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Barry’s Long Term Text Drips that Include 50 Different Texts!

01 ISA Handoff
%greeting_time%, %contact_first_name%! It was great speaking earlier about
your real estate needs. I am copying your agent %agent_name% with Better
Homes and Gardens on this text. Let us know if you need anything before your
appt. %agent_first_name% if you need to adjust your schedule at all please reply
all so %contact_first_name% is in the loop too!

02 Call you soon? (Helps avoid Spam filters)

%greeting_time% %contact_first_name% ! Are you still looking for a home? I
was going to call you soon to discuss? %agent_name% %company_name%

03 Empathetic Outreach 1
%greeting_time% %contact_first_name%. We understand life happens, and
situations change. Have you put your move on hold, or are you still looking for the
perfect place? %agent_name% w/ %company_name%

04 Empathetic Outreach 2
%greeting_time% %contact_first_name%, Based on your hectic schedule, when
would it be most convenient for you to start your new chapter? Spring?
Summer? %agent_name% w/ %company_name%

05 #1 New "Believe you missed a few online”

%greeting_time%, is this %contact_first_name%? This is %agent_name% w/
Better Homes & Gardens Real Estate and I had a note that you were looking at a
few homes online in the %contact_city% area. I believe there were a few you
missed. Would you like me to text or email them to you?

Barry’s Long Term Text Drips that Include 50 Different Texts! 1

06 #2a: Newer "Have you received listings?”
%greeting_time% %contact_first_name%? Have you received the listings I sent 🏘? Does
anything stand out about them? Let me know if you like them? %viewed_address%?
%agent_name% w/ Better Homes & Gardens Real Estate

07 #2b: Newer "Chat for 5 min to discuss goals?”

%greeting_time% %contact_first_name%! Do you have 5 minutes in the next day or two to
discuss the listings I’m sending? I’d like to make sure they are exactly what you want. I realize
you might not be ready to buy but I still want to send relevant homes your way.
%agent_name% w/ Better Homes & Gardens Real Estate

08 #3a: Nurture "Did you ever buy?”

%greeting_time%, %contact_first_name%! I was going through my files and didn’t see if you
ever bought that home you were looking for? There are a few in the surrounding
%viewed_address% market you were looking into that I think you might like. How would you
like me to send them? 🏘 %agent_name% w/ Better Homes & Gardens Real Estate

09 #3c: Nurture "You spoke with my assistant. Can I call?

%greeting_time%, I saw you spoke with my assistant regarding your home search. Can I call you
later today or tomorrow to discuss this?

10 #4a: Revive "Openings soon, want to peek at homes?”

%greeting_time%, %contact_first_name%! It’s been a little while since we last spoke. I have
some openings in my schedule this coming weekend so I thought I’d ask if you’d like to peek at
a few homes? Just to explore your options for the surrounding %viewed_address%

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11 #4b: Revive "Did we discuss financing?”
%greeting_time%n, %contact_first_name%! I can’t remember if we ever discussed getting your
financing consult for long term goal of buying a home? I know you aren’t ready to buy, but if
you’re hoping to buy in the next 6-12 months there are a few things we need to confirm?
%agent_name% w/ Better Homes & Gardens Real Estate

12 #4c: Revive "How has the search been coming?”

%greeting_time%, I saw a home that caught my eye near the part of the %viewed_address%
%contact_city% area you were looking at previously and I decided to reach out. How has
the home search been the last month or so? Seeing anything about the homes in your price
range that stand out? Good or bad?

13 #5-7a: Item of Value "Found a blog article you might

%greeting_time%, I found this article on Buying a Home and Mistakes to Watch Out . Are
you familiar with all of these items or is any of this new info ? Here is the link: %agent_name% w/ Better Homes & Gardens Real Estate

14 #8a: Pond "Did your plans change?”

%greeting_time% %contact_first_name%, this is %agent_name%. Not sure if you remember but
we discussed your real estate goals a while back? Did your plans change at all?

15 #8b: Pond "Did you end your search?”

%greeting_time% %contact_first_name%? Did you end your home search or are you still

Barry’s Long Term Text Drips that Include 50 Different Texts! 3

16 Check in Nurture
%greeting_time%, %contact_first_name%! My name is %sender_first_name% and I just left you
a voicemail. I am a client care coordinator and I’m checking to see how your agent,
%agent_name% is doing? Are you getting the help you need? Also, if you’re still looking in the
%viewed_address% /Hampton Roads area I can ask your agent to send some more homes.
🏘 %sender_first_name% w/ Better Homes & Gardens Real Estate

17 1-Seller Guide
%greeting_time%, %contact_first_name%! We just released our new Seller Guide e-Book and I
thought maybe you'd enjoy reading through it? %custom_seller_guide%

18 2-Buyer Guide
%greeting_time%, %contact_first_name%! We just released our new Buyer Guide e-Book and I
thought maybe you'd enjoy reading through it? %custom_buyer_guide%

19 Agent > Client + Lender Intro

%lender_first_name% - %contact_first_name% is a client of mine who's going to be buying a
property shortly. Can you please take point on getting them pre-approved?

20 Buyer 1 - Is this?
Is this %contact_first_name%?

21 Buyer 2 - Did you find a home?

Hi %contact_first_name%! This is %sender_first_name% from %company_name%. You had a
real estate need a while back and I might have seen a few that could work for you. Did you ever
find a home?

