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Financial Ratio Analysis Question The following are the final accounts of Cik Syarina for the year

ended 31 December 2010: Cik Syarina Trading, Profit and Loss Account for the year ended 31 December 2010 RM Sales Less: Return Inwards Net Sales Less: Cost of Goods Sold Opening Stock Add: Purchases 25,200 34,800 60,000 (12,000) RM 100,000 (3,200) 96,800

Less: Closing Stock GROSS PROFIT Add: Revenue Interest Received

(48,000) 48,800 6,000 (14,200) 40,600

Less: Expenses NET PROFIT Cik Syarina Balance Sheet as at 31 December 2010 RM Fixed Assets Current Assets Stock Trade Debtors Bank Less: Current Liabilities 12,000 11,400 6,000 29,400 (11,400)

RM 169,000

18,000 187,000

Financed by: Capital Add: Net Profit You are required to calculate the following ratios and briefly explain your findings: a) b) c) d) e) f) Gross Profit Ratio Net Profit Ratio Stock Turnover Ratio Current Ratio Acid Test Ratio Average Collection Period (in days) 146,400 40,600 187,000

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