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0 Vision

2.1 Vision of YouTube is (1) aiming to set new industry standards in customer service and

innovation (2) delivering the best financial performance (3) evolve from being a business

with the flexibility to stretch its brand into new business areas.

2.2 What grabs my attention is the third component of its vision because firstly, YouTube, the

guiding principle of the firm has an impact that goes past assumptions. They are the rules that

make YouTube the organization it is and has been since its establishment in 2005. As a

matter of fact, these four fundamental components establish an optimal climate for the

association to accomplish its main goal and vision. And, surprisingly, YouTube contenders

utilize these components to turn out to be better. Secondly, YouTube has integrated spaces

where the most creative people can connect to share and learn the creative process. The

company has been successful in influencing global issues that have a developmental and

social impact through this initiative and finally in return, the business provides these creators

with appropriate benefits and awards.

2.3 The plus point(s) of its vision is/are YouTube generally committed to social media that

has general characteristics, among which is that the message delivered and received does not

cover between personal but covers multi-users. In addition, the message delivered is

uncontrolled and free. Next, the message delivered is processed faster compared to other

media. Then, the recipient of the message also determines the time of the interaction.

The minus point(s) of its vision is/are YouTube is currently the most popular educational

video search engine. Followed, with a video recording device such as a webcam, video

editing software, or camcorder is required. Moreover, in YouTube should upload and share

videos instantly.

What have I learnt from its vision are firstly, YouTube makes sharing easy. Share videos with

friends and family on Twitter, and Facebook, or email videos to friends. You can also attach

an invitation link for your viewers to subscribe. You can also blog about it and embed

YouTube, video for your website. Secondly, everyone can find something they like. Vision

for YouTube Channel Strategy YouTube is the company's main focus, but there is also a

website where people can upload their own videos. They do not intend to close either of these

websites anytime soon because doing so would be disruptive to their customers, who are

already accustomed to using both formats. And finally, YouTube is public, so anyone can see

the videos you post, anyone can post videos, there are potential copyright infringement

issues, and there are potential privacy infringement issues.

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