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Do parents really know what their children are watching or doing on the internet
at all times? Children have become more technologically advanced than their
parents. There are positive and negative of children using the internet and
watching too much TV. There I an increase in child obesity because children are
not going outside to play as much. Children are more exposed to violence in
today’s world. Children follow by example, if they see their parents on their
phones or computers all the time, the children will do as they are shown. Parents
often do not realize the harm they are causing to their children. There are
positive and negative effects of letting child watch TV. Parents should limit
their child’s screen time. If a parent lets them watch too much TV the child will
not get the proper amount of sleep they need due to the suppression of the
hormone melatonin which regulates the sleep/wake cycle.
However, with the increased rate of working parents, most children come home
from school and are left alone or with a babysitter who may not care what the
children watch on TV.
With no supervision nearby, children may end up watching shows with
violence, bad language, adult shows, horror shows. Children that view such
shows are likely to fear that the world is scary or that something bad will
happen to them. Furthermore, the children will start to show aggressive
behaviour or start to behave like what they see on TV or internet.

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