Section Officer Question Set 1

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Section Officer Practice Set-1 WWW.Dotnepal.

com [PSC Exam Preparation]

zfvf clws[t jf ;f] ;/x kbsf] k|ltof]lutfTds lnlvt k/LIff
;fdfGo1fg %)×!=%)
1= g]kfnsf] hgu0fgf, @)^* sf ;DaGwdf tnsf sygx? af/] ljrf/ ug'{xf];\ .
!_ of] hgu0fgf @)^* >fj0f # b]lv !# ut] ;Dd ;~rfng ePsf] lyof] .
@_ hgu0fgfsf] glthf @)^( d+l;/ !! df ;fj{hlgs ul/Psf] lyof] .
#_ ;a}eGbf sd hg3gTj x'g] lhNnfx? qmdzM dgfª, d':tfª, 8f]Nkf, x'Dnf / d'u' x'g\ .
$_ ;a}eGbf sd hg3gTj x'g] lhNnfx? qmdzM dgfª, d':tfª, 8f]Nkf, /;'jf / x'Dnf x'g\ .
a) !, @, $ ;xL # unt b) !,# ;xL @,$ unt c) @, $ ;xL !,# unt d) @, # ;xL !, $ unt

2= ;g\ @)!^ sf] Unf]an lk; OG8]S; (GPI) df g]kfn sltcf}+ :yfgdf /x]sf] 5 <
a) ^# b) ^( c) &* d) (&
3= ;d"x (I) / ;d"x (II) lar hf]8f ldnfpg'xf];\ .
;d"x (I) ;d"x (II)
a. MDG 1. !& nIo
b. SDG 2. * nIo
c. Zero Hunger Challenge 3. % :tDex?
d. Agricultural Development Strategy 4. @) j6f ;"rs

-s_ a-1, b-2, c-4, d-3 -v_ a-2, b-1, c-4, d-3 -u_ a-2, b-3, c-1, d-4 -3_ a-2, b-1, c-3, d-4

4= j}b]lzs /f]huf/ k|j4{g af]8{sf] lg0f{ofg';f/ j}b]lzs /f]huf/Ldf hfg] JolQmsf] d[To' ePsf DofbL lhjg ljdf
jfkt slt /sd pknAw u/fpg] ePsf] 5 <
a) % nfv b) & nfv c) !) nfv d) !@ nfv

5= ltnf hnljB't cfof]hgf s'g lhNnfdf kb{5 <

a) bfr'{nf b) sflnsf]6 c) j}t8L d) d'u'
6= Fortune Dofulhgsf cg';f/ @)!^ sf] Business Person of the year s;nfO{ 3f]if0ff ul/of] <
a) 8f]gfN8 6«Dk b) dfs{ h's/ju{ c) Pd]lgof] c6]{uf d) ljn u]6\;

7= g]kfnsf] /fli6«o lje"ltdf tnsf dWo] s'g kb}{gg\ <

a) cflbsjL efg'eQm v_ slj df]lt/fd e§
u_ kf;fª Nxfd' z]kf{ 3_ ljZj]Zj/ k|;fb sf]O/fnf
8= Forum of Election Management Bodies of South Asia sf] ;ftf}+ a}+7s sxfF ;DkGg eof] <
a) sf7df8f}F v_ gofF lbNnL u_ sf]nDjf] 3_ dfn]
9= tnsf sygx? af/] ljrf/ ug'{xf];\ .
!_ ;g\ @)!^ sf] Man Booker Prize Han Kang nfO{ k|bfg ul/of] .
@_ Han Kang lkmlnlkG;sf gful/s x'g .
#_ pgnfO{ of] k'/:sf/ "The Vegetarian" gf]e]n n]v] jfkt k|bfg ul/Psf] xf] .
$_ of] k'/:sf/ /fzL Han Kang / pgsf Translator Deborah Smith aLr a/fa/ afl8g] 5 .
a) ;a} ;xL b) !, # ;xL @,$ unt c) !,@,# ;xL $ unt d) !,#,$ ;xL @ unt

