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Chemistry O. Level Cambridge I.G.C.S.

Chapter 6: Chemical Energetics
- All chemical reactions involve an energy change (∆𝐻). This energy is in the form of

- An exothermic reaction is a reaction, which releases energy to the surrounding, i.e.

heat is given out (the reaction mixture becomes hot).

- An endothermic reaction is a reaction, which absorbs energy from the surrounding, i.e.
heat is taken in (the reaction mixture becomes cold).

Where does the energy change (∆𝐻) come from?

- In chemical reactions bonds are broken and new bonds are formed.

Breaking bonds requires energy. It is endothermic.

Making new bonds gives out energy. It is exothermic.

- If the energy given out is greater than the energy taken in, the reaction will be

Dr. Ahmed Eid

1 01026566696
Chemistry O. Level Cambridge I.G.C.S.E

- Hydrogen reacts with the halogens to form hydrogen halides.

Bond energy is the amount of energy, in kJ, that must be supplied (endothermic) to
break one mole of a bond.
Bond Bond energy in kJ/mol
H-H + 436
Cl-Cl +242
H-Cl + 431

Use the above data to show that the following reaction is exothermic:
H-H + Cl-Cl → 2 H-Cl

The following is equation for the combustion of methane (natural gas)

Dr. Ahmed Eid

2 01026566696
Chemistry O. Level Cambridge I.G.C.S.E

Examples for exothermic reactions:

1- All neutralization reactions are exothermic:
- When dilute hydrochloric acid reacts with sodium hydroxide solution, a neutralization
reaction happens.
HCl(aq) + NaOH(aq) → NaCl(aq) + H2O(l)

- Temperature rises by (34-30) = 4°C

Why a polystyrene (plastic cup) is used instead of beaker?

- The polystyrene cup serves to insulate the reaction mixture, and slows heat losses
from the side and bottom.

Dr. Ahmed Eid

3 01026566696
Chemistry O. Level Cambridge I.G.C.S.E
2- All displacement reactions are exothermic:
Mg(s) + H2SO4(aq) → MgSO4(aq) + H2(g)
Zn(s) + H2SO4(aq) → ZnSO4(aq) + H2(g)
- By measuring the rise in temperature, we can find out the order of reactivity of

Examples for endothermic reactions:

1. N2(g) + O2(g) → 2 NO(g)
Energy is needed for the above reaction to take place. N2 and O2 react together only at
very high temperature.

2. Thermal decomposition.

3. Melting of ice and evaporation of water.

Dr. Ahmed Eid

4 01026566696
Chemistry O. Level Cambridge I.G.C.S.E
Production of energy:
Burning fuels:
- Fuels release heat energy when they burn in air or oxygen. All burning reactions are

Neutral gas is largely methane when it burns, heat is given out.

Methane + oxygen → carbon dioxide + Water
CH4 + 2 O2 → CO2 + 2 H2O
Ethanol (used in cars in Brazil). When it burns, heat is given out.
Ethanol + oxygen → carbon dioxide + Water
C2H5OH + 3 O2 → 2 CO2 + 3 H2O

What is needed for fire?

Nuclear Energy:
Uranium-235: as a source of energy (nuclear fuel).

Dr. Ahmed Eid

5 01026566696
Chemistry O. Level Cambridge I.G.C.S.E
Comparing the amount energy produced by the burning of different liquid fuels:
- The apparatus below could be used. The same mass of each fuel is burnt in turn.
- The initial and final temperature of the same volume of water is recorded.

Experimental procedure:
- Two equal masses of the two fuels are used for a fair comparison.
- The initial temperature of water is recorded.
- Burn the first fuel and record the final temperature.
- The experiment is repeated for the second fuel using the same volume of water.
- The fuel which produced the greatest temperature rise is the better fuel.

Electricity from Chemical Reactions:

Cell: a device to produce electrical energy from a chemical reaction.

- This is the reverse of what happens during electrolysis, where chemical reactions are
brought about by using electrical energy.

Electrolysis (Endothermic)
Electrical Energy Chemical Reaction
Cell (Exothermic)

Simple Cells:
- Two metals that are far apart from one another in the reactivity series are placed in
an electrolyte. The more reactive metal becomes the negative pole from which electrons

Dr. Ahmed Eid

6 01026566696
Chemistry O. Level Cambridge I.G.C.S.E
- The amount of electricity produced (voltage) depends on the position of the metals in
the reactivity series. The rule is:
The further apart the metals are in the reactivity series, the more electricity is

- The voltage of an iron/copper cell is about 0.8 volts.

Predict whether the voltage of a zinc/copper cell would be less, the same or bigger.
Explain your answer.

The simple cell can be used to compare the reactivity of two metals:
1- The more reactive metal is the one which loses electrons and passes as ions in the
solution, i.e. becomes smaller (thinner).
2- The direction of follow of e is from the more reactive metal to the less reactive
Dry Cell [Batteries]:
- Batteries are convenient source of energy because they are portable and small, and are
used in toys, radios, and many other things.

Dr. Ahmed Eid

7 01026566696
Chemistry O. Level Cambridge I.G.C.S.E
Hydrogen as a Fuel:
Hydrogen is a possible energy source of the future. Hydrogen is used as a fuel in a fuel
cell where hydrogen reacts with oxygen to generate electricity. It causes no pollution
because the only product of reaction is water.
2 H2 + O2 → 2 H2O

Dr. Ahmed Eid

8 01026566696

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