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Essay Writing: Professional Ethics in Educational Institutes

Essay Writing

Professional Ethics in Educational Institutes

Course: PHI 401

Section: 06

Semester: Fall 2022

Submitted to: Professor Md. Zakir Hossain

Submitted by: Name: Fareeha Tahsin Raina

ID: 1811 484 030

Date of submission: 18 December 2022

Essay Writing: Professional Ethics in Educational Institutes

Table of Content
Content Page Number
Introduction 3
Description 5
• Ethical Principles 5
• Implementation 5
• Codes of Conduct 5
• Separatism 7
Issues, Controversies and Problems 7
Conclusion 8
References 9

Essay Writing: Professional Ethics in Educational Institutes


The moral standards that direct someone's behavior or activity are known as their ethics. Business
ethics and personal ethics differ primarily in that the former is a code of conduct required of an
employee or employee of a certain profession. What a professional should or shouldn't do at work
is an element of the concept of professional ethics. Additionally, it covers a bigger portion of
professional life. (Personal and professional ethics 2022) A professional must uphold that
behavior in all of his interactions if they are to be considered ethical. Professional ethics is the
study of moral problems that result from the specialized knowledge that professionals acquire and
how these problems should be resolved when providing a service to the general public. Being a
professional requires one to conduct oneself in an ethical way. Managers of various businesses
should base their decisions on both personal and professional ethics. Although managers should
take personal and professional ethics into account when managing engineers, there are still
variations between them that must be taken into account.

The expectations of persons participating in many different sorts of professions include a code of
ethics. Fairness in interactions with coworkers and subordinates is required; special favors or
advantages should never be given out without compensation. A professional should not divulge or
utilize information received in confidence to harm a subordinate or employee. One should protect
their right to privacy at work. (Professional ethics and codes of Conduct 2018) The same advice
as before can be used in relation to external ethics.

Every industry requires ethics, which should be taken into consideration while hiring people and
creating work conditions. The significance of understanding and upholding professional ethics in
these environments has grown as a result of the significant influence that educational
environments, particularly universities, have on students' futures as well as those institutions'
crucial roles in providing education and developing communities.

The most significant aspects of professional ethics, as determined by the findings of this study, are
as follows (in accordance to an example of the educational institute dynamics): having a spirit of
tolerance and openness in dealing with students, paying attention to appearance and covering
appropriately by teachers, avoiding inappropriate humor and jokes, and not using the university
facilities for personal matters by teachers are all examples of respect for the students. Other
examples of respect for the students include respect for the privacy of their own students, respect

Essay Writing: Professional Ethics in Educational Institutes

for the students' health and safety, respect for the privacy of their own students, and respect for the
students' privacy. (Professional ethics and codes of Conduct 2018)

In order to deliver new knowledge based on research in accordance with appropriate standards
within the allotted time frame, a teacher and a research student engage in knowledge pursuit with
certain implicit and explicit understandings. They form a relationship with the goal of managing
and maintaining progress in accordance with the agreed-upon research plan and ensuring that the
research paper or thesis complies with all pertinent regulations during this process. Student
communication with the institutional supervisory team and vice versa is absolutely necessary for
this. In addition, the process requires the student to take the initiative and reach an agreement
with the supervisory team regarding the content, data, and methodology that are mutually
acceptable. However, decisions regarding these initiatives may differ, and difficulties may arise
during the implementation of the jointly agreed-upon research plan. When it comes to making
decisions or choices, perception and judgment frequently diverge. The situation and the student's
level of intelligence may influence how the teacher and the student perceive each other. One
thing may seem unfair or unethical to the student, but the supervisor or teacher on the other side
of the table may see it as completely ethical. (Sharma, Essay on professional ethics: Profession:
Management 2017) However, once they begin working together, they typically come to an

The purpose of this paper is to gain an understanding of the ethical and unethical behaviors that
researchers engage in, whether they do so intentionally or unintentionally. Is there a theoretical
foundation for determining whether a practice is ethical or unethical? The awareness of the
existence of a clearly defined code of ethics in research has been evaluated. In addition, the
research compared the perceptions of teachers and students regarding ethical and unethical

Essay Writing: Professional Ethics in Educational Institutes


Ethical Principles:

All professional conduct codes are based on ethical principles. The profession may have different
ethical principles; Professional ethics, for instance, will differ between educators; teachers and
lawyers and real estate agents and medical professionals. (Professional ethics 2022)
Nevertheless, there are a few universal ethical principles that are applicable to all occupations,
including: integrity, trustworthiness, loyalty, respect for other people, adherence to the law,
doing good deeds and avoiding harm to others, and accountability are all traits.

Ethical considerations in the workplace are based on an internalized concept of the moral
obligations associated with work rather than solely on external pressure or supervision. The
individual's perspective and choice are heavily influenced by ethics, which are largely subjective.
A person may have their own moral principles, which may or may not align with the activity's
existing ethical code of conduct. (Professional ethics 2022)


To guard against student exploitation and to maintain the profession's integrity and reputation,
most professionals have internal codes of practice that members must adhere to. This is done not
only for the student and teacher’s benefit but also for the benefit of those in that field. By
removing practitioners from the professional body if they do not adhere to the code, disciplinary
codes enable the profession to establish a code of conduct and ensure that individual practitioners
adhere to it. Professionals who act ethically can practice knowing that they won't be undermined
commercially by those who have fewer ethical concerns because of this. Additionally, it helps to
maintain public confidence in the profession and encourages customers to continue using their

Codes of Conduct:

These professional ethical principles serve as the foundation for prescribing mandatory behavior
standards for members of a profession in professional codes of conduct. Also, they want to lay
out what the profession and society expect of its members.