10= g]kfnsf] ;+ljwfg adf]lhd tnsf dWo] s'g–s'g cfof]usf] ;b:o x'gsf] nflu :gftsf]Q/ pkflw clgjfo{ 5 <
a) nf]s ;]jf cfof]u / dlxnf cfof]u b) nf]s ;]jf cfof]u / yf? cfof]u

Lok Sewa Aayog Section Officer Practice 1

Section Officer Practice Set-1 [PSC Exam Preparation]
c) nf]s ;]jf cfof]u / dw]zL cfof]u d) nf]s ;]jf cfof]u / efiff cfof]u
11= @)!) cS6'j/ !) tnsf dWo] s] ;Fu j9L ;DalGwt 5 <
a) hnjfo' kl/jt{g lj?4 æsfd ug{ yfnf}Æ eGg] cleofg
b) æef] ca clt ef] lx+;f cGTo u/f}+Æ eGg] cleofg
c) Oh/fon / Kofn]i6fOg aLrsf] o'4 ;dfKt ug]{ /f]8 Dofk zflGt of]hgf
d) rLg / ef/tn] z'? u/]sf] gofF Pl;ofnL ztfAbL

12= tnsf sygx? af/] ljrf/ ug'{xf];\ .

!_ ;+o'Qm /fi6«;+3sf] ah]6 k|To]s jif{ dxf;efn] :jLs[t ub{5 .
@_ /fi6;+3sf dxf;lrjn] ;'/Iff kl/ifb / cGt/fli6«o Gofofnosf] j}7sdf efu lnb}gg\ .
#_ ;'/Iff kl/ifbsf % :yfoL ;b:o /fi6«af6 dxf;lrj / pkdxf;lrj kbdf lgo'Qm x'Fb}gg .
$_ ;fs{sf] Psdfq /fhtGqfTds /fi6« e'6fg xf] .
a) !, @ ;xL #, $ unt b) !, @,# unt $ ;xL
c) !,# unt @, $ dfq ;xL d) !, $ ;xL @,# unt

13= ljZjs} klxnf] ljB'tLo dfu{ (Electric Road) ;~rfng ug]{ d'n's b]xfosf dWo] s'g xf] <
a) :jL8]g b) :jL6\h/Nof08 c) rLg d) df]/Ssf]

14=;g\ @)@) df ;DkGg x'g] 6f]lsof] cf]nDkLssf] nf]uf]df s] sf] lrq /flvPsf] ePsf] 5 <
a) /]8 kf08fsf] 6fpsf] b) ;k{sf] cfFvf c) uf]lx d) 6'gf lkm;

15= g]kfnsf] ;+ljwfg adf]lhd lbOPsf dWo] :yfgLo txsf] clwsf/sf] ;"rL cGtu{t s'g kb}{g <
a) ljkb Joj:yfkg b) Ho]i7 gful/ssf] Joj:yfkg
c) kz' :jf:Yo d) :yfgLo tx ;DaGwL dfdnf

16= tnsf sygx? af/] ljrf/ ug'{xf];\ .

!_ ;fs{sf] cjwf/0ff lhofp/ /xdfgn] cufl8 NofPsf x'g .
@_ lhofp/ /xdfg kfls:tfgsf /fi6«klt x'g .
#_ ;fs{df xfn & j6f /fi6«x? /x]sf 5g\ .
$_ ;fs{sf] Psdfq k|hftflGqs /fi6« dflNbE; xf] .
a) !, #, ;xL @ / $ unt b) !, @ ;xL #, $ unt
c) ! ;xL #, $ dfq unt d) ! ;xL @,#,$ unt

