Water Shortage

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The New Hope Dam will be located in one of the ancestral domains of
Dumagats near the city, also, that land has rich biodiversity and because of this
project, much of the ecosystem will potentially end up being endangered.

The crisis of water interruption from time to time is really hard for the
people in the area. The government plans to enter into a contract with a foreign
company to build the project called New Hope Dam, it is worth Php 18.7 billion. If
the government will continue to enter to this contract and pursue the dam to ease
the water shortage in the city, the rights of the indigenous people will be
unrecognizable and the ecosystem will be endangered. It is not right to disturb the
local residents or the indigenous people the construction’s location can be moved
to an area with no endangered place that can be damage. The dam is not effective
in fixing water shortage in one area because sometimes it brings problems.
(Evidence) A lot has been said regarding the potential’s usefulness of dams, which
is really good. I would like to address in this answer, for the sake of discussion,
some key points regarding why dams can be problematic to us. It appears that
during the past decades, wild river streams (ones that run free from headwaters to
confluence) have nearly been wiped and then replaced by river dams. Fact is, dams
disrupt natural systems and subsequently thwart the work of rivers. They block fish
runs, seasonal flood patterns, affecting redistribution of nutrients (like marine
nitrogen delivered by salmon to feed the inlands). Dams encourage unsustainable
growth, displace people, often indigenous people. Very often, dams are built
through grants of institutions and rarely benefit the local people. Most of the
generated hydropower (if any) is delivered to big cities, not the rural villages
displaced by the dams. Even from a design perspective, it appears dams are made
to fail. A huge reservoir surfaces mean terrible annual evaporation losses. Silting is
unavoidable. Even the largest reservoirs silt up. When they collapse, it is
nightmarish. Some researchers point out dams are not the solution to our energy
crisis. If the construction will continue the possibilities of not having a good
habitat to the people and animals in the city will be a bad start for these individuals
because they will lose something that is important like the ancestral land and the
ecosystem. If it will not be continued, they can relocate the construction so that no
one will be ever affected.

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In conclusion, it is not applicable to ruined the ecosystem just to ease the
water shortage and for some reason they can relocate the construction and never
disturb the indigenous people in the city.

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