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I. Using the words in parentheses, complete the text below with the appropriate tenses.

Since computers were first introduced to the public in the early 1980s, technology _
has changed a great deal. The first computers _
were simple machines designed for basic tasks. They _
didn't have (not/have) much memory and they ____________________

(not/be) very powerful. Early computers were often quite expensive and customers often __
paid thousands of dollars for machines which actually
did very little. Most computers _____________________(be)

separate, individual machines used mostly as expensive typewriters or for playing games.

have changed have become

Times ____________________ (change). Computers _____________________
(become) powerful machines with very practical applications. Programmers
have created
___________________(create) a large selection of useful programs which do everything from
teaching foreign languages to bookkeeping. We are still playing video games, but today's
games _____________________(become)
have become faster, more exciting interactive adventures. In
short, the simple, individual machines of the past __________________
have evolved (evolve) enormously
since their creation.

II. Complete the text with the words in the table.

You may need to change the verb forms.

since yet just be for catch

get develop have already never ago

I have always ____________

been never
very fit and healthy, and I have ________________ had a
serious illness. However, a couple of weeks ________________,
ago caught
I ____________________ the
flu. I __________________
had a high temperature for nearly a week, and my whole body hurt.
It’s taking me ages to get my strength back. It really bothers me that I haven’t had enough
since got
energy to play football ________________ I ____________ ill. In fact, I have
__________________ been to the doctor to ask if it’s normal to feel weak for so long. He says

I’ll soon feel better. Apparently, I’m lucky. For some people, especially the old and the weak,
the flu can be very serious. Doctors have tried _______________
for years to find a cure for the
flu, but they haven’t found one _____________. yet Fortunately, researchers have
_______________ a vaccine which gives effective protection against the disease. According
to my doctor, most of his elderly patients have _________________
already received their flu shots.

inglesparativip english4u_vip Teacher: Nohely Márquez 1


III. Complete the following conversation with the appropriate tenses.

Then answer the questions.

The Spanish Civil War

Sarah: Hi Kate. You look so pale. _________ did sleep

you ___________ (sleep) last night?
Kate: No, I spent the whole night working on my essay, but I’m OK. I ____________________
have stayed
(stay) up all night lots of times before.
Sarah: _________ you ___________(finish)
finished your essay yet?
Kate: No, not yet. I’m still working on it. It’s about the Spanish Civil War. I
__________________ (read) two articles about it, but I’m still not ready to start writing.
have you ____________(find)
found have
Sarah: It’s an interesting topic. What ________ so far? _________
you ____________ (find) anything interesting?
Kate: Well, it ________________ (be) between the Republicans and the Nationalists, and
ended (end) just before World War II. Actually, it looks like a rehearsal for
World War II. I want to read more about it.
Sarah: I remember my World War II essay. I ___________________ (do) quite exhaustive
research on the topic and _____________________ (write) a long essay about it. There was
so much to read. I even went to the National Library in the city center.
Kate: You ______________________ (hand) in your essay last term, right?
Sarah: Yes, I did. But if you need to do some more research, I’ll be happy to go with you to
the National Library some time.
Kate: Really? That’d be great!
Sarah: No problem. I think I need some coffee. Shall we go and get some for us now?
Kate: Good idea.

1. Is it the first time that Kate has stayed up all night?

no, it isn't

2. Why did Kate stay up last night?

because she had to research for her essay

3. Did Kate finish her essay last night?

no she didn't

4. Did Sarah complete her essay?

yes she did

5. Has Sarah been to the National Library before?

yes, she has

inglesparativip english4u_vip Teacher: Nohely Márquez 2

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