17= g]kfndf n}lËs pQ/bfoL ah]6sf slt j6f kl/;"rs /x]sf 5g\ <
a) % j6f b) ^ j6f c) & j6f d) * j6f
18= ægofF PlzofnL ztfAbLÆ s'g s'g d'n'sx?n] z'? u/]sf] cleofg xf] <
a) rLg / ef/t b) ef/t / j+unfb]z c) rLg / g]kfn d) rLg / kfls:tfg
19= ICC U-19 ls|s]6 jN8{ sk @)!^ sf ;DaGwdf lgDg sygx? af/] ljrf/ ug'[{xf];\ .
!_ of] v]n ef/tsf] /fhwflg gofF lbNnLdf ;DkGg ePsf] lyof] .
@_ of] v]n ;g\ @)!^ hgj/L @@ b]lv km]j|'c/L !$ ;Dd ;~rfng ePsf] lyof] .
#_ of] k|ltof]lutfsf] clGtd v]n j]i6 Ol08h / ef/taLr ePsf] lyof] .
$_ of] k|ltof]lutfsf] RoflDkog j]i6 Ol08h eof] .
a) ;j} unt b) @,# / $ ;xL ! unt c) !, #, $ ;xL @ unt d) dflysf ;a} ;xL

20= ;a}eGbf yf]/} hg;+Vof x'g] af6 w]/} hg;+Vof x'g] hfltsf] qmd s'g ;lx 5 <
a) s';'08f, g'/fª, /fp6], snf/, nf]x?ª b) s';'08f, g'/fª, /fp6], nf]x?ª, snf/
c) s';'08f, /fp6], g'/fª, nf]x?ª, snf/ d) s';'08f, /fp6], g'/fª, snf/, nf]x?ª

Lok Sewa Aayog Section Officer Practice 2

Section Officer Practice Set-1 [PSC Exam Preparation]
21= ;g\ @)!^ s} rlr{t Panama Papers Leak n] tn lbOPsf dWo] s'g ljsNk;Fu ;DalGwt tYof+s v'nf;f
ub}{g <
a) Larceny b) Kelptocracy c) Tax evasion d) Fraud

22= tnsf lbOPsf dWo] g]kfn ;/sf/sf kbflwsf/L / sd{rf/Lx?sf] dof{bfqmd cg';f/ s–s;sf] dof{bfqmd
;dfg x'Fb}g <
a) k"j{ /fi6«klt÷ jxfnjfnf pkk|wfgdGqL b) k"j{ k|wfgGofolwz÷;+ljwfg;efsf pkfWoIf
c) g]kfn /fi6« a}+ssf ueg{/÷ d'Vo ;lrj d) ;fs{sf dxf;lrj÷g]kfnL /fhb't

23= pko'Qm hf]8f af/] ljrf/ ug'{xf];\ .

;d"x s ;d"x v
1) gf]i6«f] Psfp06 /fi6«a}+ssf] d'Vo Psfp06
2) jfO08 kmn cs:dft tyf ck|Toflzt ?kn] x'g] gf]S;fg
3) Jn' 8n/ ;d'b|sf] kfgL z'l4s/0f u/L k|fKt x'g] d'b|f
4) lk=cf/=kL= s'g}klg /f]u gnfUg] cfn'sf] Ps k|hflt
dflysf dWo] s'g hf]8f unt xf]÷x'g <
a) !,@,# b) @,#,$ c) !,#,$ dfq d) !, @ dfq
24= ;'b/Nof08 (Sutherland) em/gf lbOPsf dWo] sxfF cjl:yt 5 <
a) e]g]h'Pnf b) gj]{ c) Soflnkmf]lg{of d) Go"lhNof08

25= lbOPsf dWo] s'g le6fldg afXo tTjaf6 k|fKt x'Fb}g <
a) le6fldg B2 b) le6fldg K1 c) le6fldg K2 d) le6fldg E

26= pko'Qm hf]8f ldnfpgsf nflu sf]8af6 ;lx pQ/ 5fGg'xf];\ .

;d"x s ;d"x v
a) wf/f * 1. /fli6«o em08f
b) wf/f ( 2. /fli6«o ufg OTofbL
c) wf/f %) 3. /fHosf gLltx?
d) wf/f %! 4. lgb]z
{ s l;4fGtx?
a b c d
s_ 1 2 3 4
v_ 2 1 3 4
u_ 3 2 1 4
3_ 1 2 4 3

