Media, Advertisements and Markets

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Media, Advertisements and Markets

Understanding Media
- The first idea that comes to our mind is a person
with a mic and asking questions.
- Media is acting like the link between advertising
and markets.
- Humans are social beings and communication is a
social aspect of their lives connected to the
outside world.
- Also known as mass media.
- Media is a form of mass communication that brings
people closer to each other.
- This public communication takes place through
various modes of media- (1) print media, (2)
electronic media.
- In common man's words, mass communication can
be defined as "who says what" through which
channel to "whom" with "what" effect.
- It means to connect with another person.
- Print media-ex- newspaper, magazines, leaflets,
- Electronic media-ex- Facebook, Instagram,
- Print Media - Print media is the basic and oldest
form of mass communication.
- Print media provides the most authenticated
information of both past and present times.
- Print media has the advantage of making a longer
impact on the minds of people.
- Electronic Media - Broadcast media takes
advantage of technology known as electronic media.
- Electronic media promotes speedy information.
- Electronic media sends the message in a few
seconds to the other person.
- It connects the people globally.
- Electronic media has made our lives easier.
- Media is the voice of the people.
- Free and open media are essential for a healthy
democracy. Media makes the people aware of the
political, social and economic conditions of the
- Constructive media helps to check corruption in
politics and society.
- When the government tries to prevent the media
from publishing any news, it is called censorship.
- Media and democracy are dependent on each other.
- Media has the responsibility and power to share
the information they can.
- The information that the media shares needs to be
authenticated and have confidence that they can
share the information.
- Ethics is the thing that governs our lives.
- Media informs, educates and entertains, and hence
has a greater responsibility than the ordinary
- Media ethics can’t share wrong information but can
give opinion.
- Ethics are the values that govern our lives and
thus, are essential for a moral and healthy life.
Media Ethics (rules)
- The media should always aim to see the truth
and report/publish it. The facts that lead to
unrest in society should be avoided.
- The media should always act independently. It
should not work under the influence of any
institution or government organization.
- The promotion of stereotypes through
advertising and entertainment should be

Understanding Advertisement
- It is defined as a notice, picture or film telling
people about a product, job or service.
- It is the promotion of a product or service through
various mass media to increase their sales.
- It is through advertisements that consumers are

informed about a particular product, service, also

about the quality, quantity and price of the


- Advertisements show and positively describe the


Branding Products and their Brand Values

- Branding refers to assigning a name or symbol to a


- Types of Advertising- 1.Commercial

Advertisements 2. Political Advertisements 3.

Social Advertisement 4. Covert Advertisements.

- Those who purchase or consume goods for their

personal use are called consumers.

- To protect the interest of the consumers, the

government adopted three strategies, Legislative,

Administrative and Technical.

- The markets are looting us by mixing some

ingredients or cheating.

District Consumer Protection Forums at districts

Consumer Exploitation

- Price Hike

- Misleading Advertisement

- Intangible
- Lack of Coordination

- Weights and Measurements

- Right to safety

- Right to Information(RTI)

- Right to Choose

- Right to be Heard

- Right to Consumer Education

Understanding Markets

- It is a place where all types of trading activities

like buying and selling take place.

- There are 3 types of markets

1. Wholesale Market

- It is a market for the producers. The producers

bring their product to be sold here.

- We have different wholesale markets for

different types of products.

2. Retail Market
- This market is concerned with buying goods in smaller

quantities and selling goods in smaller lots across the

country to the ultimate consumers. Retail markets can

be fixed or mobile.

- The chain of the market is the way of the products

from the traders to retailers to the customer.

- This market is concerned with buying goods in

smaller quantities and selling goods in smaller lots

across the country to the ultimate consumers.

Retail markets can be fixed or mobile.

3. Chain Of Markets

- These are types of markets that are connected.

Components of a markets

1. Manufacturer and Producer

- A person or industry, that grows, makes and

supplier goods

- Consumer A consumer is a person who buys any

product or service from the market and consumes



- A seller may or may not be a producer or a


- A seller provides and services to a consumer to

satisfy his/her need. A seller can be a wholesaler

or a retailer.

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