Solved MCQs-5

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Smart Guess & Test Papers

Student Name ______________________ Father Name ______________________ Roll Number _______

Class: 9th -
English Marks :
48 Exam Format : Chapter Wise MCQs
Time : notespk.com_Nauman Sadaf |
Date _________________ Examiner Sig __________     Chapter#: 6

MCQ's S/Q L/Q Total

Objective Type

1. Choose the word with  correct spelling. (1 x 20 = 20)

a) Bilief  b) Belief  c) Bileif  d) Beleef 

a) Inormity  b) Enormity  c) Anormity  d) Anarmity 

a) Civelization  b) Civilization  c) Civalization  d) Ciavilization 

a) Aptetude  b) Aptitude  c) Apptitude  d) Aptetuede 

a) Building  b) Bulding  c) Belding  d) Beeldeng 

a) Sobsontinent  b) Subcontinent  c) Subkontinent  d) Sabcontinent 

a) Distract  b) Distrakt  c) Distraect  d) Destrect 

a) Dspline  b) Deipline  c) Discipline  d) Dscplne 

a) Pivat  b) Pivoat  c) Pivot d) Pevot 

a) Independent  b) Indipandent  c) Independant  d) Endipendent 

a) Numerous  b) Numerus  c) Numorus  d) Nemerous 

a) Emaragence  b) Emmergence  c) Emergence  d) Emargance 

a) Embition  b) Ambition  c) Ombition  d) Imbition 

a) Journey  b) Jerney  c) Journay  d) Jorney 

a) Hestory  b) Hestrey  c) Hesetory  d) History 

a) Literature  b) Lieterature  c) Leteracher  d) Lieratuere 

a) Morale  b) Morele c) Murale  d) Merale 

a) Naation  b) Nation  c) Netion  d) Neition 

a) Whole  b) Whoele  c) Whoel  d) Whle 

a) Afirmed  b) Effiermed  c) Affirmed  d) Afferemed 

2. Choose the correct option according to the grammar. (1 x 15 = 15)

21) You may belong to any religion. 

a) Interrogative Pronoun  b) Modal verb c) Noun  d) Verb 

22) Today the Quaid-e-Azam's Pakistan is passing through difficult times because many among us have forgotten how much struggle Muslims had made.
a) Adverb of reason b) Indirect object  c) Pronoun  d) Adverb 

23) She was singing beautiful at a concert.

a) Adverb of manner  b) Adverb of place  c) Adverb of time  d) Adverb of degree

24) 'Smoking' is injurious to health.

a) Infinite  b) Gerund c) Present participle  d) Sentence 

25) He said in a speech at Lahore. 

a) Adjective  b) Pronoun  c) Adverb of Place d) Adverb of time 

26) You are made of sterling material.

a) Noun  b) Verb c) Phrase d) Adjective 

27) Quaid was a man of strong belief and faith in religion as well as a moderate and progressive democrate.
a) Verb  b) Conditional Clause c) Conjunction  d) Phrase 

28) He is fond of cooking.

a) Gerund b) Present participle  c) Infinitive  d) Past participle 

29) Go is a/an :
a) Past participle  b) Gerund c) Present participle  d) Infinitive 

30) Quaid-e-Azam was a man of strong faith and belief. The sentence is in :
a) Present tense  b) Past tense  c) Future tense d) Past perfect tense 

31) She was singing last Sunday.

a) Adverb of manner  b) Adverb of frequency  c) Adverb of place  d) Adverb of time

32) You are free to go to your houses. Here to go is :

a) Gerund b) Infinitive c) Verb  d) Adverb 

33) The baby began to cry. 

a) Noun  b) Adjective  c) Adverb  d) Infinitive 

34) Painting is good fun.

a) Infinite  b) Present participle  c) Gerund  d) Past participle 

35) Ali ran quickly.

a) Verb b) Adverb  c) Noun  d) Adjective 

3. Choose the correct meaning of  the underline word (1 x 13 = 13)

36) Today the Quaid-e-Azam's Pakistan is facing numerous challenges.
a) Slight  b) Little  c) A few  d) Many

37) Do not be afraid of death.

a) Attended  b) Scared  c) Squared up  d) None 

38) The word emerging means: 

a) Disappear b) Forsake  c) Rising  d) Neglect 

39) Pivot means :

a) End point  b) Central point c) Power point  d) Beginning point 

40) Self-esteem means: 

a) Horror  b) Honour c) Hour  d) Shortage 

41) We should face it bravely to save the honour of Pakistan and Islam.
a) Repair  b) Cope with  c) Correct  d) Separate 

42) 'We are a nation', he affirmed. He affirmed three years before the birth of Pakistan. 
a) Told b) Said emphatically  c) Broke in  d) Advised 

43) Keep up your morale.

a) Wealth  b) Self-esteem c) Section  d) Voice 

44) We are divided into bits and pieces on certain issues.

a) Pieces of cloth  b) Broken into pieces  c) Disunited  d) United 

45) Do not be overwhelmed by the enormity of the task.

a) Stunning  b) Challenging  c) Alarming  d) Winning 

46) You are made of sterling material and second to none.

a) Aimed  b) Mobility  c) Of the highest quality  d) Alleviation 

47) Do not be overwhelmed by the enormity of the task.

a) Affected deeply  b) Accepted  c) Murdered d) Slaughtered 

48) History and tradition, aptitude and ambitions

a) Skillful  b) Natural ability  c) Chilled  d) Cool 

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