27= "I came, I saw, I conquered" of] egfO{ lbOPsf dWo] s;sf] xf] <
a) g]kf]lnog af]gfkf6{ b) cn]SHof08/ b u|]6 c) s'Jnf vfF d) h'lno; l;h/
28= ckmuflg:tfgdf zflGt / :yfloTj sfod ug]{ p2]Zon] clk|n @&, @)!^ df ef/tdf ;~rfng ePsf]
;Dd]ngsf] gfd lbOPsf dWo] s'g ;xL 5 <
a) Peace of Asia Conference b) Heart of Afghanistan Conference
c) Heart of Asia Pacific Conference d) Heart of Asia Conference

Lok Sewa Aayog Section Officer Practice 3

Section Officer Practice Set-1 [PSC Exam Preparation]
29= clVtof/ b'?kof]u cg';Gwfg cfof]u P]g, @)$* cg';f/ s'g} ;fj{hlgs kb wf/0ff u/]sf] JolQmsf] vftf
/f]Ssf ug]{ cfb]z ePsf]df vftf /f]Ssf gul/lbg] a}+s jf ljlQo ;+:yfsf] k|d'vnfO{ slt hl/jfgf x'g] Joj:yf
a) ?= %))) b) ?= @%)))
c) ?= %)))) d) ?= !)))))

30= g]kfnsf];+ljwfg adf]lhd /fli6«o ;efdf /fi6«kltaf6 dgf]lgt x'g] afx]ssf slthgf ;b:o x'G5g\ <
a) # hgf b)%^ hgf c)%* d)%(

31= clk|n &, @)!^ sf] World Health Day sf] theme lbOPsf dWo] s'g xf] <
a) Beat diseases b) Free of diseases c) Beat diabetes d) Beat HIV

32= /fp6] hftL c:yfoL ?kdf a:g] 5fk|fnfO{ s] elgG5 <

a) yf}nf b) /fp6L
c) bf/]d:t d) e'of/

33= tnsf sygx? af/] ljrf/ ug'{xf];\ .

!_ ;g\ !((# df ;f]dflnodf ;~rfng ul/Psf] cleofg ck/]zg l/:6f]/ xf]k xf] .
@_ ljZjsf] bf];|f] 6]i6o'j aflnsfsf] hGd ?;df ePsf] xf] .
#_ ljZjsf] ;a}eGbf 7"nf] cf}Bf]lus b'3{6gf ef]kfn Uof; sf08 xf] .
dflysf dWo] s'g egfO{ unt xf]÷x'g <
a) ! dfq b) @ dfq c) ! / @ d) !, / #
34= a;fO{;/fO{n] df}lns ynf]df kfg]{ k|efj tnsf dWo] s'g xf]Og <
a) dflg;—hldg cg'kftdf sdL b) j[4 tyf afn hg;+Vofsf] afx'Notf
c) pTkfbg k|0ffnLdf x|f; d) lzlIft tyf bIf hgzlQmsf] cefj

35= pko'Qm hf]8f af/] ljrf/ ug'{xf];\ .

;d"x s ;d"x v
1) ckmuflg:tfg b a'4fh ckm jfldog
2) j+unfb]z a'l4i6 ;|fOg kxf/k'/
3) kfls:tfg u|f08 k|mfO8] dl:hb
4) >Ln+sf 6]Dkn ckm 6'y
dflysf dWo] s'g hf]8f unt xf]÷x'g <
a) ! dfq b) @ dfq c) ! / @ dfq d) ! / # dfq
36= cfly{s ;j]{If0f @)&@÷&# cg';f/ s"n u|fx:y pTkfbgdf pTkfbgd"ns pBf]usf] of]ubfg slt k|ltzt /x]sf]
a) #=% b) $=% c) %=% d) ^=%

37= cGo b]zn] 3]l/Psf] t/ cfkm}df :jtGq /fHo tnsf dWo] s'g xf]Og <
a) ;fg dfl/gf] b) 6'efn' c) n];]yf] d) Eofl6sg l;6L

