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Characteristics, Signs and

Symptoms of Malnutrition
and Micronutrient
LET ME KNOW : Explain each picture
below in terms of health benefits.

Nutrition is the science that interprets

the nutrients and other substances
in food in relation to maintenance,
growth, reproduction, health and disease
of an organism.

Malnutrition refers to deficiencies,

excesses or imbalances in a person’s
intake of energy and/or nutrients.
Signs and Symptoms
Sign is any objective evidence of a
disease that can be observed by others
(for example a skin rash or lump).
Symptom is subjective, that is,
apparent only to the patient (for
example back pain or fatigue).
The term malnutrition covers 2 broad
groups of conditions: OVER NUTRITION
Over nutrition- happens
when a person eats and gets
nutritional requirements
beyond the needed and ideal
amount. It is a medical
condition in which a person
has too much body fat.
The term malnutrition covers 2 broad
groups of conditions: OVER NUTRITION
Signs of Over
 Dyspnea or shortness
of breath
 Aching knees
 Risk to hypertension or
high blood pressure
 Snoring
The term malnutrition covers 2 broad
groups of conditions: OVER NUTRITION

Symptoms of
Over Nutrition:
 Obesity
 Heart problems
 Diarrhea
 Difficulty walking
The term malnutrition covers 2 broad
groups of conditions: UNDER NUTRITION

Under nutrition- is a
condition where in a
person does not eat or
take the daily needed
nutrients and nutritional
requirements leading to
disease and deficiencies.
The term malnutrition covers 2 broad
groups of conditions: UNDER NUTRITION
Some signs of Under
 Loss of body fat and muscle
 Poor memory
 Chewing and/or swallowing
 Hollow eyes
 Abdominal swelling and
constant bloating
 Thinning, dry, cold and pale skin
The term malnutrition covers 2 broad
groups of conditions: UNDER NUTRITION
Some Symptoms of Under
 Slow growth and development
 Poor school performance
 Poor nutrition in adulthood
 High risk of getting sick and
taking longer to heal
 A low body weight – people
with a body mass index
(BMI) under 18.5 are at risk of
being malnourished.
are vitamins and minerals that include proteins,
fats and carbohydrates that all humans need to
maintain strong bodies and mental sharpness,
fight off disease, and bear healthy children.
Vitamins are necessary for energy production,
immune function, blood clotting and other functions.
Meanwhile, minerals play an important role in growth,
bone health, fluid balance and several other processes.
Vitamin A, iron and iodine are the most common
micronutrients that Filipino diets are lacking.
refers to deficiencies, excesses or imbalances in a
person’s intake of energy and/or nutrients both vitamin
deficiencies and mineral deficiencies.

The most common micronutrient deficiencies

not only in our country but also in the whole
world are Vitamin A, iron deficiency anemia, and
Iodine deficiency disorders.
regulates normal eyesight and healthy eyes, fights
infections, and is essential for normal growth.
Vitamin A deficiency symptoms : The
child suffering from VAD does not reach
optimum physical growth and becomes
prone to infections that contribute to the
high rates of sickness and death among
young children.
Sign of having Vitamin A deficiency

1.It causes night blindness

2.Bitot’s spot- foamy, soapsud- like spots on the white part

of the eye.

3.Corneal Xerosi- dry, hazy and rough- appearing cornea.

4.Corneal Ulcer - crater-like defect on the cornea

5.Kerotomalacia - softened cornea, sometimes bulging.

Bitot’s spot- Corneal Xerosi-

Corneal Ulcer Kerotomalacia

Iron is a mineral found in the body in
small amounts usually in red blood cells
about 70 percent and in the liver about
30 percent.
Iron deficiency anemia is a condition
in which the red blood cell count or
hemoglobin is less than normal.It
affects mostly adolescent girls, women
of child bearing age, and pre- school
Iron deficiency Symptoms:

1.Results in retarded physical growth,

2.low resistance to infections, and

3.slow development of learning abilities.

4.adults it causes fatigue and reduced work

capacity and may cause reproductive
Sign of having a an Iron deficiency:
Pale lips, Pale tongue, Pale conjunctiva,
Pale nailbed, Pale palms and Pale skin.
Conjunctiva - is the clear, thin
membrane that covers part of the front
surface of the eye and the inner surface
of the eyelids.
Iodine- is a mineral element needed by our
body. It is used by the thyroid gland to
manufacture thyroid hormones for normal
body development and function. Thyroid
hormones cannot be produced without
Iodine deficiency - it is one of the most prevalent
causes of development delay in and brain damage in
regions where little iodine occurs naturally in the diet.
Iodine Deficiency Symptoms:
1.Weakness, constipation, sleepiness and fatigue,
constant feeling of cold and slowness of speech and
2. Physical findings: slow heart rate, swollen legs.
Coldness of the body, thickened puffy features and dry,
yellowish skin are the physical characteristics from 1 to
45 years of age. In infant with severe iodine deficiency
known as cretinism.
Signs of having iodine Deficiency:
1. Swelling in front of the neck- is the most
common symptom of an iodine deficiency.
2. Unexpected weight gain - this is because
thyroid hormones help control the speed of your
metabolism, which is the process by which your
body converts food into energy and heat.
Signs of having iodine Deficiency:
3. Hair loss - when your thyroid hormone levels are
low, your hair follicles may stop regenerating.
Over time, this may result in hair loss.
4. Dry Flaky skin - When thyroid hormone levels
are low.
5. Feeling weak- explained by a person having
less energy than they did.

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