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Formative Assessment 1

Assessment Title Introducing your favorite Chinese food as a food blogger by using

Grade Level G7

Subject Area Chinese Language and Literature

Skills or Content Knowledge: What information or ideas will be evaluated with this formative
assessment? In other words, what data are you aiming to gather?

I will use three criteria from the guideline of IB language and literature class to assess their FA
work, including organizing, producing text and language. Through this FA, I would like to
know how students demonstrate their understanding of the food and culture by using verbal
language. Here are the main ideas that will be evaluated in this FA:
1\ How does this student construct his/her content? Does this video contain several main
contents in the rubrics, including the cultural background, making process and the
description of flavor and the reason why they like?
2\Does he/she demonstrate original thoughts, imagination and sensitivity when introducing
the food?
3\Does he/she use appropriate and varied vocabulary and sentences when introducing?

Assessment Description/Link: What activity or technology (app, tool, etc.) will students use to
demonstrate their knowledge or skills? In other words, how will students provide data?

Students may use Flipgrid as a platform to upload their videos. Regarding how they will
record and edit their video, they could decide by themselves. Teacher will recommend
Jianying as a video editing tool.

Modifications & Adjustments: How will you administer this formative assessment in an online,
hybrid, and physical learning environment? How will you make this accessible to students
with language barriers and those with special needs?

This assessment would be suitable for both online and physical classrooms. It will be finished
individually. After receiving the instructions and understanding the requirements. Students
would conduct their research online and write down their outline for video.
● For the student who has a language barrier: Having a conversation with this student
and making sure that he/she understands the requirements of this assessment. Then
the teacher would give extra help with the scripts of video.
● For the student who has special needs: if a student has learning disabilities, then the
teacher should give the student extra time to finish the assessment. Teacher would
help this student to finish his/her outline for the video. If he/she has speaking
difficulty, then the teacher allows assessment to be given by writing.

Data Collection: How will you gather and record data from this formative assessment? How
will you use the data to inform instruction?

I will evaluate their work through the videos they upload in Flipgrid. Since formative
assessment normally wouldn’t be graded, students will receive feedback from teacher
After evaluating their assessment according to the three criteria, I will mainly look into how
they understand the subject of this unit and how they express their feeling revolving around
the topic of food and culture. If many of them could not use rich and expressive language to
describe food and express their feeling, I will organize more class or group discussions and
then give some good examples in class.

Student-Centered Learning: How will this formative assessment promote a student-centered

learning environment in your classroom?

Students could get opportunities to choose their favorite food and do research. Everybody
loves food. Nowadays students are familiar with social media and they will be excited to be
a real blogger and introduce something they like.
Formative Assessment 2

Assessment Title Group presentation

Grade Level G9

Subject Area Chinese Language and Literature

Skills or Content Knowledge: What information or ideas will be evaluated with this formative
assessment? In other words, what data are you aiming to gather?

In this assessment, students will work as a group and demonstrate their understanding about
a short story by using analytical skills. I would like to see whether they could analyze this story
from different angles, for example, character analysis, plot, background, theme and

Assessment Description/Link: What activity or technology (app, tool, etc.) will students use to
demonstrate their knowledge or skills? In other words, how will students provide data?

Students will be recommended to use PPT or Prezi or Google Slides.

Modifications & Adjustments: How will you administer this formative assessment in an online,
hybrid, and physical learning environment? How will you make this accessible to students
with language barriers and those with special needs?

For the physical classroom, I will assign students in different groups and then let them have a
group discussion in class. They will finish their individual part after class.
For the hybrid and online class, after they have been assigned into different groups, they
could meet online and discuss their assessment.
● For students who have a language barrier: they will be assigned to a group with a
peer who can help them with language problems. They could record their
presentation at home and send the video to the teacher. Teacher will give some
advice before the presentation. Also, they will be allowed to take some cue cards
when doing the presentation.
● For the student who has special needs: students who have speaking disability will be
allowed to write down their part and submit the writings as their work.

Data Collection: How will you gather and record data from this formative assessment? How
will you use the data to inform instruction?
Students will submit their presentation files through google drive or onenote.
I will use the criteria analysis and give them as a group and individually. I will record if
anything has not been discussed thoroughly in their presentation and give them feedback. If
it is a common problem, I will discuss it in front of the whole class.

Student-Centered Learning: How will this formative assessment promote a student-centered

learning environment in your classroom?

Students will be allowed to choose their favorite short story among those materials we
mentioned in class. They have the right to decide which part they want to do and also
collaborate as a group.
Formative Assessment 3

Assessment Title Quiz about argumentative essay

Grade Level G9

Subject Area Chinese Language and Literature

Skills or Content Knowledge: What information or ideas will be evaluated with this formative
assessment? In other words, what data are you aiming to gather?

In this assessment, the definition, main characteristics, structure and purpose of

argumentative essays will be evaluated. I want to use this quiz to gather information about
whether students grasp the basic knowledge of argumentative essays as this is the
foundation of this unit.

Assessment Description/Link: What activity or technology (app, tool, etc.) will students use to
demonstrate their knowledge or skills? In other words, how will students provide data?

Students will use Quizizz to finish this assessment. The result will be gathered by the teacher
immediately when students finish their assessment.

Modifications & Adjustments: How will you administer this formative assessment in an online,
hybrid, and physical learning environment? How will you make this accessible to students
with language barriers and those with special needs?

Students will finish this assessment after class and there will be a deadline there. No matter in
an online, hybrid, and physical learning environment, this assessment will fit all learning
● For students who have a language barrier: Teacher will give personal guidance and
check their understanding before they start to finish this assessment.
● For the student who has special needs: Teacher will give the instructional notes to
them or extend the due day of their assessment.

Data Collection: How will you gather and record data from this formative assessment? How
will you use the data to inform instruction?

The data will be collected through Quizizz automatically once students submit their work. I
expect most of the students will achieve 70% accuracy. If they meet this expectation, I will
only discuss those questions with wrong answers in class. If many of them only got 50%
accuracy, I will give the whole class instruction.

Student-Centered Learning: How will this formative assessment promote a student-centered

learning environment in your classroom?

I will use some of the questions raised by students in our class discussion as the question in
formative assessment.
The aim of this formative assessment is to achieve full mastery of the learning content.
Students still got another chance to get 100% accuracy by doing this quiz again.

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