Psychiatric Nursing 1

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MENTAL HEALTH - A state of well-being where a person can realize his or her own abilities to cope with

the normal stresses of life and work productively.

MENTAL ILLNESS - A state in which an individual shows deficit in functioning and is unable to maintain
personal relationship.

- State of imbalance characterized by a disturbance in a person’s thoughts, feelings and

behavior.Factors that increase the risk are: Crises, Abuses, Poverty.
- Factors that increase the risk are: Crises, Abuses, Poverty.

MENTAL DISORDER - A medically diagnosable illness which results in significant impairment of one's
cognitive, affective or relational abilities and is equivalent to mental illness.

PSYCHIATRIC NURSING - An interpersonal process concerned with all the aspects of care both a Science
and an Art. *Science - uses different theories;*Art - therapeutic use of self

Disturbance in Perception

Illusion - misperception of an actual external stimuli

Hallucination - false sensory perception in the absence of external stimuli
Neologism - pathological coining of new words
Circumstantiality - over inclusion of details
Word salad - incoherent mixture of words and phrases

 Flight of ideas - shifting of one topic from one subject to another in a somewhat related way
Looseness of Association - shifting of a topic from one subject to another in a completely unrelated way
Verbigeration - meaningless repetition of word or phrases
Perseveration - persistence of a response to a previous question
Echolalia - pathological repetition of words of others
Clang association - the sound of the word gives direction to the flow of thought
Delusion - false belief which is inconsistent with one's knowledge and culture
Grandeur - is an exaggerated belief of identity
Nihilistic - the client denies the existence of self or part of self
Persecution -   belief that he or she is the object of environmental attention and being singled out for
Self-depreciation - worthlessness or hopelessness
Somatic - false belief to body function.

Disturbances of Affect

Inappropriate affect - disharmony between the stimuli and the emotional reaction
Blunted affect - severe reduction in emotional reaction
Flat affect - absence or near absence of emotional reaction
Apathy - dulled emotional tone
Disturbances in Motor Activity

Echopraxia - the pathological imitation of posture/action of others

Waxy flexibility - maintaining the desired position for long periods of time without discomfort
Akinesia - loss of movement
Bradykinesia - slowness of all voluntary movement including speech.
Ataxia - loss of coordinated movement

Disturbances in Memory

Confabulation - filling in of memory gaps

Amnesia - inability to recall past events
Anterograde - immediate past
Retrograde - distant past
Deja vu - feeling of having been to place which one has not yet visited
Jamais vu - feeling of not having been to a place which one has visited

Dementia - gradual deterioration of intellectual functioning

- results in the decreased of capacity to perform ADL

Other behavioral signs & symptoms

Agitation - severe anxiety associated with motor restlessness.

Agnosia - inability to recognize and interpret sensory stimuli.
Akathisia - subjective feeling of muscular tension, restlessness and pacing repeated sitting and standing.
Ambivalence - presence of two opposing feelings at the same time.
Aphasia - inability or difficulty to speak or recall words
Apraxia - inability to carry out specific task or activity.
Delirium- refers to acute change or disturbance in a person's: LOC, cognition, emotion , perception
Depression - feeling of sadness
Derealization - feeling of strangeness towards the environment.
Dysthymia - persistent state of sadness
Elation (euphoria)- a feeling of high degree of confidence, boastfulness and joy with increase motor
Narcolepsy -   sleep disorder characterized by frequent irresistible urge to sleep with episodes of
cataplexy (sudden loss of muscle power)

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