S.detrille, T.musso, P.mure, F.meuric Vocabularyproject Dictionary Format

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Sébastien DETRILLE 05/12/2022

Pierre MURE
Tony MUSSO Land instability and Landslides

Last / First Word FR ENG Definition

MEURIC Felix 1(a) Formation superficial called by geologists and geomorphologists, are in fact the
superficielles formations deepest components of the geosphere: they are made up
of materials that come from the physical transformation
of the bedrock in place or which result from transport
and a long physico-chemical evolution
MEURIC Felix 2(a) Substrat bedrock Solid rock mass on which lie loose or poorly
rocheux consolidated sediments
MEURIC Felix 1(b) géorisque geohazards it's linked to a hazard of natural or anthropogenic origin,
the foreseeable effects of which involve a large number
of people, significant damage and exceed the reaction
capacities of the authorities directly concerned. Risks,
and more particularly those classified as major, represent
a serious threat to a company.
DETRILLE 1(c) Gélifraction Gelifraction Fragmentation of the rock by alternating frost, thaw.
Sebastien During freezing, the water becomes ice. The volume of
the ice is 10% greater than the liquid water, a pressure is
exerted and fragments the rock.
This phenomenon is very active in high latitudes or
mountain areas.
Gelifraction is a major player in the formation of screes
for example.
DETRILLE 2(c) Eboulis scree Sorted rock piles present mainly in mountain
Sebastien environment. The rocks that make up the scree come
from a rock mass subject to erosion.

DETRILLE 3(c) Fragmentation Fragmentation Mechanical action that causes rock rupture
DETRILLE 1(d) Avalanche Rock Refers to a fall of more than 100,000 m3 of rock
Sebastien Rocheuse avalanche associated with the breakage of part of a rock mass.
Several causes are possible, (removal of a glacier, sliding
on a less cohesive layer,)
It is therefore associated with the destabilization of a big
rock mass.
DETRILLE 2(d) cohésion Cohesion A force that unites grains and allows the massif not to
Sebastien destabilize.
DETRILLE 3(d) Rupture Breaking Moment when the rock will fracture.
MURE Pierre 1(e) Saturation Saturation In geology many things can be saturated such as an
aquifer or a soil.
In the case of a landslide, it is the soil that is saturated.
A soil is saturated when water fills all the voids between
the grains in the soil.
This saturation will make the soil unstable because of all
the water present.
The saturation of a soil is not constant, it can vary from a
few days to several months depending on the arrival of
Finally there is a formula to see the degree of saturation
Degree of Saturation (SR) = [(Volume of Water) ÷ (Total
Volume of Void Space)]
Sébastien DETRILLE 05/12/2022
Pierre MURE
Tony MUSSO Land instability and Landslides
Sr = Vw / Vv
MURE Pierre 2(e) Aquifère Aquifer A body of water deep under the ground.

MURE Pierre 1(f) Solifluxion Solifluction Solifluction is a creep or slow shallow movement
affecting the soil on the side of a sloping slope.
The affected soil is saturated with water which makes it
unconsolidated and with a weak cohesion between the
This landslide will not produce tears in the vegetation
cover but just a bulge in the soil.
The movement of the soil is at a slow speed of a few
centimeters per day.
MURE Pierre 2(f) Cohésion Cohesion A force that unites grains.
MURE Pierre 3(f) Bourrelet Bulge Rounded shape that will take the front of the landslide.
MUSSO Tony 1(g) Un glissement A landslide A landslide corresponds to a slow displacement (from a
de terrain few millimetres per year to a few meters per day) down a
slope, along a fracture surface of a mass of superficial
formations, of variable volume and thickness.
MUSSO Tony 2(g) Une pente A slope A slope is a direction of inclination of a land along which
a landslide is driven for example.
MUSSO Tony 3(g) Une surface de A fracture A fracture surface (or shear surface) is a surface where
rupture surface several displacement discontinuities are set up when a
land reaches the fracture.
MUSSO Tony 1(h) Un sol A cohesive soil A cohesive soil at the opposite of a granular soil is a
cohérent fine soil whose constituents tend to adhere to each other
to form a compact mass like clays.
MUSSO Tony 2(h) Un sol A granular A granular soil is a soil whose constituents do not offer
pulvérulent soil resistance to separation at their contact weight like sand
or gravel.


- Éléments de géologie : 16e éd. du « Pomerol » (2018)

- Éléments de géologie : 16e éd. du « Pomerol » (2018)

- Gélifraction (2014), wiktionnaire available on:
- Class of E.Defive

- Xavi GALLACH, (2016), Reconstitution de la fréquence des écroulements rocheux post-LGM
dans le massif du Mont Blanc, university of Grenoble available on :
- Éléments de géologie : 16e éd. du « Pomerol » (2018)
- Class of E.Defive
Sébastien DETRILLE 05/12/2022
Pierre MURE
Tony MUSSO Land instability and Landslides
- Hudson Institute of Mineralogy (1993-2022) , Mindat available on :
- Geoforward (2022) degrés de saturation available on : https://www.geoforward.com/degree-
- Encyclopedia.com (2019), zone of saturation available on

- springerlink (2016) solifluxion available on
- John P. Rafferty. Britannica solifluxion available on

- IRFC , les glissement de terrain available on https://www.ifrc.org/fr/notre-
- RRM, glissement de terrain available on http://observatoire-regional-risques-

available on https://www.qwebhousingsolutions.com/wp-

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