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MK 4330: Professional Sales

Study Guide Chapters 8, 9, & 10

Chapter 8: Addressing Concerns and Earning Commitment
1. Explain why it is important to anticipate and overcome buyer concerns and resistance.
2. Understand the reasons why prospects raise objections.
3. Describe the five major types of sales resistance.
4. Describe the LAARC method and describe how it can be used to overcome buyer
5. Describe the recommended approaches for responding to buyer objections.
6. List and explain the earning commitment techniques that secure commitment and closing.

Chapter 9: Expanding Customer Relationships

1. Explain how to follow-up to assess customer satisfaction.

2. Explain how to harness technology to enhance follow-up and buyer-seller relationships.
3. Discuss how to take action to ensure customer satisfaction.
4. Discuss how to expand collaborative involvement.
5. Explain how to add value and enhance mutual opportunities.

Chapter 10: Adding Value: Self-leadership and Teamwork

1. Explain and describe the five sequential stages of self-leadership.

2. Identify and explain the four levels of sales goals and explain their interrelationships.
3. Be able to calculate annual sales goals to achieve a target commission.
4. Understand and describe techniques for account classification.
5. Explain and describe how to increase customer value through teamwork.
6. Explain and describe the six skills for building internal relationships.

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