Lok Sewa Aayog Section Officer Practice 4

Section Officer Practice Set-1 [PSC Exam Preparation]
38= pko'Qm hf]8f af/] ljrf/ ug'{xf];\ .
;d"x s ;d"x v
1) efis/ jdf{ g]kfnsf] l;dfgf ;d'b|;Dd k'¥ofpg]
2) hol:ylt dNn uf]kfn/fh j+zfjnL tof/ ug]{
3) g/]Gb|b]j å]wzf;gsf] z'?jft
4) z+s/b]j clGtd g'jfsf]6] 7s'/Lj+zL /fhf
dflysf dWo] s'g hf]8f unt xf]÷x'g <
a) @ dfq b) # dfq c) $ dfq d) ! / # dfq
39= nf]s;]jf cfof]usf] klxnf] dlxnf ;b:o sf] x'g <
a) ;'lznf yfkf b) pdf kf08] c) ;fljlq l;+x d) /]xgf jfg' ;}ob
40= ælb u8; ckm g]kfnÆ s;sf] s[lt xf] <
a) hL hf]g b) xfg ;'log c) Pn Pd jghL{ d) ?j]n

41=dfl6{g n'y/ lsªsf] xTof slxn] ePsf] xf] <

a) !(^*÷$÷# b) !(^(÷$÷# c) !(&)÷$÷# d) !(&!÷$÷#

42= g]kfndf ;"rgf lbj; slxn] dgfOG5 <

a) ebf} @ b) ebf} # c) ebf} @@ d) ebf} @#
43= pko'Qm hf]8f ldnfpgsf nflu sf]8af6 ;lx pQ/ 5fGg'xf];\ .
efiff ;j{>]i7 ;flxTosf/
a. pb'{ 1. z]vzfbL
b. kmf/;L 2. elh{n
c. Nofl6g 3. ldhf{ uflnj
d. hd{g 4. u]6]
a b c d
a) 3 1 2 4
b) 1 3 4 2
c) 3 1 4 2
d) 1 2 4 3

44= /fhaGwsL c8\8f s;n] :yfkgf u/]sf] xf] <

a) b]j zdz]/ b) rGb| zdz]/ c) lj/ zdz]/ d) h'4 zdz]/
45= g]kfndf ch]{G6 kf;kf]6{ ! lbgd} k|bfg ug]{ Joj:yf slxn]b]lv z'? ul/of] <
a) @)&#÷#÷!( b) @)&#÷#÷@) c) @)&#÷#÷@! d) @)&#÷#÷@@

46=tnsf sygx? af/] ljrf/ ug'{xf];\ .

!_ l/of] Kn; @) l/of] lb h]g]l/of]df @)!@ df ;DkGg eof] .
@_ l/of] Kn; @) sf] kl/0ffd:j?k cfPsf] 8s'd]G6 æb ˆo"r/ lj jfG6Æ xf] .
#_ Ph]08f @! nfO{ hDdf % j6f cWofodf afl8Psf] 5 .
$_ g]kfnsf] ;Gbe{df Ph]08f @! df cfwfl/t sfo{qmd ;~rfng ePsf] 5}g .
dflysf dWo] s'g egfO{ ;xL xf]÷x'g<
a) !,@ dfq b) @,# dfq c) @,$ dfq d) ! dfq
47= lbOPsf dWo] s'g ag ;dlztf]i0f ktem/ ag xf] <
a) pQL;sf] jg b) n]s lkknsf] jg c) lrnfpg] s6';sf] jg d) ef]hkqsf] jg
Lok Sewa Aayog Section Officer Practice 5
Section Officer Practice Set-1 [PSC Exam Preparation]
48= tnsf sygx? af/] ljrf/ ug'{xf];\ .
!_ xfn ljZj a}+ssf cWoIf hLdof]ª lsd x'g .
@_ hLdof]ª lsd rLgsf gful/s x'g .
#_ pgL ljZj a}+ssf] !@ cf}+ cWoIfdf lgoQm ePsf x'g .
$_ ljZj a}+ssf] k|wfg sfof{no Washington D.C. df /x]sf] 5 .
a) @, #, $ ;xL ! unt b) !, @, # ;xL $ unt c) !,@,$ ;xL # unt d) !,#,$ ;xL @ unt
49= g]kfndf xl/t ;8s -lu|g /f]8_ sf] z'?jft slxn]b]lv ePsf] xf] <
a) !(*& b) !(** c) !(*( d) !(()

af}l4s k/LIf0f #)×!=#)