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22 Buyer Appointment
%contact_first_name%, are you free this week to take a quick tour of a home I picked out for

23 Buyer Determining Interest

Hey %contact_first_name%, are you still looking to buy a home this year? Last time we spoke
you were interested in %inquiry_address%. Have you changed what you're looking for in a

24 Did you ever buy?

%greeting_time%, %contact_first_name%! I was going through my files and didn’t see if you
ever bought that home you were looking for? There are a few in the surrounding
%viewed_address% market you were looking into that I think you might like. How would you
like me to send them? 🏘 %sender_first_name% w/ Better Homes & Gardens Real

25 Initial Response to a Seller Lead 1

Thanks for your inquiry, %contact_first_name%! When is a good time to chat about getting
your home sold?

26 Initial Response to a Seller Lead 2

Hi, %contact_first_name%! Thanks for reaching out. Quick question: If you could have your
home sold by a certain date, what would that be?

27 Last Viewed Address

%greeting_time% %contact_first_name%, would you like any more info or to go and see
%viewed_address%? -%agent_first_name%

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28 Looking in the 123 Smith area?
%greeting_time%! Are you still looking in the %viewed_address% general area? Or have you
changed your mind? Let me know? %agent_name% %company_name%

29 Missed C2C
%greeting_time%! I missed a call from this number %contact_phone%. I am advertising a
home on Facebook. Were you calling about a house you saw? Here are the pictures in my ad:
%inquiry_address_url%. Let me know? %agent_name% w/ %company_name%

30 CMA
Hi, %contact_first_name%! It's %agent_name% with Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate. I
received your home valuation request. I wanted to reach out and get a little more information
from you in reference to the CMA request. Is there a time we can discuss this?

31 Consider a Move Sooner

If I could possibly get you a grant to pay your down payment and get the seller to pay your
closing costs. Would you make a move sooner?

32 What's Your Criteria

Hi, %contact_first_name%! How soon are you looking to purchase a home? Do you have an
idea of what you're looking for - like city, price range, beds, baths, and any other must haves for
your new home?

33 Showing
Hi %contact_first_name%! I received your inquiry about %inquiry_address% I can meet you at
the property today at --- or tomorrow at ---. Which time works best?

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34 Showing 2
Hey, %contact_first_name%! It's %agent_name% with Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate. I
received your inquiry on %inquiry_address%. I have some openings today for showings. Would
you like to schedule a time for today or anytime this week?

35 ZBuyer Text 1
Hi, %contact_first_name%! I wanted to reach out regarding your home you were looking into
selling. I have an investor that will pay cash for your home and can close in 10 days or less. Is
there a time we can discuss this?

36 ZBuyer Follow Up
Hey, %contact_first_name%! I'm trying to reach you in reference to your cash offer inquiry on
Are you available anytime today or this week for a call?

37 Nudge - Happy Friday

Happy Friday, %contact_first_name%! We haven't spoken recently but I wanted to let you
know there were a few houses that caught my eye in the area where you were looking. If you'd
like some info on them, just let me know! - %agent_name%

38 Phone Call
Hi, %contact_first_name%! It's %agent_first_name% with Better Homes & Gardens Real Estate.
Are you free anytime today or this week for a call?

39 Showings Today
Hi, %contact_name%! I have a few appointment openings for today. Would you like to schedule
a time to see a few properties?

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40 Weekend Showings
Hey, %contact_first_name%! I'm working on my showing schedule for this weekend. I have a
few openings left. Are there any homes you like to schedule a showing of?

41 Mass Text - Going to call you soon

Hey, %contact_first_name% This is %agent_name% with Better Homes & Gardens Real Estate. I
was going to call you in a few minutes to discuss your home search. Are you free?

42 New Listing Text

%contact_first_name%, you came to mind when I listed this new property. Take a look at this
and tell me what you think: (Link)

43 Searching for homes?

Hi %contact_first_name%! This is %sender_first_name% from %company_name%. I saw that
you were looking at some of the listings that we have online. I might have seen a few that could
work for you. Did you ever find a home?

44 Seller Determining Interest

%contact_first_name% - I have a few buyers looking in your area, is your home still available?

45 Team Lead/ISA > Client + Agent intro

%agent_first_name% - %contact_first_name% is ready to go and see some properties, they are
looking for xxxx in xxxx area. %agent_first_name% is our expert in xxxx area and will look after

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46 Template 1
Hi %contact_first_name%,
I just got your message. Do you have a couple of minutes to tell me more about your home
search? -%agent_first_name%

47 Template 2
Hi %contact_first_name% Thanks for contacting me about selling your home. When is a good
time to connect? -%agent_first_name%

48 Template 3
Hi %contact_first_name%, re: %inquiry_address%. What's the best time to call you? -

49 Thinking about You

Hey, it’s %agent_first_name% with Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate Native American
Group. You popped into my head today, and I just wanted to check in with you and see how
you are doing! If there’s anything I can do for you, just let me know. Have an amazing day, and
know I’m here for you. %contact_phone%

50 Introduction
Hello, %contact_first_name%. Do you have a few minutes to chat about your home search?
Text or call me at %contact_phone%. I'd love to help! %agent_name%, Better Homes and
Gardens Real Estate Native American Group. My webpage: (Link)

Barry’s Long Term Text Drips that Include 50 Different Texts! 9



Barry began his career at the age of 18, and has spanned almost
two decades. He currently runs a team in Virginia Beach, VA & he’s
also the CMO of Better Homes and Gardens NAGR. His real estate
team at this firm sold just under 900 units last year and is ranked #9
on the Real Trends to 1,000 teams in America.

He is also a full time Executive at Ylopo with the title of “Head Realtor in Residence” where he trains
their customers; assists with product development & platform evangelism for them as well. His passions
are his faith: being an ordained minister himself; his wife; and his 3 children.

5224 Indian River Road #104

Virginia Beach, VA, 23464
(757) 238-6058

Barry’s Long Term Text Drips that Include 50 Different Texts! 10

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