World Lit One Pager - The Stranger by Albert Camus

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The Stranger By Albert Camus

Meursault gets to know about his Meursault catches the 2 oclock bus to
mother's death through a telegram he the home and he complains about the
receives from the home his mother bus ride being very hot.
was staying at.

After arriving and talking with the Meursault stayed in the room for
warden, he goes to the room his hours and after some time all his
mother is in, but when the caretaker mother's friends came into the room
goes to open the casket he tells him and Meursault felt like they were
not to. judging him.

The next morning Meursault's

mother is buried near a church like
she had wanted to be and Meursault
seems a little exicted to go back home A personal connection I made is
and sleep for a long time. when I had to go to someones funeral
who I barely knew and when I was
there I couldn't wait to go home.

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