me? What about the others?

boss: Do you want me to fire you? Hurry up and get me some coffee.

Scene 02:

John: Excuse me, are you busy? I was thinking if you could give me a promotion, I've been
working hard lately so I don't know if I could consider it.

boss: Are you serious? You asking me for a promotion? You didn't even deserve to be hired.
Keep up your work and don't interrupt me again.

John: Thank you sir.

Boss: Get out of here.

Scene 03:

John: What's going on?

Noah: Stay out of it, this is none of your business.

Sack: Yeah, stay away freak and leave us alone.

John: Drop it!

Sack: I told you to get out.

John: I'm not leaving.

Noah: We warned you. * The fight starts * * The fight ends *

Noah: Go back to the circus you came from, freak.

Sack: It will be worse next time.

* Wendy leaves without saying anything * * John stares at Wendy leaving *

Scene 04:

Noah: Boss I've seen the freak with your daughter.

Boss: What did you just say? Call him immediately.

Sack: At your service sir.

Hey freak, the boss wants to talk to you.

* Turning to John *

John: * looking confused *

boss, did you want to see me, sir?

boss: Pick up your things and leave, I don't want to see you returned.

John: Why?

boss: Just get out and don't come back! I don't want to see your face again for this company.

* John exits the boss's office *

Sack: I wish you luck with your job scaring people, freak.

Scene 05:

John: What do you want?

Wendy: I heard what happened today, with my father, I apologize for her behavior.

John: That doesn't matter anymore, but that's just why you came? If so, you can go.

Wendy: Is something wrong? May I help you?

John: No, I'm fine.

Wendy: Are you sure? Because I saw some posters that you had put on a lost dog, is yours

John: Yes, his name is Max.

Wendy: I can go find him if you want.

John: Yes, thank you.

* They go looking for Max, they found him and then they went to John's house *

John: Well… Thanks for helping me, it's late, I guess it's time to go, right?

Wendy: IF you can I can stay.

John: Sure, stay for dinner, there's plenty of room at the table.

* That night John was not alone at home with Max, that night was not just anyone, because
with that night things began to turn out better, because he had the love of his life by his side,
forever *


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