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Principle of Teaching 1

CHAPTER 13: The 21st Century Classroom Management Models

Name: Gabita, Pamela Andrea H.

Activity 13.1

Interpret each philosophy using 5 to 7 sentences only.

“We teach our students how to behave by what we allow, what we stop, what we ignore, and what we

- Teachers teaches the students on what they want them to behave. its like they were
authoritarian because they only allow behavior that they think is good to them, and stop them is
they feel that its not good. They also didn’t care in some things that maybe doesn’t concern
them. Also, tell their student what to do or what the student should change to their behavior. I
remember I have a teacher that want our class to always be on our best behavior because our
classroom is near to the principal’s office, disciplinary coordinator, and other school
administrator, also the first room that a visitor will see is our classroom so he wants our class to
behave properly. He also wants us to do our best whenever there is a school competition. Since
it was his first year in our school and he doesn’t have an advisor class before because he was a
former disciplinary coordinator.

“Challenging behavior occurs when the demands and expectations being placed upon a child
outstrip the skills he has to respond adaptively.”

- I think this is when a student is having a difficulty in understanding or solving a problem.

Students became grumpy, stressed and pressured because they didn’t meet what is expected to
them. Sometimes students lose focus and became exhausted that they don’t want to do the
assignment of tasks. For example, the distance learning that is implementing today students
often get frustrated and exhausted because of the modules that they need to finish plus the
pressure that came from their parents forcing them to finish the modules so that they can
submit it on time. Even my nephews when they have online classes then their will be an activity
afterwards then he didn’t get what the teacher taught him most especially in math he will get
grumpy and throws tantrums even if his papa tells him that he will help him, he didn’t want to
finish his task.
Activity 13.2

Let us say that you are on an interview for a teaching position. How will you answer the following
classroom management questions?

1. How do you handle disciple problems in the classroom?

- By understanding why student have this kind of behavior. Ask the student what is wrong or why
are they behaving like that. So that I can addressed it properly. If I feel like I did everything I can
but still no progress I will seek help from my colleagues and the administration of the school.
Understanding is the key to have a happy and lively class. Also, a good relation to your students
so that they will feel relax and will not be stressed out.

2. Describe your discipline philosophy.

- By providing clear and fair rules that both teacher and students agreed at the first day of class.
If a student misbehaves, I will see what could be the cause of his/her behavior so that it will be
addressed properly. A gentle approach to student is a great strategy that can reduce the cause
for their misbehaving. Giving a warning if them did something wrong don’t give immediate

3. Tell me about your classroom management style.

- My classroom management style is the Authoritarian approach, but in a low control. Because
this approach gives limit to students and gives teachers to set and enforce rules. Authoritarian
approach id more closely appropriate to the student’s behavior.

4. How do you build rapport with your class?

- By being approachable and be friends with your student but with boundaries so that they won’t
forget that I’m still their teacher. Give them encouragement if they are feeling down. Also, when
discussing lesson, I can give examples that is related in everyday lives.

5. How do you communicate with a parent about a student’s low performance?

- First, I will show the student’s performance to the parent and ask them to assist the students in
their learning activities like their assignments and other performance task. Encourage the parent
to give the right support that the students need for their learning.

Activity 13.3

As a future teacher, do you think that you will be able to accept leadership responsibilities? Make your
oat about this question.

I, Pamela Andrea Gabita promised to be a good teacher to my students. I will do my best to teach my
student the knowledge they need in the best of my ability. Be an example to them give them inspiration
and motivate them to do their best to achieve their goals in life. So, help me God.

Thank you so much po Sir!

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