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Old Monks

Online Philosophy Lectures By OLD MONKS
Theory of the Physical world
 More detailed account of the subject given by vaisesika, so it was
accepted by Nyaya as samanatantra or an allied theory common to both.
 Thus they accept Physical world as a constituent of 4 physical substances
i.e. earth, water, fire, air
 akasa or ether, kala or time, dik or space are eternal & infinite substances,
each being one single whole. They are different than the physical world
yet, somehow, belong to physical world.

Online Philosophy Lectures By OLD MONKS
Theory of Self & Liberation
 Various views of Indian Philosophers on ‘Self’-
1. Charvaka- self is a living body with the attribute of consciousness
2. Buddha- reduced self to a stream of thought or a series of cognitions
(like come empiricists)
3. Advaita Vedanta- self is one, unchanging, self-shining (svaprakasa
chaitanya), is neither a subject or an object i.e. neither ‘I’ nor ‘me’
4. Ramanuja- self is not pure consciousness as such but a conscious
subject called the Ego or the ‘I’
 Last 2 views are called Idealist one
 Whereas, Nyaya-vaisesika adopts Realistic view
 Lets see what is that- Online Philosophy Lectures By OLD MONKS
1. Self is a unique substance to which cognitions, feelings, conations belong
2. Self can not be Physical Substance-as they are not perceived by the
external senses
3. Selves are many-as experience of all do not overlap, its distinct
4. Self are eternal & indestructible-they are not limited by space & time
5. Body can not be the self-as body is unconscious & unintelligent
6. Self can not be manas- as manas being an atomic & so imperceptible,
however, pain, pleasure etc are perceptible i.e. they are perceived by us
7. Self can not be series of cognitions as Buddha/Empiricist says- in that
case Memory become inexplicable (can’t be explained)
8. Self can not be pure consciousness as said by Advaita- as consciousness
can not subsist w/o a certain locus. Rather, consciousness is the
attribute of self. Self is knower (ahankarasraya) & enjoyer (bhokta)
Online Philosophy Lectures By OLD MONKS
 Nyaya further says, consciousness in not an inseparable attribute of self.
 To explain this Nyaya says- All conscious states arise in self when it
came in contact with manas, which is related to senses & senses come
in contact with external object.
 It means in embodied state, self gains consciousness otherwise self have
no knowledge or consciousness.
 Thus the attributes like pain, pleasure, feelings etc are mere accidental
attributes of self. (Accident=self in contact with body)

 How do we know self of the Individual?

1. Either from testimony, scriptures or by Inference like w/o accepting
permanent self we can explain attributes like desire, passion, pain etc
2. Few says, self can be known through manasapratyaksa i.e. mental
perception. Eg- when we speak ‘I am’, it is this self perceived through
feeling, pain, pleasure etc, to which we call ‘I’ Online Philosophy Lectures By OLD MONKS
Liberation (apavarga)
 It means end of pain or pleasure for all time to come
 Its not just temporary stoppage of pain or pleasure
 As long as self remains in contact with bodily senses, it can not remain
unaffected by inevitable experiences.
 So in liberation, self exists as a pure substance free from all connections
with the body, neither pain nor pleasure & not even consciousness
 This supreme condition of soul been described as –
1. abhayam- freedom from fear
2. ajaram- freedom from decay & change
3. amrtyupadam- freedom from death
 Few Naiyayikas hold that liberation is final deliverance from pain &
attainment of eternal bliss. Online Philosophy Lectures By OLD MONKS
Liberation (apavarga)
 How to attain liberation?
 Nyaya suggests 3 steps-
1. sravana- listening to scriptural instructions
2. manana- firmly establish knowledge of self by reasoning
3. nididhyasana- he must meditate on the self by comforming to the
knowledge he gained through scriptures
 Once liberation is attained, new fruits will not accumulate as actions are
desireless or passionless & his past karmas are exhausted by producing
there effects.
 So an individual gets freedom from cycle of birth & death…i.e. he
attains true liberation.
Online Philosophy Lectures By OLD MONKS
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 Next video will on Nyaya Theology

Online Philosophy Lectures By OLD MONKS

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