50= Pp6f Jofkf/L;Fu ?=($ k|lt s]=hL= kg]{ bfn / ?= &@ k|lt s]=hL= kg]{ b'O{y/L bfn /x]sf 5g\
. p;n] tL b'j}y/L bfnnfO{ ld>0f u/L ?= *& k|lt s]=hL= sf] b/n] a]Rg b'O{y/L bfnsf] ld>0f
cg'kft tnsf] dWo] s'g x'g'k5{ <
a) ^M!% b) ^M!^ c) &M!% d) &M!^
51= What number should replace the question mark?

a) 130 b) 145 c) 150 d) 154

52= tn lbOPsf] lrqdf ? sf] 7fpFdf slt /fVbf pko'Qm x'G5<

a) & b) * c) ( d) !)

53= Mohair is to wool as shantung is to:

a) Silk b) Cotton c) Linen d) Nylon

54= Pp6f Ps ld6/ nfdf], Ps ld6/ ulx/f], Ps ld6/ rf}8f vfN8f]df slt 3gld6/ df6f] x'G5 <
a) ! 3gld6/ b) @ 3gld6/ c) # 3gld6/ d) s'g}klg xf]Og

55= Odd one out:

(a) Sow (b) Boar (c) Buck (d) Stallion

56= xl/ 3/af6 !) ls=dL= blIf0flt/ uP . o;kl5 bflxg] kms]{/ % ls=dL= uP/ k'gM bflxg] kmls{ !) ls=dL=
cufl8 a9L b]a|] kms]{/ !) ls=dL= ofqf u/]5 . ca pm 3/ kms{+bf l;wf slt ls=dL= hfg'k5{ <
a) !) ls=dL= b) !% ls=dL= c) @) ls=dL= d) @% ls=dL=

Lok Sewa Aayog Section Officer Practice 6

Section Officer Practice Set-1 [PSC Exam Preparation]
57= If POND is coded as RSTL, how is HEAR written in that code ?
(a) GHIJ (b) GHIZ (c) JIGZ (d) JCIZ

58= How many triangles are there in the figure given below?

(a) 14 (b) 16 (c) 15 (d) 20

59=5862 is to 714, and 3498 is to 1113, and 9516 is to 156, therefore 8257 is to..............
(a) 158 (b) 517 (c) 157 (d) 715

60= Pp6f xjfO{hxfh $)) ls=ld= k|lt 306fsf b/n] p8\bf $*) ldg]6df Pp6f ofqf k"/f u5{ eg] @$) ls=ld=
k|lt 306fsf b/n] p8\bf slt ldg]6df p8fg k"/f unf{<
a) ^)) ldg]6 b) ^#) ldg]6 c) &#) ldg]6 d) *)) ldg]6
61= Thick: Thin :: Idle:?
(a) Virtuous (b) Business (c) Activity (d) Industrious

62= I am a living being. In my name, there are first of Chitwan, second of Kathmandu and third of
Butwal. So, you tell me, "Who Am I"?
(a) MAN (b) CAT (c) COW (d) DOG

63= Pp6f ;d"xdf ePsf dflg;x?sf] hDdf xftsf] ;+Vof ^) 5 h;dWo] !) k|ltzt Ps xft gx'g] ckfË 5g\ .
olb To; ;d"xsf ;a} dflg;n] Ps cfk;df Ps k6s xft ldnfpF5g eg] clwstd slt k6s xft
a) %@* k6s b) $#% k6s c) #%! k6s d) @&^ k6s
64=Which number replaces '?'

(a) 4 (b) 8 (c) 2 (d) 6

65= Pp6f sDkgLdf sfo{/t ljleGg lhNnfsf sfdbf/x?sf] hDdf ;+Vof !)*) 5 . lbOPsf] j[Qlrq cWoog u/L
;f]lwPsf k|Zgsf] ;xL pQ/ 5fGg'xf];\ .


