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Trabajo Práctico Integral – Físico Química 2020

1. During their exploration work, geologists require a quick method to determine which rock
is harder. So if rock A scratches B, but rock B doesn't scratch A, rock A is harder. Imagine
that you determine the hardness of three materials (wood, aluminum and copper) with
this method and this is the result: copper scratches aluminum and aluminum scratches

a) Order the three materials starting with the hardest. Explain how you discovered it.
b) Would the hardness change if the experiment would be done with the same materials
but larger (that is, with greater mass)? Why?
c) What other method can you think of to determine the hardness of materials?

2. Sand, one of the components of soil, is a material formed by the erosion of water and air
on different types of rocks. Most of its granites are quartz, with a small proportion of
other minerals. If a person places some grains of sand between two glasses and then rubs
one glass against another, when he removes the sand he will notice that the glass is

a) Which material is harder: glass or sand? Why?

3. Read the following note, analyze it and answer the questions:

Thermal insulation of ecological houses: most of the activities that are carried out today
consume energy, in the form of electricity, gas and other fuels. Many organizations promote
energy saving, for its economic and environmental benefits. For example, the design of homes
that use energy more efficiently. Heating and cooling a home account for about half of the
energy consumed annually. Small improvements in insulation can generate large energy and
economic savings. With a comprehensive bioclimatic design, savings in heating and cooling
could be as high as 80%.

a) Why should houses be designed to use energy efficiently?

b) What results can a correct thermal insulation have in a home?
c) What materials do you think would be the best as thermal insulators?
4. Read the following text and respond:

The environmental magazine: according to recent research, the main causes of environmental
pollution are due to the destruction of tropical forests, the burning of fossil fuels, among other
human activities. Power plants, paper mills and other industries release toxic gases into the
atmosphere that combine with atmospheric water, causing certain corrosive and toxic acids
that fall on us when it rains. This is called acid rain, it is the cause of plant deaths, damage to
animals, and the deterioration of soil and water. In addition, it can cause allergies and diseases
in the eyes, skin and respiratory tract.

a) What do you think about this problem? What are the best solutions?
b) Why is the destruction of tropical forests related to pollution?

5. Imagine that you work in a laboratory, you have a mixture of solid particles of different
sizes: large, medium, small and very small; and they ask you to separate them. To do this,
it has three sieves with holes of different sizes (1,2 and 3 as seen in the images). They have
to design the steps to separate the mixture using the sieves.

a) In what order would they use the sieve and pass the mixture?
b) What particle size would be retained and would happen at each step?
c) There must be a yes or yes order, or could the mixture be separated using the sieves in
any order?

6. Suppose you take two equal glasses, add half the water and two tablespoons of powdered
juice to one and stir it well until mixed. To the other glass they add double the water and 5
tablespoons of powdered juice and stir it well until mixed.

a) Which glass is more concentrated? Why?

b) Why must the powder dissolve completely in the water? What could you say about the
solution if the juice doesn't dissolve?
c) What could you do to promote the dissolution of the juice in the water?

7. Since the Industrial Revolution, the energy mix of most countries across the world has become
dominated by fossil fuels. This has major implications for the global climate, as well as for human
health. Three-quarters of global greenhouse gas emissions result from the burning of fossil fuels
for energy. And fossil fuels are responsible for large amounts of local air pollution – a health
problem that leads to at least 5 million premature deaths each year. To reduce CO2 emissions and
local air pollution, the world needs to rapidly shift towards low-carbon sources of energy – nuclear
and renewable technologies. Renewable energy will play a key role in the decarbonization of our
energy systems in the coming decades.

a) Find out which is the country that emits the greatest amount of greenhouse gases
b) Find out what biodiesel is, where and how it is produced here in Tucumán.

8. Look at the graphs and respond

a) At present, what percentage of the total energy consumed by each country comes from
renewable sources.
a) What amount of energy is currently produced from different sources. Keep in mind that 1
Terawatt-hour (TWh) equals One trillion Watt-hour (Wh) and that 1 Kilowatt-hour (kWh)
equals 1000 Wh. Express the result in kWh
a) Which are the countries with the highest energy production from renewable sources?
b) How is the situation in Argentina? Find out which are the main sources of renewable
energy in Argentina.

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