English Assignment 5 - Naufal Firman KR - 221270000585

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Nama : Naufal Firman Karim Ramadhani

NIM : 221270000585

Tugas 25/12-2022
Vocabulary Focus
Replace the words in brackets in the following sentences with a suitable phrasal verb (Make
other necessary changes).
go for turn up look after
take after hold up go in for
look into go off try out
run out of go over do away with
call off go along with come up with
1. The trouble with Frank is that he never come up with (arrives) on time for meetings.
2. Johnson, I’d like you to look into (examine) this complaint we received this morning.
3. The bomb go off (exploded) with a loud bang which could be heard all over the town.
4. He was walking through the park when a strange dog suddenly go over (attacked) him.
5. I won’t be a minute, Jan. I just want to try out (test) my new tape recorder.
6. You can’t have a sandwich, I’m afraid. We’ve run out of (used up our simply of) bread.
7. Yes, I’ll go for (accept) that.
8. Because of a heavy downpour, the proposed open-air concert had to be call off
9. Why don’t you go in for (enter) the “Miss United Kingdom” contest, Ulla? I’m sure you’d
win it.
10. John, would you look after (take care of) my handbag while I go to the toilet?
11. I wonder who first go along with (thought of) the idea of wearing seatbelts in cars?
12. What a lovely baby. He certainly take after (resembles) his father, doesn’t he?
13. My father still hasn’t really turn up (recovered from) the death of the mother.
14. Because of an accident on the line between Brighton and Victoria, my train was hold
up (delayed) for several hours.
15. I’ve been feeling so depressed lately that I feel tempted to do away with (kill) myself.

Make sentences from the words in brackets. Put the verbs into the correct form,
past simple (I did) or past continuous (I was doing).
Example: ( I / fall / asleep when I / watch / television) I fell asleep when I was watching
1. (the phone / ring/ when I /have / a shower) The phone rang when I was having a
2. (It / begin / to rain when I / walk / home) It began to rain when I was walking
3. (we / see / an accident when we / wait / for the bus) We saw an accident when We
were waiting for the bus.

Put the verb into correct form, past continuous or past simple
Example: While Tom was cooking (cook) the dinner, the phone rang (ring)
1. George fell (fall) off the ladder while he was painting (paint) the ceiling.
2. Last night I was reading (read) in bed when suddenly I heard (hear) a scream.
3. Were you watching (you/watch) television when I phoned you?
4. Ann was waiting (wait) for me when I arrived (arrive).
5. I didn’t drive (not/drive) very fast when the accident was happening (happen)
6. I broke (break) a plate last night. I was doing (do) the washing-up when it slipped
(slip) out of my hand.
7. Tom took (take) a photograph of me while I wasn’t looking (not/look)
8. We weren’t going (not/go) out because it rained (rain).
9. What did you do (you/do) at this time yesterday?
10. I saw (see) Carol at the party. She was wearing (wear) a really beautiful dress.
1. Read this accident report

Report number 135

Collision between a motorcycle and a car at 10.30 p.m. on October 14 there was a
collision between a motorcycle and a car on the corner of Ealing Street and Redding Street. The
car was travelling north on Ealing Street at 35 miles per hour, and the motorcycle was traveling
west on Redding Street at 20 miles an hour. At the time of the accident it was raining and
visibility was poor. A large truck was parked on Redding Street near the corner, and this
prevented the motorcyclist from seeing the car. The motorcyclist received a broken arm and
was taken to the Memorial Hospital. The driver of the car was not injured.

Read this conversation about an accident in which a cyclist collided with a pedestrian at 9
p.m. on October 15.
Policeman: How did the accident happen?
Pedestrian: Well, I was crossing Waverly Street when the cyclist ran into me.
Cyclist: I was riding north on Waverly, you see. And the lady just stepped out from behind
that big van on the side of the road. I wasn’t travelling very fast but I didn’t have time to
Policeman: couldn’t you see her?
Pedestrian: No, it was quite dark and the street lights were not working.
Policeman: Were you carrying a light on your bicycle?
Cyclist: No, I wasn’t.
Policeman: Well, was anyone hurt?
Pedestrian: No, I just a got a few bruises. But my shirt was badly torn.
Cyclist: I bruised my arm. And my bicycle is slightly damaged.

Now write an accident report describing what happened, like above the example (no.1)

Report number 382

Accident between cyclist collided with a pedestrian at 9 p.m. on October 15. There was
a pedestrian crossing Waverly street and a cyclist was riding north on Waverly street too. And
from cyclist pov, a pedestrian just stepped out from behind that big van on the side of the road.
The cyclist wasn’t travelling fast but he don’t have time to stop it. And at that time the street
lights were not working so it was quite dark and a pedestrian can’t see clearly. And also cyclist
wasn’t carrying a light on her bicycle. The pedestrian conditions was just got a few bruises and
her shirt was badly torn. The cyclist too had bruised in arm and her bicycle was slightly damaged.

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