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Leonardo Fibonacci

Leonardo Fibonacci was born in the year 1170 CE and died in the year
1520 CE. He also linked the Fibonacci numbers to the golden ratio. 1 more
interesting fact is that he created this sequence sitting in the leaning tower
of Pisa. He is also known as the Leonardo of Pisa. His great discoveries
will last long. He also connected Fibonacci numbers to the golden ratio by
only using addition and subtraction. Golden Ratio is variously found in the
shells, patterns of flowers and of course in our body. Leonardo da Vinci
also used this method for his painting too.

This is the golden ratio or the golden rectangle. This is formed by the
Fibonacci numbers. This series continues till unlimited. The small
rectangle in the centre of the golden ratio is the starting of the Fibonacci
numbers. It is used in art as well. In nature, we see in the wave in the
water, in flowers, pine cones, and as well, in our bodies. In art an example

Some architectures use the golden ratio to construct buildings. They also
use this technique to design the logos of the company. The company apple
also uses this same technique to design their logos.

The use of Fibonacci numbers is very useful in making the golden ratio.
This is helpful in constructing buildings in different forms. You can relate
this to the apple logo. This is very to make or calculate.

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