1= 1 90º
66= emfkf lhNnfdf slt sfdbf/x? sfo{/t 5g\ < 0 Morang
a) !*) hgf b)@)) hgf c)^) hgf º d)@#) hgf
67= ;a}eGbf a9L sfdbf/ /x]sf] lhNnf :ofª\hfdf slt sfdbf/ /x]sf 5g\ <
a) @*) hgf b)@() hgf c)#&) hgf d) #() hgf
68=kfNkf lhNnfsf] t'ngfdf emfkf lhNnfdf sfo{/t sfdbf/x? slt sd 5g\ <
a) ^) hgf b)&) hgf c)() hgf d) !%) hgf

Lok Sewa Aayog Section Officer Practice 7

Section Officer Practice Set-1 [PSC Exam Preparation]
69= Which of the three forms perfect square?

a) ABC b) ABD c) ACE d) ADE

70=tnsf egfO{ A , / sf/0f R k9L sf]8af6 ;xL pQ/ 5gf}6 ug'{xf];\ .

A: lj?jfsf kftx? xl/of x'G5g\ .
R: lj?jfdf qmf]df]Knfi6 x'G5 h'g xl/of] /ªsf] x'G5 .
a) A / R b'j} ;lx 5g\ / A sf] ;xL JofVof R xf] .
b) A / R b'j} ;lx 5g\ / A sf] ;xL JofVof R xf]Og .
c) A ;lx 5 t/ R unt 5 .
d) A / R b'j} unt 5g\ .

71= Which is the mirror image of the figure X?

x 1 2 3 4
a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4
72= !$) sf] slt k|ltzt %)) sf] &% ;Fu a/fa/ x'G5 <
a) !% k|ltzt b) @) k|ltzt c) @% k|ltzt d) #) k|ltzt
73= Your maid has invited you to her daughter's wedding. You would:
(a) Ignore her
(b) Attend the wedding
(c) Buy a gift for her daughter
(d) Congratulate her and make up some excuse for not being able to attend

74= $% nfO{ o;/L $ c+sdf ljefhg ug'{xf]; -cyjf s'g $ c+ssf] hf]8 $% x'G5 tL c+s kQf nufpg'xf];\_
h;df klxnf]df @ yKbf, bf];|f]df @ 36fpFbf, t];|f]nfO{ @ n] u'0ff ubf{ / rf}yf]nfO{ @ n] efu ubf{ pQ/ Pp6}
cfpF5 <
a) ^,*,$,!) b) *,!@,%,@) c) *,!^,$,!@ d) $,!@,%,!%
75= Pp6f JolQmsf] xh'/j'jfsf] Ps dfq 5f]/fsf] 5f]/Lsf] lgh JolQm;Fu s] gftf kb{5 <
a) efO{ b) jfj' c) elthf d) efGhf
76= Pp6f zx/df %))) hg;+VofdWo] #@)) hgf c08f vfG5g, @%)) hgf df;' vfG5g, / !%)) hgf c08f /
df;' b'j} vfG5g eg] slt hgf z'4 zfsfxf/L 5g\ <
a) ^)) b) &)) c) *)) d) ())
77= !, #!, %(, *%, !)(, <
a) !#! b) !## c) !#% d) !#(
78= Pp6f kj{tf/f]xL %))) ld6/ cUnf] lxdfn cf/f]x0f ug]{ qmddf lbgdf @)) ld6/ dfly r9\g] / /ftdf ^)
ld6/ tn cf]n{g] ub{5 eg] lghnfO{ ;f] lxdfnsf] lzv/df k'Ug slt lbg nfU5 <
a) #) lbg b) #@ lbg c) #$ lbg d) #^ lbg
Lok Sewa Aayog Section Officer Practice 8
Section Officer Practice Set-1 [PSC Exam Preparation]

79= lbOPsf] < lrGxsf] 7fpFdf slt /fVbf pko'Qm x'G5 <

56 5 31
42 2 21
57 ? 52
a) @ b) # c) $ d) %
80= lbOPsf] d]l6«S; k"/f ug'{xf];\ .
5 10 9 4
7 4 5 8
3 2 5 6
1 8 9 ?
a) ! b) —! c) @ d) —@

English Comprehension Test @)×!=@)

