Nyaya Part 4

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Old Monks

Online Philosophy Lectures By OLD MONKS

Classification of Inference
 Naiyayikas gives 3 different classifications of Inference; Based on-
a) Psychology
b) Vyapti
c) Logic
 Lets see-
a) Psychological classification is further of 2 types-
1. svartha 2. parartha (already discussed)
b) Based on vyapti, Nyaya classifies anumana into 3 types-
1. purvavat 2. sesavat 3. samanyatodrsta
 While purvavat & sesavat are based on ‘causal uniformity’,
samanyatodrsta is based on ‘non-causal uniformity’
Online Philosophy Lectures By OLD MONKS
Classification of Inference
 In purvavat anumana, we infer unperceived effect from a perceived cause
Eg: future rain predicted from dark clouds
 In sesvata anumana, we infer unperceived cause from a perceived effect
Eg: inference of past rain from muddy river water
 These inferences are based on ‘Scientific Induction’ i.e. cause & effect
relation i.e. universal correlation i.e. vyapti
 samanyatodrsta anumana is based on non-causal uniformity i.e. we infer
one from other bcoz they are uniformly related in our experience.
Eg: when we perceive change of position we perceive motion as in case of
moon, we don’t see actually moving moon but we can infer its motion
based on the change of its position.
Online Philosophy Lectures By OLD MONKS
Classification of Inference
c) Based on Logic, Nyaya classifies anumana into 3 types-
1. kevalanvayi 2. kevala-vyatireki 3. anvaya-vyatireki
 Kevalanvayi anumana is based on POSITIVE relation between middle
term (hetu) & major term (sadhya)
Eg: All that is knowable is nameable & its vice versa, both are true, as there
exists positive relation between knowable & nameable !
 kevala-vyatireki anumana is based on NEGATIVE relation. Here
knowledge of vyapti is arrived at only by method of agreement in
Eg: What is not ‘different from other elements’ has no smell, and Earth has
smell, so, Earth is ‘different-from-other-elements’
 Hope its clear!
Online Philosophy Lectures By OLD MONKS
Classification of Inference
 anvaya-vyatireki anumana is when middle term & major term both are
positively & negatively related to each other.
 Following 2 examples will illustrate it-
1. All smoky objects are fiery
The hill is smoky
Therefore hill is fiery
2. No non-fiery object is smoky
The hill is smoky
Therefore hill is fiery

Online Philosophy Lectures By OLD MONKS

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 You can comment or write your queries & mail me at

 Next video will continue on Inference (Theory of


Online Philosophy Lectures By OLD MONKS


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