2E 122 Muhammad Firdan Firdaus

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In a paddy field there are farmers who are planting rice. the farmers are planting.

The process of planting begins with clearing the land. Paddy fields must be clean of various
kinds of grass and weeds. If not cleaned, the weeds will interfere with the growth of rice. So
rice can not grow optimally. After the rice fields are cleaned, the next step is to irrigate the
fields with the right water content. There should not be too much so that the wages are the
lowest, or too little so that there is a shortage of water. During the plowing process, rice fields
require quite a lot of water. This is so that the ground is not too hard. So it is easy to process.
Seeding rice seeds is done before the processing of land. Full for several days to make rice
seeds. After all the seeds and land are ready, then the farmers plant their fields.
Farmers have an interesting way of planting rice, namely using a wholesale system. Where
to plant rice in one land together, after one land has been completed then it will move to the
next land using the same system. The purpose of using a wholesale system is so that farmers
can complete their land quickly, neatly and protect it from pests together. together so that
when the harvest will be done together. Even so, there are also farmers who work on their
land privately but sometimes get results that are less than optimal and different from the

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