Read the following passage and answer the questions:
Herbert Spencer expressed it best, certainly most. He said, "Education has for its object the
information of character". Clearly in a general way, education must prepare us for life: it continues
throughout our lives, it helps us to develop into mature human beings, in the widest possible sense.
In most of the situations, education has definite purpose. It should build character at the same time
providing professional growth of the person. At the same time, an educated person must have social
and national responsibility which is not prescriptive but it should be consciously undertaken so as to
uplift human society.
The educational system must prepare us to be effective both socially and individually. They are
inseparable, but let's treat them separately for convenience. Socially, we have to learn to sacrifice
immediate self-interest for the good of greatest number, in other words, learn how to socialize, in
the widest sense learn how to be civilized, how to cooperate with others at work and at play.
Individually, we have to learn to be ourselves, how to nurture our individuality, how to think for
ourselves, and how to make as original a contribution to life as we are capable of.
How to thrive both socially and individually is what each generation teaches the next, and the most
important subject of their lessons is moral values, whether in a religious framework or not. The
schools help to pass on this inheritance in a formal way generally but the moral lessons into the
framework of religious studies.

81= Herbert Spencer says education is:

(a) Information (b) Building character (c) Objective (d) Nature building

82= Purpose of education as stated in the passage is:

(a) Building matured human being (b) Education qualification
(c) Good life (d) Possible sense

Lok Sewa Aayog Section Officer Practice 9

Section Officer Practice Set-1 [PSC Exam Preparation]
83= According to the passage, the education should serve purpose of:
(a) Social and national duty (b) Cultural duty
(c) Professional duty (d) Academic duty

84= The passage hints that for the good of all, we must give up:
(a) Social purpose (b) Educational purpose (c) Immediate need (d) Individual need

85= The word 'inheritance' means:

(a) Legacy (b) Tradition (c) Culture (d) Individuality

86=Even now, orders are being shouted................telephones and men with guns will soon be on
their way.
(a) In (b) Into (c) At (d) With

87= Those who are able to use the left hand and the right hand equally well are called:
(a) Ambidextrous (b) Loquacious (c) Bellicose (d) Simultaneous

88= People should not be afraid of ...................governments. Governments should be afraid of

their people.
(a) The (b) This (c) These (d) Their

89= Jill was her employees because she often ................them for not working
hard enough.
(a) deified, goaded (b) loathed, berated
(c) disregarded, eulogized (d) execrated, lauded

90= Eyes and ears .......... detected movement heading to Trafalgar square.
(a) Have (b) Had (c) Has (d) None

91= But ............, might I ask, am I speaking?

(a) Who is (b) Whom to (c) To whom (d) Whom

92= An umbrella protects...................rain.

(a) From (b) Against (c) In (d) On

93= Deep ideological........... and internal power struggles.......... the government.

(a) Distortions, accelerated (b) Disputes, blocked
(c) Disagreements, promoted (d) Divisions, paralyzed

94= Which of the following is closest in meaning with 'prosecute'

(a) Indict (b) Banal (c) Flat (d) Conspectus

95=Which of the following is closest in meaning with 'sentinel'

(a) Picket (b) Banal (c) Outpost (d) Obduracy

96= Which of the following is opposite in meaning with 'slob'

(a) Oaf (b) Lout (c) Boor (d) Spruce

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Section Officer Practice Set-1 [PSC Exam Preparation]
97= The phrase "tap a person's claret" means:
(a) To touch someone's portrait.
(b) Touch someone who is easily manipulated.
(c) Upset someone by referring to a subject about which they are extremely sensitive.
(d) Make a person's nose bleed by a blow of fist.

98= Management and union representatives will palaver tomorrow. The word 'palaver' is
opposite in meaning with:
(a) Parley (b) Converse (c) Confer (d) Fissure

99=Which is correct?
(a) I had scarcely entered the room when the phone rang.
(b) I had scarcely entered the room than the phone rang.
(c) I had scarcely entered the room then the phone rang.
(d) I had scarcely entered the room while the phone rang.

100= He very successfully....... all the allegations levelled against him.

(a) Eradicated (b) Protected (c) Extricated (d) Rebutted

All The Best !!

Lok Sewa Aayog Section Officer Practice 11

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