Essay Writing: Professional Ethics in Educational Institutes

Codes of conduct are intended to establish a minimum standard of acceptable behavior in a

professional setting. Along with the general law of the land and the professional members'
personal values, codes of conduct are also important.

Codes of conduct for professional’s benefit:

Members of the profession, as they provide a supporting framework for resisting pressure to act
inappropriately and for making acceptable decisions in what may be "grey areas" the profession
as a whole, as they provide a common understanding of acceptable practice that builds
collegiality and allows for fairer disciplinary procedures others dealing with the profession, as
the profession will be seen as more reliable and easier to deal with. the public, as they build
confidence in the profession's trustworthiness students, as they provide greater transparency and
certainty about how their affairs. (Understanding of professional ethics free essay example 2020)

Fiduciary responsibilities:

When a teacher accepts a student's request for assistance, they assume some level of
responsibility for the student and their immigration case. In relation to that assistance, the student
becomes reliant on the teacher. This is a fiduciary relationship between a principal (the student)
and the adviser. This fiduciary relationship imposes certain responsibilities on the adviser toward
their student even in the absence of a Code.

Contractual Obligations:

When an adviser and a student enter into a written contract, the adviser is legally obligated to
carry out the terms of the contract in a particular manner. Even if they aren't explicitly stated in
the contract, this includes a duty to act with diligence, care, and skill. It also implies obligations
like honesty and confidentiality.

Numerous moral issues are probably going to come from consultants' associations with students.
The majority of these problems can be solved by having clear terms in a written agreement about
how certain things will be handled, like sharing confidential information, using interpreters,
getting refunds, and getting paid.

Essay Writing: Professional Ethics in Educational Institutes


The theoretical question of whether an ethical code for a profession should be compatible with
public morality standards is up for debate. Separatists contend that callings ought to be permitted
to go past such limits when they judge it vital. This is due to the fact that they are taught to
produce certain outcomes that may place morality above other societal functions. For instance, it
could be argued that a doctor may lie to a patient about the severity of his or her condition if
there is reason to believe that telling the patient would cause the patient such a great deal of
distress that it would be harmful to the patient's health. In this case, the doctor would be lying to
the patient. This would be disrespectful to the patient's autonomy because it would conceal
information that could significantly alter the patient's life. The majority of people would consider
this to be immoral. (Understanding of professional ethics free essay example 2020) However, it
may be justifiable to defy other moral requirements in order to achieve the end goal of improving
and maintaining health if it is deemed a moral priority in society. Separatism is based on a
relativist idea of morality, which says that different parts of society can have different moral
codes that are equally valid and that differ between societies. Since the universalist holds that
there is only one valid moral code for everyone, this would be inconsistent with the view that
professions can have a different moral code if moral universalism is ascribed to it.

Issues, Controversies and Problems

Research is a professional activity that requires the cooperation of all parties involved. As a
professional activity, it must be governed by a code of ethics, a set of rules and principles.
Research is frequently a long-term activity that fosters relationships between the student, their
supervisors and teachers, and other participants. The dynamics of this work relationship are
similar to those of any relationship. Moving through the hallways of universities and other
institutions reveals this dynamic.

Essay Writing: Professional Ethics in Educational Institutes


Teaching is regarded as a profession in and of itself that places an emphasis on attaining a

scientific outlook and commitment to the ideals of constitution where one works on the demands
of established ethics. Teachers are considered to be the primary focus of society's educational
system. A "quality parameter" code for a profession and its practitioners is made up of these
established ethical principles.

The purpose of this paper is to identify the prevalent ethical issues that teachers and students face
in their quest for knowledge. It was discovered that the teachers and students had a similar
understanding of the ethical and unethical research practices. However, their roles and
designations as students or teachers may be the cause of some of the observed disagreements. In
the collective pursuit of knowledge, the defined role is to help each person see the research
realities through their own-colored glasses. (Prasad & Kaushik, Professional ethics in research:
Are students and teachers on the same page? 2020) Although the results of this small study
cannot be generalized, they strongly support the need to develop and define a code of ethics for
research in order to gently guide the relationship between teachers and students and facilitate
high-quality work.

Essay Writing: Professional Ethics in Educational Institutes


1. Sharma, K. (2017, December 12). Essay on professional ethics: Profession:

Management. Essays, Research Papers and Articles on Business Management. Retrieved
December 18, 2022, from
2. Understanding of professional ethics free essay example. StudyMoose. (2020, June 5).
Retrieved December 18, 2022, from
3. Personal and professional ethics: Free essay example. (2022, July 27).
Retrieved December 18, 2022, from
4. Professional ethics and codes of Conduct. Immigration Advisers Authority. (2018, May
17). Retrieved December 18, 2022, from
5. Wikimedia Foundation. (2022, November 9). Professional ethics. Wikipedia. Retrieved
December 18, 2022, from
6. Prasad, R., & Kaushik, B. (2020, March 2). Professional ethics in research: Are students
and teachers on the same page? Retrieved December 18, 2022, from

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