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🔴PR Preassess 26/12/22

- Insidensi hemagioma pada skrotum

- Indikasi operasi pasien

- Besar margin eksisi

Vyas R, Zargar H, Di Trolio R, Di Lorenzo G, Autorino R. Squamous cell carcinoma of the scrotum: A look
beyond the chimneystacks. World Journal of Clinical Cases: WJCC. 2014 Nov 11;2(11):654.

- Staging tumor skrotum

- Teknik repair fistula vesicovagina
- Klasifikasi fistula vesicovagina
- Etiologi BXO
Balanitis Xerotica Obliterans. Lichen sclerosus et atrophicus, or BXO, is a chronic infiltrative and
cicatrizing skin condition resulting in pathologic phimosis (Chalmers et al., 1984; Fig. 44.5). BXO
can affect the glans and meatus as well as the urethra.

Treatment of BXO includes medical and surgical options. The use of topical corticosteroids has
had limited benefit to treat mild BXO of the prepuce with minimal scar formation (Vincent and
Mackinnon, 2005). Circumcision is the preferred treatment alongwith meatotomy or meatoplasty
in cases of meatal involvement.
Children with meatal involvement should be observed postoperatively because of the risk of
recurrent meatal stenosis, but 20% may require subsequent meatal surgery (Homer et al.,
2014). A prepuce-sparing approach was described by Wilkinson et al. in 104 uncircumcised
boys for whom triradiate preputial incisions and injection of triam- cinolone intralesionally were
performed. This resulted in 81% having a fully retractile prepuce without macroscopic evidence
of BXO; 13% developed recurrent symptoms or BXO requiring circumcision or repeat foreskin
preputioplasty. The development of meatal stenosis occurred in significantly fewer boys than in
those who underwent initial circumcision (Wilkinson et al., 2012).

- Panurethral stricture
- dd massa paratesticular

🔷Jaga 3 + TKM
- Beda insisi eksisi ekstirpasi

Insisi: Luka yang dibuat pada pembedahan tanpa mengambil jaringan kulit
Eksisi: Salah satu tindakan bedah untuk membuang jaringan dengan cara memotong
Ekstirpasi: Tindakan pengangkatan seluruh masssa tumor beserta kapsulnya
- Edukasi pelvic floor mucle excercise

- Bagaimana mixed incontinence

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