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In the figure given below “A” shows a cell in normal state and “B” shows the same cell after
leaving it in a certain solution for a few minutes.

(a)Describe the change which has occurred in the cell as seen in “B”.

(b)Give the technical term for the condition of the cell as reached in B and as it was in “A”

(c )Define the process which led to this condition.

(d)What was the solution – isotonic, hypotonic, hypertonic in which the cell was kept ?

(e)How can the cell in B ,be brought back to its original condition ?

(f)Name the parts numbered 1 to 3.


The figure below shows a root hair.

(a)Label the parts 1 to 4.

(b)What is the role of part 4

(C)Why is the root hair one celled ?

(d)What will happen to the root hair if some fertilizer is added to the soil near the root hair ?

The diagram given below is of an experiment just at the start. Study the diagram carefully and
answer the following questions.

(a)What does the experiment demonstrate ?

(b)Define the process demonstrated in the experiment.

(c )What changes are observed after a few hours ?

(d) Give two examples of semi permeable membrane.

(e)Which limb of the U tube contains more concentrated sucrose solution, A or B ?

(f) Why is the membrane separating the two solutions labeled as semi permeable membrane ?


The diagram given below represents the result of an experiment conducted on two freshly taken
shoots of a green herbaceous plant. The lower ends dip in water.

(a)What is the aim of the experiment ?

(b)Some parts of the stem in both the shoots have been removed.Name the conducting tissue in
shoot (a) and shoot (b) that have been removed.

(c) What are the results of this experiment ?

QUESTION-5Given below is an experiment demonstration.

(a)Which phenomenon has been demonstrated in the given figure ?

(b)What is solute and what is solvent in the above experiment ?

(c)Define the phenomenon in question(a) above.

(d)Give one example from your daily life experiences based on this principle.

QUESTION-6 A complete ring of bark was removed from a tree in spring. The tree continued to
live through summer but a swelling appeared on the bark above the ring while the bark below
shriveled up. Answer the questions given below.

(a)Account for the swelling in the bark above the ring.

(b)Account for the shrinking of the bark below the ring

(c )Name the tissue that distributes food in plant.

(d)Name the tissue that distributes water in plants.

(e)What is the role of a bark in a plant ?(Answer-Barks protect the attack of fungi and
insects,against loss of water by evaporation and variation of external temperature)


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