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Maharashtra I~eg i o n(ll & Town Planning !\ll ,
._ - -­
• Notifi cation uncleI' sec ti on 37 (I A .;\ )
of' the said Act.
• . Proposed modificflLiollto Regulali on 33( 24)
01' DCR, 1991 for Gr. MUlllbai .

Urban Development Dep,inill cnt ,
M(jlltrcliayC], Mumabi 400 032 ,
OM.eo c- 18 Apl'il , 2Q15.

1 ' 090/R:[jr~/u D-I I

" ) dated-·
_._" . the 20, 11 )' Pcbrtiab',
~; 1991 s6 as to come intofoTce \.~iith en'eel frol1lrhe
25 March'
.- , 1991 '

A pd \vheregl's, ,the, ',said I't ~'gLllatipl)s : pr(jvi ;:ks fo~ T\vo Typ~s ofYarking ( I) Captive
P~\rkin~lo be provided with slr'1o(urcs under develomnent as per RegUlation No.J6 (inc! (2)
>~'tIGiic L0 IDe (le~',eI0p~(ih~H1 8arkin~. LNst0ar R.'nrKin~... Rese(~arions uS .per regulation
~..'~9~ffi~ &I~ ~);

of Regtilation'
:13(2 4) as specitical Iy described in rhe Sclled ule l1lent ioned belo\-v (hereina fte r re ["erred [0 as
" the proposed modification"),
Now, therefore, the proposed modification, as mentioned in the S:chedule below, which '
the State GQvernmentpropo~e? to: mak~ , in ~x~rci$e of the poyver~ conferrep by sub-section
(1 AA) of 'Section 37 of th ~ sqicl Act;ancl o.p<)11 other powers enabl ing it in th is hehalf, is
herebypublish,ed ~ . -required btclfluse. ( ~\') Clf sllb~ section , -(IAA) of Section 37, for
information oi'allperso'nS likeLy to b~ affeoteq thereb~i; anrJnot!ce is hereby g,iven thaHllc
said propos¢q modifi ~ation Will b§: wken 'ipto wnstderation bo/ ' the Q6vernment of
lvIaharashtrn after th e expiry, of one ·!nQllth frQn1 the q;:ltc of. RyblLcatiol1 ,of this' NQtrge jn;.the-· '
lVlahaFa~htra GQVeI'f1m~nt Gazette;
SCHE'DUL'tE 1 r:;

Hegulatilln . Exis~il1:gP;fO:/is'jori
------- --I------~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~~~~~~~~~--~
~ E3--
I (7-:(-:
g--ta ge) - ;l~(i 1,~)bllUr \ IU31- (7(),~\\cig hl(\ g~) - ; 1(1 1,:ib \ lUr

Ind ex (eP I) (30 % wcighlagc) ciuring lncie,\ (CPl) ()O \~'i) weightage) during
the previous financial yenr, ove r the the previous fil1ancial ),e,)I', OVLT til l' :
YCilr prec edi ng thal. yea!' preceding th<ll ,
Providecl tililtnll the Pro v id ed thai all the i
developments of public parkin g lot s develo pments of public parking 100s
ior \,v hieh letter of Intent has been 1'01' which lettel of Intent has ocen
iss ued by Ih'c Corporation as per the i ~,slle~lby tlie Corporation 85 per the
DC Regul atio n 33(24) , publi shed v.ide DC R,eg}li'ation 33(24), published vi de
NOli flcation dflted OctQbcr 20, 2008, Noti li ca tion datedOclobe,i' 20, 2008 ,
exceptiilg th ose \vhic,h h-ave ' excepting those which have progressed
prQgr~sseci substantlfll!Y., sha[1 NIVe , su~1,statl~laJl~I ,. s\i.<)11 have tQ f6110w the
to fo.llo,,';' Ji1e pyOV.j~iOH~ '.'9f . provi:sicii),s Q[ R~gul f!tions 33(24) as
R ~ gulaiivns 3-3(2.4) as all'l<:?n.d¢~d vide- am e lldeCi ~~i(iC .this N9ti licntionand
thi s ' N 9 tincati6f1 ;' ~11d '~hall na'¥Mo,:'pay slia llhave to pay th,e prcmiulll at the
th~pr~l}ll~l!l) ~~t :the rate of 50%"'of ratcp r 50_~o or w liat they would, have
\vlint thoy '\volli d hav'e otllen,vise; been bther\vise been requir-~c! to ray as pCI' .
required t(l pa ~' fl? p,e'r the nnlended : the anlen~ed pt:O,visi'on, \
provision, Prbvlded furth er that all the
develop'nl,ents ,ur public parking lots
.for '.vhiCh iOD/IOA has not been
iS$lle.d a PC!; prop(jsed modirication
publishecl'- vicio Notification dated 19111
N1a(ch 2012 and sanctioned
modiJicfition " ' published viele
, No'Jitl QariOn -pated q\h Augqst 7014, '
shall .ha'V e~ toI9ay the 'Rremiulll [(S ' PC!'
'the,ani enslcEI.PJovisjPIl , , .

rccei ::e§l ~b)i)!te ~,epU lY F!'ire<irv~Qf ~:qvv n P!f.lnn'ipg), ~reat~i' Mtttnp~i wW,lin the said period

WiJhill aCM.rdance wrtli 1th e, P!:cev,is1c:l!ls of the sam SUl1-SeGtioll' (I AA'Jof

sha'ii also ' be ~"al (ab'le on thi 'Ci o'v:Jft .M Maliarashtra website

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