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Committee: UN Women

Country: The Commonwealth Of Australia

Agenda: Gender Equality and Rise of Gender Based Violence

Gender inequality is discrimination on the basis of sex or gender causing one sex or
gender to be routinely privileged or prioritized over another. Similarly, Gender-based
violence (GBV) is violence that is directed at an individual based on his or her biological
sex OR gender identity. It includes physical, sexual, verbal, emotional, and psychological
abuse, threats, coercion, and economic or educational deprivation, whether occurring in
public or private life. Gender inequality and gender based violence hinders the
development of the nation and the achievement of a peaceful society. Australia is ranked
24th on the Gender inequality index as per the UNDP’s Human Development report and
46th on Global gender gap index as per World Economic Forum’s Global Gender Gap
Report with 22.8% of the women undergo physical and sexual intimate partner violence
at least once in their lifetime.
The main cause of gender inequality and gender based violence is the mindset that the
man are supposed to be dominant and in control. Most women engaged in household
activities, have to largely depend on their spouse for economy. He controls the decision
making, and her. The women are dependent on the men, which gives the men the feeling
of superiority and slowly starts violence. They don't say anything to her family or friends
that the man starts to hit her, the women grow more isolated. They have nothing else but
the man, so they lives with the violence.
The Commonwealth of Australia is trying it's best to ensure protection of woman against
gender based violence and mitigate gender inequality. The Australian Government has
zero tolerance for violence against women and girls, including sexual harassment. Since
2013, it has invested over AU$1 billion to reduce violence against women and their
children in Australia. The Fourth Action Plan (2019-2022) of the National Plan seeks to
make a significant and sustained reduction in violence by targeting its investment of
AU$340 million into five priority areas, including responding to sexual violence and
sexual harassment. The federal Sex Discrimination Act 1984 makes it unlawful to
discriminate on the basis of sex, marital or relationship status, pregnancy or potential
pregnancy, breastfeeding and family responsibilities in certain areas of public life.
The Commonwealth Of Australia believes strengthening the law regarding gender
equality and gender based violence is a must. Due to the activities of gender based
violence, the consequences Australians face ranges from permanent disability or death to
a variety of physical, psycho-social and health-related problems that often destroy the
survivor’s self-worth and quality of life, and expose her or him to further abuse. One of
the majors steps in solving these problems would be to Investigate allegations of GBV
thoroughly and effectively, prosecute and punish those responsible, and provide adequate
protection, care, treatment and support to victims/survivors, including access to legal
counseling, health care, psycho-social support, rehabilitation and compensation for the
harm suffered. Also, by taking action to empower women and strengthen their personal,
legal, social and economic independence. The role of human rights and humanitarian
actors should be encouraged and increased inorder to assure a better place for women.


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